54 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of a Multi-disciplinary Fitness and Wellness Program for Increasing Readiness and Resiliency in Army Soldiers

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    INTRODUCTION: Structured exercise intervention has been shown to improve overall fitness performance and decrease injury rates in military soldiers. A recent operation order tasked the Holistic Health and Fitness Initiative committee at Fort Riley, Kansas to decrease the number of Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), Body Composition Test failures, and reduce the number of Musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries. To address these concerns a multi-phase, multidisciplinary fitness program [Fit Nation (FN)]was developed. Phase 1 (P1) of FN focused on introduction to exercise and incorporated high-intensity, low-impact aerobic and anaerobic training. Phase 2 (P2) of FN focused on functional resistive strength development. With a current interest in FN’s influence on strength performance, P2 will be reported. METHODS: Following the completion of P1, soldiers were invited to participate in P2. The P2participants consisted of 16 soldiers (14 males, mean±SD: age=23.2±3.2 years; 2 females, 26.5±7.8 years). Originally 19 participants volunteered in P2, however 3 participants were removed due to incomplete data collection. Participants performed a resistance training protocol developed by a certified strength and condition professional for 12 weeks (5 days/week). Pre- and post-test evaluations were performed prior to and after the 12 week protocol. OUTCOMES MEASURED: Pre- and post- measures of sumo deadlift (SUMODL) to evaluate total body strength, back squat (SQ) to determine lower-body strength, and weighted push-ups (PUPW) to examine upper-body strength were performed. Repeated measures ANOVAs were applied to analyze SUMODL, SQ, and PUPWwith an alpha level of p≀0.05 to determine statistical significance. RESULTS:A significant difference in SUMODL, SQ, andPUPWperformance was demonstrated (post-mean±SD:=117.5±28.9kg,115.1±30.6kg,47.0 ±16kg;p≀0.001; p\u3c0.001; p≀0.001) respectively. CONCLUSION: The exercise intervention of P2 of FN has shown beneficial for strength developments of the entire body.This data could provide support for FN as a large-scale operation to improve strength beyond APFTand Body Composition Test failures. However, in its infancy, the long-term influence of FN still requires investigation. The greatest determent of this study was, and continues to be attendance and attrition since active duty soldiers have military assignments and responsibilities such as in-field training and deployment

    Modulation of Gut Microbiota and Neuroprotective Effect of a Yeast‐Enriched Beer

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    Beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage worldwide. It is rich in nutrients, and with its microbial component it could play a role in gut microbiota modulation. Conflicting data are currently available regarding the consequences of alcohol and alcohol‐containing beverages on dementia and age‐associated disorders including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a neurodegeneration characterized by protein aggregation, inflammatory processes and alterations of components of the gut–brain axis. The effects of an unfiltered and unpasteurized craft beer on AD molecular hallmarks, levels of gut hormones and composition of micro/mycobiota were dissected using 3xTg‐AD mice. In addition, to better assess the role of yeasts, beer was enriched with the same Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain used for brewing. The treatment with the yeast‐enriched beer ameliorated cognition and favored the reduction of A(1‐42) and pro‐inflammatory molecules, also contributing to an increase in the concentration of anti‐inflammatory cytokines. A significant improvement in the richness and presence of beneficial taxa in the gut bacterial population of the 3xTg‐AD animals was observed. In addition, the fungal order, Sordariomycetes, associated with gut inflammatory conditions, noticeably decreased with beer treatments. These data demonstrate, for the first time, the beneficial effects of a yeast‐enriched beer on AD signs, suggesting gut microbiota modulation as a mechanism of action

    The structure of sedoheptulose-7-phosphate isomerase from Burkholderia pseudomallei reveals a zinc binding site at the heart of the active site

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    Copyright © 2010 Elsevier. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Molecular Biology. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Molecular Biology, 2010, Vol. 400, Issue 3, pp. 379 – 392 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2010.04.058Heptoses are found in the surface polysaccharides of most bacteria, contributing to structures that are essential for virulence and antibiotic resistance. Consequently, the biosynthetic enzymes for these sugars are attractive targets for novel antibiotics. The best characterized biosynthetic enzyme is GmhA, which catalyzes the conversion of sedoheptulose-7-phosphate into D-glycero-D-manno-heptopyranose-7-phosphate, the first step in the biosynthesis of heptose. Here, the structure of GmhA from Burkholderia pseudomallei is reported. This enzyme contains a zinc ion at the heart of its active site: this ion stabilizes the active, closed form of the enzyme and presents coordinating side chains as a potential acid and base to drive catalysis. A complex with the product demonstrates that the enzyme retains activity in the crystal and thus suggests that the closed conformation is catalytically relevant and is an excellent target for the development of therapeutics. A revised mechanism for the action of GmhA is postulated on the basis of this structure and the activity of B. pseudomallei GmhA mutants

    Allocazione delle risorse per l’attuazione del “Programma dei Lavori Pubblici" per il Triennio 2020-2022 ed “Elenco dei Lavori” 2020.

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    Per l’attuazione degli interventi edilizi dell’Istituto relativamente al triennio 2020-2022 si ù predisposto il quadro di dettaglio delle risorse che sono state rese disponibili per tale scopo, con riferimento alla opportuna allocazione delle medesime nel relativo Bilancio di previsione per l’annualità 2021. Il rapporto a tal fine preparato dalla struttura tecnica denominata “Tavolo Tecnico Permanente per il Patrimonio Immobiliare e i Lavori Pubblici”, ù stato redatto sulla scorta degli approfondimenti tecnici ed amministrativi compiuti in fase di istruttoria sulle richieste formulate dalle Strutture di ricerca ubicate su tutto il territorio nazionale, costituenti il quadro generale delle esigenze

    Relazione tecnica e tabella contenente gli importi, le coordinate di bilancio di provenienza e di destinazione nonchĂ© le “Strutture di Ricerca” destinatarie dei fondi di cui allo “Elenco dei lavori” per l’anno 2020 del “Programma triennale dei lavori pubblici 2020-2022” approvato con Delibera del 31 marzo 2021, numero 14.

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    Il presente rapporto tecnico si pone l’obiettivo di individuare gli importi da destinare alle “Strutture di ricerca” di cui allo “elenco dei lavori” per l’anno 2020 del “Programma triennale lavori pubblici 2020-2022” approvato con delibera del 31 marzo 2021, numero 14 con le relative coordinate di bilancio sia di provenienza che di destinazione secondo quanto previsto con riferimento al Decreto 25 gennaio 2019, “Aggiornamento dell’allegato 1 del Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 4 ottobre 2013, numero 132 “Piano dei conti integrato”, ai sensi dell’articolo 5 del medesimo D.P.R. e del comma 4, articolo 4 del Decreto Legislativo 31 maggio 2011, numero 91”

    I Lavori Pubblici nello “Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica” nel triennio 2020 - 2022. Adozione dello schema di “Programma Triennale Lavori Pubblici dello "Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica" Triennio 2020-2022, "Elenco dei Lavori” per l’anno 2020, ed “Elenco degli interventi sotto 100 mila euro”.

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    Il rapporto tecnico contiene approfondimenti ai fini della adozione del “Programma Triennale dei Lavori Pubblici 2020 – 2022”, nella sua articolazione annuale e triennale, volto alla riqualificazione, gestione, recupero, attraverso una attenta e corretta programmazione, dell’ingente patrimonio immobiliare dell’Ente, caratterizzato prevalentemente da strutture di grande pregio storico, artistico, scientifico e paesaggistico. Il documento ha inoltre la finalità di definire gli interventi da inserire nello “Schema di Programma Triennale dei Lavori Pubblici 2020-2022", in particolare nell’“Elenco dei Lavori” per l’anno 2020, selezionati in considerazione delle priorità stabilite per Legge in relazione alle disponibilità economiche autonome delle Strutture di Ricerca e della proposta di assegnazione dei fondi destinati ad interventi di edilizia nel Bilancio dell’Ente avanzata dal “Tavolo Tecnico Permanente per il Patrimonio Immobiliare e i Lavori Pubblici”

    Rilevamento geologico-strutturale lungo la Linea di Belluno nella zona di Monte Piad (Provincia di Belluno)

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    Il prodotto principale del lavoro Ăš la Carta Geologica alla scala 1:5.000 che ha portato un avanzamento delle conoscenze nella zona in esame. Dal punto di vista stratigrafico il Gruppo dei Calcari Grigi Ăš stato suddiviso nelle formazioni giĂ  distinte nei Fogli CARG Tione, MalĂš, Trento e Asiago: la Formazione di Monte Zugna, Fm. Di Loppio, Fm. Di Rotzo, Fm. Di Grigno. È stato possibile anche rilevare e cartografare l’Oolite di S. Vigilio, anche detta Encrinite di Monte Agaro, con uno spessore di circa 5 m sino alla zona di Sass de Falares, cioĂš piĂč ad est di quanto noto in letteratura. E’ stato osservato che la Linea di Belluno non Ăš un piano unico, ma comprende altre due faglie: la Linea di Monte Piad che consiste in una faglia inversa che taglia in cerniera l’Anticlinale del Monte Coppolo, e poco a sud la Linea di Sasso Falares che rappresenta la faglia che ha generato la piega per propagazione di faglia del Coppolo, e proseguendo poi verso l’alto ha tagliato tutta la piega emergendo in superficie. In tal modo si forma il duplex di Sasso Falares, arrangiato in una blanda coppia anticinale-sinclinale tipica della geometria di queste strutture, che risulta delimitato a nord dalla linea omonima e a sud dalla L. di Belluno s.s. che si incontrano a quota circa 700 m. Si Ăš potuta anche ricostruire la cinematica del piano principale del thrust di Belluno studiando l’affioramento eccezionale messo a nudo di recente. Gli assi degli sforzi, agenti in compressione, ricostruiti tramite l’analisi meso-strutturale, testimoniano una compressione orientata NNW-SSE, correlabile con l’Evento Valsuganese del Serravalliano-Tortoniano, legato ad un asse compressivo N340 che rappresenta l’evento principale nella regione sudalpina. Anche l’Evento compressivo del Cattiano-Burdigalliano con asse N30 ed una compressione orientata circa E-W correlabile con l’Evento Scledense del Messiniano-Pliocene risultano dall’analisi strutturale

    Lo scenario

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    Applied physiological investigations of the structure and mechanics of the muscle-tendon complex in conjunction with associated neuromuscular performance

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and HealthRyan M. ThieleJ. Phillip VardimanThe primary objective of the investigations presented here were to examine muscle-tendon complex variables with corresponding neuromuscular performance variables. In total, three completed studies are contained within this body of work, employing noninvasive methods of ultrasound (US) and myotonometry (MYO), as well as postural stability (BAL) to explore the roles and relationships of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and Achilles tendon (AT). Study 1 was developed to identify intra-rater reliability in measurements of MG thickness (MGT), cross-sectional area (CSA), and echo intensity (EI) using two US imaging techniques (B-mode and panoramic) compared with measurements of the same variables between each technique. Findings supported that B-mode and panoramic US imaging are reliable techniques for assessing MG MGT, CSA, and EI (ICC: 0.699-0.999; SEM%: 0.839-5.324%). Good correlations were found between B-mode and Panoramic (r = 0.791-0.892, p = 0.013-0.001), demonstrating that the two techniques might be interchangeable when assessing MGT and EI. No differences were observed between the techniques (B-mode and Panoramic) when measuring EI (p = 0.174-0.828) and MGT (p = 0.185). Study 2 was designed to explore gender differences in the free AT structure (CSA, tendon thickness [TT], and EI) utilizing B-mode and panoramic US imaging techniques. Results of this investigation demonstrated good to excellent reliability for imaging (ICC = 0.840-0.985, SEM% = 1.96-12.01%). Additionally, only tendon quality (measured as EI) was observed to be gender-dependent (p = 0.001). Study 3 was designed to explore the relationship between structural (CSA, TT, MGT, EI) and passive mechanical properties (stiffness and elasticity) of the musculotendinous junction of the MG and AT; and how those properties may be related to postural stability performance in young adult males. Findings supported that select MG structures were associated with passive mechanical properties of the AT with significantly high correlations found between MG CSA and AT elasticity (r = 0.773, p = 0.015), MGT and AT elasticity (r = 0.717, p = 0.030). Additionally, a significantly high negative correlation was observed between TT and MG EI (r = -0.770, p = 0.015). A single muscle-tendon complex property was associated with one postural stability variable, MGT and Anterior-Posterior Index (API) demonstrated a significantly high, negative relationship (r = -0.747, p = 0.021). Finally, a culminating project has been developed to identify mechanical properties (stiffness and elasticity) of the muscle-tendon complex of the knee extensors to provide a timeline of mechanical decay in conjunction with neuromuscular performance across a series of eccentric contractions, and whether age influences the onset of mechanical and neuromuscular alterations. This study will include US imaging and MYO of the rectus femoris (RF) muscle and the patellar tendon (PT) prior to, during, and after an acute bout of 10×10 maximal, voluntary eccentric contractions on an isokinetic dynamometer at a speed of 60°➱sˉÂč. In addition to muscular structure and passive mechanics, this study will also incorporate surface electromyography (EMG) of the RF to identify and record electrical activity and neuromuscular characteristics (peak torque [PT;Nm], rate of torque development [RTD;N·m·sˉÂč], and electromechanical delay [EMD;ms]) throughout the acute eccentric contractions. Pilot data collected and analyzed following a short, acute drop jump exercise with healthy, college age males and females demonstrated a significant interaction for time*tissue, with pre-exercise RF stiffness (N/m) increasing following exercise (p = 0.027). Pilot data also demonstrated PT stiffness was greater than RF stiffness (p = 0.001)
