855 research outputs found

    Epic legacies: Hindu cultural nationalism and female sexual identities in India 1920-1960

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    PhDThe thesis investigates the cultural interventions of Hindu nationalist, C. Rajagopalachari (CR), by offering a close reading of his re-tellings of the Hindu epics, The Mahabharata (1951) and The Ramayana (1956). It positions them alongside the writings of M. K. Gandhi and the key responses to Katherine Mayo’s controversial text Mother India (1927). The thesis explores the central female protagonists of the epics – Sita and Draupadi – asking how these poetic representations illuminate the ways in which femininity was imagined by an influential Hindu ideologue during the early years of Indian Independence. Using close textual analysis as my principal method I suggest that these popular-literary representations of sexual identities in Hindu culture functioned as one means by which Hindu nationalists ultimately sought to regulate gender roles and modes of being. I focus on texts emerging in the years immediately before and after Independence and Partition. In this period, I suggest, the heroines of these versions of the epic texts are divested of their bodies and of their mythic powers in order to create pliant, de-sexualised female icons for women in the new nation to emulate. Through an examination of the responses to Katherine Mayo’s Mother India (1927), and of Gandhi’s writings, I argue that there one can discern an attempt in the Hindu Indian script to define female sexual identity as maternal, predominantly in service to the nation. These themes, I argue, were later articulated in CR’s recasting of the Hindu epics. CR’s epics represent the vision of gender within Hindu nationalism that highlights female chastity in the epics, elevating female chastity into an authentic and perennial virtue. I argue, however, that these ‘new’ representations in fact mark a re-working of much older traditions that carries forward ideas from the colonial period into the period of Independence. I explore this longer colonial tradition in the Prologue, through a textual analysis of the work of William Jones and James Mill. Thus my focus concerns the symbolic forms of the nation – its mythologies and icons – as brought to life by an emergent Hindu nationalism, suggesting that these symbolic forms offer an insight into the gendering of the independent nation. The epics represented an idealised model of Hindu femininity. I recognise, of course, that these identities are always contested, always unfinished. However I suggest that, through the recasting of the epic heroines, an idea of female sexuality entered into what senior Hindu nationalist and Congressman, K.M. Munshi, called ‘the unconscious of India’

    Identifying the neural basis of female receptivity within and between Drosophila species

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    The neural mechanisms that underlie a female’s willingness to mate remain largely unknown. To identify the neural basis of female receptivity, I used a combination of genetic tools to temporarily induce hyperactivation or suppression of particular neural regions and receptors, then scored their effect on Drosophila melanogaster female receptivity towards conspecific or heterospecific males. I found that silencing the antennal lobe reduced female receptivity, while silencing the mushroom bodies increased receptivity towards conspecific males. Hyperactivation of Odorant receptor 47b or the mushroom body increased female receptivity. In contrast, silencing or hyperactivation of target regions had no effect on female receptivity between species. Identifying the neural basis of female receptivity within a species can illuminate how neuronal circuits integrate multiple sources of information from various modalities to subsequently produce behaviour. Further, identifying the regions that allow for between-species discrimination can also contribute to our understanding of the neural origin of speciation


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    Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan produk media pembelajaran fisika berbasis komputer sebagai sumber belajar untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar untuk siswa SMA kelas X materi listrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) kelayakan produk mobile learning pada smartphone dengan platform android yang dikembangkan dengan materi listrik sebagai media belajar, (2) pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning pada smartphone dengan platform android sebagai sumber belajar terhadap penguasaan materi listrik, (3) pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning pada smartphone dengan platform android sebagai sumber belajar terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah R&D dengan model 4-D yang terdiri dari empat tahap, yakni define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Tahap disseminate tidak dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Pada tahap develop dilakukan penilaian ahli (expert appraisal) dan uji coba (developmental testing) yang melibatkan guru fisika, 5 mahasiswa pendidikan fisika, dan 30 siswa SMA kelas X sebagai pengguna media pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) produk hasil pengembangan media dinyatakan layak berdasarkan penilaian ahli, guru fisika, dan peer reviewer dengan kategori baik, (2) media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning pada smartphone dengan platform android meningkatkan penguasaan materi listrik pada siswa kelas X dengan nilai gain 0,35 atau dalam kategori sedang, (3) media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning pada smartphone dengan platform android meningkatkan motivasi belajar pada siswa kelas X dengan nilai gain 0,12 atau dalam kategori rendah


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh vegetasi terhadap kondisi iklim mikro, kadar timah hitam dan kadar debu di udara. Dipilih lokasi padat lalu lintas yang memiliki vegetasi dengan yang tanpa vegetasi adalah untuk melihat besar masalah. Sehingga hasil penelitian ini dan penelitian-penelitian lain yang sejenis dapat menjadi masukan dan dasr pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk menetapkan upaya-upaya dalam mengatasi pencemaran udara, khususnya dari kendaraan bermotor dikota-kota besar di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan desain survei dan pendekatan crossectional, penyakit ini mendapatkan data malalui pengukuran kondisi iklim mikro (suhu, kelembaban udara, tekanan udara dan kecepatn angin), kadar Pb dan debu udara serta pengamatan kualitas vegetasi ( jenis dan jumah, lingkar batang, tinggi pohon dan lebar tajuk). Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa ada jalan Teuku Umar rata-rata kadar Pb udara sebesar 0,0180 mg/Methaemoglobine kubik, kadar debu 0,3290 mg/m3, suhu 30,43 derajat celcius, kelembaban 63,67%, tekanan udara 748,33 mmHg dan kecepatan angin 1,24 m/detik. Dijalan Majapahit diperoleh data rata-rata kadar Pb udara 0,0230 mg/m3, kadar debu udara 0,5240 mg/m3, suhu 32,70 derajat C, kelembaban 57,67%, tekanan udara 751,67 mmHg dan kecepatan angin 2,27 m/detik. Hasil analisa menunjukkan ada perbedaan nyata kadar Pb (t=4,4138) dan debu udara (t=6,5046), suhu (t=8,5000), kelembaban udara (t=8,4098), serta kecepatan angin (t=6,4970) di kedua lokasi penelitian. Dengan menggunakan uji regresi ternyata vegetasi yang diwakili oleh lebar tahuk pohon berpengaruh positif terhadap kelembaba udara (r=0,7551) dan berpengaruh negatif terhadap kelembaban udara (r=-0,9987) dan debu udara (-0,9990) suhu (-0,9628) dan kecepatan angin (r=-0.9817). Sedah saatnya pemerintah mengupayakan bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor yang bebas dari timah hitam, atau sedikit demi sedikit mulai beralih ke bahan bakar gas, mengingat cadangan bahan bakar minyak mulai menyusut, di sisi lain bahan bakar gas sudah banyak ditemukan di Indonesia dalam jumlah yang bisa dikonsumsi selama 100 tahun lagi. Seiring dengan upaya tersebut, akan semakin baik jika dilakukan pula perbaikan unit pendukung pengolah pencemaran udara dengan cara memperluas hutan kota atau memperbaiki kualitas vegetasi di sekitar jalan yang padat lalu lintas. Kata Kunci: VEGETASI IKLIM MIKR

    Why some clusters succeed whereas others decline ? Modelling the ambivalent stability properties of clusters

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    The aim of this paper is to study the ambivalent properties of stabilities of clusters. We propose to enter the black box of the local knowledge externalities by focusing on the location decision externalities. In particular, we show that the nature of mimetic strategies in the convergence process of locational choices influence the dynamic stability of clusters. Thus, when uncertainty and search for legitimacy prevail on the need for coordination and the associated necessities of compatibility and technological convergence, the clusters are unstable, due to an excess of cognitive proximity and a risk of unintended spillovers. Nevertheless, this search for legitimacy, through the strategy which consists in following the locational choice of companies leader of a sector, can lead to the fast emergence of a cluster. But without relational proximity, its stability is not insured. These results are obtained following the formulation of some theoretical proposals on the links between location decision externalities and the resulting forms of socioeconomic proximities. This set of proposals is validated firstly by a model of simulation which makes it possible to test the properties of stability of aggregate outcomes of locational choices. Secondly, they are illustrated by a comparative empirical analysis of two main French clusters (Silicon Sentier and Sophia-Antipolis)..clusters, proximities, stability, location under decision externalities, Silicon Sentier, Sophia-Antipolis


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    Besi cor adalah paduan besi yang mengandung karbon, silisium, mangan, fosfor dan belerang. Besi cor ini digolongkan menjadi enam macam yaitu : besi cor kelabu, besi cor kelas tinggi, besi cor kelabu paduan, besi cor bergrafit bulat, besi cor mampu tempa dan besi cor cil. Salah satu bahan dari blok rem kereta api adalah besi cor kelabu karena mempunyai sifat mampu cor yang baik dan murah. Selain Itu, juga mempunyai sifat mekanik kekerasan dan ketahanan aus yang cukup tinggi. Walaupun kekuatan tarik dari besi cor kelabu kira-kira 100 – 250 N/mm2, namun besi cor ini agak getas titik cairnya kira-kira 1.200oC dan mempunyai mampu cor yang baik serta murah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengujian adalah : besi cor kelabu dengan menggunakan 5 material uji, diantaranya adalah pengujian komposisi kimia 1 spesimen, pengujian tarik 3 spesimen, pengujian struktur mikro dan kekerasan 1 spesimen. Dari data hasil pengujian dan pembahasan pada pengujian besi cor kelabu pada blokrem kereta api untuk pengujian komposisi kimia dapat diketahui kadar unsur yang mendominasi adalah besi (Fe) sebesar 93,74 %, karbon (C) sebesar 3,37%, silikon (Si) sebesar 1,60 %, phospor (P) sebesar 0,170%, Mangan sebesar 0,415 %. Sedangkan unsur-unsur lain yang didapatkan dalam kategori prosentase kecil dan relatif sedikit pengaruhnya pada sifat mekanis bahan. Hasil dari pengambilan foto struktur mikro besi cor kelabu dapat terlihat bahwa struktur mikro yang terlihat adalah ferrit, pearlit, dan grafit. pengujian kekerasan besi cor kelabu didapatkan nilai rata-rata 265,6 HBN. Pengujian tarik yaitu 137,64 N/mm

    Nasser of Egypt and the Egypt of Nasser

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    In the Egyptian consciousness, there is a date that resonates in the nation’s memory as the official catalyst that led to the rise of modern Egypt: July 23, 1952. On this day, a military group called the Free Officers rose up and seized control of Egypt from the monarchs and British colonizers in a near bloodless coup d’état. The face of the Free Officers at the time of the coup was General Muhammad Naguib (1901 – 1984), but the brain and heart of the movement was the then colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918 – 1970). During the first three years after the coup, Naguib played his role of Egyptian President even though, it was clear to the public – Egyptian and foreign – that Nasser was the one who truly held power. Nasser finally came into the presidential title to match his presidential power when Naguib was removed from office in 1954 after being implicated as a conspirator of a failed assassination plot on Nasser. Shortly after Nasser took office, he penned his historic work, The Philosophy of the Revolution (1955). The book reads like a confessional of all that Nasser had done and all that he aspired to do in the name of making Egypt as strong as he knew it could be. He saw the Egyptian nation shaking away the yoke of western colonization and becoming a nation of strength and success. If Egypt could rise to become the ideal Arab nation, free of colonial influence, all other Arab nations would be moved to unite as well (as individual nations) and create a nationalistic pan-Arabism future. In all, Nasser did successfully sow the seeds for the illustrious Arab future he saw. He inspired Egyptians to work together to become a powerful nation and cultivated immense support for the pan-Arabism movement amongst the multi-national Arab public. Unfortunately, there was to be no fruition of Nasser’s goals because the nationalist ideology was simply too closely identified with Nasser’s image, rather than inherent within the government or a potential successor. When Nasser died on September 28, 1970, the Egyptian revolution – and much of the pan-Arabism revolution – died with him

    The Lost Songs of Motherhood

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    [no abstract provided


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    Tri Pria Septiadi, The Effect of Firm Size and Working Capital Turnover in Manufacturing Company Toward Profitability of Indonesia Stock Exchange in the Periode of 2013. Skripsi Jakarta: Accounting Education Focus, Economy Studies Program, Department of Economy and Administration, Faculty of Economy, State University of Jakarta, in July 2014. This study is aimed to deepen the information of the Effect of Firm Size and Working Capital Turnover in Manufacturing Company Toward Indonesia Stock Exchange Profitability conducted in the Capital Market Data Centers Kwik Kian Gie in the periode of May-June 2014. The samples are collected by using purposive sampling technique. This study used a survey correlation approach method with regression and correlation data analysis technique. The results of this study infer that (i) there is a positive and significant correlation between firm size and profitability of the company (ii) there is a negative and no significant correlation between working capital turnover and the profitability of manufacturing companies in Indonesia stock exchange in the periode of 2014. The results confirm the research conducted by Yusraini, Amir Hasan, and Helen Imelga which shows that working capital turnover has no significant effect on the profitability of the company at a significant level α = 0.05
