656 research outputs found

    Działalność edukacyjna ośrodków akademickich w koncepcji sustainability

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    Education in the sustainability concept is a young, currently developing trend in the world in the area of sustainable science. The appearance of this concept is the effect of increasing global environmental and social problems. The deteriorating medical condition of our planet is threatening the existence of future generations. Education, respecting principles of balanced development, is supposed to contribute to the creation of a balanced society (sustainable society) which functioning will weaken these negative trends. It is particularly significant that it is implemented in higher education institutions, which graduates - after taking up work - are affecting the functioning of various organizations forming the State and its economy. The balanced education requires the environment-friendly and pro-social transformation of senior staffs of the colleges, their scientific-teaching staff, financial and immaterial Stores and school curricula.Edukacja w koncepcji sustainability to młody, dopiero rozwijający się na świecie nurt w obszarze sustainable science. Pojawienie się tej koncepcji jest skutkiem narastających globalnych problemów ekologicznych i społecznych. Pogarszający się stan zdrowia naszej planety zagraża egzystencji przyszłych pokoleń. Edukacja, respektująca zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju, ma przyczynić się do powstania zrównoważonego społeczeństwa (sustainable society), którego funkcjonowanie osłabi te negatywne trendy. Szczególnie istotne jest jej wdrażanie w szkołach wyższych, których absolwenci - po podjęciu pracy - mają wpływ na działanie różnych organizacji tworzących państwo i jego gospodarkę. Zrównoważona edukacja wymaga proekologicznej i prospołecznej transformacji kadr kierowniczych uczelni, ich personelu naukowo-dydaktycznego, zasobów materialnych i niematerialnych oraz programów nauczania

    Zarządzanie i marketing w szkołach wyższych. Wybrane problemy

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    Starting from the assumption that in respect to management a higher education institution is like other kinds of institutions and entities operating in the national economy, the author discusses activities determining its operating efficiency such as: personnel management, management of plant and working Capital, finances, and teaching and research processes. The article also presents the major kinds of marketing activities that should be undertaken by modern higher education institutions. Attention is also paid to school - community relations.Wychodząc z założenia, iż szkoła wyższa z punktu widzenia zarządzania jest podobna do innego rodzaju instytucji i podmiotów działających w gospodarce narodowej, autor omawia działania warunkujące sprawność jej funkcjonowania, takie jak: zarządzanie personelem, majątkiem trwałym i obrotowym oraz finansami uczelni, a także procesami dydaktycznymi i pracami o charakterze naukowo-badawczym. W artykule przedstawiono również główne rodzaje działań z zakresu marketingu, które powinny być realizowane przez nowocześnie funkcjonującą szkołę wyższą. Skoncentrowano się na podstawowych zagadnieniach relacji uczelni z otoczeniem

    Jakość obsługi studentów w szkołach wyższych

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    Higher education institutions offer services to students whom we may call clients. Since these institutions act on a competitive market they want to have as many clients as possible. In order to attract new clients and keep those whom they have already managed to recruit, they ought to make every effort to satisfy or even delight them with their services. The potential sources of this satisfaction (delight) lie in the quality of didactic services as well as the non-didactic catering for students-to-be, students and ex-students. This article discusses these service targets and the basic conditions which higher education institutions must fulfil if they are to fully satisfy (delight) the student. It also points out the need for marketing research to evaluate actual satisfaction (delight) and their dynamics.Szkoła wyższa świadczy usługi dydaktyczne studentom, których można nazwać jej klientami. Ponieważ działa na konkurencyjnym rynku edukacyjnym, zależy jej, aby tych klientów było jak najwięcej. Aby pozyskać nowych i utrzymać dotychczasowych, uczelnia powinna starać się zadowalać, a nawet zachwycać ich świadczonymi usługami. Potencjalne źródła tego zadowalania (zachwycania) tkwią w sferze usług dydaktycznych oraz w pozadydaktycznej obsłudze studenta przed przyjęciem go do społeczności akademickiej, w trakcie odbywania studiów oraz po ich zakończeniu. W artykule scharakteryzowano wymienione sfery oraz przedstawiono podstawowe warunki, jakie powinna spełnić szkoła wyższa, aby w pełni zadowolić (zachwycić) studiującą młodzież. Podkreślono również konieczność prowadzenia przez uczelnię badań marketingowych określających rzeczywisty stopień tego zadowolenia (zachwycenia) oraz dokonujące się w tym zakresie zmiany

    Promocja szkoły wyższej

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    Effective activity on the education market requires the use of integrated marketing communications. This involves so-called promotion-mix, consisting of the following elements: advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations and personal sales. Each of these offers higher education institutions a broad spectrum of specific resources and tools for influencing potential clients (students and economic entities). An integrated, joint use of these resources and tools, resulting in the emergence of favourable synergetic advantages, is important. The article presents the most important tools of integrated communications between higher education institutions and the market.Efektywne działanie na rynku edukacyjnym wymaga stosowania komunikacji marketingowej o zintegrowanym charakterze. Tworzy ją tzw. promocja mix, złożona z następujących elementów: reklama, marketing bezpośredni, promocja sprzedaży, public relations, sprzedaż osobista. Każda z tych składowych oferuje szkole wyższej bogate spektrum konkretnych środków i narzędzi oddziaływania na potencjalnych klientów (studentów i podmioty gospodarcze). Ważne jest zintegrowane, a więc łączne posługiwanie się nimi, które skutkuje powstawaniem korzystnych efektów synergicznych. W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze narzędzia zintegrowanego komunikowania się uczelni z rynkiem

    Commercial Satellite Imagery as an Evolving Open-Source Verification Technology: Emerging Trends and Their Impact for Nuclear Nonproliferation Analysis

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    One evolving and increasingly important means of verification of a State’s compliance with its international security obligations involves the application of publicly available commercial satellite imagery. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) views commercial satellite imagery as “a particularly valuable open source of information.” In 2001, the IAEA established an in-house Satellite Imagery Analysis Unit (SIAU) to provide an independent capability for "the exploitation of satellite imagery which involves imagery analysis, including correlation/fusion with other sources (open source, geospatial, and third party). Commercial satellite imagery not only supports onsite inspection planning and verification of declared activities,” but perhaps its most important role is that it also “increases the possibility of detecting proscribed nuclear activities.” Analysis of imagery derived from low-earth-orbiting observation satellites has a long history dating to the early 1906s in the midst of the Cold War era. That experience provides a sound basis for effectively exploiting the flood of now publicly available commercial satellite imagery data that is now within reach of anyone with Internet access. This paper provides insights on the process of imagery analysis, together with the use of modern geospatial tools like Google Earth, and highlights a few of the potential pitfalls that can lead to erroneous analytical conclusions. A number of illustrative exemplar cases are reviewed to illustrate how academic researchers (including those within the European Union’s Joint Research Centre) and others in Non-Governmental Organizations are now applying commercial satellite imagery in combination with other open source information in innovative and effective ways for various verification purposes. The international constellation of civil imaging satellites is rapidly growing larger, thereby improving the temporal resolution (reducing the time between image acquisitions), but the satellites are also significantly improving in capabilities with regard to both spatial and spectral resolutions. The significant increase, in both the volume and type of raw imagery data that these satellites can provide, and the ease of access to it, will likely lead to a concomitant increase in new non-proliferation relevant knowledge as well. Many of these new developments were previously unanticipated, and they have already had profound effects beyond what anyone would have thought possible just a few years ago. Among those include multi-satellite, multi-sensor synergies deriving from the diversity of sensors and satellites now available, which are exemplified in a few case studies. This paper also updates earlier work on the subject by this author and explains how the many recent significant developments in the commercial satellite imaging domain will play an ever increasingly valuable role for open source nuclear nonproliferation monitoring and verification in the future.JRC.E.8-Nuclear securit

    The Impact of an Interprofessional Education Curriculum on the Clinical Practice of Physical Therapy Doctoral Students

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    As the healthcare system has continued to change in the 21st century, the creation of a more collaborative practice-ready workforce is necessary. Interprofessional education (IPE) is an accepted mechanism to cultivate interprofessional collaborative practice in health care providers to improve quality of care and address workforce needs. Development of interprofessional collaborative practice requires synergies of the health care and education systems to develop and deliver an effective IPE curriculum. This study examined the impact of an IPE curriculum on the clinical practice of physical therapy doctoral students through a mixed-methods approach. The IPE curriculum was rooted in the established Interprofessional Learning Continuum and linked to core competencies from the Interprofessional Education Collaborative. Quantitative procedures examined student clinical performance in the immediate internship following completion of the curriculum, and these criteria were compared to historical norms. Qualitative procedures sought to determine if areas of clinical performance were influenced by the curriculum and examine how students translated learning into the clinical environment. The results of this study identified numerous areas of significant impact of interprofessional learning on patient care in the clinical environment, although none of the quantitative measures identified significant differences. Several salient themes were identified which recognize the multidimensional nature of patient care in the complex clinical environment, involving an interplay of communication, experience, role understanding, and interprofessional interactions all being strongly developed within the IPE curriculum. These findings contribute to the literature calling for mixed methods analyses of influences of IPE of health care students on clinical practice in order to better understand and further develop interprofessional practice

    Sarpy County, Gretna State Fish Hatchery Area (Schramm Park)

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    The Impact of Substance Abuse Training and Support on Psychologists\u27 Functioning as Alcohol and Drug Counselors

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    Alcohol and other drug (AoD) problems occur at epidemic levels in society, yet many individuals do not receive adequate treatment. Research suggests that psychologists are disinterested in AoD counseling, and have AoD training, attitude, and skill deficits. The current study examined the role of AoD training and professional support on psychologists\u27 functioning as AoD counselors. The ultimate purpose of the study was to determine what interventions may be useful for improving psychologists\u27 ability to provide AoD counseling. One hundred and seventy-eight members of four divisions of the American Psychological Association were surveyed using a measure developed by the author based on prior research. Regression analyses confirmed the hypothesis that AoD training would be predictive of psychologists\u27 functioning as AoD counselors and that professional support would make a unique contribution to the prediction mode

    Successes and challenges of contemporary higher education institutions

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    The paper is an attempt to summarize nearly three decades of the development of higher education in Poland. Reflections on the evolution of the sector are presented in the context of challenges that higher education institutions (HEIs) have faced and successes they have achieved by taking advantage of the opportunities that arise in the environment. The transformation of the higher education sector was initiated by the introduction of the Higher Education Act in 1990, which was the basis for the construction of a new higher education structure. The sector was also modernized as a result of actions aimed at achieving the objectives of the signed Bologna Declaration. Subsequent amendments to legal acts regulating higher education issues aimed at implementing the idea of the co-creation of the European Higher Education Area. Over time, dynamic changes in the environment of HEIs and the limited resources (e.g. human or financial resources) have contributed to taking action aimed at increasing the efficiency of the HEIs’ operation, and thus to professionalizing management. Subsequent, even revolutionary changes can be made due to the Act 2.0

    The Impact of Substance Abuse Training and Support on Psychologists\u27 Functioning as Alcohol and Drug Counselors

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    Alcohol and other drug (AoD) problems occur at epidemic levels in society, yet many individuals do not receive adequate treatment. Research suggests that psychologists are disinterested in AoD counseling, and have AoD training, attitude, and skill deficits. The current study examined the role of AoD training and professional support on psychologists\u27 functioning as AoD counselors. The ultimate purpose of the study was to determine what interventions may be useful for improving psychologists\u27 ability to provide AoD counseling. One hundred and seventy-eight members of four divisions of the American Psychological Association were surveyed using a measure developed by the author based on prior research. Regression analyses confirmed the hypothesis that AoD training would be predictive of psychologists\u27 functioning as AoD counselors and that professional support would make a unique contribution to the prediction mode