56 research outputs found

    Making a Difference: Culturally Competent Approaches in Nursing Education

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    This program is designed to increase culturalcompetence and awareness for nursing educators regarding ESL and under-represented minority students. Target Audience: Professional nurses, nursing faculty, and otherhealthcare providers. Faculty: Dula F. Pacquiao, EdD, RN, CTN, Professor and Director,Center for Multicultural Education and Research and Practice Universityof Medicine and Dentistry of NJ School of Nursing, Newark, NJ Presentation: 1 hour, 16 minute

    The culture of homosexuality: lessons from Rites de Passage

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    En su trabajo preliminar, «Rites of Passage», Arnold van Gennep (1960) describió tres categorías de ritos con periodos de tiempo sucesivos y distintivos en el tiempo que dura el ritual: separación, margen y agregación. Encontrándose en todas las sociedades, estos ritos acompañan a todo tipo de cambio de lugar, estado, posición social y edad. Estos ritos indican y constituyen transiciones entre estados relativamente fijos o estables (Turner, 1964). La vida de un individuo en una sociedad según van Gennep es una serie de pasajes de un estado a otro p.e. edad u ocupación. La progresión de un grupo a otro está envuelta en ceremonias en las cuales esencialmente su propósito es habilitar a un individuo para pasar de un estado definido a otro igualmente definido. Puesto que la meta es en esencia la misma, los ritos de progresión comparten similitudes en el sentido de que poseen los mismos principios y fines. La vida humana, por ejemplo, está compuesta por una sucesión de etapas predecibles desde el nacimiento, pubertad, matrimonio, paternidad, logros profesionales y muerte.In his seminal work, The Rites of Passage, Arnold van Gennep (1960) described three categories of rituals with successive and distinct moments in ritual time: separation, margin and aggregation. Found in all societies, these rites accompany every change of place, state, social position and age. These rites indicate and constitute transitions between relatively fixed or stable conditions or state (Turner, 1964). The life of an individual in any society according to van Gennep is a series of passages from one state to another i.e. age, occupation. Progression from one group to another are enveloped in ceremonies whose essential purpose is to enable the individual to pass from one defined position to another which is equally well-defined. Since the goal is essentially the same, the rituals of progression share similarities in the sense that they possess the same beginnings and ends. Human life, for instance, is made up of succession of predictable stages from birth, puberty, marriage, parenthood, occupational achievement and death

    Student Experiences With an International Public Health Exchange Project

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    With growing interconnectivity of healthcare systems worldwide and increased immigration, inappropriate cultural and role assumptions are often seen when cultures clash within a country or when there is practice across country boundaries in times of disaster and during international travel. To increase students' multicultural awareness and work experiences abroad, the authors describe a 7-school, 5-country international student exchange project. The authors also share the students' evaluations of their experiences as they are challenged to erase boundaries and embrace nursing across countries. Participating faculty describe the process, challenges, and keys to success found in creating and living this international project. Students involved in the exchange process evaluate the learning opportunities and challenges and the joy of coming together as newfound colleagues and friends

    Embarazo en determinado contexto cultural: estudio realizado entre adolescentes hispanos en una escuela estadounidense

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    El objetivo de este estudio era explorar determinado contexto sociocultural de embarazos entre estudiantes adolescentes de una población hispana en una escuela secundaria de ámbito urbano. Las estrevistas para recoger documentación cualitativa, se realizaron en un grupo de catorce estudiantes de ambos sexos, entre edades de 13 y 18 años. Las entrevistas guiadas, estaban enfocadas a la obtención de percepciones y expectativas de los informantes, con respecto a su propio papel -masculino o femenino-, en las citas, posibles paterno-maternidades, valores familiares y expectativas de todas estas variables. Los resultados indicaron la gran influencia que los varones auctóctonos ejercían en las percepciones y expectativas de los propios adolescentes o por influjo de compañeros. La actividad sexual temprana venía asociada a las expectativas de una relación heterosexual consecuencia de una serie de citas. Los papeles a jugar respecto al género, a las expectativas de citas, resultaban altamente parecidas entre generaciones (entre padres e hijos). Los informantes expresaron preocupación por las dificultades que entraña una posible paterno-maternidad, bien por experiencia propia o a través de otros. Los resultados obtenidos del estudio, aconsejaron la realización de un programa de prevención de embarazo, en dicha escuela, especialmente encaminado a adolescentes hispanos. Los límites del estudio toman en consideración la escasez de la muestra, así como la generalización a la hora de considerar dichos resultados entre este grupo de adolescentes.The purpose of this study was to explore the sociocultural contexts of teenage pregnancy among Hispanic students in an urban vocational high school. Qualitative data through interview was drawn from a group of fourteen students, both males and females who are between the ages of 13-18 years. Guiding questions used for interview focused on informant's perceptions and expectations regarding gender roles, dating and parenting as well as family values and expectations on these variables. Findings indicated the strong influence of indigenous value orientations on teenager's perceptions and expectations of themselves and their peers. Early sexual activity was an associated expectation of dating and heterosexual relationships. Gender roles and dating expectations were consistent between parents and teenagers. Informants showed awareness of difficulties involved with teenage parenting through personal experiences and stories related by others. Results from the study guided the recommendations for the development of the pregnancy prevention program targeting Hispanic teens in the school. Study limitations include the small sample size and limited generalization of findings to this group of teenagers

    "Cultura de los cuidados y género" y posterior debate

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    Jornadas Internacionales de Cultura de los Cuidados. Alicante 14-15 Noviembre 200

    モノ ノ インターネット ニ オケル アンゼン ナ タ ソシキ ロールベース アクセス セイギョ ノ ジツゲン ニ ツイテ

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    Transcultural Nursing and Population Health

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    Contrasting Experiences With Child Health Care Services by Mothers and Professional Caregivers in Transitional Housing

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    The study examined experiences of mothers and health care providers with preventive child health care services using qualitative methods at a primary care clinic located in transitional housing for homeless families in an urban community with predominantly Black American residents. Participants were 20 mothers and 4 health care professionals. Three major domains emerged: (a) the infrastructure of the clinic and health care delivery poses barriers to mothers’ access and use of services for their children; (b) specialized, biomedical-driven care produces fragmented care delivery not responsive to the comprehensive nature of problems of mothers and their children; and (c) organizational strategies for improving access and use of health care services are directed by health care providers’ value orientations. Findings support existence of infrastructural characteristics of the health care system that maintains differential value orientations and power structure, and care delivery processes that are non responsive to racially diverse and poor mothers. © 2004, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved

    Manifestation, Attribution, and Coping With Depression Among Asian Indians From the Perspectives of Health Care Practitioners

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    The study explores cultural influences on depression and care outcomes among Asian Indians with depression. Data were collected from interviews of 23 multidisciplinary mental health professionals and retrospective review of 20 medical records of patients. Findings revealed a major influence of social and cultural context in expression of symptoms, illness attribution, help-seeking behaviors, and communication patterns. Religious beliefs and social stigma attached to mental illness contributed to prolonged denial of condition, difficulty in sharing emotional problems with professional caregivers, and delayed professional intervention. The traditional family hierarchy rooted in age and gender inequality interfered with help-seeking behaviors and adherence to prescribed regimen as well as heightened some family conflicts and hindered family adaptation after migration to the United States. © 2005, Sage Publications. All rights reserved