79 research outputs found

    A comparative study of intraocular pressure changes in postmenopausal normotensive and hypertensive women

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    Background: Elevated intraocular pressure is a major modifiable risk factor for preventing glaucoma. Changes in intraocular pressure are directly and significantly associated with changes in blood pressure. Menopausal women with hypertension are at an increased risk of developing elevated intraocular pressure. Aim of current study was to compare the intraocular pressure changes in postmenopausal normotensive and hypertensive women.Methods: 35 normotensive and 35 hypertensive (based on JNC7 classification) postmenopausal women in the age group of 45-55 years participated in the study. Blood pressure was recorded in the sitting position with a mercury sphygmomanometer. Intraocular pressure was measured using Goldmann applanation tonometer.Results: Mean Intraocular Pressure in postmenopausal normotensive women was 13.01 ± 2.61 mmHg while that of postmenopausal hypertensive women was 15.15 ± 2.16 mmHg which was statistically significant. A statistically significant correlation was observed between IOP and systolic blood pressure and positive correlation was obtained between IOP and diastolic blood pressure in postmenopausal hypertensive women.Conclusion: Menopausal women are at an increased risk of developing hypertension due to age, hormonal changes and obesity which may lead to increased IOP. IOP is also directly and significantly related to systemic blood pressure hence postmenopausal women with systemic hypertension need periodic ophthalmologic examination. Detecting early IOP changes will help them in identifying the risk groups and formulating strategies for screening glaucoma.

    Neural, renal and retinal hamartomas with cutis vertis gyrata a rare presentation in tuberous sclerosis complex

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex characterised by multiple benign tumours, is caused by mutation in the genes TSC1 and TSC2 coding for Hamartin and Tuberin respectively. We report a case of a 17 year old female patient who presented with classical Vogt’s triad characterized by seizures, mental retardation and adenoma sebaceous. She presented with Cutis Vertis Gyrata in addition to multiple retinal astrocytic hamartomas in her right eye with retinal pigment epithelium changes in both eyes and a normal anterior segment examination.  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed subependymal giant cell astrocytomas and cortical tubers. Ultrasound of the abdomen showed bilateral renal angiomyoliposis. We are presenting this case as retinal hamartomas with five Major criteria are seen along with secondary Cutis Vertis Gyrata which is an extremely rare presentation of Tuberous sclerosis. Absence of most of the Minor criteria is not to be excluded

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    Effect of Different Doses and Scheduling Time of Plant Growth Regulators and Defoliants on Growth and Yield of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under High Density Planting System

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    A field trial to determine the effect of different dosages, Scheduling time of plant growth regulators and defoliators on growth and yield of cotton under high density planting system was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal during kharif-2022. The experiment consisted of eleven treatments laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. The treatment details were T1: Application of Mepiquat chloride (M.C) 25 g a.i ha-1 @ 40 & 55 DAE + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 40 % boll burst, T2: M.C 25 g a.i ha-1 @ 40 & 55 DAE + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 60 % boll burst, T3: M.C 20, 30 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 DAE respectively + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 40% boll burst T4: M.C 20, 30 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 DAE respectively + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 60% boll burst T5: M.C 20 g a.i ha-1 @ 40,55 & 75 DAE+ Ethereal 2000ppm @ 40 % boll burst, T6: M.C 20 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 & 70 DAE + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 60 % boll burst, T7: M.C 25 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 & 70 DAE + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 40 % boll burst, T8: M.C 25 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 & 75 DAE+ Ethereal 2000ppm @  60% boll burst, T9: M.C 20, 25, 30 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 and 70 DAE respectively + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 40 % boll burst, T10: M.C 20, 25, 30 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 and 70 DAE respectively + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 60 % boll burst and T11: Control .(Water spray at 40, 55 and 70 DAE). Results revealed that foliar application of M.C @ 20 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 & 70 DAE in conjunction with Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 60% boll burst recorded higher seed cotton yield. Plant growth, dry matter accumulation and stalk yield were recorded highest in control plot and lowest with spraying of M.C 20, 25 and 30 g a.i ha-1 @ 40, 55 and 70 DAE respectively + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 40 % boll burst. Among similar doses of Mepiquat chloride, all the agronomic traits of cotton crop are positively influenced with application of 2000 ppm Ethereal @ 60% boll burst. The spraying of M.C @ 20 g a.i ha-1 at 40, 55 and 70 DAE + Ethereal 2000 ppm @ 60% boll burst would be economically ideal to the farming community

    Assessing the Improvement in Cement Effectiveness by the Geometry of Implant Abutment Surface

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    Aim: The present study was conducted to assess the effect of the topography or surface geometry of implant abutments for their effect on the retentive strength of the prosthesis cemented using zinc phosphate on grooved, sandblasted, and standard machined implant abutments and to compare them. Methods: 12 implant abutments of a similar shape were divided into 3 groups of 4 each having a 6-degree taper and 6mm height. The 3 groups were Group I included standard machined abutments without grooves, Group II included group I abutments sandblasted, and Group III included abutments having prefabricated circumferential grooves. In addition, among these 12 abutments, 4 each were taken to assess the retentive force of zinc phosphate cement. 12 similar cast copings were made to fill the 12 abutments, and were cemented with zinc phosphate. After 6 days of storage in the water bath and thermal cycling, using the tensile testing machine, a retention test was done. Results: Concerning zinc phosphate cement, among three study groups the statistically significant difference was seen with p<0.05.&nbsp
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