13 research outputs found

    Application of multidetector computed tomography in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and new directions of development

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    Introduction: Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a condition involving the mechanical part of the closure of the pulmonary arterial thrombus or other embolic material. Is the third the most typical cardiovascular disease - vascular, immediately after a heart attack and stroke. Clinical symptoms are often nonspecific and may result in an incorrect diagnosis. The most common complications of PE include: attack the lungs, impaired heart function, superinfection and development of pulmonary hypertension. Objective: The purpose of the work was to discuss of the technical aspects and the use of multi-slice computed tomography in the diagnosis of PE. The presentation emphasized new directions of development of tomographic methods in imaging thromboembolic events of pulmonary arteries, including multi-energy CT and low-dose techniques. Description of the state of knowledge: Angiography-CT is currently the gold standard in the diagnosis of PE, especially in patients with high and indirect clinical risk. It is characterized by high sensitivity and specificity in contrast enhancement imaging defects within the pulmonary vasculature and blood changes in the pulmonary parenchyma, which may accompany the EP. It also allows to assess the features of right heart overload in the course of massive PE or radiological symptoms associated with the development of chronic PE. Summary: Nowadays, the greatest challenges of CT diagnostics in PE are the improvement of image quality, minimization of artifacts and reduction of the radiation dose to which the patient is exposed. Effective diagnosis of PE is not only good quality CT imaging, but also the efficiency of the process of diagnosis. Hence the development of new applications of CT - called. computer aided diagnosis (CAD)

    Breast cancer as a significant social problem

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    Background: This article is devoted to the topic of breast cancer, which is a very important and overlooked problem by many women. This cancer is the most common malignancy in women in developed countries. It also creates an increasing problem in developing countries and causes high mortality. Early diagnoses of neoplastic lesions and rapid implementation of therapy in most cases allow for successful treatment its prognosis. Self-control is very important, women should examine their breasts by palpation. Further research to diagnose breast cancer are: mammography (MMG), ultrasonography (USG), magnetic resonance (MR), positron emission tomography (PET) and microscopic examination. Material and Methods: In this article, it was analyzed by the latest literature on risk factors, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Articles were searched from PubMed and Google Scholar. Results: Breast cancer risk factors have been shown to be early menstruation, high women's height, high body mass (especially fat content) and hyperinsulinaemia. In addition, genetic factors play an important role. Research also confirms that highly-used cleaners, and at their head, DDP (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) affect the formation of breast cancer. This is the third most common cause of death in women aged 60-85. In treatment, an individual approach to each patient is important. Older women individually discuss the methods of treatment with the doctor, because it gives beneficial results of therapy. Conclusions: Breast cancer has become a very important medical and social problem in older women. Mass media are needed to disseminate knowledge, topics related to treatment and to support the sick. In older women, treatment is more aggressive, and in addition to radiotherapy, a partial mastectomy is performed. Breast cancer is a tought term for woman’s in all age. It is related with fear and loss of self—confidence


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    The characteristic of the Serbian literature of the 90’s is an increasing interest in historical themes. Dramatic circumstances that led to the breakup of the Yugoslavia affected literature and resulted in critical evaluation of the last fifty years of Yugoslav history expressed in various forms of historical novel and autobiographic writing. Autobiographies and journals present the lot of Serb townspeople in the time of the Second World War and Communist Revolution. The fall of the Serbian bourgeois culture is connected with an unusual situation of cities and townspeople in Serbia, which was determined by long-term Turkish control over Serbian territories. Turks turned existing cities into headquarters of local Turkish authorities and garrisons stunting development of the native townspeople. In its short history, Serbian bourgeoisie did not manage to found stable basis and they remained a group devoided of their established tradition, which could have been able to oppose Communist ideology. Due to the ideology, the literary theme of bourgeoisie was marginalized. Communist model of culture that exploited elements of folklore determined the way of presenting cities and townspeople in literature. Autobiographical prose by Svetlana Velmar-Janković (Prozraci) and Dejan Medaković (Efemeris. Hronika jedne porodice) depicts living in occupied Belgrade and in the first years after liberation. Those two authors deal with the evaluation of the actions of Nazi-backed Serbian puppet government and its collaborators. Velmar-Janković and Medaković’s claim that collaborators such as prime minister Milan Nedić, Toma Maksimović and Vladimir Velmar-Janković made their choice in order to save as much Serbs as possible, especially those who escaped from the Independent State of Croatia. Additionally, the authors suggest that the communist government’s fight with collaborators turned into the fight with class enemy. The policy towards townspeople prevented founding an opposition to the communists. S. Velmar-Janković in her autobiography focuses on the lot of the collaborator’s family and presents only necessary historic facts. D. Medaković creates chronicle that presents a variety of the townspeople community

    Model of care on a newborn with short bowel syndrome

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    Wstęp: Zespół krótkiego jelita to choroba lub zespół objawów występujących po resekcji jelita cienkiego albo po jego wyłączeniu z pasażu pokarmu. U noworodków ma on najczęściej charakter wrodzony bądź jest wynikiem resekcji po martwiczym zapaleniu jelit. Zespół krótkiego jelita prowadzi do zmniejszenia powierzchni wchłaniania i zaburzenia przyswajania składników pokarmowych. Odżywianie naturalne staje się niewystarczające do zapewnienia dobrego stanu zdrowia dziecka, jego rozwoju i wzrostu.Cel: Przedstawienie modelu opieki pielęgniarskiej nad noworodkiem z zespołem krótkiego jelita w oparciu o piśmiennictwo naukowe.Materiały i metody: W pracy została wykorzystana literatura naukowa związana z zespołem krótkiego jelita.Wyniki: Zostały utworzone diagnozy, cele i interwencje pielęgniarskie związane z opieką nad noworodkiem z zespołem krótkiego jelita.Wnioski: Analiza literatury dowodzi, że najważniejszym powikłaniem zespołu krótkiego jelita są niedobory pokarmowe (szczególnie białka), które mogą prowadzić do śmierci dziecka. Warunkiem sukcesu prowadzonej terapii jest dobra współpraca zespołu terapeutycznego oraz zróżnicowana i zindywidualizowana opieka nad dzieckiem na każdym etapie leczenia. Przedstawiony model opieki może być wykorzystywany w pracy pielęgniarek na oddziałach gastroenterologii dziecięcej celem podniesienia profesjonalizmu i ujednolicenia opieki pielęgniarskiej.Introduction: Short bowel syndrome is a disease or a set of syndromes occurring after a small bowel resection or after excluding it from the passage of food. In newborns it is most often congenital in nature or it is the result of resection after necrotizing enterocolitis. Short bowel syndrome leads to the reduction of absorption surface and the disorder of food components assimilation. Natural nutrition is not enough to ensure the good health, development and growth of a child.Objective: Present a model of nursing care on a newborn with short bowel syndrome based on scientific literature.Materials & Methods: Scientific literature related to short bowel syndrome was used in the thesis.Result: Creation of diagnoses, objectives and nursing interventions related to the care of newborns with short bowel syndrome.Conclusions: The analysis of literature shows that the most important complications of small bowel syndrome are food shortages (especially protein), which can lead to the death of a child. The condition for the success of the therapy is good cooperation between the therapeutic team and individual childcare on every step of the treatment. The presented model of care can be used in nurses’ work in gastroenterology wards to standardize and improve the level of nursing care

    Próba oceny wpływu Brexitu na konkurencyjność Unii Europejskiej

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    Celem artykułu jest określenie wpływu procesu wyjścia Wielkiej Brytanii z Unii Europejskiej na aktualną i przyszłą konkurencyjność gospodarek Wspólnoty. Nadrzędnym problemem jest identyfikacja skutków referendum, jakie miało miejsce w czerwcu 2016 roku, a także prognozowanie rzeczywistych i potencjalnych następstw operacji wyjścia. Metodami wykorzystywanymi w artykule są: analiza literatury związanej z poruszaną tematyką, metoda analizy opisowej, a także analiza danych statystycznych. Proces wywodu obejmuje cztery części. Pierwszą z nich jest przegląd literatury obejmującej tematykę konkurencyjności gospodarki Unii Europejskiej. Część druga jest dyskusją na temat planowanego kierunku rozwojowego UE, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem analizy strategii Europa 2020. Trzecia część artykułu zawiera opis dotychczasowych ogniw łańcucha zdarzeń związanych z operacją wyjścia Wielkiej Brytanii z UE. Analiza danych statystycznych stanowi czwartą, finalną część procesu wywodu. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała podstawowe obszary wpływu operacji wyjścia Wielkiej Brytanii z UE. Najistotniejszymi zidentyfikowanymi skutkami gospodarczymi są: utrata części wpłat do budżetu unijnego oraz spadek wzrostu gospodarczego. Na podstawie analizy sieci wewnątrzunijnych powiązań handlowych Wielkiej Brytanii określono gospodarki, które najsilniej odczują skutki procesu wyjścia. Unię Europejską niewątpliwie czeka jedno z największych wyzwań, jakie miały miejsce od momentu jej utworzenia. Bezprecedensowy charakter tego zjawiska w połączeniu z siłą potencjalnych jego konsekwencji, niewątpliwie warunkuje konieczność zastosowania proaktywnej postawy przez decydentów UE, celem optymalizacji procesu ich niwelowania. Kluczowym etapem tego procesu i zasadniczą niewiadomą, na którą wpływ jednak nadal jest możliwy, będzie kształt przyszłych umów handlowych, oraz umów bilateralnych zawieranych między UE a Wielką Brytanią

    Assessment of Growth Changes in the Width of Dental Arches Caused by Removable Appliances over a Period of 10 Months in Children with Malocclusion

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    (1) Background: A large number of patients of orthodontic clinics are diagnosed with improper jaw relationships. Intraoral scanners have become an important part of orthodontic practice and provide an opportunity to measure the changes in the width of dental arches. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of removable appliances used over a 10-month period on growth changes in children with narrowed jaw dimensions. (2) Methods: Twenty four patients were included in the study (a study group—patients, treated with removable appliances in the upper dental arch for a minimum of 10 months; a control group—patients with no craniofacial abnormalities and who did not require orthodontic treatment). A panoramic radiograph and digital intraoral scan were taken, followed by palatal width measurements in Ortho-CAD before treatment, and after a period of 10 months of treatment with removable appliances. (3) Results: After a period of 10 months of the treatment, the study group had a statistically significantly greater mean change in the anterior width of the upper dental arch than the control group. (4) Conclusions: The use of removable appliances in children with narrowed maxillary transverse dimension contributes to offsetting growth changes in comparison to children with normal occlusion

    Identification and control of endophytic bacteria during in vitro cultures of Staphylea pinnata L.

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    This study focused on the identification and elimination of endophytic bacterial contaminations during in vitro propagation of European bladdernut (Staphylea pinnata). Axillary shoots were propagated on Murashige and Skoog medium with 20 mg ∙ dm−3 FeEDDHA, 5 μM BA and 0.5 μM NAA at 20/18°C (day/night) and a 16-h photoperiod. Clouding by endophytic bacterial colonies was observed where shoots contacted the media. Bacteria were isolated and separated by repeated streaking as two strains. Gram staining revealed that both strains were Gram-negative. The colonies were very precisely identified as Acinetobacter johnsonii, strain ATCC 17909, and Methylobacterium rhodesianum, strain DSM 5687, using VITEK®2—a rapid bacterial identification system—and the 16S rRNA gene sequencing method. The agar disc-diffusion test proved that both bacterial strains were susceptible to 13 antibiotics (out of 25 tested), derived from the groups of fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and tetracyclines. Doxycycline or gentamicin (100–300 mg ∙ dm−3) was added to the S. pinnata shoot propagation medium to eliminate bacteria. Gentamicin 100 mg ∙ dm−3 showed the best effect, inhibiting the growth of endogenous bacteria (63%) when applied in the medium for 4 weeks. After the following transfer to media without antibiotics, shoots developed axillary buds and bacterial colonies were not observed

    Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Serum Levels of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Cortisol in Young, Healthy Women

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    Vibration exercises on a platform (whole-body vibration, WBV), widely used in rehabilitation, sports medicine, and fitness, is an alternative to strength effort. The presented study assessed the effect of a 12-week cycle of vibration training on the serum concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cortisol in young women (trial ID: ACTRN 12621000114842). Volunteers were assigned to three groups: performing exercises on a vibrating platform (n = 17), performing identical exercises without a platform (n = 12), and passive control group (n = 17). The concentration of BDNF and cortisol was assessed four times: before the first training session, 5 min after it, also before, and 5 min after the last training session. There were no statistically significant changes in the groups or among groups for both substances. WBV in the presented form did not increase the secretion of BDNF and is not a stressful stimulus

    Methodology of Selecting the Optimal Receptor to Create an Electrochemical Immunosensor for Equine Arteritis Virus Protein Detection

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    The study reports a methodology of selecting the optimal receptor to create an electrochemical immunosensor for equine arteritis virus (EAV) protein detection. The detection was based on antigen recognition by antibodies immobilized on gold electrodes. Modification steps were controlled by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry measurements. In order to obtain the impedance immunosensor with the best parameters, seven different receptors complementary to equine arteritis virus protein were used. In order to make the selection, a rapid screening test was carried out to check the sensor’s response to blank, extremely low and high concentrations of target EAV protein, and negative sample: M protein from Streptococcus equi and glycoprotein G from Equid alphaherpesvirus 1. F6 10G receptor showed the best performance