2,039 research outputs found

    The Discovery of Vibrationally-Excited H_2 in the Molecular Cloud near GRB 080607

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    GRB 080607 has provided the first strong observational signatures of molecular absorption bands toward any galaxy hosting a gamma-ray burst. Despite the identification of dozens of features as belonging to various atomic and molecular (H_2 and CO) carriers, many more absorption features remained unidentified. Here we report on a search among these features for absorption from vibrationally-excited H_2, a species that was predicted to be produced by the UV flash of a GRB impinging on a molecular cloud. Following a detailed comparison between our spectroscopy and static, as well as dynamic, models of H_2* absorption, we conclude that a column density of 10^{17.5+-0.2} cm^{-2} of H_2* was produced along the line of sight toward GRB 080607. Depending on the assumed amount of dust extinction between the molecular cloud and the GRB, the model distance between the two is found to be in the range 230--940 pc. Such a range is consistent with a conservative lower limit of 100 pc estimated from the presence of Mg I in the same data. These distances show that substantial molecular material is found within hundreds of pc from GRB 080607, part of the distribution of clouds within the GRB host galaxy.Comment: Submitted to ApJL, 6 pages emulate

    Metallicities and dust content of proximate damped Lyman alpha systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Composite spectra of 85 proximate absorbers (log N(HI)>20 and velocity difference between the absorption and emission redshift, dv<10,000 km/s) in the SDSS are used to investigate the trends of metal line strengths with velocity separation from the QSO. We construct composites in 3 velocity bins: dv<3000 km/s, 30006000 km/s, with further sub-samples to investigate the metal line dependence on N(HI) and QSO luminosity. Low (e.g. SiII and FeII) and high ionization (e.g. SiIV and CIV) species alike have equivalent widths (EWs) that are larger by factors of 1.5 -- 3 in the dv<3000 km/s composite, compared to the dv>6000 km/s spectrum. The EWs show an even stronger dependence on dv if only the highest neutral hydrogen column density (log N(HI)>20.7) absorbers are considered. We conclude that PDLAs generally have higher metallicities than intervening absorbers, with the enhancement being a function of both dv and N(HI). It is also found that absorbers near QSOs with lower rest-frame UV luminosities have significantly stronger metal lines. We speculate that absorbers near to high luminosity QSOs may have had their star formation prematurely quenched. Finally, we search for the signature of dust reddening by the PDLAs, based on an analysis of the QSO continuum slopes relative to a control sample and determine a limit of E(B-V)<0.014 for an SMC extinction curve. This work provides an empirical motivation for distinguishing between proximate and intervening DLAs, and establishes a connection between the QSO environment and galaxy properties at high redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Correcting CIV-Based Virial Black Hole Masses

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    The CIV broad emission line is visible in optical spectra to redshifts exceeding z~5. CIV has long been known to exhibit significant displacements to the blue and these `blueshifts' almost certainly signal the presence of strong outflows. As a consequence, single-epoch virial black hole (BH) mass estimates derived from CIV velocity-widths are known to be systematically biased compared to masses from the hydrogen Balmer lines. Using a large sample of 230 high-luminosity (log LBolL_{\rm Bol} = 45.5-48 erg/s), redshift 1.5<z<4.0 quasars with both CIV and Balmer line spectra, we have quantified the bias in CIV BH masses as a function of the CIV blueshift. CIV BH masses are shown to be a factor of five larger than the corresponding Balmer-line masses at CIV blueshifts of 3000 km/s and are over-estimated by almost an order of magnitude at the most extreme blueshifts, >5000 km/s. Using the monotonically increasing relationship between the CIV blueshift and the mass ratio BH(CIV)/BH(Hα\alpha) we derive an empirical correction to all CIV BH-masses. The scatter between the corrected CIV masses and the Balmer masses is 0.24 dex at low CIV blueshifts (~0 km/s) and just 0.10 dex at high blueshifts (~3000 km/s), compared to 0.40 dex before the correction. The correction depends only on the CIV line properties - i.e. full-width at half maximum and blueshift - and can therefore be applied to all quasars where CIV emission line properties have been measured, enabling the derivation of un-biased virial BH mass estimates for the majority of high-luminosity, high-redshift, spectroscopically confirmed quasars in the literature.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; fixed typo in CIV wavelengt

    Atividade de peroxidase de três populações de "Switchgrass" (Panicum virgatum L.) em resposta à injúria do pulgão-verdedos-cereais (Schizaphis graminum) (Hemiptera: Aphididae).

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    ?Switchgrass? é uma gramínea que tem recebido atenção especial como uma cultura bioenergética nos EUA. Os pulgões foram relatados como uma praga potencial em populações desta gramínea e não está claro como a manipulação genética para uma melhor produção de bioenergia afetará a capacidade da planta em tolerar a injuria deste inseto. Portanto, os objetivos deste estudo foram comparar o teor de proteína total e atividade de peroxidase de três populações de ?switchgrass? (Kanlow, KxS e Summer) a injuria pelo pulgão-verde-dos-cereais

    Further Evidence for Cosmological Evolution of the Fine Structure Constant

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    We describe the results of a search for time variability of the fine structure constant, alpha, using absorption systems in the spectra of distant quasars. Three large optical datasets and two 21cm/mm absorption systems provide four independent samples, spanning 23% to 87% of the age of the universe. Each sample yields a smaller alpha in the past and the optical sample shows a 4-sigma deviation: da/a = -0.72 +/- 0.18 x 10^{-5} over the redshift range 0.5 < z < 3.5. We find no systematic effects which can explain our results. The only potentially significant systematic effects push da/a towards positive values, i.e. our results would become more significant were we to correct for them.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. Small changes to discussion, added an acknowledgement and a referenc

    What makes a mobile app successful in supporting health behaviour change?

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    YesIntroduction: Health promotion apps designed to support and reinforce health behaviours or to reduce risk behaviours are the most commonly downloaded apps. Such technologies have the potential to reach and deliver health care to new populations. But the extent to which they are successful in enabling the adoption of new and desired behaviours can vary. Some apps are more effective than others, some are free to download while others require a nominal or substantial charge. Cost alone is not indicative of quality or effectiveness. This is important because the use of health apps by the public will likely increase, as is the expectation that health care professionals understand this technology and its heuristic role in personalised health. Practitioners therefore need to be better informed regarding what makes a health app appealing to service users and successful as an intervention to facilitate behaviour change. Objective: This paper describes and discusses how the structure and content of health care apps can facilitate or inhibit behavioural change. The aim is to support practitioners in the screening and identification of suitable apps for clinical use. Method: Theory and literature review. Conclusion: App content that involved clinician input at the design stage and included internal drivers such as motivation, self-efficacy and illness understanding and external drivers such as illness information, social networking and user compatibility tend to do better in facilitating behaviour change than those that do not. Of these factors, motivation is considered to be the most important

    Massive, Absorption-selected Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts

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    The nature of absorption-selected galaxies and their connection to the general galaxy population have been open issues for more than three decades, with little information available on their gas properties. Here we show, using detections of carbon monoxide (CO) emission with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), that five of seven high-metallicity, absorption-selected galaxies at intermediate redshifts, z≈0.5−0.8z \approx 0.5-0.8, have large molecular gas masses, MMol≈(0.6−8.2)×1010 M⊙M_{\rm Mol} \approx (0.6 - 8.2) \times 10^{10} \: {\rm M}_\odot and high molecular gas fractions (fMol≡ MMol/(M∗+MMol)≈0.29−0.87)f_{\rm Mol} \equiv \: M_{\rm Mol}/(M_\ast + M_{\rm Mol}) \approx 0.29-0.87). Their modest star formation rates (SFRs), ≈(0.3−9.5) M⊙\approx (0.3-9.5) \: {\rm M}_\odot yr−1^{-1}, then imply long gas depletion timescales, ≈(3−120)\approx (3 - 120) Gyr. The high-metallicity absorption-selected galaxies at z≈0.5−0.8z \approx 0.5-0.8 appear distinct from populations of star-forming galaxies at both z≈1.3−2.5z \approx 1.3-2.5, during the peak of star formation activity in the Universe, and lower redshifts, z≲0.05z \lesssim 0.05. Their relatively low SFRs, despite the large molecular gas reservoirs, may indicate a transition in the nature of star formation at intermediate redshifts, z≈0.7z \approx 0.7.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Minor changes to match the version in press in ApJ
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