54 research outputs found


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    Les sédiments sont d’excellentes archives de la contamination de notre environnement. Depuis l’Antiquité, les activités humaines génèrent des aérosols anthropiques enrichis en métaux lourds (e.g. Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Hg) ou associés (As, Sb). Ces polluants métalliques se mélangent aux aérosols naturels (altération des roches) et leurs retombées sont incorporées dans les sols et les sédiments où ils sont préservés (Boyd, 2004). Sur des sédiments datés, une approche géochimique permet de quantifier l’apport anthropique en éléments métalliques par rapport aux sources naturelles et de reconstituer l’historique de la pollution. Les côtes méditerranéennes sont caractérisées par d’intenses échanges commerciaux, et ce depuis l’Antiquité. Nous proposons une reconstruction paléoenvironnementale ainsi qu’un suivi de la contamination anthropique au cours de la période historique pour différents sites du Cap Corse (France ; Figure 1). Cette région de Méditerranée se caractérise par une riche activité économique au cours de la période historique. Depuis le VIème siècle, la Corse a été colonisée successivement par les Grecs, les Carthaginois, les Etrusques puis par les Romains. En milieu continental, des témoins archéologiques (sépulture, oppidum, chapelle) attestent d’une occupation de cette zone sur une période assez longue. Cependant de nombreuses interrogations subsistent quant à l’importance des établissements, leurs périodes d’occupation, leurs activités économiques et leurs rapports commerciaux avec les autres cités du Cap Corse et des côtes méditerranéennes (de La Brière, 2010). Des carottes de 1 m à 1,5 m ont été prélevées à la tarière dans différents sites du Cap Corse. Les concentrations en éléments majeurs et en éléments traces métalliques ont été mesurées par spectrométrie de masse (ICP-MS), activation neutronique (INAA) et par XRF core scanner. Les datations 14C réalisées sur des macrorestes de matières végétales et charbons montrent que ces carottes couvrent toute la période historique, à l’exception de celle prélevée à Méria qui ne couvre qu’environ 300 ans. Cette carotte a également la particularité de contenir d’importantes concentrations en métaux lourds tels que le Sb (2000 ppm) et l’As (300 ppm). Cette contamination est d’origine locale et liée à la présence d’une ancienne mine d’antimoine à 2 km en amont de Méria. Afin d’obtenir un enregistrement sur les 2000 dernières années, un carottage plus long sera réalisé lors d’une nouvelle campagne de terrain. D’autres carottages seront également réalisés entre la mine et la côte actuelle afin d’observer la variation spatiale dans le but de quantifier l’impact environnemental des activités humaines locales et régionales

    Satisfacción y calidad de atención de enfermería en adultos jóvenes que acuden al vacunacar Covid – 19 del Parque de las Leyendas San Miguel, 2022

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    El estudio titulado “Satisfacción Y Calidad De Atención De Enfermería En Adultos Jóvenes Que Acuden Al Vacunacar COVID – 19 Del Parque De Las Leyendas San Miguel, 2022” tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre la satisfacción y la calidad de atención de enfermería en adultos jóvenes que acuden al Vacunacar Covid-19. La investigación fue elaborada a partir de un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, correlacional de corte transversal. El tamaño muestral fue de 208, siendo los evaluados adultos jóvenes que acuden al Vacunatorio. La recolección de datos fue realizada a través de la aplicación de encuestas. Para ello se utilizó dos cuestionarios de Satisfacción y calidad, conformados por un total de 26 ítems. La información recogida a través de ambos instrumentos fue procesada con el paquete estadístico SPSS en su versión 25. Con respecto a los resultados de esta investigación, en los resultados inferenciales se encontró que los Adultos Jóvenes califican la calidad de atención como buena el 92,8% (193) y se sienten satisfechos con la atención recibida. Con respecto a las dimensiones expectativas y percepción con relación a la calidad de atención los Adultos Jóvenes califican la Calidad de Atención como Buena el 88,9% (185) y se sienten satisfechos. Llegamos a la conclusión que, si existe relación entre ambas variables, esto significa que tenemos correlaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre ambas variables y sus respectivas dimensiones. Hay relación significativa entre la satisfacción y la calidad de atención de enfermería en adultos jóvenes al 90% de confianza

    Geochemistry and Fe speciation in active volcanic environments – the case of Fogo Island, Cape Verde

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    Topsoils developed in different geological formations/ages, and the top layer of the lava flow from the most recent eruption (2014/2015) of Fogo Island (Cape Verde archipelago), were studied. The specific objectives of this work are: i) to estimate the REE contents and patterns in the whole sample of topsoils developed on different geological formations/ages and their correlation with the iron speciation; and ii) to study the top layer of a lava flow from the most recent eruption after two years of exposure. REE contents are in general higher in the topsoils of the pre-caldera than in those developed on the post-caldera formation, particularly the light REE probably due to their incorporation into hematite. Positive Eu anomalies found in recent topsoils suggest the existence of hydrothermal processes with intrusion of hot fluids with higher concentration of Eu2+. In the top layer of the lava flow of the most recent eruption, Fe is incorporated in pyroxenes and iron oxides (magnetite and/or maghemite). This study can be a benchmark for further knowledge of the chemical evolution and weathering rate in semi-arid climate of Fogo Island.The authors would like to thank the financial support by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) through the projects UID/GEO/04035/2013 and UID/Multi/04349/2013

    First Attempt to Implement Ophthalmia Neonatorum Prophylaxis in Angola: Microorganisms, Efficacy, and Obstacles

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    Purpose. To determine the efficacy of povidone-iodine (P-I) prophylaxis for ophthalmia neonatorum (ON) in Angola and to document maternal prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates. Methods. Endocervical samples from mothers n=317 and newborn conjunctival smears n=245 were analysed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), and Mycoplasma genitalium (MG). Newborns were randomized into a noninterventional group and an interventional group that received a drop of P-I 2.5% bilaterally after conjunctival smear collection. Mothers were trained to identify signs of ON and attend a follow-up visit. Results. Forty-two newborns had ocular pathology, and 11 (4.4%) had clinical signs of ON at the time of delivery. Maternal PCR was positive for MG n=19, CT n=8, and NG n=2. Six newborns were positive for CT n=4, MG n=2, and NG n=1. Mother-to-child transmission rates were 50% for CT and NG and 10.5% for MG. Only 16 newborns returned for follow-up. Conclusions. Lack of maternal compliance prevented successful testing of prophylactic P-I efficacy in ON prevention. Nevertheless, we documented the prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates for CT, NG, and MG. These results emphasize the need to develop an effective Angolan educational and prophylactic ON program

    Clinical Study First Attempt to Implement Ophthalmia Neonatorum Prophylaxis in Angola: Microorganisms, Efficacy, and Obstacles

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    properly cited. Purpose. To determine the efficacy of povidone-iodine (P-I) prophylaxis for ophthalmia neonatorum (ON) in Angola and to document maternal prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates. Methods. Endocervical samples from mothers ( = 317) and newborn conjunctival smears ( = 245) were analysed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), and Mycoplasma genitalium (MG). Newborns were randomized into a noninterventional group and an interventional group that received a drop of P-I 2.5% bilaterally after conjunctival smear collection. Mothers were trained to identify signs of ON and attend a follow-up visit. Results. Forty-two newborns had ocular pathology, and 11 (4.4%) had clinical signs of ON at the time of delivery. Maternal PCR was positive for MG ( = 19), CT ( = 8), and NG ( = 2). Six newborns were positive for CT ( = 4), MG ( = 2), and NG ( = 1). Mother-to-child transmission rates were 50% for CT and NG and 10.5% for MG. Only 16 newborns returned for follow-up. Conclusions. Lack of maternal compliance prevented successful testing of prophylactic P-I efficacy in ON prevention. Nevertheless, we documented the prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates for CT, NG, and MG. These results emphasize the need to develop an effective Angolan educational and prophylactic ON program

    Metal mobility and bioaccessibility from cyanide leaching heaps in a historical mine site

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    Unlike acidic sulfide mine wastes, where metal/loid mobility and bioaccessibility has been widely studied, less attention has been paid to alkaline cyanide heap leaching wastes. Thus, the main goal of this study is to evaluate the mobility and bioaccessibility of metal/loids in Fe-rich (up to 55%) mine wastes resulting from historical cyanide leaching activities. Wastes are mainly composed of oxides/oxyhydroxides (i.e. goethite and hematite), oxyhydroxisulfates (i.e. jarosite), sulfates (i.e., gypsum, evaporitic sulfate salts), carbonates (i.e., calcite, siderite) and quartz, with noticeable concentrations of metal/loids (e.g., 1453–6943 mg/kg of As, 5216–15,672 mg/kg; of Pb, 308–1094 mg/kg of Sb, 181–1174 mg/kg of Cu, or 97–1517 mg/kg of Zn). The wastes displayed a high reactivity upon rainfall contact associated to the dissolution of secondary minerals such as carbonates, gypsum, and other sulfates, exceeding the threshold values for hazardous wastes in some heap levels for Se, Cu, Zn, As, and sulfate leading to potential significant risks for aquatic life. High concentrations of Fe, Pb, and Al were released during the simulation of digestive ingestion of waste particles, with average values of 4825 mg/kg of Fe, 1672 mg/kg of Pb, and 807 mg/kg of Al. Mineralogy may control the mobility and bioaccessibility of metal/loids under rainfall events. However, in the case of the bioaccessible fractions different associations may be observed: i) the dissolution of gypsum, jarosite and hematite would mainly release Fe, As, Pb, Cu, Se, Sb and Tl; ii) the dissolution of an un-identified mineral (e.g., aluminosilicate or Mn oxide) would lead to the release of Ni, Co, Al and Mn and iii) the acid attack of silicate materials and goethite would enhance the bioaccessibility of V and Cr. This study highlights the hazardousness of wastes from cyanide heap leaching, and the need to adopt restoration measures in historical mine sites.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economic and Competitiveness through the projects TRAMPA (PID2020–119196RBC21) and by H2020 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT RawMaterials) through the project Modular recovery process services for hydrometallurgy and water treatment (MORECOVERY). This work was partially supported by FCT (Portugal) through contract UID/ Multi/04349/2019. C.R C´anovas thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the Postdoctoral Fellowship granted under application reference RYC2019–027949-I. M.D. Basallote thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the Postdoctoral Fellowship granted under application reference IJC 2018–035056-I. The authors would also like to thank to Prof. Edward D. Burton, Ph.D (Editor) and three anonymous reviewers for the support and comments that notably improved the quality of the original paper

    New Geological Evidence of the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami from the Rock of Gibraltar (Southern Iberian Peninsula)

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    This paper presents the easternmost mineralogical and geochemical evidence of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami found in the Western Mediterranean. This multidisciplinary analysis of a sediment core obtained in Gibraltar (southern Iberian Peninsula) has allowed us to differentiate a tsunamiite from an old lagoon (The Inundation). This tsunamigenic layer has increased levels of calcite and aragonite and higher concentrations of Ba and ferromagnesian elements in comparison with the underlying lagoonal sediments of this core. This layer is also differentiated by its paleontological record, with the introduction of marine species within this lagoon. The uppermost part of the core includes a transition from swampy/marsh paleoenvironments to terrestrial scenarios, with a final anthropogenic filling occurring during the last century

    Subtipado molecular del cáncer de mama masculino con PAM50: Correlación con el subtipaje inmunohistoquímico y estudio de supervivencia.

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    Introducción: El cáncer de mama masculino es una enfermedad rara aún poco conocida, que principalmente corresponde a subtipo luminal usando la clasificación molecular subrogada a inmunohistoquímica. En este estudio, se evalúa por primera vez la correlación entre los subtipos moleculares basados en un panel inmunohistoquímico de seis marcadores y el obtenido mediante la firma PAM50 en el cáncer de mama masculino, así como la evolución clínica de los diferentes subtipos encontrados. Material y métodos: Se recogieron 67 muestras quirúrgicas de cáncer de mama masculino invasivo de cuatro diferentes Servicios de Anatomía Patológica. La tinción inmunohistoquímica se realizó sobre tissue-microarrays, con un panel de seis marcadores (RE, RP, Her2, Ki67, CK 5-6 y EGFR). Los subtipos de PAM50 se determinaron mediante nCounter Analysis System. Se estudió la asociación entre los subtipos obtenidos mediante inmunohistoquímica y los determinados por PAM50, así como la supervivencia global y la supervivencia libre de enfermedad en los diferentes subtipos de cada clasificación. Resultados: La distribución de los subtipos moleculares tumorales según PAM50 fue: 60% luminal B, 30% luminal A y 10% Her2-enriched. Sólo uno de los tumores Her2-enriched también fue detectado por inmunohistoquímica y tratado con trastuzumab. No se obtuvo ningún tumor de subtipo basal-like. Utilizando la clasificación inmunohistoquímica, 51% de los tumores fueron luminal B, 43% luminal A, 3,5% triple negativo y 1,5% Her2-positivo. Las características clínico-patológicas no difirieron significativamente entre los subtipos inmunohistoquímicos y PAM50. Se observó una supervivencia global menor en los tumores Her2-enriched comparados con los luminales. Conclusión: El cáncer de mama masculino es principalmente una enfermedad genómica luminal con un predominio del subtipo luminal B. Además, se observaron casos de pacientes Her2-negativos por inmunohistoquímica, pero de perfil Her2-enriched por PAM50, con peor evolución clínica comparado con el subtipo luminal, que podrían haberse beneficiado de terapia anti-Her2.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Benthic foraminifera as bioindicators of anthropogenic impacts in two north African lagoons: a comparison with ostracod assemblages

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    Numerous investigations have used the foraminiferal assemblages or species as bioindicators. This paper tests the responses of these microorganisms to different environmental changes (heavy metal pollution, treatment stations, artificial inlets, agricultural and urban sewages) and compares them to those observed previously on ostracod assemblages. Foraminifera are more tolerant to these changes, while ostracods present a more specialized response.Numerosas investigaciones han utilizado a las asociaciones o especies de foraminíferos como bioindicadores. Este trabajo investiga la respuesta de estos microorganismos ante diferentes cambios ambientales (contaminación por metales pesados, estaciones de tratamiento de residuos, pasajes artificiales, desechos urbanos e industriales) y la compara con la observada previamente en las asociaciones de ostrácodos. Los foraminíferos son más tolerantes a estos cambios, en tanto que la respuesta de los ostrácodos es más especializada