70 research outputs found

    Octocoral restoration: improving methods for transplantation success

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    Octocorals are among the main habitat-engineering species, generating complex three dimensional ecosystems of unquestioned importance. Despite their ecological value, gorgonian habitats have dramatically declined in the last decades. Consequently, gorgonian gardens were internationally recognized as Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, highlighting the importance to act and protect these valuable ecosystems. To reverse the actual scenario, it is important to not only develop policies and management directives but also methodologies to recover impacted, but still existing, endangered habitats. In this 2 years’ study we tested and compared the outcome of the “Stick” transplant method and the Direct Substrate Attachment (DSA), a novel transplantation method here developed. In the transplants performed using the octocoral Paramuricea clavata, size of the transplant, attachment, survival, holdfast formation, growth and ecological state were monitored and compared to assess the success of the transplant. The results obtained using the “Stick” methodology were not comparable with those previously published. Several issues resulting from the capacity to retain the gorgonians emerged, which together with a high mortality, culminated in a premature end of these treatments. Contrastingly, the DSA methodology produced positive results, with 70% survival and annual positive growth. Moreover, by the end of the study, the transplants were healthy and reattached to the natural substratum. The transplant done with the DSA method are to date the first successful gorgonian transplant in temperate seas with proven long-term success. The results achieved are especially important in a moment where ecological degradation and mitigation efforts are a hot topic among decision makers. Using the DSA method it has been proved that transplantation is possible and should be considered in conservation and restoration efforts of impacted areas. This study is an encouraging step, laying a base foundation for future restoration efforts using octocorals in temperate seas.Espécies com a capacidade de modificar significativamente fatores bióticos ou abióticos, mantendo, modificando ou destruindo dessa forma o habitat circundante são conhecidos como engenheiros de ecossistema ou espécies estruturantes. Estes organismos têm a capacidade de criar estruturas tridimensionais complexas através de processos endógenos, em que a modificação da sua própria estrutura modifica o habitat, ou através de processos alogénicos, em que o organismo modifica o espaço que o rodeia. Agregações de organismos autogénicos são extremamente importantes em zonas costeiras, e ainda mais no oceano profundo, onde a falta de relevo ambiental faz das estruturas criadas por estas espécies autênticos oásis. Várias espécies usam os espaços criados no seio destas agregações como refúgio para desovar, ou para os seus juvenis se desenvolverem ao abrigo de predadores naturais. Octocorais, também conhecidos como gorgónias, fazem parte deste grupo importante de espécies estruturantes. As gorgónias são organismos coloniais sésseis, que capturam o seu alimento da coluna de água por via dos seus pólipos. A sua importância é inquestionável, não só pelo intricado habitat que criam com a sua forma arbórea e ereta, mas também por contribuírem para as trocas energéticas que se verificam entre a coluna de água e as comunidades bentónicas. Vários estudos apontam para espécies estruturantes como as gorgónias, as ervas marinhas e diversas algas como sendo responsáveis pela abundante biodiversidade encontrada em diversos ecossistemas, nomeadamente em zonas costeiras. No entanto, as zonas mais impactadas nas últimas décadas são exatamente as plataformas continentais e zonas costeiras. O incremento da pesca com artes que têm como alvo o fundo marinho é uma das atividades antropogénicas com um impacto significativo nas comunidades bentónicas. Deste tipo de atividade pesqueira resulta a captura de um incalculável número de espécies que não são espécies alvo (bycatch). Os corais, em particular as gorgónias, encontram-se entre as espécies frequentemente impactadas, devido à sua morfologia. Outro fator com impacto crescente é a poluição das águas costeiras, resultante da massificação urbana e industrial no litoral. O turismo marinho (mergulho com escafandro e náuticas desportivas) e fenómenos associados às alterações climáticas (blooms de algas e infeções virais), são outros exemplos de impactos que têm sido reportados nas últimas décadas. Devido ao contínuo e crescente impacto sobre estes ecossistemas, associado ao declínio verificado nas populações ou agregações de gorgónias - tipicamente conhecidos como “Jardins de Gorgónias” -, estes foram classificados como Ecossistemas Marinhos Vulneráveis em 2010, pela Comissão OSPAR. Sem dúvida, este passo legitimou os pedidos de muitos investigadores para que se aumentem os esforços para a proteção e restauro destes habitats tão importantes. A criação de Áreas Marinhas Protegidas tem sido de extrema importância, porém, ecossistemas que foram impactados durante décadas podem não ter capacidade de se regenerar sem uma intervenção externa. Nesse sentido a restauração de habitat é uma disciplina que tem ganho relevância e obtido resultados positivos. A reintrodução de biomassa, recorrendo a transplantes, não só tem um impacto direto e imediato no aumento da estrutura do habitat, como visa aumentar a capacidade de autorregeneração da população alvo. Esta capacidade de autorregeneração resulta do incremento de organismos reprodutores na área transplantada e por consequência, o aumento de recrutamento na área. Para atingir os resultados desejados, muitas foram as tentativas de desenvolver métodos de transplante de corais, embora historicamente, o foco tenha sido nos corais rochosos. Só recentemente as gorgónias foram alvo de mais atenção no que toca a estudos de restauração de habitat. Apesar de alocações de recursos desiguais, foram desenvolvidos esforços para transplantar gorgónias desde os anos 70. No entanto, as dificuldades encontradas foram muitas e os estudos, na sua generalidade, de curta duração. Historicamente, nos estudos publicados, ocorreram acima de tudo problemas na fixação dos corais no novo local, o que limita a sua sobrevivência. Estudos mais recentes reportam resultados mais promissores no que toca à sobrevivência, porém são estudos de curta duração e sem monitorização do crescimento das colónias transplantadas. Estes resultados podem ser tendenciosos e induzir a comunidade científica em erro, uma vez que a curta duração dos estudos não engloba as várias estações do ano e as associadas alterações climatéricas, ou seja, a resiliência dos transplantes não é comprovada. Por outro lado, o não seguimento do crescimento dos corais transplantados não permite entender se a população transplantada está a crescer ou a perder tamanho, o que poderia inclusive levar à morte da colónia no espaço temporal já fora do qual decorreu o estudo. O seguimento do crescimento de corais sempre levantou questões e dificuldades. Seja pela complexidade da estrutura do coral ou pelo seu crescimento ser pouco previsível e influenciado por fatores ambientais (outros organismos e relevo do substrato). No entanto, há vários protocolos de monitorização de crescimento de corais desenvolvidos e testados, que podem ser aplicados. Em particular na última década, com o recurso a novas tecnologias, tais como câmaras fotográficas subaquáticas e programas para processamento de imagem, algumas destas metodologias geram a capacidade de seguir o crescimento destes organismos mesmo com monitorizações pouco espaçadas no tempo. De todas as metodologias disponíveis, tendo em consideração a sua precisão, provavelmente as que são mais adequadas para o seguimento de transplantes de gorgónias são: o método que segue o crescimento de todos os ramos da colónia “Total Branch Lenght” e o método que acompanha a área ocupada pelos ramos da colónia. Ainda assim, o método mais utilizado na literatura é a medição da altura da colónia, devido à facilidade logística e pouco tempo de processamento dos dados. Neste estudo, o objetivo foi comparar a longo prazo (2 anos) os resultados obtidos com a metodologia “Stick” (Linares et al., 2008) com uma metodologia desenvolvida recentemente no âmbito desta tese, a “Direct Substrate Attachment” (DSA). A metodologia “Stick” é descrita como fácil e rápida, para que possa ser implementada em projetos com voluntários. O processo é simples e envolve a remoção (raspagem) do material biológico do substrato para onde vai ser transplantada a gorgónia, a colocação de uma base de epóxi, e for fim a fixação da gorgónia no epóxi. A gorgónia deve ser preparada de antemão, pondo um pequeno tubo de PVC preso à mesma para lhe dar suporte quando colocada no epóxi. A metodologia DSA envolve a realização de um furo de pequenas dimensões no substrato, a inserção de epóxi no furo realizado, e a colocação da gorgónia de forma que o tecido da mesma fique em contacto com o substrato. Para a realização da experiência foi utilizada Paramuricea clavata, a espécie de gorgónia também utilizada no estudo realizado por Linares et al., 2008, permitindo assim comparar resultados entre estudos. Foram seguidos fatores como a fixação artificial (resultante da metodologia), a sobrevivência, a criação de uma fixação natural (Holdfast), o crescimento, e o estado ecológico (necroses, perda de cor, perda de tecido). Para além destes fatores, foi também testado o efeito do transplante no tamanho da colónia transplantada. Foram para isso reproduzidos os tratamentos acima referidos em 2 classes de tamanho: <10cm e 10-20cm. Este estudo testou 4 tratamentos distintos, considerando os dois métodos de transplante e 2 classes de tamanho. Os resultados obtidos com a metodologia “Stick” foram aquém do esperado, contrariando os resultados do estudo publicado por Linares et al., 2008. Problemas associados à fixação dos transplantes da classe <10cm tiveram um papel decisivo nos resultados obtidos. A maioria dos transplantes não ficou na base de epóxi, acabando por cair. Dos restantes transplantes, observou-se uma mortalidade que foi atribuída a eventos naturais. Com a classe 10-20cm, tal como descrito no estudo original, não foi possível transplantar. O tamanho e peso dos transplantes, aliado à normal movimentação da água, não permitiu manter os transplantes perpendiculares ao substrato. Devido à falta de sucesso na fase de transplantação, não foi possível a análise dos restantes fatores para fragmentos de 10-20cm. Com a metodologia DSA o sucesso na fixação dos transplantes foi de 100% tanto no dia do transplante como 24h depois, estabilizando em 95% de sucesso ao fim de 3 meses. No final do primeiro ano de estudo, todas as colónias transplantadas tinham desenvolvido uma fixação natural com o substrato, sendo que as gorgónias de classe de tamanho 10-20cm desenvolveram esta fixação mais rapidamente. A sobrevivência dos transplantes ao fim de 2 anos foi de 70% e 68% na classe de tamanho <10cm e 10-20cm, respetivamente. Um resultado acima da média de sobrevivência reportada na literatura, em estudos que, na sua maioria, têm durações inferiores a 1 ano.(…

    Less is more: seagrass restoration success using less vegetation per area

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    Seagrass restoration in open coast environments presents unique challenges. Traditional sod transplant designs, though relatively successful in these environments, are impractical for large-scale restoration due to high biomass requirements. Here, we develop the checkers design, which aims to optimise the usage of biomass by transplanting fewer sods in a checkerboard pattern. We established six plots (9 m2 each) for each species (Zostera marina and Zostera noltei), with 25 sods in each plot. The area, percent cover, density, and leaf length were measured at 1, 6, and 12 months. The plots located on the seaward end of the transplant design vanished over the winter, suggesting location-dependent survival influenced by winter storms. Nevertheless, both species exhibited increased percentages of cover, density, and vegetated area after one year, with variations between species. Z. noltei showed a slower expansion but greater resilience to winter, while Z. marina displayed a higher density and cover over the first 6 months but experienced area loss during the winter. Despite these differences, both species survived and increased vegetated areas after one year, indicating the viability and promise of the checkers method for large-scale restoration. However, careful consideration of location or storm-mitigating measures is essential for the successful implementation of this method.LA/P/0101/2020; CRESC Algarve 2020 and COMPETE 2020 through project EMBRC.PT ALG-01-0145-FEDER-022121info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing textile antiviral properties

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    Apresentação efetuada no MicroSummit 2022, no Porto, Portugal, 202

    TRIMming Down Hormone-Driven Cancers: The Biological Impact of TRIM Proteins on Tumor Development, Progression and Prognostication

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    The tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family is attracting increasing interest in oncology. As a protein family based on structure rather than function, a plethora of biological activities are described for TRIM proteins, which are implicated in multiple diseases including cancer. With hormone-driven cancers being among the leading causes of cancer-related death, TRIM proteins have been described to portrait tumor suppressive or oncogenic activities in these tumor types. This review describes the biological impact of TRIM proteins in relation to hormone receptor biology, as well as hormone-independent mechanisms that contribute to tumor cell biology in prostate, breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer. Furthermore, we point out common functions of TRIM proteins throughout the group of hormone-driven cancers. An improved understanding of the biological impact of TRIM proteins in cancer may pave the way for improved prognostication and novel therapeutics, ultimately improving cancer care for patients with hormone-driven cancers

    Polymedication and its association with individual factors in Portuguese older adults: a cross-sectional study

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    Population aging is a reality resulting in polymedication and its harmful consequences. Therefore, determining polymedication state in Portugal and identifying its associated characteristics is vital. METHODS: Among the cross-sectional study Nutrition UP 65, information on socio-demographic data, cognitive performance, lifestyle, health, and nutritional status was collected in the Portuguese older population. Frequency of polymedication (self-reported concomitant administration of ≥5 medications and/or supplements) was calculated. Associated factors were determined. RESULTS: A total of 1317 individuals were included in the sample and the frequency of polymedication was 37.1%. Characteristics associated with higher odds of polymedication were living in an institution (OR: 1.97; CI: 1.04-3.73); being overweight (OR: 1.52; CI: 1.03–2.25) or obese (OR: 1.57; CI: 1.06–2.34); perceiving health status as reasonable (OR: 1.68; CI: 1.25–2.27) or bad/very bad (OR: 2.04; CI: 1.37–3.03); having illnesses of the circulatory system (OR: 2.91; CI: 2.14–3.94) or endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional diseases (OR: 1.79; CI: 1.38–2.31). CONCLUSIONS: A 3 to 4 out of 10 Portuguese older adults are polymedicated. Intervention in modifiable factors and the monitorization of others is an important strategy in the care of the elderly

    A web-based gamification program to improve nutrition literacy in families of 3- to 5-year-old children: the Nutriscience Project

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    Objective: Assess the impact of a web-based gamification program on nutrition literacy of families andexplore differences in impact by socioeconomic status.Design: Quasi-experimental.Setting: Thirty-seven kindergartens from Portugal.Participants: Eight hundred seventy-seven families.Intervention: Web-based social network of participants' interactions, educational materials, apps andnutritional challenges, focused on fruit, vegetables, sugar, and salt.Main Outcome Measures: Parental nutrition literacy (self-reported survey − 4 dimensions: Nutrients,Food portions, Portuguese food wheel groups, Food labeling).Analysis: General linear model − Repeated measures was used to analyze the effect on the nutrition literacy score.Results: Families uploaded 1267 items (recipes, photographs of challenges) and educators uploaded 327items (photographs, videos) onto the interactive platform. For the intervention group (n = 106), the finalmean (SD) score of nutrition literacy was significantly higher than the baseline: 78.8% (15.6) vs 72.7%(16.2); P<.001, regardless of parental education and perceived income status. No significant differences inthe scores of the control group (n = 83) were observed (final 67.8% [16.1] vs initial 66.4% [15.6]; P= .364).Conclusions and Implications: Gamified digital interactive platform seems to be a useful, easily adaptededucational tool for the healthy eating learning process. Future implementations of the program will benefitfrom longer time intervention and assessment of the eating habits of families before and after intervention

    Vancomycin-Loaded, Nanohydroxyapatite-Based Scaffold for Osteomyelitis Treatment: In Vivo Rabbit Toxicological Tests and In Vivo Efficacy Tests in a Sheep Model

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    The treatment for osteomyelitis consists of surgical debridement, filling of the dead space, soft tissue coverage, and intravenous administration of antimicrobial (AM) agents for long periods. Biomaterials for local delivery of AM agents, while providing controllable antibiotic release rates and simultaneously acting as a bone scaffold, may be a valuable alternative; thus, avoiding systemic AM side effects. V-HEPHAPC is a heparinized nanohydroxyapatite (nHA)/collagen biocomposite loaded with vancomycin that has been previously studied and tested in vitro. It enables a vancomycin-releasing profile with an intense initial burst, followed by a sustained release with concentrations above the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for MRSA. In vitro results have also shown that cellular viability is not compromised, suggesting that V-HEPHAPC granules may be a promising alternative device for the treatment of osteomyelitis. In the present study, V-HEPHAPC (HEPHAPC with vancomycin) granules were used as a vancomycin carrier to treat MRSA osteomyelitis. First, in vivo Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) toxicological tests were performed in a rabbit model, assuring that HEPHAPC and V-HEPHAPC have no relevant side effects. Second, V-HEPHAPC proved to be an efficient drug carrier and bone substitute to control MRSA infection and simultaneously reconstruct the bone cavity in a sheep model

    An input on the characterization of timber frame structural system of tabique walls

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    Tabique construction corresponds to a relevant Portuguese heritage. Urban and rural tabique construction exists all over the country. This traditional building technique started to be in disuse after the massive introduction of the reinforced concrete. Therefore, tabique buildings are already aged and, in general, they show signals of degradation. Recent research works have concluded that this degradation stage is essentially caused by the absence of a regular proper maintenance process. The fact that tabique buildings are mainly private property, that there are economical limitations and that there is still a lack of knowledge concerning this traditional building technique, have been the main reasons identified. In order to contribute solving this problem this paper intends to give an input on the characterization of timber frame structural system of tabique walls. In fact, a tabique building element is a structural system formed by a timber frame coated with an earthy render. The elements of the timber frame are nailed to each other. It has been noticed that there are different types of timber frames. Given technical information related to these alternative traditional structural solutions may be helpful in future rehabilitation processes. At the same time, the relevance of this information is even more expressive taking into account the following aspects: a) the access of this type of buildings is in general limited because they are private properties; b) they have been abandoned and, therefore, they are not accessible; c) they became a ruin and they are not safe to be accessed; d) they were demolished

    A Cross-Sectional Study of the Street Foods Purchased by Customers in Urban Areas of Central Asia

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Food Security, Food Intake and Eating Behaviour in Low- and Middle- Income CountriesThis study aimed to describe street food purchases in cities from Central Asia, considering customers’ characteristics and the nutritional composition of the foods and beverages. Cross-sectional studies were conducted in 2016/2017 in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) and Almaty (Kazakhstan). Direct observation was used to collect data on the purchases made by street food customers, selected by random and systematic sampling. Nutritional composition was estimated using data from chemical analyses, food composition tables or food labels. A total of 714 customers (56.6% females, 55.5% aged ≥35 years, 23.3% overweight/obese) were observed, who bought 852 foods and beverages, the most frequent being savoury pastries/snacks (23.2%), main dishes (19.0%), sweet pastries/confectionery (17.9%), tea/coffee (11.3%) and soft drinks/juices (9.8%). Fruit was the least purchased food (1.1%). Nearly one-third of customers purchased industrial food items (31.9%). The median energy content of a street food purchase was 529 kcal/serving. Saturated and trans-fat median contents were 4.7 g/serving and 0.36 g/serving (21.4% and 16.5% of maximum daily intake recommendations, respectively). Median sodium and potassium contents were 745 mg/serving (37.3% of maximum recommendation) and 304 mg/serving (8.7% of minimum recommendation), respectively. In general, the purchases observed presented high contents of energy, saturated-fat, trans-fat and sodium, and low levels of potassium. Policies towards the improvement of these urban food environments should be encouraged.The FEEDCities project is funded by the World Health Organization Europe (WHO registration 2015/591370-0 and 2017/698514) and by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The EPIUnit–Instituto de Saúde Pública, Universidade do Porto (Ref. UIDB/04750/2020) and the Investigation Unit LAQV/REQUIMTE (UID/QUI/50006/2020) are funded by Portuguese funds from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia-Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior). Individual grants attributed to SS (SFRH/BD/130650/2017) and GA (SFRH/BD/118630/2016) are funded by FCT and the Human Capital Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (POCH/FSE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patterns of Street Food Purchase in Cities From Central Asia

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    Corrigendum: Front Nutr. 2022 Aug 19;9:1005673. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.1005673. eCollection 2022FeedCities ProjectStreet food makes a significant contribution to the diet of many dwellers in low- and middle-income countries and its trade is a well-developed activity in the central Asian region. However, data on its purchase and nutritional value is still scarce. This study aimed to describe street food purchasing patterns in central Asia, according to time and place of purchase. A multicentre cross-sectional study was conducted in 2016/2017 in the main urban areas of four central Asian countries: Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) and Almaty (Kazakhstan). Street food markets (n = 34) and vending sites (n = 390) were selected by random and systematic sampling procedures. Data on the purchased foods and beverages were collected by direct observation. Time and geographic location of the purchases was registered, and their nutritional composition was estimated. A total of 714 customers, who bought 852 foods, were observed. Customers’ influx, buying rate and purchase of industrial food were higher in city centers compared to the outskirts (median: 4.0 vs. 2.0 customers/10min, p < 0.001; 5.0 vs. 2.0 food items/10min, p < 0.001; 36.2 vs. 28.7%, p = 0.004). Tea, coffee, bread and savory pastries were most frequently purchased in the early morning, bread, main dishes and savory pastries during lunchtime, and industrial products in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon periods. Energy and macronutrient density was highest at 11:00–12:00 and lowest at 09:00–10:00. Purchases were smaller but more energy-dense in city centers, and higher in saturated and trans-fat in the peripheries. This work provides an overview of the street food buying habits in these cities, which in turn reflect local food culture. These findings from the main urban areas of four low- and middle-income countries which are currently under nutrition transition can be useful when designing public health interventions customized to the specificities of these food environments and their customers.This work was supported by the World Health Organization Europe (WHO registration 2015/591370-0 and 2017/698514) and by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The EPIUnit – Instituto de Saúde Pública, Universidade do Porto (Ref. UIDB/04750/2020), the Investigation Unit LAQV/REQUIMTE (UID/QUI/50006/2020) and the ITR - Laboratório para a Investigação Integrativa e Translacional em Saúde Populacional (LA/P/0064/2020) are funded by Portuguese funds from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior). Individual grants attributed to SS (SFRH/BD/130650/2017) and GA (SFRH/BD/118630/2016) are funded by FCT and the Human Capital Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (POCH/FSE).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio