5 research outputs found

    Testing the impact of diagenesis on the delta O-18 and delta C-13 of benthic foraminiferal calcite from a sediment burial depth transect in the equatorial Pacific

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    Stable oxygen and carbon isotope (Ī“18O and Ī“13C) values measured in foraminiferal calcite are one of the primary tools used in paleoceanography. Diagenetic recrystallisation of foraminiferal calcite can act to reset primary isotopic values but its effects are typically poorly quantified. Here we test the impact of early stage diagenesis on stable isotope records generated from a suite of drill sites in the equatorial Pacific Ocean recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199 and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 320. Our selected sites form paleowater- and burial-depth transects, with excellent stratigraphic control allowing us to confidently correlate our records. We observe large inter-site differences in the preservation state of benthic foraminiferal calcite, implying very different recrystallisation histories, but negligible inter-site offsets in benthic Ī“18O and Ī“13C values. We infer that diagenetic alteration of benthic foraminiferal calcite (in sedimentary oozes) must predominantly occur at shallow burial depths (<100ā€‰m) where offsets in both the temperature and isotopic composition of waters in which the foraminifera calcified and pore-waters in which diagenesis occurs are small. Our results suggest that even extensive recrystallisation of benthic foraminiferal calcite results in minimal shifts from primary Ī“18O and Ī“13C values. This finding supports the long-held suspicion that diagenetic alteration of foraminiferal calcite is less problematic in benthic than in planktic foraminifera and that in deepā€“sea sediments routinely employed for palaeoceanographic studies benthic foraminifera are robust recorders of stable isotope values in the fossil record

    Remanence acquisition efficiency in biogenic and detrital magnetite and recording of geomagnetic paleointensity

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    Relative paleointensity (RPI) variations of Earth\u27s magnetic field are widely used to understand geomagnetic field behavior and to develop age models for sedimentary sequences. RPI estimation is based on a series of assumptions. One key assumption that is rarely considered is that all magnetic particles in the sediment acquired a magnetization in an identical manner. In this paper, we test this assumption for sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean that record well-documented global RPI variations over the last āˆ¼780 kyr. The magnetization is carried by two stable single domain magnetic components, which we identify as magnetite magnetofossils and titanomagnetite nanoparticle inclusions within larger silicate particles. By analyzing signals carried by the two components separately, we determine for the first time that magnetic nanoparticle inclusions can cause their host particles to record reliable but inefficient sedimentary paleomagnetic signals. The magnetization carried by biogenic magnetite is acquired more efficiently than that carried by the nanoparticle inclusions. Variations in the concentration of both components are modulated climatically so that they record nearly identical RPI signals. In many sediment types, there is no correlation between the concentrations of different magnetic components so that variable remanence acquisition efficiency will complicate RPI recording. Our work demonstrates that detailed assessment of paleomagnetic recording by each constituent magnetic component needs to become a routine part of sedimentary RPI analysis

    A Cenozoic record of the equatorial Pacific carbonate compensation depth.

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    Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and climate are regulated on geological timescales by the balance between carbon input from volcanic and metamorphic outgassing and its removal by weathering feedbacks; these feedbacks involve the erosion of silicate rocks and organic-carbon-bearing rocks. The integrated effect of these processes is reflected in the calcium carbonate compensation depth, which is the oceanic depth at which calcium carbonate is dissolved. Here we present a carbonate accumulation record that covers the past 53 million years from a depth transect in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The carbonate compensation depth tracks long-term ocean cooling, deepening from 3.0ā€“3.5ā€‰kilometres during the early Cenozoic (approximately 55ā€‰million years ago) to 4.6 kilometres at present, consistent with an overall Cenozoic increase in weathering. We find large superimposed fluctuations in carbonate compensation depth during the middle and late Eocene. Using Earth system models, we identify changes in weathering and the mode of organic-carbon delivery as two key processes to explain these large-scale Eocene fluctuations of the carbonate compensation depth