3,168 research outputs found

    Adaptive phase-shifting algorithm for temporal phase evaluation

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    Most standard temporal phase-shifting algorithms evaluate the phase by computing a windowed Fourier transform (WFT) of the intensity signal at the carrier frequency of the system. However, displacement of the specimen during image acquisition may cause the peak of the transform to shift away from the carrier frequency, leading to phase errors and even unwrapping failure. We present a novel TPS method that searches for the peak of the WFT and evaluates the phase at that frequency instead of at the carrier frequency. The performance of this method is compared with that of standard algorithms by using numerical simulations. Experimental results from highspeed speckle interferometry studies of carbon fiber panels are also presented

    Depth-resolved whole-field displacement measurement using wavelength scanning interferometry

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    We describe a technique for measuring depth-resolved displacement fields within a 3-dimensional (3-D) scattering medium based on wavelength scanning interferometry. Sequences of 2-dimensional interferograms are recorded whilst the wavelength of the laser is tuned at constant rate. Fourier transformation of the resulting 3-D intensity distribution along the time axis reconstructs the scattering potential within the medium, and changes in the 3-D phase distribution measured between two separate scans provides one component of the 3-D displacement field. The technique is illustrated with a proof-of-principle experiment involving two independently controlled reflecting surfaces. Advantages over the corresponding method based on low coherence interferometry include a depth range unlimited by mechanical scanning devices, and immunity from fringe contrast reduction when imaging through dispersive media

    Tomato fruit carotenoid biosynthesis is adjusted to actual ripening progression by a light-dependent mechanism

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    Carotenoids are isoprenoid compounds that are essential for plants to protect the photosynthetic apparatus against excess light. They also function as health-promoting natural pigments that provide colors to ripe fruit, promoting seed dispersal by animals. Work in Arabidopsis thaliana unveiled that transcription factors of the phytochrome-interacting factor (PIF) family regulate carotenoid gene expression in response to environmental signals (i.e. light and temperature), including those created when sunlight reflects from or passes though nearby vegetation or canopy (referred to as shade). Here we show that PIFs use a virtually identical mechanism to modulate carotenoid biosynthesis during fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). However, instead of integrating environmental information, PIF-mediated signaling pathways appear to fulfill a completely new function in the fruit. As tomatoes ripen, they turn from green to red due to chlorophyll breakdown and carotenoid accumulation. When sunlight passes through the flesh of green fruit, a self-shading effect within the tissue maintains high levels of PIFs that directly repress the master gene of the fruit carotenoid pathway, preventing undue production of carotenoids. This effect is attenuated as chlorophyll degrades, causing degradation of PIF proteins and boosting carotenoid biosynthesis as ripening progresses. Thus, shade signaling components may have been co-opted in tomato fruit to provide information on the actual stage of ripening (based on the pigment profile of the fruit at each moment) and thus finely coordinate fruit color change. We show how this mechanism may be manipulated to obtain carotenoid-enriched fruits.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A hybrid approach to determining cornea mechanical properties in vivo using a combination of nano-indentation and inverse finite element analysis

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    An analysis of the material properties of porcine corneas has been performed. A simple stress relaxation test was performed to determine the viscoelastic properties and a rheological model was built based on the Generalized Maxwell (GM) approach. A validation experiment using nano-indentation showed that an isotropic GM model was insufficient for describing the corneal material behaviour when exposed to a complex stress state. A new technique was proposed for determining the properties, using a combination of nano-indentation experiment, an isotropic and orthotropic GM model and inverse finite element method. The good agreement using this method suggests that this is a promising technique for measuring material properties in vivo and further work should focus on the reliability of the approach in practice

    The fascination of a shallow-water theory for the formation of megaflood-scale dunes and antidunes

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    T1 Q1 (2/200 Multidisciplinary Geoscience, IF 2019 = 9.7)Exceptional megaflood-scale bedforms on Earth are commonly associated with the catastrophic draining of glacial lakes in the late Pleistocene. The widest studied events have been the Missoula and Altai floods with 300–700 m flow depth, 1–20 m bedform height and 10–300 m wavelength. Nowadays, the Saint-Venant equations have succeeded at simulating the catastrophic glacial-lake drainage process numerically, but we still lack a depth-averaged morphodynamic theory able to predict the growth of dunes and antidunes. The disparity of spatial scales in megafloods prevents the use of non-depth-averaged rotational flow equations, motivating the present shallow-water theory for the formation of megaflood-scale bedforms. We adopt a non-equilibrium sediment transport equation rooted in Einstein's pioneering work. Here we prove that the bed instability triggers to form dunes and antidunes simply by lagging the entrainment term for sediment mass conservation, or the bottom shear stress, with respect to the depth-averaged flow velocity. We formalise this result using a linear stability theory that captures the existence regions of dune and antidune in addition to the roll wave instability. Furthermore, in the spirit of Kennedy (Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., vol. 1, 1969, pp. 147–168), we derive a closed-form solution of growth rate and wave speed of the bedform. The nondimensional groups controlling the linear instabilities are the Froude number, ℱr, the Shields parameter, Sh, and the grain roughness relative to flow depth, Subsequently, we simulate the drainage of the largest Missoula flood numerically to explain the formation of giant antidunes in the Camas Prairie (Montana, US) during the late stage of the megaflood. Also considered are large fields of gravel dunes in the Kuray-Chuja Lake Basin (Altai Mountains, Siberia). The simulated hydraulic conditions over bedforms in both basins yield values of the nondimensional parameters that lie in the theoretical region of dunes and antidunes according to the proposed theory and in situ measurements in sandy rivers and flume experiments.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN/FEDER, UE) under Grant SEDRETO CGL2015-70736-R. P.C.P. and P.R.J. were supported by the European Social Fund and the University of Jaén. J.D.d.M.E. was supported by the PhD scholarship BES-2016-079117 (MICINN/FSE, UE) from the Spanish National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability (call 2016)

    Measurement of sub-surface delaminations in carbon fibre composites using high-speed phase-shifted speckle interferometry and temporal phase unwrapping

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    A high-speed phase-shifted speckle interferometer has been developed recently for studying dynamic events. Speckle interferograms are continuously recorded by a CCD camera operating at 1 kHz with temporal phase shifting carried out by a Pockels cell running at the same frequency. Temporalphase unwrapping through sequences of more than 1000 frames allows the determination of time-varying absolute displacement maps. This paper presents the application of this speckle interferometry system to the detection and measurement of subsurface delamination defects in carbon fibre specimens. The influence of re-referencing the temporal phase unwrapping algorithm after different time intervals is analysed to reduce the random phase errors produced by speckle decorrelation and vibration. The performance of severalphase-shifting algorithms to minimize the influence of the vibration noise caused by the vacuum pump used to load the specimen is also investigated

    The loss of anisotropy in MgB2 with Sc substitution and its relationship with the critical temperature

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    The electrical conductivity anisotropy of the sigma-bands is calculated for the (Mg,Sc)B2 system using a virtual crystal model. Our results reveal that anisotropy drops with relatively little scandium content (< 30%); this behaviour coincides with the lowering of Tc and the reduction of the Kohn anomaly. This anisotropy loss is also found in the Al and C doped systems. In this work it is argued that the anisotropy, or 2D character, of the sigma-bands is an important parameter for the understanding of the high Tc found in MgB2

    Updated comparison of age estimates from paired calcified structures from Atlantic bluefin tuna

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    In this paper we present an updated comparison of age estimates from otoliths and spines from the same specimen, with the intention to analyze whether it is possible to use both structures in obtaining age-length keys for this species. The agreement between otolith and spine age estimates was good for bluefin tuna younger than 14 years old with less than one year difference. Tests of symmetry showed the asymmetrical distribution of ages. However no significant differences were found between the growth parameters estimated from both paired hard parts. It is suggested using both structures readings for constructing agelength keys for bluefin tuna younger than 14 years.En prensa0,000

    Effects of random vibration in high-speed phase-shifting speckle pattern interferometry

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    The influence of random vibrations on a dynamic phase shifting speckle pattern interferometer, in which phase difference evaluation is performed using temporal phase shifting and temporal phase unwrapping, is investigated by means of experiments and numerical simulations. A well-defined velocity spectral density function, typical of the spectra found under non-vibration-isolated conditions, is used throughout. Five phase-shifting formulae are studied, with camera framing rates (1,2 and 4 kHz) typical of current dynamic speckle pattern interferometers. Two main aspects were evaluated: firstly the unwrapping reliability, and secondly the noise induced in the phase maps by the vibration. The former was found to be a significant constraint, even for peak velocities well below the Nyquist velocity limit of the interferometer, and is therefore likely to be more important than the latter in many applications. Three analytical criteria for determining the expected unwrapping success rate are proposed and their predictions compared with the measured values. It is demonstrated that shorter sampling windows and higher framing rates are preferred in order to increase the unwrapping success rate, but that longer windows reduce the root mean square error in the phase change maps due to the vibration
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