9 research outputs found

    Validación y análisis de la dimensionalidad de la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg en mujeres puertorriqueñas: ¿unifactorial o bifactorial?

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    La Escala de Autoestima Rosenberg (EAR) es el instrumento más utilizado a nivel mundial para medir autoestima. La autoestima se define como un sentimiento hacia uno mismo, positivo o negativo, que se construye por medio de una autoevaluación de las propias características. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la fiabilidad, la validez y la estructura dimensional de la EAR en mujeres puertorriqueños. Un total de 340 mujeres participaron en este estudio de carácter confirmatorio y psicométrico. Los resultados confirmaron que la escala posee una estructura bifactorial. Estas dimensiones son autoestima positiva y autoestima negativa. Los diez ítems de la escala cumplieron con los criterios de discriminación y el índice de confiabilidad para las escalas fue 0’87 cada una. En síntesis, la EAR (versión adaptada para mujeres) cuenta con las propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para seguir con estudios de validación, así como para implementarla en diversas líneas de trabajo, tanto teóricas como aplicadas.The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) is the most widely used instrument to assess self-esteem. Self-esteem is defined as a feeling towards oneself, positive or negative, that is constructed through a self-evaluation of one’s own characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the reliability, validity and factor structure of EAR in a sample of Puerto Ricans women. A total of 340 women participated in this confirmatory and psychometric study. The results confirmed that the scale has a bifactorial structure. These dimensions were Positive Self-Esteem and Negative Self-Esteem. The ten items complied with the criteria of discrimination. The reliability index for the scales was .87 each. In conclusion, the RSES (version adapted for women) has the appropriate psychometric properties to continue with validation studies, as well as to be used in future research on self-esteem, both theoretical and applied

    Desarrollo y Validación de un instrumento para medir Estrategias de Afrontamiento Religioso

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    This article examines the psychometric properties of the Religious Coping Strategies Inventory (IEAR) in a sample of Puerto Rican adults. Religious coping methods are ways of understanding and dealing with negative life events that are related to the sacred. A total of 350 Puerto Ricans participated in this exploratory and psychometric study. The results indicated that the scale has a two-factor structure. These factors were denominated internal strategies and external strategies. A total of 12 items complied with the criteria of discrimination and presented appropriate factorial loads (six items per factor). The reliability index of the scale was of .95 (Cronbach’s alpha). These results suggest that the IEAR has the potential to measure this construct among Puerto Rican adults. Likewise, the IEAR will advance further research of religious coping in Puerto Rico and Latin America.El presente estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento Religioso (IEAR) en una muestra de adultos puertorriqueños. El afrontamiento religioso se define como las diferentes formas de entender y manejar los eventos negativos de la vida que guardan relación con lo sagrado. Un total de 350 puertorriqueños participaron en este estudio de carácter exploratorio y psicométrico. Los resultados confirmaron que la escala posee una estructura de dos factores. Estos factores fueron identificados como estrategias internas y estrategias externas. Un total de 12 reactivos cumplieron con los criterios de discriminación y cargas factoriales apropiadas (seis reactivos por factor). El índice de confiabilidad alfa de Cronbach de la escala fue .95. Estos resultados sugieren que el IEAR tiene el potencial para medir este constructo en adultos puertorriqueños. Además, la IEAR permitirá el avance de nuevas investigaciones sobre el afrontamiento religioso en Puerto Rico y América Latina

    Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Brief Religious Coping Scale (Brief-RCOPE) in Puerto Rican Adults

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    Esta investigación examina las propiedades psicométricas y estructura factorial de la Escala Breve de Afrontamiento Religioso (Brief-RCOPE) en una muestra de 302 adultos puertorriqueños. Examinamos la consistencia interna (alfa de Cronbach), el coeficiente omega de McDonald, la validez de constructo y la estructura factorial. La Brief-RCOPE obtuvo un coeficiente alfa de .94 en la subescala de afrontamiento religioso positivo (ARP) y de .84 en la de afrontamiento religioso negativo (ARN). El coeficiente omega fue de .94 (ARP) y .85 (ARN), respectivamente. Realizamos análisis factorial confirmatorio mediante la corrección de Satorra-Bentler, para examinar la estructura factorial de la Brief-RCOPE. El modelo de dos factores mostró un ajuste a los datos superior al modelo unifactorial. Los indicadores de validez de constructo también fueron adecuados.  Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que la Brief-RCOPE es un instrumento confiable y válido para medir estrategias de afrontamiento religioso que podrían afectar significativamente la vida diaria de las personas.This research examines the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Brief Religious Coping Scale (Brief-RCOPE) in a sample of 302 Puerto Rican adults. We examined its internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha), McDonald’s omega coefficient, construct validity, and factor structure. The Brief-RCOPE obtained an alpha coefficient of .94 in the Positive Religious Coping (PRC) subscale and .84 in the Negative Religious Coping (NRC) subscale. The omega coefficient was .94 (PRC) and .85 (NRC), respectively. We conducted a confirmatory factor analysis, using the Satorra-Bentler correction, to examine the factor structure of the Brief-RCOPE. The two-factor model showed a better adjustment to the data than the one-factor model. Indicators of construct validity were also adequate. Our findings suggest that the Brief-RCOPE is a reliable and valid instrument to measure religious coping strategies that may significantly affect people’s daily lives

    Estableciendo hechos y mitos acerca de los factores religiosos concernientes a la salud mental: Una examinación crítica

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    Psychology and religion were seen as mutually exclusive and dichotomous in its beginning. However, during the last decades has taken place the incorporation of a modern vision that integrates the development of clinical techniques with spiritual basis within the clinical work, relieving the tensions between psychology and religion. The aim of this article is to critically discuss four facts firmly established by contemporary research about religion and mental health. On the other hand, four empirical myths about these topics are confronted through empirical literature. The authors document scientific and updated information with the purpose of raising awareness in the scientific community with data that allow a realistic and unbiased view based on the best available evidence concerning the topic of religion and mental healthLa psicología y la religión, en sus inicios, fueron vistas como corrientes mutuamente excluyentes y dicotómicas. Sin embargo, durante las últimas décadas, ha tomado lugar la incorporación de una visión moderna que integra el desarrollo de técnicas clínicas con base espiritual dentro del quehacer clínico, aliviando las tensiones entre la psicología y la religión. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir cuatro hechos firmemente establecidos por la investigación contemporánea acerca de la religión y la salud mental. Por otro lado, se confrontan a través de la literatura empírica, cuatro mitos carentes de evidencia acerca de estos tópicos. Los autores documentan información científica y actualizada con el propósito de concientizar a la comunidad científica con datos que permitan tener una visión realista y no sesgada basada en la mejor evidencia disponible concerniente al tópico de religión y salud menta

    Estableciendo hechos y mitos acerca de los factores religiosos concernientes a la salud mental: Una examinación crítica

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    Psychology and religion were seen as mutually exclusive and dichotomous in its beginning. However, during the last decades has taken place the incorporation of a modern vision that integrates the development of clinical techniques with spiritual basis within the clinical work, relieving the tensions between psychology and religion. The aim of this article is to critically discuss four facts firmly established by contemporary research about religion and mental health. On the other hand, four empirical myths about these topics are confronted through empirical literature. The authors document scientific and updated information with the purpose of raising awareness in the scientific community with data that allow a realistic and unbiased view based on the best available evidence concerning the topic of religion and mental healthLa psicología y la religión, en sus inicios, fueron vistas como corrientes mutuamente excluyentes y dicotómicas. Sin embargo, durante las últimas décadas, ha tomado lugar la incorporación de una visión moderna que integra el desarrollo de técnicas clínicas con base espiritual dentro del quehacer clínico, aliviando las tensiones entre la psicología y la religión. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir cuatro hechos firmemente establecidos por la investigación contemporánea acerca de la religión y la salud mental. Por otro lado, se confrontan a través de la literatura empírica, cuatro mitos carentes de evidencia acerca de estos tópicos. Los autores documentan información científica y actualizada con el propósito de concientizar a la comunidad científica con datos que permitan tener una visión realista y no sesgada basada en la mejor evidencia disponible concerniente al tópico de religión y salud menta

    Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21): Construct Validity Problem in Hispanics

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    The main purpose of this research was to examine the construct validity of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21) in order to determine whether it is able to adequately discriminate between symptoms of depression and anxiety in the Hispanic population in Puerto Rico. This study has an instrumental design. A total of 1073 Hispanics participated in this psychometric study. The results showed that the DASS-21 has serious psychometric deficiencies, especially related to the construct validity, as well as convergent and discriminatory validity. In addition, it was shown that DASS-21 do not replicate the three-dimensional structure of the original instrument in the Hispanic community. Finally, it was confirmed that the DASS-21 have difficulty in properly identifying and discriminating between symptoms associated with depression and anxiety in a Hispanic population

    Depression, anxiety and stress scales, DASS-21: construct validity problem in hispanics

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    The main purpose of this research was to examine the construct validity of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21) in order to determine whether it is able to adequately discriminate between symptoms of depression and anxiety in the Hispanic population in Puerto Rico. This study has an instrumental design. A total of 1073 Hispanics participated in this psychometric study. The results showed that the DASS-21 has serious psychometric deficiencies, especially related to the construct validity, as well as convergent and discriminatory validity. In addition, it was shown that DASS-21 do not replicate the three-dimensional structure of the original instrument in the Hispanic community. Finally, it was confirmed that the DASS-21 have difficulty in properly identifying and discriminating between symptoms associated with depression and anxiety in a Hispanic population

    Análisis factorial confirmatorio de la escala de espiritualidad personal en adultos puertorriqueños

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    Spirituality is defined as the multidimensional capacity of search for meaning and connection in relationships with oneself, other people, nature or the sacred. The aim of this study was to analyze the reliability and factor structure of Personal Spirituality Scale (PSS-R) in a sample of Puerto Ricans adults. A total of 577 Puerto Ricans participated in this psychometric study. The results confirmed that the PSS has a multidimensional structure. These dimensions were Intrapersonal Spirituality, Interpersonal Spirituality and Transpersonal Spirituality. The twelve items complied with the criteria of discrimination. The reliability index obtained fluctuated between .81 to .95. The PSS-R has appropriate psychometric properties useful for validation studies. It can be used in different lines of research, theoretical as well as applied. La espiritualidad se define como la capacidad multidimensional de búsqueda de sentido y conexión en las relaciones con uno mismo, con las demás personas, con la naturaleza o lo sagrado. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la fiabilidad y la estructura factorial de la versión revisada de la Escala de Espiritualidad Personal (EEP-R) en adultos puertorriqueños. Un total de 577 puertorriqueños participaron en este estudio de carácter confirmatorio y psicométrico. Los resultados confirmaron que la escala posee una estructura multidimensional. Estas dimensiones son Conexión Intrapersonal, Conexión Interpersonal y Conexión Transpersonal. Los doce ítems de la escala cumplieron con los criterios de discriminación y los índices de confiabilidad obtenidos para la escala fluctuaron entre .81 y .95. En síntesis, la EEP-R cuenta con las propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para seguir con estudios de validación, así como para implementarla en diversas líneas de trabajo, tanto teóricas como aplicadas.

    Confirmatory Factorial Analysis of the Personal Spirituality Scale in Puerto Ricans Adults

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    Spirituality is defined as the multidimensional capacity of search for meaning and connection in relationships with oneself, other people, nature or the sacred. The aim of this study was to analyze the reliability and factor structure of Personal Spirituality Scale (PSS-R) in a sample of Puerto Ricans adults. A total of 577 Puerto Ricans participated in this psychometric study. The results confirmed that the PSS has a multidimensional structure. These dimensions were Intrapersonal Spirituality, Interpersonal Spirituality and Transpersonal Spirituality. The twelve items complied with the criteria of discrimination. The reliability index obtained fluctuated between .81 to .95. The PSS-R has appropriate psychometric properties useful for validation studies. It can be used in different lines of research, theoretical as well as applied