85 research outputs found

    Information Security Risk Assessment in the Context of Outsourcing in a Financial Institution

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    Infoturbe riskihindamine finantsinstitutsioonis on oluline, et mõista ettevõtte varade konfidentsiaalsuse, tervikluse ja käideldavuse riskipositsiooni. Kolmandate osapooltega seotud riskide olulisus on finantsinstitutsioonide jaoks kasvanud. Ettevõtete soov on tagada informatsiooni turvalisus optimeerides samal ajal efektiivselt investeeringuid. Täna on valdavalt kasutusel meetodid, mis tuginevad ekspertide arvamustele ja individuaalsetele hinnangutele, mistõttu kajastavad tulemused vaid limiteeritud vaadet eksisteerivatele riskidele. See on probleem, sest ettevõtted ei soovi teha suure mahulisi investeeringuid turvalisusesse ilma võimalikult täpselt riske hindamata. Käesolevas uurimistöös on käsitletud kahte infoturbe riski hindamise meetodit: ISSRM ja Bayesi võrkudel põhinevat ründepuud. Käsitledes kolmandate osapooltega seotud allhanget kui äriprotsessi, on koostatud süsteemne võrdlus nende meetodite kohta ning hinnatud allhanke korral tekkida võiva riski suurust organisatsioonile. Pakutud on soovitused, kuidas ühendada infoturbe riskijuhtimise metoodika tõenäosusliku riskihindamise metoodikaga. Tulemused on hinnatud valdkonna spetsialistide poolt.Information security risk assessment in a financial institution is important for understanding risk exposure to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of assets. Third-party security is recognized to have a growing importance for financial sector organizations. A financial institution aims for securing information while justifying budgeting decisions. Unfortunately, commonly used methods are dependent on value judgments and individual assurances which limit their reflection of existing uncertainties in reality. This is a problem because organizations do not want to allocate resources into security without accurately estimating their exposure to risks. The paper introduces two information security risk assessment methods: Information System Security Risk Management method and Bayesian Networks Based Attack Graphs. A systematic comparison of the methods is made in the context of third-party outsourcing. A proposition of how to combine a security risk management method together with a probabilistic risk assessment method has been made. Feedback and validation have been given by experts in the field

    Upper atmosphere chemical release study Final report

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    Chemical release experiments to study upper atmosphere including night sky oxygen emissio

    Butorphanol for Post-Operative Analgesia - A Comparative Clinical Study with Ketorolac

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    Introduction: Butorphanol, an opioid derivative has been shown to have, in addition to its analgesic properties, several other advantageous effects like antistressor, sedative and anti-shivering action. The efficacy and safety profile of ketorolac, yet another widely used post-operative analgesic is well documented. This study aims to compare the two analgesics. Aims and objectives: This study was conducted to compare the analgesic efficacy and other effects of butorphanol and ketorolac, administered intramuscularly, in post-operative patients who have undergone lower abdominal and pelvic surgeries. Materials and methods: 50 patients undergoing lower abdominal and pelvic surgeries under general or spinal anaesthesia were randomly divided into two Groups (25 each). At a particular level of post-operative pain, the patients Groups I and II were administered intramuscular ketorolac 30mg and butorphanol 2mg respectively. The analgesic effect was studied using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the verbal category scale. Patients were monitored for the sedative action, respiratory status and other vital parameters for 300 minutes and for other adverse reactions over the next twelve hours. Observations: Butorphanol provided better analgesia within the first two hours of administration, while ketorolac was more effective at 4-5 hours. Better sedative action without any significant respiratory depressant effect was demonstrated with butorphanol. There were no clinically significant hemodynamic fluctuations or adverse reactions with butorphanol or ketorolac. Conclusions: Butorphanol provides better early analgesia as compared to ketorolac with a desirable and safe sedative effect in post-operative patients who have undergone lower abdominal and pelvic surgeries

    Endovascular management of pediatric neurovascular malformations – A single‑center experience from South India

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    Background: Neurovascular malformations (NVMs) in pediatric population are highly challenging to manage and treatment options include open surgery, endovascular therapy, and radiosurgery or combined. Recently, there has been a gradual shift from conventional surgical approach toward endovascular therapies with increasing availability of technical expertise and gadgetry. Objective: We aimed to study the clinical profile and immediate outcome of children with NVMs, who underwent endovascular therapy. Materials and Methods: This retrospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care center in South India between February 2017 and August 2018. We included children admitted in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) with NVM and needed neuroradiological intervention. Children with thromboembolism or other NVMs who did not require intervention were excluded from the study. Data on clinical profile, endovascular procedure done, supportive therapy given, and immediate outcome were collected and analyzed. Results: Of 1615 children admitted in PICU, 13 had NVM (0.8%), of which five had arteriovenous malformation (AVM), three had vein of Galen arteriovenous malformation (VGAM), one had VGAM with dural AVM, one had acquired carotid-cavernous fistula, two had berry aneurysm, and one had mycotic aneurysm. VGAM presented as hydrocephalus, whereas AVM and aneurysm as intracranial hemorrhage. Endovascular embolization was done using platinum detachable coils, onyx, N-butyl cyanoacrylate glue, and coil assist stents. One child needed decompressive craniectomy and another child needed extraventricular drainage. Four children needed pre-procedure ventilation and seven children needed prolonged post-procedure ventilation. Mortality was 15%; and among the survivors, 72% had an uneventful recovery. One child had seizures and two had hemiparesis at discharge. Conclusion: Endovascular management is an effective intervention for pediatric NVM. Multidisciplinary team approach and good pediatric intensive care are important for successful outcome. Further studies with long-term follow-up are needed to assess the durability of endovascular therapy

    Profile and outcome of children with inborn errors of metabolism in a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit in South India

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    Introduction: Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) can present as acute metabolic emergencies resulting in significant morbidity or death. Good intensive care supportive management and specific metabolic crisis treatment by tertiary pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) play a crucial role in optimizing the outcomes. Objectives: We aimed to study the clinical profile and outcome of children with IEM presenting as an acute metabolic crisis in a tertiary PICU. Methods: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted in a tertiary care center in south India between June 2016 and December 2018. We included children admitted in PICU as medical emergency and diagnosed to have IEM either earlier or at the time of PICU presentation by biochemical testing (basic testing and tandem mass spectrometry [TMS], gas chromatography-mass spectrometry [GCMS] and high-performance liquid chromatography [HPLC], and/or specialized testing) and/or molecular analysis. Clinical profile, details of diagnostic workup, and outcome were collected and analyzed. Results: Out of 2815 children admitted in PICU, 15 had IEM (0.9%). Median (interquartile range) age of presentation was 15 months (10–30 months). Consanguinity was found in 80%. The most common disorder was protein metabolic disorder. Seven patients were diagnosed in the newborn period, five during evaluation for developmental delay before PICU admission, and three were newly diagnosed during PICU admission. Supportive therapy of invasive/non-invasive ventilation and peritoneal dialysis was initiated in 10 and 4, respectively. Special formula was started in nine patients. Five (33%) died in spite of intensive care management. TMS, GCMS, and HPLC yielded definitive diagnosis in 12 (80%) patients. Molecular analysis was done in 12 patients. Conclusion: The most common cause for metabolic crisis in PICU is due to protein metabolic disorder. Aggressive intensive care and IEM directed therapy can be lifesaving, but still, the mortality is high

    Pleural Effusion- An Unusual Cause

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    Hepatitis A (HAV) infection is one of the most common forms of hepatitis in the paediatric age group in developing countries. It is usually self-limiting and rarely accompanied by extra hepatic complication. In this article, we report two children with hepatitis A who had associated issues of pleural effusion and ascites. Both issues improved with resolution of hepatitis after symptomatic treatment. Although uncommon, extra hepatic manifestations can occur with hepatitis A. However, they resolve completely. Paediatricians in developing countries should be aware of this rare association to avoid unnecessary investigations

    Safety and Effectiveness of Total Thyroidectomy and Its Comparison with Subtotal Thyroidectomy and Other Thyroid Surgeries: A Systematic Review

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    Diseases associated with the thyroid gland are one of the most frequently seen endocrine disorders across the globe. Total thyroidectomy is currently the preferred treatment for many thyroid diseases. Controversies exist among surgeons regarding safety of total thyroidectomy due to the risk associated with it like postoperative hypoparathyroidism or recurrent laryngeal nerve damage. Since, in the recent years, the incidence of thyroidectomy is in increasing trend in south Indian population, this review aims to study the available data regarding the appropriateness and safety of total thyroidectomy and compares it with subtotal thyroidectomy and other thyroid surgeries. This is a retrospective comprehensive review of various articles and publications regarding total and partial thyroidectomy performed across the world. Many retrospective studies and few prospective studies suggest that the incidence of transient hypocalcemia is higher after total thyroidectomy than after subtotal thyroidectomy, but the incidence of other complications including recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and postoperative hematoma is not significantly different between the two procedures. Hence in our review we found that total thyroidectomy is safe and cost effective with low complication rates and provides little significant advantage of being safer procedure compared to subtotal thyroidectomy

    Non-invasive assessment of portal hypertension using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background & Aims Hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) measurement is currently the only validated technique to accurately evaluate changes in portal pressure. In this study, we evaluate the use of non-contrast quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a surrogate measure of portal pressure. Methods Thirty patients undergoing HVPG measurement were prospectively recruited. MR parameters of longitudinal relaxation time (T1), perfusion of the liver and spleen (by arterial spin labelling), and blood flow in the portal, splanchnic and collateral circulation (by phase contrast MRI) were assessed. We estimated the liver stiffness measurement (LSM) and enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) score. The correlation of all non-invasive parameters with HVPG was evaluated. Results The mean (range) HVPG of the patients was 9.8 (1–22) mmHg, and 14 patients (48%) had clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH, HVPG ⩾10 mmHg). Liver T1 relaxation time, splenic artery and superior mesenteric artery velocity correlated significantly with HVPG. Using multiple linear regression, liver T1 and splenic artery velocity remained as the two parameters in the multivariate model significantly associated with HVPG (R = 0.90, p <0.001). This correlation was maintained in patients with CSPH (R = 0.85, p <0.001). A validation cohort (n = 10) showed this linear model provided a good prediction of HVPG. LSM and ELF score correlated significantly with HVPG in the whole population but the correlation was absent in CSPH. Conclusions MR parameters related to both hepatic architecture and splanchnic haemodynamics correlate significantly with HVPG. This proposed model, confirmed in a validation cohort, could replace the invasive HVPG measurement