47 research outputs found

    Greedy approach for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem of liquefied natural gas distribution to power plants

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    In LNG industries, how to decide the number of ships and their routes for transporting LNG to every demand location efficiently effects the minimization of total operational cost. Therefore, this paper provides a case study in Papua and proposes a model to determine the optimum ship route to transport LNG from an LNG production terminal to thirteen regasification terminals by considering both transportation cost and inventory cost. Distance, power plants demands, transportation cost, and inventory cost were further analyzed by using the greedy approach. In addition, the ship sizes were limited to four alternatives, which were 2500 m3, 7500 m3, 10000 m3, and 23000 m3. The result recommends the utilization of smaller size vessels with more frequent shipments compared to the earlier research on the same case study. It considers that the result will be more adaptable for changing water depth due to changing tides at particular ports

    SA-17 Treatment of Coxofemoral Luxation Using Toggling Technique in Dog

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    Coxofemoral luxation occur because the femoral head and the acetabulum are separated (Mark, 2011). In small animals, coxofemoral luxation with craniodorsal position is the most common type of luxation that occur in dog (Ali, 2014). Arun et al. (2012), explain that coxofemoral luxation occurs due to neoplasia or serious trauma.There are several methods to solve this coxofemoral luxation such as non-surgical reduction, surgical reduction, femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO), and total hip replacement. In this study, it was evaluated using surgical reduction with toggling technique in treatment of craniodorsal coxofemoral luxation in dog which appears to be technically easy, quick and has a good result

    SA-1 Conjunctivitis Treatment in Dog with Alkaline Water Eye Drop

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    Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctival tissue that lines the eyelids and covers the sclera. The conjunctiva is the exposed mucous membrane and reacts to antigenic stimulation caused by contact with harmful stimuli. Handling of cases of conjunctivitis is generally treated with the administration of glucocorticoid antibiotics and topical antibiotics and broad spectrum (Ron, 2017). However, handling using Alkaline Eye Drop is still rare even never done especially in dogs. Alkaline Eye Drop is a liquid with an alkaline pH, the normal dog's eye pH is 8.05 (Billie et al, 2014). Alkaline water is easy to obtain and affordable. The use of Alkaline water to date has not been detected toxicity in the eye. But it is already used in humans to drink and cause antioxidant effects to the body (Rosa et al., 2012). It became the basis of the use of Alkaline Eye Drop for treatment in this case. The purpose of this paper is to get a more efficient, effective and without complications

    KIVSA-3 Studi Awal Perbandingan Nilai Hematologi Rutin Anjing Lokal Bali (Canis lupus) dengan Nilai Hematologi Rutin pada Literatur (Swenson, 1984)

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    Anjing lokal Bali atau sering disebut anjing kampung atau “kuluk kacang” merupakan anjing (Canis lupus) yang pertama ada di pulau Bali dan memiliki kekayaan genetik yang perlu diteliti (Sack, 2017). Dewasa ini anjing lokal Bali semakin diminati sebagai hewan kesayangan seiring dengan besarnya kepedulian masyarakat terhadap anjing jenis ini. Kedonganan Veterinary memiliki data pasien anjing lokal Bali yaitu 48,7 % dari total pasien anjing selama tahun 2015 sampai 2017 (Kedonganan Veterinary, 2017 ). Anjing lokal Bali memiliki sedikit profil mengenai kondisi kesehatannya yang benar – benar sesuai dengan kondisi khusus anjing lokal Bali, oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya penelitian mengenai profil kesehatan tentang anjing jenis ini. Salah satu parameter kesehatan yang sering digunakan pada anjing adalah profil darah atau profil pemeriksaan hematologi rutin. Penelitian ini membandingkan profil hematologi rutin anjing lokal Bali yang dinyatakan sehat pada pemeriksaan fisik dengan profil hematologi rutin yang ada pada literatur (Swenson, 1984). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai dinamika yang ada antara kondisi nyata anjing  lokal bali dengan referensi yang ada

    SA-1 Conjunctivitis Treatment in Dog with Alkaline Water Eye Drop

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    Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctival tissue that lines the eyelids and covers the sclera. The conjunctiva is the exposed mucous membrane and reacts to antigenic stimulation caused by contact with harmful stimuli. Handling of cases of conjunctivitis is generally treated with the administration of glucocorticoid antibiotics and topical antibiotics and broad spectrum (Ron, 2017). However, handling using Alkaline Eye Drop is still rare even never done especially in dogs. Alkaline Eye Drop is a liquid with an alkaline pH, the normal dog's eye pH is 8.05 (Billie et al, 2014). Alkaline water is easy to obtain and affordable. The use of Alkaline water to date has not been detected toxicity in the eye. But it is already used in humans to drink and cause antioxidant effects to the body (Rosa et al., 2012). It became the basis of the use of Alkaline Eye Drop for treatment in this case. The purpose of this paper is to get a more efficient, effective and without complications

    Modelos para gestão de riscos em cadeias de suprimentos: revisão, análise e diretrizes para futuras pesquisas

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    Amplification of system nervousness in supply chains

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