97 research outputs found

    Laboratory enhancements to improve human nutrition : CIAT final report to Monsanto Fund

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    Prevention of birth defects in East Africa: A review of national policies

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    Close to 8 million children are born annually with a serious birth defect, accounting for 5% of all newborn deaths globally. Many birth defects are  associated with folic acid insufficiency, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), teenage or advanced age pregnancies, short birth intervals, and exposure to harmful substances. The majority of countries with the highest birth defects prevalence are in Africa, and the East African Community has made important commitments to improving reproductive, child, and adolescent health and nutrition. The aim of this review was to identify the advances and gaps in national policies addressing birth defect risk factors in the East African Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda) in order to inform additional actions. National laws, regulations and policies were reviewed from the East African Community countries related to grain fortification and supplementation with folic acid; reducing too-early, unwanted and rapid successive pregnancies; and addressing NCDs and exposure to tobacco. All five countries have adopted a policy of mandatory folic acid fortification of wheat and maize flour. However, only in Kenya and Tanzania, are the folic acid levels in line with international recommendations. And, only Uganda has a policy requiring folic acid supplementation administration in the preconceptional period. The East African Community countries have made efforts to reduce too-early, unwanted and rapid successive pregnancies. All countries have banned child marriage and three of five countries have introduced laws to allow  unrestricted access to contraception for adolescents. With regards to promoting prevention and control of NCDs and reducing populations’ exposure, compliance with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines is limited. Only two countries have developed multi-sectoral policies for NCDs and no countries comply fully with the recommendations of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Much work remains in ensuring  that opportunities for prevention of birth defects are fully realized in the East African Community countries. This review revealed that all countries in the East African Community have, to some extent, adopted policies that are conducive to reducing the risk of birth defects in the region, but significant gaps remain in some key areas of either policy development or implementation. Key words: Congenital abnormalities, Folic acid, Family planning services, Child marriage, Non-communicable Disease

    Identifying candidate sites for crop biofortification in Latin America: case studies in Colombia, Nicaragua and Bolivia

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    BACKGROUND: Agricultural science can address a population's vitamin, amino acid and mineral malnutrition through biofortification - agronomy, plant breeding and biotechnology to develop crops with high nutrient contents. Biofortified crop varieties should be grown in areas with populations at risk of nutrient deficiency and in areas where the same crop is already grown and consumed. Information on the population at risk of nutrient deficiency is rarely available for sub-national administrative units, such as provinces, districts, and municipalities. Nor is this type of information commonly analyzed with data on agricultural production. This project developed a method to identify populations at risk of nutrient deficiency in zones with high crop production, places where biofortification interventions could be targeted. RESULTS: Nutrient deficiency risk data were combined with crop production and socioeconomic data to assess the suitability of establishing an intervention. Our analysis developed maps of candidate sites for biofortification interventions for nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Results for Colombia, Nicaragua, and Bolivia are presented in this paper. Interventions in northern Colombia appear promising for all crops, while sites for bean biofortification are widely scattered throughout the country. The most promising sites in Nicaragua are found in the center-north region. Candidate sites for biofortification in Bolivia are found in the central part of the country, in the Andes Mountains. The availability and resolution of data limits the analysis. Some areas show opportunities for biofortification of several crops, taking advantage of their spatial coincidence. Results from this analysis should be confirmed by experts or through field visits. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates a method for identifying candidate sites for biofortification interventions. The method evaluates populations at risk of nutrient deficiencies for sub-national administrative regions, and provides a reasonable alternative to more costly, information-intensive approaches

    Food intake patterns among women in rural South Haiti

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    Un esquema conceptual para identificar localidades con poblaciones en riesgo de anemia y desnutrición crónica

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    Datos nacionales e incluso departamentales de anemia y desnutrición crónica se recolectan con periodicidad. Es raro encontrar datos a nivel municipal del estado nutricional de una población, información necesaria para focalizar intervenciones. Un esquema conceptual se desarrolló, aplicó y válido. Datos bioquímicos (prevalencia departamental de hemoglobina infantil < 11 g/dL), antropométricos (prevalencia departamental de talla/edad infantil < -2 Desviación Estándar) y socioeconómicos (a nivel municipal, índice de intensidad de pobreza ó población bajo la línea de pobreza extrema) se usaron para identificar localidades con riesgo de presentar anemia y desnutrición crónica, en 11 países latinoamericanos. En un sistema de información geográfica, se unificaron datos nutricionales y socioeconómicos a un mismo formato espacial, que representaba una localidad en un determinado departamento de un país. Se ubicaron aquellas localidades donde coincidían alta desnutrición (anemia o crónica) y pobreza. Para la desnutrición crónica, hubo una alta relación de localidades identificadas con el esquema, al compararlas con datos recolectados a nivel municipal (= 66%), mas no cuando se comparó con un método estadístico (0%). Este esquema articulado a un software de mapeo facilitó la identificación de localidades con poblaciones en riesgo a anemia y desnutrición crónica. Es importante validar el esquema con estudios de campo

    The Fallacy of Using Administrative Data in Assessing the Effectiveness of Food Fortification. Comment on: "Folic Acid Fortification and Neural Tube Defect Risk: Analysis of the Food Fortification Initiative Dataset. Nutrients 2020, 12, 247".

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    Our objective in this comment is to highlight several limitations in an ecological research study that was published in Nutrients by Murphy and Westmark (2020) in January 2020. The study used data from the Food Fortification Initiative (FFI) website, and applying an ecological study design, made an error of "ecologic fallacy" in concluding that "national fortification with folic acid is not associated with a significant decrease in the prevalence of neural tube defects (NTDs) at the population level". We list study limitations that led to their erroneous conclusions, stemming from incorrect considerations regarding NTD prevalence, the average grain availability for a country, the fortification coverage in a country, the population reach of fortified foods within a country, and the absence of the consideration of fortification type (voluntary vs. mandatory), country-specific policies on elective terminations for NTD-affected pregnancies, stillbirth proportions among those with NTDs, and fortification implementation. FFI data are derived from many sources and intended for fortification advocacy, not for hypothesis testing. The flawed study by Murphy & Westmark (2020) in Nutrients promotes a confusing and incorrect message to stakeholders, misguides policy makers, and hinders progress in global NTD prevention through a cost-effective, safe, and effective intervention: the mandatory large-scale folic acid fortification of staple foods

    Most national, mandatory flour fortification standards do not align with international recommendations for iron, zinc, and vitamin B12 levels

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    Abstract As national flour fortification standards are one of the policy documents developed to guide food fortification, the objective was to compare national, mandatory wheat and maize flour fortification standards to World Health Organization (WHO) fortification guidelines. For each nutrient in 72 countries' standards, the type of compound was noted as 'yes' if it was included in international guidelines or 'no' if it was not. Nutrient levels in standards were classified as lower than, equal to, or higher than those suggested by WHO. If another food (i.e. rice, oil, milk) was mass fortified with a nutrient categorized as "lower than," the classification was changed to "less than recommendation and included in other mass fortified food". At least 61% of standards included one or more recommended compounds for all nutrients in standards for wheat flour alone (iron, folic acid, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin B12,), wheat and maize flour together (iron, folic acid, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin B12) and maize flour alone (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine); no country included pantothenic acid in its maize flour standard. For folic acid, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine, at least 50% of standards (1) met or exceeded WHO suggested levels, or (2) were lower than suggested levels and another food was mass fortified with the specific nutrient in the country. For iron, zinc and vitamin B12, less than 50% of standards met (1) or (2). In conclusion, iron, zinc and vitamin B12 may require the most attention in national fortification standards