901 research outputs found

    Effect of kinetic resonances on the stability of Resistive Wall Mode in Reversed Field Pinch

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    The kinetic effects, due to the mode resonance with thermal particle drift motions in the reversed field pinch (RFP) plasmas, are numerically investigated for the stability of the resistive wall mode, using a non-perturbative MHD-kinetic hybrid formulation. The kinetic effects are generally found too weak to substantially change the mode growth rate, or the stability margin, re-enforcing the fact that the ideal MHD model is rather adequate for describing the RWM physics in RFP experiments.Comment: Submitted to: Plasma Phys. Control. Fusio

    An active feedback recovery technique from disruption events induced by m=2 n=1 tearing modes in ohmically heated tokamak plasmas

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    We present experimental results of magnetic feedback control on the m=2, n=1 tearing mode in RFX-mod operated as a circular ohmically heated tokamak. The feedback suppression of the non-resonant m=2, n=1 Resistive Wall Mode (RWM) in q(a)<2 plasmas is a well-established result of RFX-mod. The control of the tearing counterpart, which develops in q(a)>2 equilibrium, is instead a more difficult issue. In fact, the disruption induced by a growing amplitude m=2, n=1 tearing mode can be prevented by feedback only when the resonant surface q=2 is close to the plasma edge, namely 2<q(a)<2.5, and the electron density does not exceed approximately half of the Greenwald limit. A combined technique of tearing mode and q(a) control has been therefore developed to recover the discharge from the most critical conditions: the potentially disruptive tearing mode is converted into the relatively benign RWM by suddenly decreasing q(a) below 2. The experiments demonstrate the concept with 100% of successful cases. The q(a) control has been performed through the plasma current, given the capability of the toroidal loop-voltage power supply of RFX-mod. We also propose a path for controlling q(a) by acting on the plasma shape, which could be applied to medium size elongated tokamaks

    Statistical features of edge turbulence in RFX-mod from Gas Puffing Imaging

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    Plasma density fluctuations in the edge plasma of the RFX-mod device are measured through the Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostics. Statistical features of the signal are quantified in terms of the Probability Distribution Function (PDF), and computed for several kinds of discharges. The PDFs from discharges without particular control methods are found to be adequately described by a Gamma function, consistently with the recent results by Graves et al [J.P. Graves, et al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, L1 (2005)]. On the other hand, pulses with external methods for plasma control feature modified PDFs. A first empirical analysis suggests that they may be interpolated through a linear combination of simple functions. An inspection of the literature shows that this kind of PDFs is common to other devices as well, and has been suggested to be due to the simultaneous presence of different mechanisms driving respectively coherent bursts and gaussian background turbulence. An attempt is made to relate differences in the PDFs to plasma conditions such as the local shift of the plasma column. A simple phenomenological model to interpret the nature of the PDF and assign a meaning to its parameters is also developed.Comment: 27 pages. Published in PPC

    The Italian open data meteorological portal: MISTRAL

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    At the national level, in Italy, observational and forecast data are collected by various public bodies and are often kept in various small, heterogeneous and non-interoperable repositories, released under different licenses, thus limiting the usability for external users. In this context, MISTRAL (the Meteo Italian SupercompuTing PoRtAL) was launched as the first Italian meteorological open data portal, with the aim of promoting the reuse of meteorological data sets available at national level coverage. The MISTRAL portal provides (and archives) meteorological data from various observation networks, both public and private, and forecast data that are generated and post-processed within the Consortium for Small-scale Modeling-Limited Area Model Italia (COSMO-LAMI) agreement using high performance computing (HPC) facilities. Also incorporated is the Italy Flash Flood use case, implemented with the collaboration of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which exploits cutting edge advances in HPC-based post-processing of ensemble precipitation forecasts, for different model resolutions, and applies those to deliver novel blended-resolution forecasts specifically for Italy. Finally, in addition to providing architectures for the acquisition and display of observational data, MISTRAL also delivers an interactive system for visualizing forecast data of different resolutions as superimposed multi-layer maps
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