469 research outputs found

    Black Hole Configurations with Total Entropy Less than A/4

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    If one surrounds a black hole with a perfectly reflecting shell and adiabatically squeezes the shell inward, one can increase the black hole area A to exceed four times the total entropy S, which stays fixed during the process. A can be made to exceed 4S by a factor of order unity before the one enters the Planck regime where the semiclassical approximation breaks down. One interpretation is that the black hole entropy resides in its thermal atmosphere, and the shell restricts the atmosphere so that its entropy is less than A/4.Comment: 31 pages, LaTe

    Nucleon superfluidity versus thermal states of isolated and transiently accreting neutron stars

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    The properties of superdense matter in neutron star (NS) cores control NS thermal states by affecting the efficiency of neutrino emission from NS interiors. To probe these properties we confront the theory of thermal evolution of NSs with observations of their thermal radiation. Our observational basis includes cooling isolated NSs (INSs) and NSs in quiescent states of soft X-ray transients (SXTs). We find that the data on SXTs support the conclusions obtained from the analysis of INSs: strong proton superfluidity with T_{cp,max} >= 10^9 K should be present, while mild neutron superfluidity with T_{cn,max} =(2*10^8 -- 2*10^9) K is ruled out in the outer NS core. Here T_{cn,max} and T_{cp,max} are the maximum values of the density dependent critical temperatures of neutrons and protons. The data on SXTs suggest also that: (i) cooling of massive NSs is enhanced by neutrino emission more powerful than the emission due to Cooper pairing of neutrons; (ii) mild neutron superfluidity, if available, might be present only in inner cores of massive NSs. In the latter case SXTs would exhibit dichotomy, i.e. very similar SXTs may evolve to very different thermal states

    Exact solutions of Dirac equation on (1+1)-dimensional spacetime coupled to a static scalar field

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    We use a generalized scheme of supersymmetric quantum mechanics to obtain the energy spectrum and wave function for Dirac equation in (1+1)-dimensional spacetime coupled to a static scalar field.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Neutron star cooling: Theoretical aspects and observational constraints

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    The cooling theory of isolated neutron stars is reviewed. The main cooling regulators are discussed, first of all, operation of direct Urca process (or similar processes in exotic phases of dense matter) and superfluidity in stellar interiors. The prospects to constrain gross parameters of supranuclear matter in neutron-star interiors by confronting cooling theory with observations of isolated neutron stars are outlined. A related problem of thermal states of transiently accreting neutron stars with deep crustal heating of accreted matter is discussed in application to soft X-ray transients.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Adv. Sp. Res., accepted

    Instability of Extremal Relativistic Charged Spheres

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    With the question, ``Can relativistic charged spheres form extremal black holes?" in mind, we investigate the properties of such spheres from a classical point of view. The investigation is carried out numerically by integrating the Oppenheimer-Volkov equation for relativistic charged fluid spheres and finding interior Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions for these objects. We consider both constant density and adiabatic equations of state, as well as several possible charge distributions, and examine stability by both a normal mode and an energy analysis. In all cases, the stability limit for these spheres lies between the extremal (Q=MQ = M) limit and the black hole limit (R=R+R = R_+). That is, we find that charged spheres undergo gravitational collapse before they reach Q=MQ = M, suggesting that extremal Reissner-Nordtr\"om black holes produced by collapse are ruled out. A general proof of this statement would support a strong form of the cosmic censorship hypothesis, excluding not only stable naked singularities, but stable extremal black holes. The numerical results also indicate that although the interior mass-energy m(R)m(R) obeys the usual m/R<4/9m/R < 4/9 stability limit for the Schwarzschild interior solution, the gravitational mass MM does not. Indeed, the stability limit approaches R+R_+ as Q→MQ \to M. In the Appendix we also argue that Hawking radiation will not lead to an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. All our results are consistent with the third law of black hole dynamics, as currently understood

    Cooling of Neutron Stars with Strong Toroidal Magnetic Fields

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    We present models of temperature distribution in the crust of a neutron star in the presence of a strong toroidal component superposed to the poloidal component of the magnetic field. The presence of such a toroidal field hinders heat flow toward the surface in a large part of the crust. As a result, the neutron star surface presents two warm regions surrounded by extended cold regions and has a thermal luminosity much lower than in the case the magnetic field is purely poloidal. We apply these models to calculate the thermal evolution of such neutron stars and show that the lowered photon luminosity naturally extends their life-time as detectable thermal X-ray sources

    Aspects of electrostatics in a weak gravitational field

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    Several features of electrostatics of point charged particles in a weak, homogeneous, gravitational field are discussed using the Rindler metric to model the gravitational field. Some previously known results are obtained by simpler and more transparent procedures and are interpreted in an intuitive manner. Specifically: (i) We show that the electrostatic potential of a charge at rest in the Rindler frame is expressible as A_0=(q/l) where l is the affine parameter distance along the null geodesic from the charge to the field point. (ii) We obtain the sum of the electrostatic forces exerted by one charge on another in the Rindler frame and discuss its interpretation. (iii) We show how a purely electrostatic term in the Rindler frame appears as a radiation term in the inertial frame. (In part, this arises because charges at rest in a weak gravitational field possess additional weight due to their electrostatic energy. This weight is proportional to the acceleration and falls inversely with distance -- which are the usual characteristics of a radiation field.) (iv) We also interpret the origin of the radiation reaction term by extending our approach to include a slowly varying acceleration. Many of these results might have possible extensions for the case of electrostatics in an arbitrary static geometry. [Abridged Abstract]Comment: 26 pages; accepted for publication in Gen.Rel.Gra

    Method to compute the stress-energy tensor for the massless spin 1/2 field in a general static spherically symmetric spacetime

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    A method for computing the stress-energy tensor for the quantized, massless, spin 1/2 field in a general static spherically symmetric spacetime is presented. The field can be in a zero temperature state or a non-zero temperature thermal state. An expression for the full renormalized stress-energy tensor is derived. It consists of a sum of two tensors both of which are conserved. One tensor is written in terms of the modes of the quantized field and has zero trace. In most cases it must be computed numerically. The other tensor does not explicitly depend on the modes and has a trace equal to the trace anomaly. It can be used as an analytic approximation for the stress-energy tensor and is equivalent to other approximations that have been made for the stress-energy tensor of the massless spin 1/2 field in static spherically symmetric spacetimes.Comment: 34 pages, no figure

    Direct amplification of nodD from community DNA reveals the genetic diversity of Rhizobium leguminosarum in soil

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    Sequences of nodD, a gene found only in rhizobia, were amplified from total community DNA isolated from a pasture soil. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers used, Y5 and Y6, match nodD from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii, R. leguminosarum biovar viciae and Sinorhizobium meliloti. The PCR product was cloned and yielded 68 clones that were identified by restriction pattern as derived from biovar trifolii [11 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) types] and 15 clones identified as viciae (seven RFLP types). These identifications were confirmed by sequencing. There were no clones related to S. meliloti nodD. For comparison, 122 strains were isolated from nodules of white clover (Trifolium repens) growing at the field site, and 134 from nodules on trap plants of T. repens inoculated with the soil. The nodule isolates were of four nodD RFLP types, with 77% being of a single type. All four of these patterns were also found among the clones from soil DNA, and the same type was the most abundant, although it made up only 34% of the trifolii-like clones. We conclude that clover selects specific genotypes from the available soil population, and that R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii was approximately five times more abundant than biovar viciae in this pasture soil, whereas S. meliloti was rare

    Power, norms and institutional change in the European Union: the protection of the free movement of goods

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    How do institutions of the European Union change? Using an institutionalist approach, this article highlights the interplay between power, cognitive limits, and the normative order that underpins institutional settings and assesses their impact upon the process of institutional change. Empirical evidence from recent attempts to reinforce the protection of the free movement of goods in the EU suggests that, under conditions of uncertainty, actors with ambiguous preferences assess attempts at institutional change on the basis of the historically defined normative order which holds a given institutional structure together. Hence, path dependent and incremental change occurs even when more ambitious and functionally superior proposals are on offer
