568 research outputs found

    How do you evaluate logistics and supply chain performance? A review of the main methods and indicators

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    Despite of its origins, logistics concept is today strictly related to commercial activities. In particular, transport and logistics activities are more and more responsible for the success of a company, because their performance strongly influence customer loyalty. An efficient and updated supply chain performance assessment system is so essential for the financial wellness of a business. However, no many studies have been made on SC performance assessment and they have been all carried out lately. Starting from the definitions of logistics and supply chain, this paper presents a review of the main methods and tools used to evaluate supply chain performance. In particular, it focuses on the analysis of the main indicators used to assess logistics performance

    Shaping urban freight systems via a participatory approach to inform policy-making

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    © 2020 by the authors. In the upcoming era of new technologies, a transport system is expected to be 'more sustainable,' 'safer,' and 'more efficient.' However, to what extent is this true? Based on the results of a series of stakeholder engagement workshops, the paper explores the vision of different stakeholders about urban freight of the future. A Participatory Approach was used to allow stakeholders to identify the problem and co-design a set of solutions. Potential impacts of innovative urban deliveries on economy, environment, and society were analysed. Methodology and results were then compared with those of a city stakeholder engagement workshop delivered in Newcastle upon-Tyne in 2014. Stakeholders considered that an "engaging" and "easy to use" process was needed to facilitate the process and it encouraged participants to find solutions for a 'common good.' The participatory approach proposed in this process would support transport planners and policy-makers to design and implement a consistent policy framework for future sustainable urban freight systems

    Parte seconda: le rapine

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    Tra i delitti finalizzati all’appropriazione di beni altrui la rapina si caratterizza come fatto sociale, oltre che sul piano penale e su quello criminologico, per almeno due aspetti. Il primo aspetto ù la violenza che caratterizza questo tipo di azione criminosa e che, sia essa esercitata o minacciata, qualifica la posizione degli attori dell’interazione, in una situazione di compresenza e di forte asimmetria. Il secondo aspetto ù la natura squisitamente strumentale del delitto: chi compie la rapina lo fa per ottenere un vantaggio materiale, seguendo un corso di azione di tipo razionale. Pur tenendo conto del fatto che a questa fattispecie sono ascritti fatti che sotto il profilo sociale sono piuttosto differenziati, la natura di questo reato ne fa forse il principale indicatore delle tendenze della criminalità. Tanto la “piccola” rapina svolta per strada quanto l’azione organizzata che colpisce una banca o che conduce alla presa di ostaggi (“in villa” o per “sequestro lampo”) sono attuate da soggetti (individui o gruppi) inseriti in contesti criminali o comunque con carriere di devianza strutturate

    Investigating last food mile deliveries: A case study approach to identify needs of food delivery demand

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    © 2017 Drawing on the results of a survey carried out in Cagliari (Italy), the paper provides an analysis of the characteristics of food deliveries in urban areas aimed at understanding the needs and expectations of receivers of last mile deliveries of fresh products. In fact, exploring the needs of potential users - who are directly responsible for the success of the scheme - and the characteristics of logistics flows they generate/attract in the city centre is a necessary prerequisite for implementing city logistics measures. The study considers independent retailers within the hotel, restaurants and catering (Ho.Re.Ca.) sector. Based on the delivery characteristics, a classification of commercial activities related to the food chain is provided. The analysis has been developed by means of Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and Cluster analysis. The suitability of city logistics measures to the last food mile is also discussed

    DBMMS: DataBase MultiMedia System: un sistema per la gestione di contenuti culturali su internet

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    Questo documento descrive le modalitĂ  di attuazione e di realizzazione di alcuni tools per la gestione e l’organizzazione di informazioni aggregate nell’ambito di applicazioni su Internet caratterizzate dal possedere natura multimediale. Il sistema software, descritto in questo documento, cerca di offrire all’utente, in maniera assolutamente trasparente, la capacitĂ  di navigare tra informazioni logicamente correlate ed organizzate. Tali informazioni saranno strutturate in maniera da fornire una chiave di lettura logica attraverso raccolte di dati idealmente guidate e mirate. Le informazioni andranno a costituire un unico archivio organizzato secondo particolari criteri, utili per rendere piĂč semplice e logica la fruizione delle risorse che saranno rese disponibili via Web

    De la crise urbaine à la réappropriation du territoire. Mobilisations civiques pour la justice environnementale et alimentaire dans les quartiers défavorisés de Detroit et du Bronx à New York.

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    American cities are still affected by the urban crisis, patent through the existence of low-income inner city neighborhoods, concentrating the urban poor and ethnic minorities. The neighborhoods of Jefferson-Mack in Detroit and Hunts Point in the South Bronx in New York are both considered iconic illustrations of the urban crisis. Yet they have witnessed substantial environmental and food justice activism for two decades. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how grassroots environmental and food practices can be used to improve living conditions for inner city communities.The first section analyzes how these two blighted neighborhoods are products of a structural urban crisis. By using a corpus of urban social geography and urban studies specialized in urban decline and shrinking cities, we demonstrate how the daily lives of residents reveal a “crisis of urban living” rather than an urban crisis, and how noxious uses and pollution as well as limited environmental and food access are key factors triggering grassroots activism.The second section is grounded in a corpus of studies on environmental justice and food justice, in order to explore the role of environmental and food justice activism in these neighborhoods. We defend that the hybridity between environmental, food, social and spatial issues reconfigured grassroots activism.The third section mobilizes a corpus of commons studies to analyze the challenges of reclaiming urban space. By studying the rise of urban agriculture and other environmental amenities, facilitated by the reuse of vacant land, we explore the multiple benefits of community urban space reclamation. Beyond environmental and food benefits, and despite some conflicting issues, reclaiming urban space allows transformative processes to noticeably yet incompletely improve living conditions.Aux États-Unis, les villes connaissent une situation de crise urbaine qui se manifeste par l’existence de quartiers centraux détériorés, concentrant les minorités pauvres. Les quartiers de Jefferson-Mack à Detroit et Hunts Point dans le South Bronx à New York en sont des archétypes. Ils sont pourtant animés, depuis deux décennies, par d’importantes mobilisations civiques, qui se focalisent sur des questions environnementales et alimentaires. Le but de ce travail est d’évaluer le potentiel d’initiatives environnementales et alimentaires à améliorer les conditions de vie des habitants des inner cities.La première partie, en mobilisant un corpus d’études urbaines sur le déclin urbain et les shrinking cities, ainsi que de géographie urbaine et sociale, présente ces quartiers et leurs maux comme les produits d’une crise urbaine structurelle. Nous mettons en évidence que les habitants y subissent une « crise urbaine de l’habiter », dans laquelle les nuisances et les pollutions, ainsi que le manque d’accessibilité aux ressources environnementales et alimentaires, sont déterminants pour comprendre l’essor des mobilisations.La deuxième partie explique le rôle des mobilisations civiques environnementales et alimentaires dans ces quartiers. En nous appuyant sur les corpus de la justice environnementale et de la justice alimentaire, nous démontrons que l’hybridation des questions environnementales, alimentaires, sociales et spatiales a permis une reconfiguration des catalyseurs de l’action collective.La troisième partie analyse les enjeux de la réappropriation du territoire effectuée par les militants, à partir du corpus des commons studies. À travers le cas de l’agriculture urbaine et d’autres pratiques, rendues possibles par la réutilisation d’espaces vacants, nous montrons que la réappropriation collective du territoire procure de multiples bénéfices. Loin d’être cantonnée aux domaines environnementaux et alimentaires, elle permet d’améliorer partiellement – mais non sans heurts – les conditions de l’habiter

    De la crise urbaine à la réappropriation environnementale et alimentaire du territoire

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    RĂ©fĂ©rences de la thĂšsePaddeu F. (2015). De la crise urbaine Ă  la rĂ©appropriation du territoire. Mobilisations civiques pour la justice environnementale et alimentaire dans les quartiers dĂ©favorisĂ©s de Detroit et du Bronx Ă  New York. ThĂšse de doctorat en gĂ©ographie, UniversitĂ© Paris 4. « DĂ©serts alimentaires », « environnements obĂ©sogĂšnes », « quartiers au faible potentiel piĂ©tonnier » – autant de nouvelles maniĂšres de nommer les quartiers dĂ©favorisĂ©s aux États-Unis. Dans ces inner cities, les..

    New Technology and Automation in Freight Transport and Handling Systems

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    This is an evidence review that examines the trends in manufacturing and global supply chains, looking at the international trade, technology and users, and how these may change between now and 2040. The review has been commissioned by the Government Office for Science within the Foresight project. The Foresight Future of Mobility project is run from within the UK Government Office for Science (GO-Science). The Foresight project was launched to try to understand the broad question "What benefits/ opportunities could the transport system of the future provide and what are the implications for Government and society?
