248 research outputs found

    On the Maximal Excess Charge of the Chandrasekhar-Coulomb Hamiltonian in Two Dimensions

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    We show that for the straightforward quantized relativistic Coulomb Hamiltonian of a two-dimensional atom -- or the corresponding magnetic quantum dot -- the maximal number of electrons does not exceed twice the nuclear charge. It result is then generalized to the presence of external magnetic fields and atomic Hamiltonians. This is based on the positivity of |\bx| T(\bp) + T(\bp) |\bx| which -- in two dimensions -- is false for the non-relativistic case T(\bp) = \bp^2, but is proven in this paper for T(\bp) = |\bp|, i.e., the ultra-relativistic kinetic energy

    A synthetically modified hydrophobin showing enhanced fluorous affinity

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    Hydrophobins are natural surfactant proteins endowed with exceptional surface activity and film-forming capabilities and their use as effective “fluorine-free fluorosurfactants” has been recently reported. In order to increase their fluorophilicity further, here we report the preparation of a unique fluorous-modified hydrophobin, named F-HFBI. F-HFBI was found to be more effective than its wild-type parent protein HFBI at reducing interface tension of water at both air/water and oil/water interfaces, being particularly effective at the fluorous/water interface. F-HFBI was also found to largely retain the exceptionally good capability of forming strong and elastic films, typical of the hydrophobin family. Further studies by interface shear rheology and isothermal compression, alongside Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Atomic Force Microscopy, demonstrated the tendency of F-HFBI to form thicker films compared to the wild-type protein. These results suggest that F-HFBI may function as an effective compatibilizer for biphasic systems comprising a fluorous phase

    Varietas: a functional variation database portal

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    Current high-throughput technologies for investigating genomic variation in large population based samples produce data on a scale of millions of variations. Browsing through these results and identifying relevant functional variations is a major hurdle in these genome-wide association studies. In order to help researchers locate the most promising associations, we have developed a web-based database portal called Varietas. Varietas can be used for retrieving information concerning genomic variations such as single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), copy number variants and insertions/deletions, while enabling users to annotate large number of variations in a batch like manner and to find information about related genes, phenotypes and diseases. Varietas also links out to various external genomic databases, allowing users to quickly browse through a set of variations and follow the most promising leads. Varietas periodically integrates data from the major SNP and genome databases, including Ensembl genome database, NCBI dbSNP database, The Genomic Association Database and SNPedia

    FFLO state in 1-, 2- and 3-dimensional optical lattices combined with a non-uniform background potential

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    We study the phase diagram of an imbalanced two-component Fermi gas in optical lattices of 1-3 dimensions (1D-3D), considering the possibilities of the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO), Sarma/breached pair, BCS and normal states as well as phase separation, at finite and zero temperatures. In particular, phase diagrams with respect to average chemical potential and the chemical potential difference of the two components are considered, because this gives the essential information about the shell structures of phases that will occur in the presence of an additional (harmonic) confinement. These phase diagrams in 1D, 2D and 3D show in a striking way the effect of Van Hove singularities on the FFLO state. Although we focus on population imbalanced gases, the results are relevant also for the (effective) mass imbalanced case. We demonstrate by LDA calculations that various shell structures such as normal-FFLO-BCS-FFLO-normal, or FFLO-normal, are possible in presence of a background harmonic trap. The phases are reflected in noise correlations: especially in 1D the unpaired atoms leave a clear signature of the FFLO state as a zero-correlation area ('breach') within the Fermi sea. This strong signature occurs both for a 1D lattice as well as for a 1D continuum. We also discuss the effect of Hartree energies and the Gorkov correction on the phase diagrams.We study the phase diagram of an imbalanced two-component Fermi gas in optical lattices of 1-3 dimensions (1D-3D), considering the possibilities of the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO), Sarma/breached pair, BCS and normal states as well as phase separation, at finite and zero temperatures. In particular, phase diagrams with respect to average chemical potential and the chemical potential difference of the two components are considered, because this gives the essential information about the shell structures of phases that will occur in the presence of an additional (harmonic) confinement. These phase diagrams in 1D, 2D and 3D show in a striking way the effect of Van Hove singularities on the FFLO state. Although we focus on population imbalanced gases, the results are relevant also for the (effective) mass imbalanced case. We demonstrate by LDA calculations that various shell structures such as normal-FFLO-BCS-FFLO-normal, or FFLO-normal, are possible in presence of a background harmonic trap. The phases are reflected in noise correlations: especially in 1D the unpaired atoms leave a clear signature of the FFLO state as a zero-correlation area ('breach') within the Fermi sea. This strong signature occurs both for a 1D lattice as well as for a 1D continuum. We also discuss the effect of Hartree energies and the Gorkov correction on the phase diagrams.We study the phase diagram of an imbalanced two-component Fermi gas in optical lattices of 1-3 dimensions (1D-3D), considering the possibilities of the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO), Sarma/breached pair, BCS and normal states as well as phase separation, at finite and zero temperatures. In particular, phase diagrams with respect to average chemical potential and the chemical potential difference of the two components are considered, because this gives the essential information about the shell structures of phases that will occur in the presence of an additional (harmonic) confinement. These phase diagrams in 1D, 2D and 3D show in a striking way the effect of Van Hove singularities on the FFLO state. Although we focus on population imbalanced gases, the results are relevant also for the (effective) mass imbalanced case. We demonstrate by LDA calculations that various shell structures such as normal-FFLO-BCS-FFLO-normal, or FFLO-normal, are possible in presence of a background harmonic trap. The phases are reflected in noise correlations: especially in 1D the unpaired atoms leave a clear signature of the FFLO state as a zero-correlation area ('breach') within the Fermi sea. This strong signature occurs both for a 1D lattice as well as for a 1D continuum. We also discuss the effect of Hartree energies and the Gorkov correction on the phase diagrams.Peer reviewe

    Cruisers in the City of Helsinki : Staging the Mobility of Cruise Passengers

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    International cruise passengers moving in urban destinations have particular time limitation that can make enabling and disabling elements of mobility meaningful on the quality of their visit. Identifying these elements is essential to improve their independent movement. Based on a staging mobilities framework that considers the dimensions of physical settings, material spaces, design (PMD), social interactions (SI) and embodied performances (EP) in situ, the research has analysed location-specific information in Helsinki, a popular port of call in the Baltic Sea. The study has used go-along observations and mobile application in data collection. The produced dataset was analysed by combining GIS-methods and content analyses. As a result, five categories were identified under the dimension of PMD: wayfinding tools, unexpected situations, lack of rest spots and walkability. Categories identified under the dimension of SI were local people, service providers and travel companions, and other tourists. Categories identified under the dimension of EP were traffic behaviour, occasioned activities, sense of direction, planning, and time-related anxiety. Urban destinations such as Helsinki can apply these results in practice, to make the movement of independently moving cruise passengers as effortless as possible, contributing to a better experience of the city space for both tourists and other city users. The proposed methodology could also be used to analyse other mobility-related phenomena.Peer reviewe

    The complex structure of Fomes fomentarius represents an architectural design for high-performance ultralightweight materials

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    We thank C. Li from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany, for help during synchrotron measurements at the μSpot beamline at BESSY at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie in Berlin, Germany. We acknowledge the provision of facilities and technical support by Aalto University at the OtaNano Nanomicroscopy Center (Aalto-NMC). This work was supported by the Academy of Finland project 348628, the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation (Centre for Young Synbio Scientists), and the Academy of Finland Center of Excellence Program (2022–2029) in Life-Inspired Hybrid Materials (LIBER) project number 346106, and by internal funding from the VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd. We also acknowledge the Dutch Research Council (NWO, domain Applied and Engineering Sciences: MYCOAT project number 18425) and the Horizon 2020 programs of the European Union (FUNGAR; project 58132 and iNEXT-Discovery, project 871037) for NMR studies. Furthermore, the high-field NMR experiments were supported by uNMR-NL, the National Roadmap Large-Scale NMR Facility of the Netherlands (NWO grant 184.032.207), and the uNMR-NL grid (NWO grant 184.035.002).High strength, hardness, and fracture toughness are mechanical properties that are not commonly associated with the fleshy body of a fungus. Here, we show with detailed structural, chemical, and mechanical characterization that Fomes fomentarius is an exception, and its architectural design is a source of inspiration for an emerging class of ultralightweight high-performance materials. Our findings reveal that F. fomentarius is a functionally graded material with three distinct layers that undergo multiscale hierarchical self-assembly. Mycelium is the primary component in all layers. However, in each layer, mycelium exhibits a very distinct microstructure with unique preferential orientation, aspect ratio, density, and branch length. We also show that an extracellular matrix acts as a reinforcing adhesive that differs in each layer in terms of quantity, polymeric content, and interconnectivity. These findings demonstrate how the synergistic interplay of the aforementioned features results in distinct mechanical properties for each layer.Peer reviewe

    Kelan järjestämä kuntoutus vuonna 1987 syntyneille

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin vuonna 1987 Suomessa syntyneiden henkilöiden Kelan järjestämän kuntoutuksen käyttöä. Aineistona oli Kelan kuntoutusratkaisu- ja kuntoutuskustannustiedot Kansallinen syntymäkohortti 1987 -rekisteriaineistoon kuuluville henkilöille vuosilta 1987–2012. Kaikkiaan 6,2 % kohortin henkilöistä oli 25 ikävuoteen mennessä saanut myönteisen ratkaisun jollekin Kelan myöntämälle kuntoutustoimenpiteelle. Eri lakiperustein myönnettyjä kuntoutusratkaisuja tutkittiin omina kokonaisuuksinaan kuntoutustoimenpiteiden, pääsairausdiagnoosien ja kuntoutuksen kustannusten osalta. Myönteisen ratkaisun vaikeavammaisen lääkinnälliselle kuntoutukselle saaneiden henkilöiden määrät olivat pieniä (1,3 % syntymäkohortista) mutta kuntoutustoimenpiteitä eri terapiamuodoissa oli näillä henkilöillä runsaasti, ja myös kuntoutuksen henkilöä kohden lasketut kustannukset olivat korkeimmat. Yleisimmät diagnoosiryhmät olivat älyllinen kehitysvammaisuus ja CP-oireyhtymä. Ammatillista kuntoutusta oli myönnetty 2,3 %:lle kohortista, ja merkittävimmät kuntoutusmuodot henkilömäärittäin olivat ammattikoulutus ja kuntoutustutkimus. Ammatillisen kuntoutuksen kustannuksissa havaittiin selkeää nousua vuoden 2007 jälkeen. Merkittävimmät pääsairausdiagnoosit olivat masennustila ja lievä älyllinen kehitysvammaisuus. Myönteisen kuntoutuspäätöksen oli harkinnanvaraisen kuntoutuksen lakiperusteella saanut 3,2 % kohortista, ja näistä kuntoutustoimenpiteistä yli puolet oli ennen vuoden 2011 alkua myönnettyä kuntoutuspsykoterapiaa. Tämän lisäksi kuntoutus- ja sopeutumisvalmennuskurssit olivat myös merkittävä kuntoutustoimenpide. Masennustila sekä ahdistuneisuushäiriöt olivat merkittävimmät diagnoosiryhmät – myös niillä, joilla kuntoutusmuoto oli jokin muu kuin psykoterapia. Kuntoutuspsykoterapiaa omalla lakiperusteellaan oli saanut 1,3 % henkilöistä, ja psykoterapia olikin fysioterapian jälkeen määrällisesti merkittävin terapiamuoto. Alustavassa alueellisessa tarkastelussa havaittiin huomattavia eroja kuntoutustoimenpiteiden käytössä eri alueilla

    FORG3D: Force-directed 3D graph editor for visualization of integrated genome scale data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genomics research produces vast amounts of experimental data that needs to be integrated in order to understand, model, and interpret the underlying biological phenomena. Interpreting these large and complex data sets is challenging and different visualization methods are needed to help produce knowledge from the data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To help researchers to visualize and interpret integrated genomics data, we present a novel visualization method and bioinformatics software tool called FORG3D that is based on real-time three-dimensional force-directed graphs. FORG3D can be used to visualize integrated networks of genome scale data such as interactions between genes or gene products, signaling transduction, metabolic pathways, functional interactions and evolutionary relationships. Furthermore, we demonstrate its utility by exploring gene network relationships using integrated data sets from a <it>Caenorhabditis elegans </it>Parkinson's disease model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have created an open source software tool called FORG3D that can be used for visualizing and exploring integrated genome scale data.</p

    “Notame”: Workflow for non-targeted LC-MS metabolic profiling

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    Metabolomics analysis generates vast arrays of data, necessitating comprehensive workflows involving expertise in analytics, biochemistry and bioinformatics in order to provide coherent and high-quality data that enable discovery of robust and biologically significant metabolic findings. In this protocol article, we introduce notame, an analytical workflow for non-targeted metabolic profiling approaches, utilizing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. We provide an overview of lab protocols and statistical methods that we commonly practice for the analysis of nutritional metabolomics data. The paper is divided into three main sections: the first and second sections introducing the background and the study designs available for metabolomics research and the third section describing in detail the steps of the main methods and protocols used to produce, preprocess and statistically analyze metabolomics data and, finally, to identify and interpret the compounds that have emerged as interesting. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
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