80 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Perpajakan Kelas X Semester 1 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) dan dikembangkan dengan kerangka LKS berupa, halaman sampul/ cover, kata pengantar, daftar isi, pendahuluan yang berisi standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, tujuan pembelajaran, alur pembelajaran, dan kata kunci serta pembelajaran yang memuat informasi pendukung, tugas-tugas dan langkah kerja mandiri serta kelompok, dan evaluasi, glosarium, serta daftar pustaka. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket. Penelitian ini memodifikasi model pengembangan dari Borg and Gall (1983) meliputi analisis kebutuhan, pengembangan produk , validasi ahli, dan revisi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tersedianya Lembar Kerja Siswa berbasis contextual teaching and learning pada mata pelajaran perpajakan yang valid atau layak digunakan


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    Struktur dan Makna Mantra Bekumpang Sastra Lisan Dayak Kantuk

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    This research is done because researcher is eager to know about structure that sets up bekumpang (a spell of Kantuk Dayaknese). Method which is used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative form. The result is as follow; 1) diction in Bekumpang is main words (muang, ditimang, ketanah) and specific words (mambang, pentik, mimpi rejang) 2) imagination in bekumpang is visual imagination (kumpang silih ganti) dan tactile imagination (betang nyak dah tuyang, tubuh gemuk melimpuk) 3) meaning in this spell are spiritual meaning, social meaning, and cultural meaning. Implementation of this research can be seen in 2013 curriculum aspect; researcher can use Bekumpang as one of extra course (teaching local contenct) in Seberuang Senior High School (SMAN 1 Seberuang)

    Analisis Struktur, Fungsi, dan Makna Mantra Selusuh Masyarakat Melayu Kecamatan Kendawangan Kabupaten Ketapang

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    This research was motivated by an interest on Selusuh spell of Malay Kendawangan society which used to expedite childbirth. The purpose of this research was to describe structure (rhyme and rhythm), the function and the meaning of Selusuh spell in Malay Kendawangan society. This research used descriptive method in qualitative form, and structural semiotic approach. Based on the analysis of data to Selusuh spell of Malay society Kendawangan subdistrict in Ketapang regency, it can be concluded that the rhyme used in Selusuh spell was a rhyme based on sound similarity which contained in Selusuh spell were full rhyme, absolute rhyme, half rhyme and alliteration rhyme. Rhyme according to the location of words in a line of sentence consisted of initial rhyme, middle rhyme, end rhyme, standing rhyme, continuous rhyme, cross rhyme, break rhyme and free rhyme. Overall, the pronunciation of Selusuh spell Malay Kendawangan society was flat intonation. The function of Selusuh spell included spell functions in terms of cultural side, beliefs, education, social literature itself and communication. In determining the meaning of Selusuh spell, heuristic and hermeneutic reading (actual hippo gram and potential hippo gram) was used

    Ensangan Masyarakat Dayak Kerabat Kabupaten Sekadau

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    This research aims to describe the essence, sounds, rhythm, and the meaning of ensangan. The method used is descriptive method, qualitative research, and structural approach. Data source for the research comes from ensangan sung by informants. The data are texts or lyrics of ensangan that contain sound, rhythm, and meaning. Data gathering is conducted by direct observation, recording, and interview. The tools are the researcher herself as the main instrument. Data is processed by transcription, translation, identification, interpretation, and making conclusion. Based on the research, Ensangan is an oral literature called lyrical poetry. Ensangan consists of wedding ensangan, guests hosting ensangan, advice, ease sadness, spirit bosster, and medication (belian't or berajah). Texts structure dominated by euphony, which is used to create happy, spiritful atmosphere. Ensangan also carry values that can be taught to students such as: responsibility, brotherhood, discussion, and unity

    Dampak Pemberian Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi terhadap Pengetahuan Sikap dan Praktek Santri Pondok Pesantren di Semarang

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    Background : Adolescene is a priode of transition signed by physical, emotional and psychological changes, which occurred maturation of human reproductive organs (puberty). Santri in islamic boarding are teenagers that in growth is often accompanied by juvenile common problems such as physical changes, social adjustment, and issues relating to the opposite sex. This condition is exacerbated by the globalization that is characterized by increasingly the flow of information, which is the relationship behavior that is not healthy tends the teenager doing premarital sex, including santri. Survey Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) in Semarang in 2010 about reproductive health showed 43,22% their knowledge are low and 63% of teenagers who are dating is not ashamed to do petting. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of giving the education of reproductive health towards knowledge, attitude and practice of santri in islamic boarding in Semarang.Method : This research is a kind of pre-experimental study with static group comparison approach. The population in this research is the santri of MA Nurul Huda Azzuhdi 174 people then the samples were taken by 50 santri using proportional stratified random sampling method. The data analyzed by T-test, Mann Whitney and Crosstab.Result : The result showed that 66% og santri knowledge are “less”, 40% their attitude are “permissive”, and 24% their practice are “high risk”. Then the result of statistical test T-test showed the difference between knowledge of santri in islamic boarding intervention and control with value of p=0,001. While Mann Whitney statistical test results showed no difference between the attitude and practice of santri in islamic boarding intervention and control, each with value of p=0,111 and p=0,057. In the Crosstab statistical test results showed difference between the attitude og the santri of the man and the woman with value of p=0,001, while the knowledge and practice there is no difference with value of p=0,232 and p=0,321.Conclusions : From this study it can be conclude that the reproductive health education that is given, impacted significant in changing the knowledge, but can not increase the knowledge good enough, and less significant in changing the attitude and practice og santri

    Nilai Budaya dalam Novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah Karya Tere Liye

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan nilai budaya yang terdapat dalam novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah karya Tere Liye. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah sosiologi karya sastra. Sumber datanya adalah novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah karya Tere Liye. Datanya adalah nilai budaya dalam novel berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang menunjukkan hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, sesama, karya, dan alam. Hasil analisis (1) hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, meliputi: percaya kepada takdir Tuhan, berdoa, percaya takhayul; (2) hubungan manusia dengan sesama, meliputi: kegotongroyongan, kebersamaan, kepedulian, persahabatan, cinta kasih, kesopanan, keramahan, kebaikan, kecurangan, kesalahpahaman, kemarahan, kekecewaan, kepatuhan, bekerja keras, berpengharapan, kesedihan, kejujuran, kesederhanaan, kebijaksanaan, kesabaran, kerajinan, keingintahuan, kegelisahan; (3) hubungan manusia dengan karya, meliputi: keterampilan, berprofesi; (4) hubungan manusia dengan alam, meliputi: polusi, perkembangan teknologi, keadaan alam, kebiasaan masyarakat, memanfaatkan alam; dan (5) implementasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dilihat dari segi kurikulum, tujuan pembelajaran sastra, pemilihan bahan ajar, dan tingkat keterbacaan layak dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar di SMA. Kata kunci: nilai, budaya, novel Abstrack: This study aims to discover the cultural value contained in the novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah by Tere Liye. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a form of qualitative research. The approach is a sociological approach literature. The source is the novel entitled Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah by Tere Liye. The data in this study of the cultural value in the novel are words, phrases, and sentences that show the human relationship with God, another human, the work, and the nature. The result the analysis novel are (1) the relationship of man with God include: believe in destiny God, praying, superstitious, (2) the relationships with another human, including: mutual cooperation, togetherness, caring, friendship, love, courtesy, friendliness, kindness, cheating, misunderstanding, anger, disappointment, obedience, hard work, hopelessness, sadness, honesty, simplicity, wisdom, patience, diligence, curiosity, anxiety, (3) the relationship of humans with the work include: skills, profession, (5) the relationship of man with nature, include: pollution, technological developments, natural conditions, people\u27s habits, utilizing natural, and (6) the implementation of cultural value in learning Indonesian novel in terms of curriculum, learning objectives of literature, the selection of teaching materials, and readability level worthy as teaching materials at senior high school

    Kajian Intertekstual pada Novel Sang Pemimpi Karya Andrea Hirata dan Sepatu Dahlan Karya Khrisna Pabichara

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    This research was aimed to describe intertextual in the novel of Sang Pemimpi by Andrea Hirata and Sepatu Dahlan by Khrisna Pabichara.This research used descriptive qualitative approach in the form of structural. The results of the data analysis is that theme has similarity theme in addition of education, family, and friendship. Figure and characterization in the novels has less different, the figures describe work hard figure to reach out they dream. Whereas, the plot of the novels has different, that is novel Sang Pemimpi has a flash-back plot and Sepatu Dahlan has progressive plot. The background of the story is different, too. Andrea Hirata takes Belitong Island as the background of his novel, whereas Khrisna Pabichara takes Java Island. The conclusion is novel Sang Pemimpi by Andrea Hirata as hypogram and Sepatu Dahlanby Khrisna Pabichara as transformation text

    Kecerdasan Interpersonal Tokoh dalam Novel Anak Dunia Kecil Mimpi Hidup di Mata Si Kecil Karya Yoyon Indra Joni

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    Research in the novel "Interpersonal intelligence figures in the novel Dunia Kecil Mimpi Hidup di Mata Si Kecilby Yoyon Indra Joni" background for introducing children's literature both orally and in writing. The problem in this research is how interpersonal main character and supporting cast as well as the implementation of the plan of learning in children's novel Dunia Kecil Mimpi Hidup di Mata Si Kecilby Yoyon Indra Joni? Of these problems, this study aims to describe the main character and interpersonal intelligence supporting cast as well as its implementation into lesson plans. The benefits of this theoretical study is to increase the amount of research related to psychology and can support the psychological theory of literature. While practically this research can be input for further research and provide knowledge to all people. This study uses the theory of Garner, Binet, Buzan, Ormrod and Sarwono. The all process of data collection in this research use descriptive method with qualitative terms. The approach used is psikolanalitik approach. While the data source is novel Dunia Kecil Mimpi Hidup di Mata Si Kecil by Yoyon Indra Joni. The data taken is in the form of words, phrases or sentences contained in the novel. Techniques used in data collection is a study technique documentary by the author as a key or a main instrument. Test the validity of the author's data required for thorough and diligent in analyzing the data so that the necessary triangulation and adequacy of reference. Data analysis technique is done in a way describe, analyze, interpret and make verification / conclusions. Based on research by the author, there are some conclusions of this study, ie. 1) The existence of interpersonal intelligence that experienced by the main character in the interaction that occurs in the novel Dunia Kecil Mimpi Hidup di Mata Si Kecilby YoyonIndra Joni. 2) The existence of interpersonal intelligence experienced supporting cast in the interaction that occurs in the novel Dunia Kecil Mimpi Hidup di Mata Si Kecilby YoyonIndra Joni. 3) This researchcan be implemented in a high school class XII learning in the second half

    Pendekatan Kolaboratif dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 21 Kuala Mandor B

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    : This is a research about collaborative approach in integrated thematic learning on the third grade students of elementary school number 21 Kuala Mandor B. The research problems was how the design, implementation, evaluation and behavior of the students in the integrated thematic learning using collaborative approach on the third grade students of elementary school number 2 Kuala Mandor B. The purpose was to describe the design, implementation, evaluation and behavior of the students in the integrated thematic learning using collaborative approach on the third grade students of elementary school number 2 Kuala Mandor B. The results were (1) thematic lesson plan using collaborative approach done by the teacher was fulfil the thematic lesson plan acquirement in general; (2) thematic learning using collaborative was done according to the design and using varied method and strategy of learning; (3) the evaluation was not monotonous, and was used multiple assessment instrument; (4) students\u27 learning behavior in solving the various problem could be seen through the application of thematic learning using collaborative approach
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