265 research outputs found

    Optical and X-ray Observations of M31N 2007-12b: An Extragalactic Recurrent Nova with a Detected

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    We report combined optical and X-ray observations of nova M31N 2007-12b. Optical spectroscopy obtained 5 days after the 2007 December outburst shows evidence of very high ejection velocities (FWHM Hα≃4500\alpha \simeq 4500 km s−1^{-1}). In addition, Swift X-ray data show that M31N 2007-12b is associated with a Super-Soft Source (SSS) which appeared between 21 and 35 days post-outburst and turned off between then and day 169. Our analysis implies that M_{\rm WD} \ga 1.3 M⊙_{\odot} in this system. The optical light curve, spectrum and X-ray behaviour are consistent with those of a recurrent nova. Hubble Space Telescope observations of the pre-outburst location of M31N 2007-12b reveal the presence of a coincident stellar source with magnitude and color very similar to the Galactic recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi at quiescence, where the red giant secondary dominates the emission. We believe that this is the first occasion on which a nova progenitor system has been identified in M31. However, the greatest similarities of outburst optical spectrum and SSS behaviour are with the supposed Galactic recurrent nova V2491 Cygni. A previously implied association of M31N 2007-12b with nova M31N 1969-08a is shown to be erroneous and this has important lessons for future searches for recurrent novae in extragalactic systems. Overall, we show that suitable complementary X-ray and optical observations can be used not only to identify recurrent nova candidates in M31, but also to determine subtypes and important physical parameters of these systems. Prospects are therefore good for extending studies of recurrent novae into the Local Group with the potential to explore in more detail such important topics as their proposed link to Type Ia Supernovae.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. This paper - which replaces the original accepted paper - accounts for the positional coincidence of M31N 2007-12b and M31N 1969-08a and uses additional HST archival dat

    The Delocalized Effective Degrees of Freedom of a Black Hole at Low Frequencies

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    Identifying the fundamental degrees of freedom of a black hole poses a long-standing puzzle. In hep-th/0511133 Goldberger and Rothstein forwarded a theory of the low frequency degrees of freedom within the effective field theory approach, where they are relevancy-ordered but of unclear physical origin. Here these degrees of freedom are identified with near-horizon but non-compact gravitational perturbations which are decomposed into delocalized multipoles. Their world-line (kinetic) action is determined within the classical effective field theory (CLEFT) approach and their interactions are discussed. The case of the long-wavelength scattering of a scalar wave off a Schwarzschild black hole is treated in some detail, interpreting within the CLEFT approach the equality of the leading absorption cross section with the horizon area.Comment: 8 pages. Awarded fifth prize in the 2008 Gravity Research Foundation essay contest. v2: minor change

    FIRI - a Far-Infrared Interferometer

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    Half of the energy ever emitted by stars and accreting objects comes to us in the FIR waveband and has yet to be properly explored. We propose a powerful Far-InfraRed Interferometer mission, FIRI, to carry out high-resolution imaging spectroscopy in the FIR. This key observational capability is essential to reveal how gas and dust evolve into stars and planets, how the first luminous objects in the Universe ignited, how galaxies formed, and when super-massive black holes grew. FIRI will disentangle the cosmic histories of star formation and accretion onto black holes and will trace the assembly and evolution of quiescent galaxies like our Milky Way. Perhaps most importantly, FIRI will observe all stages of planetary system formation and recognise Earth-like planets that may harbour life, via its ability to image the dust structures in planetary systems. It will thus address directly questions fundamental to our understanding of how the Universe has developed and evolved - the very questions posed by ESA's Cosmic Vision.Comment: Proposal developed by a large team of astronomers from Europe, USA and Canada and submitted to the European Space Agency as part of "Cosmic Vision 2015-2025

    Cold uniform matter and neutron stars in the quark-mesons-coupling model

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    A new density dependent effective baryon-baryon interaction has been recently derived from the quark-meson-coupling (QMC) model, offering impressive results in application to finite nuclei and dense baryon matter. This self-consistent, relativistic quark-level approach is used to construct the Equation of State (EoS) and to calculate key properties of high density matter and cold, slowly rotating neutron stars. The results include predictions for the maximum mass of neutron star models, together with the corresponding radius and central density, as well the properties of neutron stars with mass of order 1.4 M⊙M_\odot. The cooling mechanism allowed by the QMC EoS is explored and the parameters relevant to slow rotation, namely the moment of inertia and the period of rotation investigated. The results of the calculation, which are found to be in good agreement with available observational data, are compared with the predictions of more traditional EoS. The QMC EoS provides cold neutron star models with maximum mass 1.9--2.1 M⊙_\odot, with central density less than 6 times nuclear saturation density (n0=0.16fm−3n_{0}= 0.16 {\rm fm}^{-3}) and offers a consistent description of the stellar mass up to this density limit. In contrast with other models, QMC predicts no hyperon contribution at densities lower than 3n03n_0, for matter in β\beta-equilibrium. At higher densities, Ξ−,0\Xi^{-,0} and Λ\Lambda hyperons are present

    Spin-one color superconductivity in compact stars?- an analysis within NJL-type models

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    We present results of a microscopic calculation using NJL-type model of possible spin-one pairings in two flavor quark matter for applications in compact star phenomenology. We focus on the color-spin locking phase (CSL) in which all quarks pair in a symmetric way, in which color and spin states are locked. The CSL condensate is particularly interesting for compact star applications since it is flavor symmetric and could easily satisfy charge neutrality. Moreover, the fact that in this phase all quarks are gapped might help to suppress the direct Urca process, consistent with cooling models. The order of magnitude of these small gaps (~1 MeV) will not influence the EoS, but their also small critical temperatures (T_c ~800 keV) could be relevant in the late stages neutron star evolution, when the temperature falls below this value and a CSL quark core could form.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, revised version, accepted for the Conference Proceedings of "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface", London, 24-28. April 200

    Special relativity constraints on the effective constituent theory of hybrids

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    We consider a simplified constituent model for relativistic strong-interaction decays of hybrid mesons. The model is constructed using rules of renormalization group procedure for effective particles in light-front quantum field theory, which enables us to introduce low-energy phenomenological parameters. Boost covariance is kinematical and special relativity constraints are reduced to the requirements of rotational symmetry. For a hybrid meson decaying into two mesons through dissociation of a constituent gluon into a quark-anti-quark pair, the simplified constituent model leads to a rotationally symmetric decay amplitude if the hybrid meson state is made of a constituent gluon and a quark-anti-quark pair of size several times smaller than the distance between the gluon and the pair, as if the pair originated from one gluon in a gluonium state in the same effective theory.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Search for Primordial Black Holes with SGARFACE

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    The Short GAmma Ray Front Air Cherenkov Experiment (SGARFACE) uses the Whipple 10 m telescope to search for bursts of γ\gamma rays. SGARFACE is sensitive to bursts with duration from a few ns to ∼\sim20 μ\mus and with γ\gamma-ray energy above 100 MeV. SGARFACE began operating in March 2003 and has collected 2.2 million events during an exposure time of 2267 hours. A search for bursts of γ\gamma rays from explosions of primordial black holes (PBH) was carried out. A Hagedorn-type PBH explosion is predicted to be visible within 60 pc of Earth. Background events were caused by cosmic rays and by atmospheric phenomena and their rejection was accomplished to a large extent using the time-resolved images. No unambiguous detection of bursts of γ\gamma rays could be made as the remaining background events mimic the expected shape and time development of bursts. Upper limits on the PBH explosion rate were derived from the SGARFACE data and are compared to previous and future experiments. We note that a future array of large wide-field air-Cherenkov telescopes equipped with a SGARFACE-like trigger would be able to operate background-free with a 20 to 30 times higher sensitivity for PBH explosions.Comment: 18 pages, 30 figures, accepted by Astroparticle Physics, corrected author list and Section 2.

    Magnetic Fields in the Milky Way

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    This chapter presents a review of observational studies to determine the magnetic field in the Milky Way, both in the disk and in the halo, focused on recent developments and on magnetic fields in the diffuse interstellar medium. I discuss some terminology which is confusingly or inconsistently used and try to summarize current status of our knowledge on magnetic field configurations and strengths in the Milky Way. Although many open questions still exist, more and more conclusions can be drawn on the large-scale and small-scale components of the Galactic magnetic field. The chapter is concluded with a brief outlook to observational projects in the near future.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, to appear in "Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media", eds. E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino and A. Lazaria

    Neutrino Emission from Goldstone Modes in Dense Quark Matter

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    We calculate neutrino emissivities from the decay and scattering of Goldstone bosons in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase of quarks at high baryon density. Interactions in the CFL phase are described by an effective low-energy theory. For temperatures in the tens of keV range, relevant to the long-term cooling of neutron stars, the emissivities involving Goldstone bosons dominate over those involving quarks, because gaps in the CFL phase are ∼100\sim 100 MeV while the masses of Goldstone modes are on the order of 10 MeV. For the same reason, the specific heat of the CFL phase is also dominated by the Goldstone modes. Notwithstanding this, both the emissivity and the specific heat from the massive modes remain rather small, because of their extremely small number densities. The values of the emissivity and the specific heat imply that the timescale for the cooling of the CFL core in isolation is ∼1026\sim 10^{26} y, which makes the CFL phase invisible as the exterior layers of normal matter surrounding the core will continue to cool through significantly more rapid processes. If the CFL phase appears during the evolution of a proto-neutron star, neutrino interactions with Goldstone bosons are expected to be significantly more important since temperatures are high enough (∼20−40\sim 20-40 MeV) to admit large number densities of Goldstone modes.Comment: 29 pages, no figures. slightly modified text, one new eqn. and new refs. adde
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