650 research outputs found

    Validation of stellar population and kinematical analysis of galaxies

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    3D spectroscopy produces hundreds of spectra from which maps of the characteristics of stellar populations (age-metallicity) and internal kinematics of galaxies can be derived. We carried on simulations to assess the reliability of inversion methods and to define the requirements for future observations. We quantify the biases and show that to minimize the errors on the kinematics, age and metallicity (in a given observing time) the size of the spatial elements and the spectral dispersion should be chosen to obtain an instrumental velocity dispersion comparable to the physical dispersion.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, extended version of a poster proceeding to appear in "Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy", eds. M. Kissler-Patig, M. M. Roth and J. R. Walsh, ESO Astrophysics Symposia. (The two last pages with figures are not in the conference proceedings.

    On the identity of Festuca jubata Lowe (Poaceae) and the description of a new Festuca species in the Azores Islands

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    The majority of authors consider Festuca jubata Lowe as an endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores. Saint-Yves proposed that F. jubata was an Azorean endemic and described a geovicarious taxon in Madeira: F. filiformis C. Sm. ex Link in Buch ssp. mandonii St.-Yves. We undertook a complete bibliographical revision of the taxonomy, nomenclature, and chorology of F. jubata s.l., and contrasted it with morphological and anatomical studies performed on samples from the Azores and Madeira. Azorean plants usually identified as F. jubata had a character combination distinct from that of those with a Madeiran provenance. Saint-Yves’ proposal of two independent taxa was correct, but he erroneously considered F. jubata as an Azorean endemic because the name F. jubata was based on Madeiran plants. Consequently, F. jubata auct. pl. from the Azores belongs to a new species

    On the identity of Festuca jubata Lowe (Poaceae) and the description of a new Festuca species in the Azores Islands

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    The majority of authors consider Festuca jubata Lowe as an endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores. Saint-Yves proposed that F. jubata was an Azorean endemic and described a geovicarious taxon in Madeira: F. filiformis C. Sm. ex Link in Buch ssp. mandonii St.-Yves. We undertook a complete bibliographical revision of the taxonomy, nomenclature, and chorology of F. jubata s.l., and contrasted it with morphological and anatomical studies performed on samples from the Azores and Madeira. Azorean plants usually identified as F. jubata had a character combination distinct from that of those with a Madeiran provenance. Saint-Yves’ proposal of two independent taxa was correct, but he erroneously considered F. jubata as an Azorean endemic because the name F. jubata was based on Madeiran plants. Consequently, F. jubata auct. pl. from the Azores belongs to a new species

    The genus Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae) in the Azores and Madeira

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    The taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Huperzia Bernh. in the Azores and Madeira have been reviewed. Plants collected in the Azores and Madeira were characterized morphologically. The independence between two endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores Islands – Huperzia suberecta (Lowe) Tardieu and Huperzia dentata (Herter) Holub – is clearly shown. A clear-cut morphological separation between these taxa and Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. of continental Europe is established

    The genus Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae) in the Azores and Madeira

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    The taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Huperzia Bernh. in the Azores and Madeira have been reviewed. Plants collected in the Azores and Madeira were characterized morphologically. The independence between two endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores Islands – Huperzia suberecta (Lowe) Tardieu and Huperzia dentata (Herter) Holub – is clearly shown. A clear-cut morphological separation between these taxa and Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. of continental Europe is established

    Anàlisi espacio-temporal de la línia de costa i del foredune del sistema dunar de Sa Canova d’Artà (Mallorca)

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    [cat] Els sistemes platja-duna, són una de les morfologies sedimentàries més abundants a les Illes Balears. Aquests es troben composats per diferents subsistemes, els quals presenten diferents nivells de dinamisme. Des d’aquest punt de vista, la foredune és el sector més dinàmic de la part emergida del sistema i en la qual la vegetació té un paper clau per al desenvolupament de la resta del sistema. Tots i cada un dels sistemes existents a la comunitat autònoma i a la resta del món disposa d’una condicions/característiques que el fan peculiar i diferent a la resta; a part de les pròpies condicions físiques intrínseques al propi medi, a dia d’avui els sistemes han de fer front a tota una sèrie de pressions d’origen antròpic, destacant especialment l’activitat turística en el cas Balear. El cas d’estudi, és Sa Canova, situada al terme municipal d’Artà (NE de l’illa de Mallorca); aquest sistema tampoc n’és una excepció, al llarg del període d’estudi (1956-2012), ha sofert variacions, tant d’origen natural, com antròpic, les quals han tingut com a conseqüència el sistema dunar actualment existent.[eng] The beach-dune systems, are one of the most abundant sedimentary morphologies in the Balearic Islands. These are composed of different subsystems, which present different levels of dynamism. From this point of view, Foredune is the most dynamic sector of the emerging part of the system and in which vegetation plays a key role for the development of the rest of the system. Each and every one of the existing systems in the autonomous community and the rest of the world has conditions / characteristics that make it peculiar and different from the rest; Apart from the intrinsic physical conditions inherent in their own environment, today, systems have to deal with a whole series of pressures of anthropogenic origin, with special emphasis on tourism in the Balearic Islands. The case study is Sa Canova, located in the municipality of Artà (NE of the island of Mallorca); This system is not an exception either, during the period of study (1956-2012), it has undergone variations, both of natural origin and anthropic, which have resulted in the current dune system

    La evolución de los vínculos entre los poderes laicos y las órdenes religiosas en la Castilla bajomedieval

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    This paper analyzes the evolution of the relations of benefactoría and protection between the nobility and the urban patriciate, on the one hand, and the religious orders, on the other, during the Castilian Late Middle Ages. The focus will be on the various monastic and conventual foundations carried out by these groups, as well as the donations and protection provided to religious centers. An overall analysis will be made of the different religious orders that were present in Castile during the study period: traditional –Benedictines, Cistercians and Premonstratensians–, mendicants –Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians and Carmelites–, redeemers of captives –Trinitarians and Mercedarians– and the orders that entered Castile in the first Trastámara reigns –Hyeronimites and Carthusians–.En el presente trabajo se analiza la evolución de las relaciones de benefactoría y protección entre la nobleza y el patriciado urbano, por una parte, y las órdenes religiosas, por otra, durante la Baja Edad Media castellana. Se pondrá el centro de atención en las diversas fundaciones monásticas y conventuales protagonizadas por estos grupos, así como las donaciones y la protección brindada a los centros religiosos. Se tratará de hacer un análisis de conjunto en torno a las diferentes órdenes religiosas que tuvieron presencia en Castilla durante el periodo de estudio: tradicionales –benedictinos, cistercienses y premonstratenses–, mendicantes –franciscanos, dominicos, agustinos y carmelitas–, redentoras de cautivos –trinitarios y mercedarios– y las órdenes que hicieron su entrada en Castilla en los primeros reinados Trastámara –jerónimos y cartujos–

    La utilización del banano en la ceba de novillos.

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    Por las exigencias del mercado internacional del banano hay gran cantidad (20 por ciento) de lo producido anualmente en Urabá que se rechaza por no reunir las condiciones para exportación, el 70 por ciento de este rechazo es fuente de contaminación. Una solución de interés regional es intensificar el uso de este volumen de desecho en la alimentación de bovinos especialmente para producción de carne. Para cubrir el bajo contenido proteínico del banano se recomienda la complementación con leguminosas forrajeras tropicales tales como el kudzú y el matarratón cuyos contenidos de proteina son superiores al 18 por ciento y muestran además excelente adaptación en zonas tropicales. Resultados preliminares del uso del banano complementado con estas dos leguminosas, nos indican que las ganancias de peso diario por novillo en sistemas de ceba es del orden de 1000 gr/día, utilizando el kudzú como banco de proteina en pastoreo alterno y el matarratón bajo corte. A manera de conclusión se puede establecer que el valor energético del banano, por su alto contenido de azúcares, debe ser balanceado con alimentos ricos en nitrógeno protéico, siendo las leguminosas forrajeras la alternativa más económica y racional para la alimentación de novillos en dietas con base en banano de rechazoGanadería bovin
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