5 research outputs found

    Evaluating learnability in a 3D heritage tour

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    The implementation of 3D virtual reality (VR) environments to represent human culture and heritage has been growing during the last two decades as a result of information and communication technologies (ICT) development. Precisely, regarding virtual heritage development, some weaknesses have been detected such as ‘‘lifeless’’ environments lacking interaction, and research still under development on learning assessment. In this article, a VR environment is presented, through users taking a virtual tour visiting some elements of cultural heritage of the island of San Andrés, Colombia. In the tour, users participate in a 3D VR environment, answering questions and learning about the cultural heritage of the island. Also, the usability of the VR environment is assessed through SUMI (Software Usability Measurement Inventory) standard ISO9241-11 evaluating aspects such as usefulness and learnability. The results demonstrate that with the implementation of a VR environment about heritage, the users achieved optimum performance with an 80% average of correct answers and a high correlation between learning and the usability of the 3D VR environment

    Relation analysis of knowledge management, research, and innovation in university research groups

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    Knowledge is a competitive advantage for companies. Knowledge Management helps to keep this competitiveness. Universities face with challenges in research, innovation and international competitiveness. The purpose of this paper includes studying Knowledge Management Models, and Innovation Models apply to Research Groups of Universities, through an analysis of relation in inter-organizational level. Some researchers and leaders of research groups participated in a survey about knowledge management and innovation. Here we show the relationship between knowledge management, innovation and research, including processes and operations performed by universities around these. We organize the results in three dimensions: Knowledge Management perception, the relationship between Knowledge Management and Innovation, and Strategic Knowledge organization. Too, we identify a generality of good practices, challenges, and limitations on Research Groups for Knowledge Management

    Enterprise architecture framework oriented to cloud computing services

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    Cloud Computing (CC) is a computing infrastructure paradigm that provides elasticity to software or hardware solutions on organizations, and is more powerful than traditional architectures for storage, processing, and distribution of data. Meanwhile, Enterprise Architecture (EA) describes organization's structure and allows assurance its objectives. Recent studies face to integration of EA with CC convergence analysis between EA and CC is required to facilitate true integration in organization. This paper aims contribute to reduce the EA and CC gap. Analysis of importance and benefits of EA-CC integrated approach is presented, beside a proposed EA-CC framework that can be extended to corporate governance models. Phases, activities, artifacts and deliverables from framework are described.Cloud Computing (CC) es un paradigma de infraestructura informática que proporciona elasticidad a las soluciones de software o hardware en las organizaciones, y es más poderoso que las arquitecturas tradicionales para el almacenamiento, procesamiento y distribución de datos. Mientras tanto, Enterprise Architecture (EA) describe la estructura de la organización y permite garantizar sus objetivos. Se requieren estudios recientes para la integración de EA con el análisis de convergencia de CC entre EA y CC para facilitar la verdadera integración en la organización. El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a reducir la brecha entre EA y CC. Se presenta un análisis de la importancia y los beneficios del enfoque integrado de EA-CC, junto con el marco propuesto de EA-CC que puede extenderse a los modelos de gobierno corporativo. Se describen las fases, actividades, artefactos y entregables del marco

    Automatic set-point control of an HVAC system using Arduino for efficient and rational energy consumption

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    Los sistemas de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado (HVAC), son tecnologías desarrolladas para brindar confort ambiental en un recinto cerrado. En ciudades con altas temperaturas el consumo energético de un sistema HVAC puede aumentar considerablemente, e inclusive, impedir que el sistema logre la temperatura deseada (set-point). Por esto, se desarrolla un control automático del set-point para sistemas de HVAC a través de la plataforma Arduino que permita un consumo energético eficiente y racional.Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are technologies developed to provide environmental comfort indoors. In cities with high temperatures, the energy consumption of an HVAC system can considerably increase, even prevent the system from achieving the desired temperature. For this, we present an automatic linear control of the point system for HVAC systems through the Arduino platform that allows an efficient and rational energy consumption

    Análisis de relaciones de gestión del conocimiento, investigación e innovación en grupos de investigación universitarios.

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    Knowledge is a competitive advantage for companies. Knowledge management helps to keep this competitiveness. Universities face with challenges in research, innovation and international competitiveness. The purpose of this paper includes studying knowledge management models, and innovation models apply to research groups of universities, through an analysis of relation in inter-organizational level. Some researchers and leaders of research groups participated in a survey about knowledge management and innovation. Here we show the relationship between knowledge management, innovation and research, including processes and operations performed by universities around these. We organize the results in three dimensions: knowledge management perception, the relationship between knowledge management and innovation, and strategic knowledge organization. Too, we identify a generality of good practices, challenges, and limitations on research groups for knowledge management.El conocimiento es una ventaja competitiva para las empresas. La gestión del conocimiento ayuda a mantener esta competitividad. Las universidades se enfrentan a retos en investigación, innovación y competitividad internacional. El propósito de este documento incluye el estudio de modelos de gestión del conocimiento, y los modelos de innovación se aplican a grupos de investigación de universidades, a través de un análisis de relación en el nivel interorganizacional. Algunos investigadores y líderes de grupos de investigación participaron en una encuesta sobre gestión del conocimiento e innovación. Aquí mostramos la relación entre la gestión del conocimiento, la innovación y la investigación, incluidos los procesos y las operaciones realizadas por las universidades en torno a estos. Organizamos los resultados en tres dimensiones: la percepción de la gestión del conocimiento, la relación entre la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación, y la organización estratégica del conocimiento. También, identificamos una generalidad de buenas prácticas, desafíos y limitaciones en los grupos de investigación para la gestión del conocimiento