224 research outputs found

    Nanoseismic monitoring for detection of rockfalls. Experiments in quarry areas

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    Le frane per crollo da ammassi rocciosi fratturati sono tra i processi di instabilità gravitativa che più frequentemente interessano opere antropiche quali tagli su versanti naturali o artificiali, pareti di cava, trincee stradali, autostradali o ferroviarie, sia per ciò che attiene le aree di distacco che per quelle di accumulo. Nell’ambito dell’applicazione di sistemi di early warning per la gestione del rischio geologico legato a queste tipologie di frana, una sperimentazione della tecnica del monitoraggio nanosismometrico è stata effettuata presso due siti estrattivi non più in attività: le “Pirrere” della Baia di Cala Rossa sull’isola di Favignana (Trapani), in Sicilia, e la cava dismessa di Acuto (Frosinone), in Italia Centrale. Il monitoraggio nanosismometrico è una tecnica di indagine che consente di individuare e localizzare deboli eventi sismici, fino a magnitudo locale (ML) nell’ordine di -3, attraverso l’impiego di quattro sensori sismometrici disposti secondo una specifica geometria di array detta SNS (Seismic Navigation System). Nel presente lavoro, mediante il software NanoseismicSuite sono stati analizzati 73 eventi di crollo indotti artificialmente attraverso la caduta controllata di blocchi di roccia nei due siti estrattivi abbandonati; sono stati lanciati, simulando fenomeni di rockfalls, rispettivamente 47 blocchi di roccia nella cava di Acuto e 26 eventi in quattro diverse cave a cielo aperto presenti nel settore occidentale di Cala Rossa. Tali eventi, avendo punto epicentrale noto, hanno permesso di determinare il miglior modello di sottosuolo in termini di valori di velocità delle onde P ed S attraverso un’operazione di back analysis. L’analisi è stata, infatti, effettuata variando i valori di velocità e scegliendo quelli relativi all’epicentro teorico ottenuto dall’analisi dell’evento che fosse il più vicino possibile al punto reale di impatto del blocco di roccia. Al fine di valutare la sensibilità della geometria dell’array SNS e l’influenza del sito di installazione sulla capacità di individuare e localizzare gli eventi, le sperimentazioni sono state condotte sia variando il raggio di apertura che la zona di installazione degli array: presso Acuto le acquisizioni di segnale sono state condotte prima con un array SNS con apertura di 20 m e successivamente con un array di apertura 10 m, mentre presso Cala Rossa l’array è stato installato alternativamente all’aperto in un’area di plateau roccioso ed in una galleria facente parte dell’area di cava abbandonata. Analizzando i dati si è ottenuta una precisione dell’ubicazione epicentrale compresa tra il 10 ed il 22% della distanza che intercorre tra la sorgente e l’array nanosismometrico. Il miglior modello di sottosuolo ottenuto per entrambi i casi di studio è risultato avere una velocità delle onde P pari a 900 m/s ed un rapporto VP/VS pari a 1.73, valori in accordo con le condizioni di intenso stato di fratturazione delle rocce carbonatiche affioranti nelle due zone di cava. Per gli eventi di crollo indotti la magnitudo ML è risultata essere compresa tra -2.8 e -1.3; considerando l’energia sviluppata dall’impatto, legata alla massa del blocco ed all’altezza e alla velocità di caduta, non è stato possibile definire una relazione tra magnitudo ed energia, probabilmente a causa delle differenti caratteristiche del punto di impatto dei diversi blocchi. In generale, si è osservato che la precisione di ubicazione degli eventi, in termini di azimuth e distanza dal reale epicentro, è risultata paragonabile sia variando l’apertura dell’array che variando il sito di installazione. Per il sito sperimentale di Acuto, il processo di picking manuale del tempo di primo arrivo delle onde P è risultato essere più affidabile nel caso di array con apertura pari a 10 m. La sperimentazione effettuata a Cala Rossa ha permesso, invece, di osservare una migliore capacità di individuazione degli eventi nelle tracce relative all’array posizionato in galleria a causa della minore rumorosità di base del sito di installazione. Tra le registrazioni sismometriche sono state identificate varie tipologie di segnali, oltre a quelli generati dal lancio dei blocchi, alcune riconducibili ad eventi naturali di crollo altre a deboli terremoti. L’analisi dei segnali riferibili alla prima tipologia di eventi naturali, effettuata tenendo in considerazione i modelli di sottosuolo precedentemente calibrati, ha portato all’identificazione in ambedue i siti di aree aventi maggiore suscettibilità a frane per crollo. In definitiva, si può ritenere che i risultati ottenuti in questo studio siano incoraggianti rispetto all’efficacia della tecnica di monitoraggio nanosismometrico nell’individuazione e nell’ubicazione di fenomeni di crollo in roccia e portano a ritenere questa tecnica potenzialmente applicabile in aree in cui tali eventi possono interferire con infrastrutture antropiche.In the frame of early warning and risk mitigation studies for landslide processes involving rock masses, two quarry areas (Cala Rossa Bay in Sicily and Acuto in Central Italy) were monitored with SNS (Seismic Navigation System) arrays. In this study, 73 rockfalls were simulated by launches of rock blocks. This allowed to perform a back analysis for defining the best seismic velocity model of the subsoil half-space; the records related to each impact caused by the rock block launch were managed by the nanoseismic monitoring approach, varying the velocity model to obtain a theoretical epicentre as close as possible to the actual location of the impact point. In order to evaluate the sensibility of the SNS array, the results obtained by different array apertures and positions were compared in terms of azimuth and distance error with respect to the real epicentres. On the other hand, several natural rockfalls were detected; their analysis allowed to identify areas having higher susceptibility to rockfalls by using the previously calibrated subsoil half-space model. Further studies are required to better define the areas prone to rockfall generation in the considered test sites; nevertheless, the here obtained results show an encouraging perspective about the application of the nanoseismic monitoring with respect to vulnerable infrastructures in rockfall prone areas

    'First, do no harm': the role of negative emotions and moral disengagement in understanding the relationship between workplace aggression and misbehavior

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    Workplace aggression is a critical phenomenon particularly in the healthcare sector, where nurses are especially at risk of bullying and third-party aggression. While workplace aggression has been frequently examined in relation to health problems, less is known about the possible negative impact such aggression may have on the (un)ethical behavior of victims. Our research aims to fill this gap. Drawing on literature on counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and the social-cognitive literature on aggression we investigated in two independent studies (NStudy1 = 439; NStudy2 = 416), the role of negative emotions - in particular anger, fear, and sadness, - and of moral disengagement (MD) in the paths between workplace aggression, CWB and health symptoms. The focus on these relationships is rooted in two reasons. First, misbehavior at work is a pervasive phenomenon worldwide and second, little research has been conducted in the healthcare sector on this type of behavior despite the potential importance of the issue in this context. We empirically tested our hypotheses considering a specific form of workplace aggression in each study: workplace bullying or third-party aggression. Results from the two empirical studies confirm the hypotheses that being target of workplace aggression (bullying or third-party aggression) is not only associated with health symptoms but also with misbehavior. In addition, the results of structural equation modeling attest the importance of examining specific discrete negative emotions and MD for better understanding misbehavior at work. In particular, this research shows for the first time that anger, fear, and sadness, generally aggregated into a single dimension, are indeed differently associated with MD, misbehavior and health symptoms. Specifically, in line with the literature on discrete emotions, while sadness is only associated with health symptoms, anger and fear are related to both health and misbehavior

    Non-Perturbative Renormalisation of Composite Operators

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    It is shown that the renormalisation constants of two quark operators can be accurately determined (to a precision of a few per-cent using 18 gluon configurations) using Chiral Ward identities. A method for computing renormalisation constants of generic composite operators without the use of lattice perturbation theory is proposed.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript file, to appear in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Dallas, Texas, 12-17 October 1993, Southampton Preprint 93/94-0

    Crashworthiness of a composite bladder fuel tank for a tilt rotor aircraft

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    The fulfilment of the crash is a demanding requirement for a Tiltrotor. Indeed, such a kind of aircraft, being a hybrid between an airplane and a helicopter, inherits the requirements mainly from helicopters (EASA CS 29) due to its hovering ability. In particular, the fuel storage system must be designed in such a manner that it is crash resistant, under prescribed airworthiness requirements, in order to avoid the fuel leakage during such an event, preventing fire and, thus, increasing the survival chances of the crew and the passengers. The present work deals with the evaluation of crashworthiness of the fuel storage system of a Tiltrotor (bladder tank), and, in particular, it aims at describing the adopted numerical approach and some specific results. Crash resistance requirements are considered from the earliest design stages, and for this reason they are mainly addressed from a numerical point of view and by simulations that treat both single components and small/medium size assemblies. The developed numerical models include all the main parts needed for simulating the structural behavior of the investigated wing section: the tank, the structural components of the wing, the fuel sub-systems (fuel lines, probes, etc.) and the fuel itself. During the crash event there are several parts inside the tanks that can come into contact with the tank structure; therefore, it is necessary to evaluate which of these parts can be a damage source for the tank itself and could generate fuel loss. The SPH approach has been adopted to discretise fuel and to estimate the interaction forces with respect to the tank structure. Experimental data were used to calibrate the fuel tank and foam material models and to define the acceleration time-history to be applied. Thanks to the optimized foam’s configuration, the amount of dissipated impact energy is remarkable, and the evaluation of tanks/fuel system stress distribution allows estimating any undesired failure due to a survivable crash event

    A Lattice Study of the Gluon Propagator in Momentum Space

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    We consider pure glue QCD at beta=5.7, beta=6.0 and beta=6.3. We evaluate the gluon propagator both in time at zero 3-momentum and in momentum space. From the former quantity we obtain evidence for a dynamically generated effective mass, which at beta=6.0 and beta=6.3 increases with the time separation of the sources, in agreement with earlier results. The momentum space propagator G(k) provides further evidence for mass generation. In particular, at beta=6.0, for k less than 1 GeV, the propagator G(k) can be fit to a continuum formula proposed by Gribov and others, which contains a mass scale b, presumably related to the hadronization mass scale. For higher momenta Gribov's model no longer provides a good fit, as G(k) tends rather to follow an inverse power law. The results at beta=6.3 are consistent with those at beta=6.0, but only the high momentum region is accessible on this lattice. We find b in the range of three to four hundred MeV and the exponent of the inverse power law about 2.7. On the other hand, at beta=5.7 (where we can only study momenta up to 1 GeV) G(k) is best fit to a simple massive boson propagator with mass m. We argue that such a discrepancy may be related to a lack of scaling for low momenta at beta=5.7. {}From our results, the study of correlation functions in momentum space looks promising, especially because the data points in Fourier space turn out to be much less correlated than in real space.Comment: 19 pages + 12 uuencoded PostScript picture

    Effects of Oral Administration of Lepidium meyenii on Morphology of Mice Testis and Motility of Epididymal Sperm Cells After Tetrahydrocannabinol Exposure

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    Background: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) administration is associated with testicular damage and reduced semen quality. Oral administration of Lepidium Meyenii (maca) improves spermatogenesis and sperm motility and count and reduces spermatogenic damage. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of administration of THC, maca, and their combination on testicular tissue and semen parameters. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six-week-old male mice were classified into control, THC, Maca, and THC + Maca groups. The mice were subjected to Eco Color Doppler ultrasound examination of the testicles before and after treatment. After euthanasia, the epididymis, testes, liver, and kidney were collected for histological examination. For morphometry of the testis, tubular diameters and seminiferous epithelium height were measured. Sperm concentration and sperm motilities were assessed. Differences among the groups were assessed using the Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn's post-hoc test. Results: In all the groups, there were no significant changes in testicular morphology before and after treatment. Histological assessment of the testes showed no alterations in control, no significant alterations in Maca, mild to moderate alterations in THC, and mild alterations in THC + Maca groups. Histological examination of the other organs showed no significant differences among the groups. Tubular diameter showed significantly increased thickening for THC and THC + Maca compared with that for Maca and control. Moreover, seminiferous epithelium height decreased for THC compared with that in the control, Maca, and THC + Maca groups. No statistically significant reduction in the spermatogenic index was observed for THC compared with that for Maca and THC + Maca. Epididymal cross-sections of the groups showed no significant alterations. Sperm concentration and motility were higher for control and THC + Maca groups than in group THC and Maca. Conclusion: In vivo maca administration reduced the deleterious effect of THC on testicular parenchyma and semen production

    The Kaon B-parameter with the Wilson Quark Action using Chiral Ward Identities

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    A lattice QCD calculation of the kaon BB parameter BKB_K is carried out with the Wilson quark action in the quenched approximation at β=6/g2=5.96.5\beta=6/g^2=5.9-6.5. The mixing problem of the Δs=2\Delta s=2 four-quark operators is solved non-perturbatively with full use of chiral Ward identities employing four external quarks with an equal off-shell momentum in the Landau gauge. This method, without invoking any effective theory, enables us to construct the weak four-quark operators exhibiting good chiral behavior. Our results for BKB_K with the non-perturbative mixing coefficients show small scaling violation beyond the lattice cut-off a12.5a^{-1}\sim 2.5 GeV. Our estimate concludes BK(NDR,2GeV)=0.69(7)B_K(NDR, 2 GeV)=0.69(7) at a1=2.74.3a^{-1}=2.7-4.3GeV, which agrees with the value obtained with the Kogut-Susskind quark action. For comparison we also calculate BKB_K with one-loop perturbative mixing coefficients. While this yields incorrect values at finite lattice spacing, a linear extrapolation to the continuum limit as a function of aa leads to a result consistent with those obtained with the Ward identity method.Comment: 42 pages, 22 Postscript figures, added a new reference[26

    Heavy Quark Spectroscopy and Matrix Elements: A Lattice Study using the Static Approximation

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    We present results of a lattice analysis of the BB parameter, BBB_B, the decay constant fBf_B, and several mass splittings using the static approximation. Results were obtained for 60 quenched gauge configurations computed at β=6.2\beta=6.2 on a lattice size of 243×4824^3\times48. Light quark propagators were calculated using the O(a)O(a)-improved Sheikholeslami-Wohlert action. We find \Bbstat(m_b) = 0.69\er{3}{4} {\rm(stat)}\er{2}{1} {\rm(syst)}, corresponding to \Bbstat = 1.02\er{5}{6}\er{3}{2}, and \fbstat = 266\err{18}{20}\err{28}{27} \mev, f_{B_s}^2 B_{B_s}/f_B^2 B_B = 1.34\er{9}{8}\er{5}{3}, where a variational fitting technique was used to extract \fbstat. For the mass splittings we obtain M_{B_s}-M_{B_d} = 87\err{15}{12}\err{6}{12} \mev, M_{\Lambda_b}-M_{B_d} = 420\errr{100}{90}\err{30}{30} \mev and M_{B^*}^2-M_B^2 = 0.281\err{15}{16}\err{40}{37} \gev^2. We compare different smearing techniques intended to improve the signal/noise ratio. From a detailed assessment of systematic effects we conclude that the main systematic uncertainties are associated with the renormalisation constants relating a lattice matrix element to its continuum counterpart. The dependence of our findings on lattice artefacts is to be investigated in the future.Comment: 40 pages, uuencoded compressed tar file, containing one LaTeX file and 14 postscript files (to be included with epsf). Minor change in the value of the B parameter. Contains corrected value for the B*-B mass splitting. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.