12 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the application of the discovery learning learning model, the application of learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media to the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD. This research is an experimental quantitative research with hypothesis testing which aims to determine whether or not there is a result of the independent variable, namely the discovery learning model and learning video media (on one dependent variable, namely learning outcomes, and to analyze the effect independent variables together with the variables of student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were fifth grade students at SD with data collection techniques using a quasi-experimental approach in the form of time series design and three-way anova statistical analysis to determine differences in student learning outcomes produced through class learning in three learning series and to find out the level of significance of the interactions that occur between the three approaches to learning in the classroom on student learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate that the application of the discovery learning learning model, learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media is effective in improving the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD


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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the application of the discovery learning learning model, the application of learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media to the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD. This research is an experimental quantitative research with hypothesis testing which aims to determine whether or not there is a result of the independent variable, namely the discovery learning model and learning video media (on one dependent variable, namely learning outcomes, and to analyze the effect independent variables together with the variables of student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were fifth grade students at SD with data collection techniques using a quasi-experimental approach in the form of time series design and three-way anova statistical analysis to determine differences in student learning outcomes produced through class learning in three learning series and to find out the level of significance of the interactions that occur between the three approaches to learning in the classroom on student learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate that the application of the discovery learning learning model, learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media is effective in improving the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD

    Parents’ and Students’ Perception on Learning in the Age of Industrial revolution 4.0 at SDN 22 Inpres Pali, Tana Toraja

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    Learning is currently slowly leading to a major change, namely the industrial revolution 4.0. The purpose of this study was to describe parents' learning perceptions in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and students' learning perceptions in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era at SDN 222 Inpres Pali, Tana Toraja Regency. The approach used in this research is a mixed methods model with a sequential exploratory model. The mixed methods sequential exploration model is a research method that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to obtain valid data. The data in this study consisted of two data sources, namely primary and secondary data. Qualitative results were obtained in a structured way, the researcher conducted interviews with 4 parents, representatives of guardians of lower and upper grade students. Also, among the students involved, there were 4 people representing upper and lower classes. Several themes were formulated in the results of the study to represent the responses of the informants, including school descriptions, usage, understanding, learning practices, positive and negative impacts, and views on learning with technology and communication tools. Quantitative data from questionnaire data. From the results and discussion of parents' and students' perceptions of learning in the age of Industrial Revolution 4.0, SDN 222 Inpres Pali students and parents to use technology, communication and information tools positively, to learn with technology and means of communication had a positive impact on parents and students. The biggest benefit is to help students overcome learning difficulties, such as teachers and parents

    Pengaruh Pelatihan berbasis Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Kompetensi Pedagogik terhadap Profesionalisme Guru

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    Era disrupsi teknologi yang dipercepat dengan pandemic Covid- 19 menuntut guru untuk dapat mengikuti percepatan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui pelatihan berbasis TI. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan pembelajaran sekolah berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi dan kompetensi pedagogic terhadap profesionalisme guru SD Muhammadiyah Plus Kota Batam. Peneliti memakai metode dengan pendekatan kuantitatif desain korelasional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability (sensus) sebanyak 48 responden. Kuesioner dan dokumentasi dipergunakan sebagai teknik pengambilan data. Teknik analisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif, dan statistic inferensial dengan regresi linear berganda. Dari hasil analisas regresi berganda dapat disimpulkan bahwa variable pelatihan, dan kompetensi pedagogoik secara serentak dan signifikan berpengaruh terhadap profesionalisme guru SD Muhammdiyah Plus Kota Batam. Hasil uji t disimpulkan bahwa peubah pelatihan mempunyai pengaruh yang bermakna bagi profesionalisme guru. Demikian pula kompetensi pedagogic berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap profesionalisme guru dengan taraf signifikan 0,05, Oleh karena itu, riset ini menyimpulkan bahwa Pelatihan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi dan kompetensi pedagogic berpengaruh secara bermakna bagi profesionalism

    Pemanfaatan Pembelajaran Mobile di Indonesia dan Arah Perkembangannya di Masa Mendatang

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    Kehadiran teknologi yang bersifat mobile telah membuka peluang bagi setiap individu untuk berkomunikasi dengan lebih cepat serta memperoleh informasi dengan lebih mudah. Pemanfaatan peralatan mobile serta broadband di tingkat Asia sangat besar dan massiv. Hal ini didukung oleh fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa pelanggan atau pengguna peralatan mobile mencapai 49% dari pengguna peralatan mobile di dunia. Perkembangan pemanfaatan internet dan peralatan mobile di Indonesia juga tidak kalah pesat. Sebagai negara yang memiliki jumlah penduduk sekitar 240 juta, Indonesia merupakan pasar yang sangat potensial dalam penggunaan peralatan mobile dan internet. Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah seberapa jauh Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan pembelajaran mobile. Informasi tersebut merupakan hal penting untuk dapat melihat kemana arah pemanfaatan pembelajaran mobile sebagai bagian dari proses belajar mengajar di Indonesia. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian secara mendalam tentang sejauh mana pembelajaran mobile dikenal dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di Indonesia, serta sejauh mana pembelajaran mobile dapat diterapkan baik secara formal maupun informal di kalangan masyarakat dan institusi pendidikan. Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk Penelitian di Tahun 2 ditujukan mengembangkan model pembelajaran mobile yang secara rinci terkait dengan beberapa hal berikut: Tim pengembangan pembelajaran mobile , Pola kerja tim pengembangan pembelajaran mobile , Pola pengelolaan program pembelajaran mobile, Strategi pemanfaatan pembelajaran mobile di Indonesia

    Pemanfaatan Pembelajaran Mobile di Indonesia dan Arah Perkembangannya di Masa Mendatang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi : (1) Jenis pemanfaatan pembelajaran mobile yang digunakan di Indonesia, (2) Akses pembelajaran dan pelatihan menggunakan peralatan mobile, (3) Keterlibatan pengembangan konten dan software, (4) Penggunaan peralatan mobile untuk pembelajaran dan pengembangan profesi, dan (5) Posisi Indonesia secara global dalam hal pembelajaran mobile

    Membangun Kemandirian Masyarakat Berswasasemabada Sayur Dengan Hidroponik

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    At present many houses have limited area. Expensive housing prices and a growing population are the current real conditions. Even so, a green and comfortable home environment needs to be maintained. A house with a small yard but can produce vegetables is everyone's hope. Planting vegetables in a minimalist house with narrow land needs special techniques to produce fresh vegetables to meet the family's vegetable needs. The vegetable planting technique using the hydroponic method is the right choice. The aim of the program is to help people live healthier by consuming fresh vegetables grown by hydroponic techniques. With a 3-week planting and harvesting period, residents can plant and harvest according to the desired schedule. As a result, 20 assisted houses have managed to meet their own vegetable needs produced from hydroponic gardens


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    Abstract. Era disrupsi teknologi yang dipercepat dengan pandemic Covid-19 menuntut guru untuk dapat mengikuti percepatan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui pelatihan berbasis TI. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan pembelajaran sekolah berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi dan kompetensi pedagogik terhadap profesionalisme guru SD Muhammadiyah Plus Kota Batam. Peneliti memakai metode dengan pendekatan kuantitatif desain korelasional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability (sensus) sebanyak 48 responden. Kuesioner dan dokumentasi dipergunakan sebagai teknik pengambilan data. Teknik analisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif, dan statistic inferensial dengan regresi linear berganda. Dari hasil analisas regresi berganda dapat disimpulkan bahwa variable pelatihan, dan kompetensi pedagogoik secara serentak dan signifikan berpengaruh terhadap profesionalisme guru SD Muhammdiyah Plus Kota Batam. Hasil uji t disimpulkan bahwa peubah pelatihan mempunyai pengaruh yang bermakna bagi profesionalisme guru. Demikian pula kompetensi pedagogik berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap profesionalisme guru dengan taraf signifikan 0,05. Oleh karena itu, riset ini menyimpulkan bahwa Pelatihan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi dan kompetensi pedagogik berpengaruh secara bermakna bagi profesionalisme gur