2,418 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Surface Contamination of Bacteria in Various Dental Clinics with Special Reference to Obligate and Facultative Anaerobic Spore Bearing Bacilli

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    The occupational health and safety is an important prerequisite in dental clinic setup for wellbeing of both the doctor and patient. Both the patient and dentist are always at the risk of infections. Aim and objectives: There is no proper literature on the survey of bacterial spores, especially of Clostridium species in dental clinics. Hence an attempt has been made in the present pilot study to evaluate the surface contamination with special reference to bacterial spores. Materials and methods: Various dental clinics from Chennai city, India were selected for the present study. Samples were collected from two clinics each from endodontic, prosthodontic, orthodontic, and periodontic. In each clinic important places were selected for sampling. The samples were collected in the form of swabs. The swabs thus obtained were inoculated into Robertson Cooked Meat Medium and was incubated in anaerobic condition at 370C for 7 days. Each day the tubes were examined for turbidity and colour change and were noted. At the end of 7th day, the smear was prepared from each tube and gram staining was performed. The gram stained slides were examined microscopically for the presence of spore bearing bacilli especially with special reference to terminal spore bearing bacilli. Results and conclusion: From the present study it is clear that the dental clinics invariably possess a lot of aerobic and anaerobic spores irrespective of stringent disinfection procedures. Hence it is mandatory for the dental clinics to undergo periodical microbiological surveillance and to take proper steps in the control of bacterial spores

    Consequences of fish kills for long-term trophic structure in shallow lakes: implications for theory and restoration

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    Fish kills are a common occurrence in shallow, eutrophic lakes, but their ecological consequences, especially in the long-term, are poorly understood. We studied the decadal-scale response of two UK shallow lakes to fish kills using a palaeolimnological approach. Eutrophic and turbid Barningham Lake experienced two fish kills in the early 1950s and late 1970s with fish recovering after both events, whereas less eutrophic, macrophyte-dominated Wolterton Lake experienced one kill event in the early 1970s from which fish failed to recover. Our palaeo-data show fish-driven trophic cascade effects across all trophic levels (covering benthic and pelagic species) in both lakes regardless of pre-kill macrophyte coverage and trophic status. In turbid Barningham Lake, similar to long-term studies of biomanipulations in other eutrophic lakes, effects at the macrophyte-level are shown to be temporary after the first kill (c.20 years) and non-existent after the second kill. In plant-dominated Wolterton Lake permanent fish disappearance failed to halt a long-term pattern of macrophyte community change (e.g. loss of charophytes and over-wintering macrophyte species) symptomatic of eutrophication. Important implications for theory and restoration ecology arise from our study. Firstly, our data support ideas of slow eutrophication-driven change in shallow lakes where perturbations are not necessary prerequisites for macrophyte loss. Secondly, the study emphasises a key need for lake managers to reduce external nutrient-loading if sustainable and long-term lake restoration is to be achieved. Our research highlights the enormous potential of multi-indicator palaeolimnology and alludes to an important need to consider potential fish kill signatures when interpreting results

    Synchronized dynamics of cortical neurons with time-delay feedback

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    The dynamics of three mutually coupled cortical neurons with time delays in the coupling are explored numerically and analytically. The neurons are coupled in a line, with the middle neuron sending a somewhat stronger projection to the outer neurons than the feedback it receives, to model for instance the relay of a signal from primary to higher cortical areas. For a given coupling architecture, the delays introduce correlations in the time series at the time-scale of the delay. It was found that the middle neuron leads the outer ones by the delay time, while the outer neurons are synchronized with zero lag times. Synchronization is found to be highly dependent on the synaptic time constant, with faster synapses increasing both the degree of synchronization and the firing rate. Analysis shows that presynaptic input during the interspike interval stabilizes the synchronous state, even for arbitrarily weak coupling, and independent of the initial phase. The finding may be of significance to synchronization of large groups of cells in the cortex that are spatially distanced from each other.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Glucanase Inhibitor Protein (GIP)

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    Several key cellular events, such as adhesion to the host surface, penetration, and colonization of host tissue, take place during plant infection by oomycetes that can also manipulate biochemical and physiological processes in their host plants through a diverse array of virulence or avirulence molecules, known as effectors (Birch et al. 2006; Ellis et al. 2006; Kamoun 2007; Schornack et al. 2009). In susceptible plants, these effectors promote infection by suppressing defense responses, enhancing susceptibility, or inducing disease symptoms. In resistant plants, the products of the resistance genes are able to recognize the effectors, promoting an efective defense response known as hypersensitive response (HR) which restricts the pathogen to an area of scorched earth besides host cell death (Kamoun 2003; Kamoun 2007; Schornack et al. 2009). Phytophthora effectors that suppress host defense responses have be ...info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterisation of preproendothelin-1 derived peptides identifies Endothelin-Like Domain Peptide as a modulator of Endothelin-1

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    These studies were supported by the Medical Research Council (UK) (Grant G0801509), Community Fund of the National Lottery Charities Board, William Harvey Research Foundation and British Cardiac Research Trust. The LC-MS/MS facility was supported by Barts and the London Charity (297/2249)

    Distributed network organization underlying feeding behavior in the mollusk Lymnaea

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    The aim of the work reviewed here is to relate the properties of individual neurons to network organization and behavior using the feeding system of the gastropod mollusk, Lymnaea. Food ingestion in this animal involves sequences of rhythmic biting movements that are initiated by the application of a chemical food stimulus to the lips and esophagus. We investigated how individual neurons contribute to various network functions that are required for the generation of feeding behavior such as rhythm generation, initiation ('decision making'), modulation and hunger and satiety. The data support the view that feeding behavior is generated by a distributed type of network organization with individual neurons often contributing to more than one network function, sharing roles with other neurons. Multitasking in a distributed type of network would be 'economically' sensible in the Lymnaea feeding system where only about 100 neurons are available to carry out a variety of complex tasks performed by millions of neurons in the vertebrate nervous system. Having complementary and potentially alternative mechanisms for network functions would also add robustness to what is a 'noisy' network where variable firing rates and synaptic strengths are commonly encountered in electrophysiological recording experiments

    Graviton Vertices and the Mapping of Anomalous Correlators to Momentum Space for a General Conformal Field Theory

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    We investigate the mapping of conformal correlators and of their anomalies from configuration to momentum space for general dimensions, focusing on the anomalous correlators TOOTOO, TVVTVV - involving the energy-momentum tensor (T)(T) with a vector (V)(V) or a scalar operator (OO) - and the 3-graviton vertex TTTTTT. We compute the TOOTOO, TVVTVV and TTTTTT one-loop vertex functions in dimensional regularization for free field theories involving conformal scalar, fermion and vector fields. Since there are only one or two independent tensor structures solving all the conformal Ward identities for the TOOTOO or TVVTVV vertex functions respectively, and three independent tensor structures for the TTTTTT vertex, and the coefficients of these tensors are known for free fields, it is possible to identify the corresponding tensors in momentum space from the computation of the correlators for free fields. This works in general dd dimensions for TOOTOO and TVVTVV correlators, but only in 4 dimensions for TTTTTT, since vector fields are conformal only in d=4d=4. In this way the general solution of the Ward identities including anomalous ones for these correlators in (Euclidean) position space, found by Osborn and Petkou is mapped to the ordinary diagrammatic one in momentum space. We give simplified expressions of all these correlators in configuration space which are explicitly Fourier integrable and provide a diagrammatic interpretation of all the contact terms arising when two or more of the points coincide. We discuss how the anomalies arise in each approach [...]Comment: 57 pages, 7 figures. Refs adde

    5D gravity and the discrepant G measurements

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    It is shown that 5D Kaluza-Klein theory stabilized by an external bulk scalar field may solve the discrepant laboratory G measurements. This is achieved by an effective coupling between gravitation and the geomagnetic field. Experimental considerations are also addressed.Comment: 13 pages, to be published in: Proceedings of the 18th Course of the School on Cosmology and Gravitation: The gravitational Constant. Generalized gravitational theories and experiments (30 April-10 May 2003, Erice). Ed. by G. T. Gillies, V. N. Melnikov and V. de Sabbata, (Kluwer), 13pp. (in print) (2003