10 research outputs found

    Introducing Clyricidea Into Goat - Food Crops Mixed Farming in The Upland Areas

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    ABSTRACT: Glyricidea, legume. trees (Giyricidca mactikaa), were introduced into food crop-goat nixed farming practiced by 20 farmers of Boyolali and Grobogan upland areas. In Trial I, farmers were planting a combination of corn and peanut fertilized by either 1) glyricidea. cut and carried from land terraces (Treatment I), 2) goat manure (Treatment II), and 3) urea and tri superphosphate (Treatment III) Partial budgeting showed that the use of glyrieidea as a fertilizer gave added values due to higher production of foud crops and lower costs of fertilizer (Treatment I ti. Treatment II and Ili). In Trial 2, raising does with supplementation of glyricidea to the ration failed to increase does\u27 lx formance. However, it affected the daily gain of the kids (13â¹.05). The goats were still kept by farmers and monitored to evaluate if raising goat with 0yrieidca-lood crops farming could aleviatc poverty Key Words: Glyricidea, Mixed-Farming, Upland Area

    POTENSI MIKROBIA SELULOLITIK CAMPURAN DARI EKSTRAK RAYAP, LARUTAN FESES GAJAH DAN CAIRAN RUMEN KERBAU [Potentiality of Mixed Cellulolytic Microbes of Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution and Buffalo Rumen Fluid]

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua penelitian. Penelitian pertama bertujuan untuk memperoleh mikrobia selulolitik dari ekstrak rayap (RE), larutan feses gajah (GLF), cairan rumen kerbau (KCR) dan sapi (SCR). Dua belas tabung hungate yang masing-masing berisi 13,5 ml media terbatas [(NH4)2SO4, CaCO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, kertas saring, aquades] secara acak dibagi menjadi empat perlakuan berdasarkan sumber mikrobia (SM), yaitu: perlakuan RT (SM: RE), GT (SM: GLF), KT (SM: KCR), dan ST (SM: SCR). Rerata perubahan aktivitas spesifik carboxymethylcellulase (CMC-ase) perlakuan KT (0,0753 + 0,0170 U/mg) lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan RT (-0,0677 + 0,0099 U/mg), GT (0,0229 + 0,0034 U/ mg), dan ST (0,0145 + 0,0074 U/mg). Penelitian kedua bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi mikrobia selulolitik hasil penelitian pertama dan beberapa kombinasinya dalam mendegradasi selulosa. Dua puluh empat tabung hungate yang masing-masing berisi 10 ml media pertumbuhan [(NH4)2SO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, CaCl2.2H2O, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, selulosa, resazurin, yeast, sistein-HCl, dan aquades] secara acak dibagi menjadi delapan perlakuan berdasarkan sumber mikrobia (SM), yaitu: perlakuan RP (SM: RT), GP (SM: GT), KP (SM: KT), SP (SM: ST), RGP (SM: RT+GT), RKP (SM: RT+KT), RSP (SM: RT+ST), RGKP (SM: RT+GT+KT). Rerata perubahan aktivitas spesifik CMC-ase perlakuan RGKP (0,2344 + 0,0014 U/mg) lebih tinggi dan berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan RP (0,0781 + 0,0015 U/mg), GP (0,0060 + 0,0006 U/mg), KP (0,0117 + 0,0005 U/mg), SP (0,0285 + 0,0009 U/mg), RGP (0,0569 + 0,0014 U/mg), RKP (0,0965 + 0,0023 U/mg), dan RSP (0,0868 + 0,0032 U/mg). Potensi mikrobia selulolitik campuran dari ekstrak rayap, larutan feses gajah, dan cairan rumen kerbau (perlakuan RGKP) dalam mendegradasi selulosa adalah yang tertinggi. Kata Kunci: Mikrobia Selulolitik, Ekstrak Rayap, Larutan Feses Gajah, Cairan Rumen Kerbau ABSTRACT This research consisted of two experiments. The first experiment was conducted to get cellulolytic microbes of termite extract (RE), elephant feces solution (GLF), buffalo (KCR) and cattle (SCR) rumen fluid. Twelve hungate tubes each contained of 13,5 ml limited media [(NH4)2SO4, CaCO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, paper filter, aquadest] was divided to four treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RT (MR: RE), GT (MR: GLF), KT (MR: KCR), and ST (MR: SCR). The average of specific activity change of CMCace KT (0.0753 + 0.0170 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.05) than those of RT (- 0.0677 + 0.0099), GT (0.0229 + 0.0034 U/mg), and ST (0.0145 + 0.0074 U/mg) treatment. The second experiment was aimed to know potentiality of cellulolytic microbes from the first experiment and their several combinations in degrading cellulose. Twenty four hungate tubes each contained of 10 ml growth media [(NH4)2SO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, CaCl2.2H2O, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, cellulose, resazurine, yeast, cycteine- HCl, and aquadest] was divided to eight treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RP (MR: RT),GP (MR: GT), KP (MR: KT), SP (MR: ST), RGP (MR: RT+GT), RKP (MR: RT+KT), RSP (MR: RT+ST), RGKP (MR: RT+GT+KT).). The average of specific activity change of CMC-ase RGKP (0.2344 + 0.0014 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.01) than those of RP (0.0781 + 0.0015 U/mg), GP (0.0060 + 0.0006 U/mg), KP (0.0117 + 0.0005 U/mg), SP (0.0285 + 0.0009 U/mg), RGP (0.0569 + 0.0014 U/ mg), RKP (0.0965 + 0.0023 U/mg), and RSP (0.0868 + 0.0032 U/mg). Potentiality of mixed cellulolytic microbes containing termite extract, elephant feces solution, and buffalo rumen fluid (RGKP treatment) in degrading cellulose was the highest. Keywords: Cellulolytic Microbes, Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution, Buffalo Rumen Flui

    Potentiality of Mixed Cellulolytic Microbes of Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution and Buffalo Rumen Fluid

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    This research consisted of two experiments. The first experiment was conducted to get cellulolytic microbes of termite extract (RE), elephant feces solution (GLF), buffalo (KCR) and cattle (SCR) rumen fluid. Twelve hungate tubes each contained of 13,5 ml limited media [(NH4)2SO4, CaCO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, paper filter, aquadest] was divided to four treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RT (MR: RE), GT (MR: GLF), KT (MR: KCR), and ST (MR: SCR). The average of specific activity change of CMCace KT (0.0753 + 0.0170 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.05) than those of RT (- 0.0677 + 0.0099), GT (0.0229 + 0.0034 U/mg), and ST (0.0145 + 0.0074 U/mg) treatment. The second experiment was aimed to know potentiality of cellulolytic microbes from the first experiment and their several combinations in degrading cellulose. Twenty four hungate tubes each contained of 10 ml growth media [(NH4)2SO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, CaCl2.2H2O, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, cellulose, resazurine, yeast, cycteine- HCl, and aquadest] was divided to eight treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RP (MR: RT),GP (MR: GT), KP (MR: KT), SP (MR: ST), RGP (MR: RT+GT), RKP (MR: RT+KT), RSP (MR: RT+ST), RGKP (MR: RT+GT+KT).). The average of specific activity change of CMC-ase RGKP (0.2344 + 0.0014 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.01) than those of RP (0.0781 + 0.0015 U/mg), GP (0.0060 + 0.0006 U/mg), KP (0.0117 + 0.0005 U/mg), SP (0.0285 + 0.0009 U/mg), RGP (0.0569 + 0.0014 U/ mg), RKP (0.0965 + 0.0023 U/mg), and RSP (0.0868 + 0.0032 U/mg). Potentiality of mixed cellulolytic microbes containing termite extract, elephant feces solution, and buffalo rumen fluid (RGKP treatment) in degrading cellulose was the highest. Keywords: Cellulolytic Microbes, Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution, Buffalo Rumen Flui

    Degradasi Bahan Organik Dan Protein Secara In Sacco

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui degradasi bahan organik (130) dan protein kasar (PK) secara in sacco lima jenis rumput tropik. Penilitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan 3 ekor sapi Peranakan Friesien Holstein yang difistulasi pada, bagian rumennya, diberi ransum terdiri dari Penizisetum purpureum (PK 9 %) dan konsentrat (PK 17 %) dengan imbangan 70 % : 30 %. Pennisetuin purpureum (Pp), Panicum maximum (Pm), Setaria spacelata (Ss), Cynodon dactylon (Cd) dan Brachiaria mutica (Bin) diinkubasikan dalam rumen selama 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 dan 48 jam, dan setiap waktu inkubasi diadakan 6 kali ulangan. Residu pakan setelah inkubasi dianalisis kandungan BO dan PK. Data yang diperoleh berupa kinetik kehilangan BO dan PK digunakan untuk menghitung degradasi teori (DT = a + b * c / c + 0,06) dengan model exponensial Orskov dan McDonald (1979), p = a + b (1 exp -"), dengan a = fraksi mudah larut, b = fraksi potensial terdegradasi dan c = laju degradasi fraksi b dan kp 0,06 (Verite dan Peyraud, 1988). Data fraksi a, b, c dan DT dari BO dan PK dianalisis variansi dengan pola searah. Hasil penelitian meuunjukkan terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata (

    In sacco degradation of eight tropical forages

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    In sacco degradation of eight tropical forages

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    International audienc