5,377 research outputs found

    Duality and zero-point length of spacetime

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    The action for a relativistic free particle of mass mm receives a contribution −mds-mds from a path segment of infinitesimal length dsds. Using this action in a path integral, one can obtain the Feynman propagator for a spinless particle of mass mm. If one of the effects of quantizing gravity is to introduce a minimum length scale LPL_P in the spacetime, then one would expect the segments of paths with lengths less than LPL_P to be suppressed in the path integral. Assuming that the path integral amplitude is invariant under the `duality' transformation ds→LP2/dsds\to L_P^2/ds, one can calculate the modified Feynman propagator. I show that this propagator is the same as the one obtained by assuming that: quantum effects of gravity leads to modification of the spacetime interval (x−y)2(x-y)^2 to (x−y)2+LP2(x-y)^2+L_P^2. This equivalence suggests a deep relationship between introducing a `zero-point-length' to the spacetime and postulating invariance of path integral amplitudes under duality transformations.Comment: Revtex document; 4 page

    Entropy of Horizons, Complex Paths and Quantum Tunneling

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    In any spacetime, it is possible to have a family of observers following a congruence of timelike curves such that they do not have access to part of the spacetime. This lack of information suggests associating a (congruence dependent) notion of entropy with the horizon that blocks the information from these observers. While the blockage of information is absolute in classical physics, quantum mechanics will allow tunneling across the horizon. This process can be analysed in a simple, yet general, manner and we show that the probability for a system with energy EE to tunnel across the horizon is P(E)∝exp⁥[−(2π/Îș)E)P(E)\propto\exp[-(2\pi/\kappa)E) where Îș\kappa is the surface gravity of the horizon. If the surface gravity changes due to the leakage of energy through the horizon, then one can associate an entropy S(M)S(M) with the horizon where dS=[2π/Îș(M)]dMdS = [ 2\pi / \kappa (M) ] dM and MM is the active gravitational mass of the system. Using this result, we discuss the conditions under which, a small patch of area ΔA\Delta A of the horizon contributes an entropy (ΔA/4LP2)(\Delta A/4L_P^2), where LP2L_P^2 is the Planck area.Comment: published versio

    Gravity: A New Holographic Perspective

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    A general paradigm for describing classical (and semiclassical) gravity is presented. This approach brings to the centre-stage a holographic relationship between the bulk and surface terms in a general class of action functionals and provides a deeper insight into several aspects of classical gravity which have no explanation in the conventional approach. After highlighting a series of unresolved issues in the conventional approach to gravity, I show that (i) principle of equivalence, (ii) general covariance and (iii)a reasonable condition on the variation of the action functional, suggest a generic Lagrangian for semiclassical gravity of the form L=QabcdRbcdaL=Q_a^{bcd}R^a_{bcd} with ∇bQabcd=0\nabla_b Q_a^{bcd}=0. The expansion of QabcdQ_a^{bcd} in terms of the derivatives of the metric tensor determines the structure of the theory uniquely. The zeroth order term gives the Einstein-Hilbert action and the first order correction is given by the Gauss-Bonnet action. Any such Lagrangian can be decomposed into a surface and bulk terms which are related holographically. The equations of motion can be obtained purely from a surface term in the gravity sector. Hence the field equations are invariant under the transformation Tab→Tab+λgabT_{ab} \to T_{ab} + \lambda g_{ab} and gravity does not respond to the changes in the bulk vacuum energy density. The cosmological constant arises as an integration constant in this approach. The implications are discussed.Comment: Plenary talk at the International Conference on Einstein's Legacy in the New Millennium, December 15 - 22, 2005, Puri, India; to appear in the Proceedings to be published in IJMPD; 16 pages; no figure

    Noether Current, Horizon Virasoro Algebra and Entropy

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    We provide a simple and straightforward procedure for defining a Virasoro algebra based on the diffeomorphisms near a null surface in a spacetime and obtain the entropy density of the null surface from its central charge. We use the off-shell Noether current corresponding to the diffeomorphism invariance of a gravitational Lagrangian L(gab,Rabcd)L(g_{ab},R_{abcd}) and define the Virasoro algebra from its variation. This allows us to identify the central charge and the zero mode eigenvalue using which we obtain the entropy density of the Killing horizon. Our approach works for all Lanczos-Lovelock models and reproduces the correct Wald entropy. The entire analysis is done off-shell without using the field equations and allows us to define an entropy density for any null surface which acts as a local Rindler horizon for a particular class of observers.Comment: V2: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Combining general relativity and quantum theory: points of conflict and contact

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    The issues related to bringing together the principles of general relativity and quantum theory are discussed. After briefly summarising the points of conflict between the two formalisms I focus on four specific themes in which some contact has been established in the past between GR and quantum field theory: (i) The role of planck length in the microstructure of spacetime (ii) The role of quantum effects in cosmology and origin of the universe (iii) The thermodynamics of spacetimes with horizons and especially the concept of entropy related to spacetime geometry (iv) The problem of the cosmological constant.Comment: Invited Talk at "The Early Universe and Cosmological Observations: a Critical Review", UCT, Cape Town, 23-25 July,2001; to appear in Class.Quan.Gra

    Charged Rotating BTZ Black Hole and Thermodynamic Behavior of Field Equations at its Horizon

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    In this paper, we study different cases of the charged rotating BTZ black hole with reference to their horizons. For the existence of these cases conditions on mass, charge and angular momentum of the black hole are obtained. It is also shown that the Einstein field equations for the charged rotating BTZ black hole at the horizon can be expressed as first law of thermodynamics, dE=TdS+ΩdJ+Ίdq+PrdAdE=TdS+\Omega dJ+\Phi dq+P_{r}dA.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Why Does Gravity Ignore the Vacuum Energy?

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    The equations of motion for matter fields are invariant under the shift of the matter lagrangian by a constant. Such a shift changes the energy momentum tensor of matter by T^a_b --> T^a_b +\rho \delta^a_b. In the conventional approach, gravity breaks this symmetry and the gravitational field equations are not invariant under such a shift of the energy momentum tensor. I argue that until this symmetry is restored, one cannot obtain a satisfactory solution to the cosmological constant problem. I describe an alternative perspective to gravity in which the gravitational field equations are [G_{ab} -\kappa T_{ab}] n^an^b =0 for all null vectors n^a. This is obviously invariant under the change T^a_b --> T^a_b +\rho \delta^a_b and restores the symmetry under shifting the matter lagrangian by a constant. These equations are equivalent to G_{ab} = \kappa T_{ab} + Cg_{ab} where C is now an integration constant so that the role of the cosmological constant is very different in this approach. The cosmological constant now arises as an integration constant, somewhat like the mass M in the Schwarzschild metric, the value of which can be chosen depending on the physical context. These equations can be obtained from a variational principle which uses the null surfaces of spacetime as local Rindler horizons and can be given a thermodynamic interpretation. This approach turns out to be quite general and can encompass even the higher order corrections to Einstein's gravity and suggests a principle to determine the form of these corrections in a systematic manner.Comment: Invited Contribution to the IJMPD Special Issue on Dark Matter and Dark Energy edited by D.Ahluwalia and D. Grumiller. Appendix clarifies several conceptual and pedgogical aspects of surface term in Hilbert action; ver.2: references and some clarifications adde

    A new perspective on Gravity and the dynamics of Spacetime

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    The Einstein-Hilbert action has a bulk term and a surface term (which arises from integrating a four divergence). I show that one can obtain Einstein's equations from the surface term alone. This leads to: (i) a novel, completely self contained, perspective on gravity and (ii) a concrete mathematical framework in which the description of spacetime dynamics by Einstein's equations is similar to the description of a continuum solid in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: Based on the Essay selected for Honorable Mention in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Contest, 2005; to appear in the special issue of IJMP

    The hypothesis of path integral duality II: corrections to quantum field theoretic results

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    In the path integral expression for a Feynman propagator of a spinless particle of mass mm, the path integral amplitude for a path of proper length R(x,xâ€Č∣gΌΜ){\cal R}(x,x'| g_{\mu\nu}) connecting events xx and xâ€Čx' in a spacetime described by the metric tensor gΌΜg_{\mu\nu} is exp⁡−[mR(x,xâ€Č∣gΌΜ)]\exp-[m {\cal R}(x,x'| g_{\mu\nu})]. In a recent paper, assuming the path integral amplitude to be invariant under the duality transformation R→(LP2/R){\cal R} \to (L_P^2/{\cal R}), Padmanabhan has evaluated the modified Feynman propagator in an arbitrary curved spacetime. He finds that the essential feature of this `principle of path integral duality' is that the Euclidean proper distance (Δx)2(\Delta x)^2 between two infinitesimally separated spacetime events is replaced by [(Δx)2+4LP2][(\Delta x)^2 + 4L_P^2 ]. In other words, under the duality principle the spacetime behaves as though it has a `zero-point length' LPL_P, a feature that is expected to arise in a quantum theory of gravity. In the Schwinger's proper time description of the Feynman propagator, the weightage factor for a path with a proper time ss is exp⁡−(m2s)\exp-(m^2s). Invoking Padmanabhan's `principle of path integral duality' corresponds to modifying the weightage factor exp⁡−(m2s)\exp-(m^2s) to exp⁡−[m2s+(LP2/s)]\exp-[m^2s + (L_P^2/s)]. In this paper, we use this modified weightage factor in Schwinger's proper time formalism to evaluate the quantum gravitational corrections to some of the standard quantum field theoretic results in flat and curved spacetimes. We find that the extra factor exp⁡−(LP2/s)\exp-(L_P^2/s) acts as a regulator at the Planck scale thereby `removing' the divergences that otherwise appear in the theory. Finally, we discuss the wider implications of our analysis.Comment: 26 pages, Revte

    Event horizon - Magnifying glass for Planck length physics

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    An attempt is made to describe the `thermodynamics' of semiclassical spacetime without specifying the detailed `molecular structure' of the quantum spacetime, using the known properties of blackholes. I give detailed arguments, essentially based on the behaviour of quantum systems near the event horizon, which suggest that event horizon acts as a magnifying glass to probe Planck length physics even in those contexts in which the spacetime curvature is arbitrarily low. The quantum state describing a blackhole, in any microscopic description of spacetime, has to possess certain universal form of density of states which can be ascertained from general considerations. Since a blackhole can be formed from the collapse of any physical system with a low energy Hamiltonian H, it is suggested that when such a system collapses to form a blackhole, it should be described by a modified Hamiltonian of the form Hmod2=A2ln⁡(1+H2/A2)H^2_{\rm mod} =A^2 \ln (1+ H^2/A^2) where A2∝EP2A^2 \propto E_P^2.I also show that it is possible to construct several physical systems which have the blackhole density of states and hence will be indistinguishable from a blackhole as far as thermodynamic interactions are concerned. In particular, blackholes can be thought of as one-particle excitations of a class of {\it nonlocal} field theories with the thermodynamics of blackholes arising essentially from the asymptotic form of the dispersion relation satisfied by these excitations. These field theoretic models have correlation functions with a universal short distance behaviour, which translates into the generic behaviour of semiclassical blackholes. Several implications of this paradigm are discussed
