112 research outputs found

    Lithium interactions with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics – A review

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    Background: Lithium is often used in bipolar disorder and occasionally in unipolar depression. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and diuretics are frequently prescribed and their interaction with lithium is based mainly in few small studies. Objectives: Conduct a review, identify different interaction patterns and discuss treatment options. Methods: Three searches were made in PubMed in January 2016: 1) using the keywords “lithium” [and] “non-steroidal anti-inflammatory”; 2) using the keywords “lithium” [and] “diuretics” and the filter “title/abstract”; 3) using the terms “lithium” [and] “toxicity” and the filters “title” [and] “review”. From the 293 remaining articles, 10 were selected. Another search in Scielo.org was made, using the term “lítio” and the filter “Psiquiatria”. Two articles were selected from the initial 53. Six textbooks were added to expand the evidence, achieving a total of 18 references. Results: The majority of NSAIDs and diuretics rises lithium levels, specially thiazides. However, some show great variability or no interaction at all, and others even decrease lithium levels. Discussion: Lower-doses, shorter durations, lithium adjustments and levels' follow-ups are recommended, especially in elderly and multiple co-morbid patients

    Children’s Stories Supporting the Development of Critical Literacy and Intercultural Understanding

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    This chapter examines the possibilities of applying children’s storybooks in supporting the development of critical literacy as well as intercultural understanding. Valuing and supporting children’s reading is known to provide understanding and empathy towards other human beings. The chapter focuses on theoretical notions related to promoting critical literacies through children’s storybooks, but also includes practical examples of utilizing multicultural children’s stories. The chapter introduces different strategies that parents and teachers can use to support the development of critical literacy, including critical thinking and understanding multiple perspectives. Focus is especially on young children, because they already are capable of moving beyond what is in front of them on the page. Since children’s storybooks offer possibilities for readers to question implicit assumptions about self and others, books can support readers in becoming more culturally aware and sensitive. Consequently, reading storybooks can affect children’s intercultural understanding, and the role of storybooks in children’s moral development – both shaping and changing attitudes – should be seen as transformative.Peer reviewe

    Crystal structure of the membrane attack complex assembly inhibitor BGA71 from the Lyme disease agent Borrelia bavariensis

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) grant Nr. “Structural and functional studies of Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferi outer surface proteins to reveal the mechanisms of pathogenesis with the intention to create a new vaccine”. Diffraction data have been collected on BL14.1 at the BESSY II electron storage ring operated by the Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin. We would particularly like to acknowledge the help and support of Manfred S. Weiss and Christian Feiler during the experiment. Publisher Copyright: © 2018, The Author(s).Borrelia (B.) bavariensis, B. burgdorferi, B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. spielmanii, and B. mayonii are the causative agents in Lyme disease. Lyme disease spirochetes reside in infected Ixodes ticks and are transferred to mammalian hosts during tick feeding. Once transmitted, spirochetes must overcome the first line of defense of the innate immune system either by binding complement regulators or by terminating the formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC). In B. bavariensis, the proteins BGA66 and BGA71 inhibit complement activation by interacting with the late complement components C7, C8, and C9, as well as with the formed MAC. In this study, we have determined the crystal structure of the potent MAC inhibitor BGA71 at 2.9 Ǻ resolution. The structure revealed a cysteine cross-linked homodimer. Based on the crystal structure of BGA71 and the structure-based sequence alignment with CspA from B. burgdorferi, we have proposed a potential binding site for C7 and C9, both of which are constituents of the formed MAC. Our results shed light on the molecular mechanism of immune evasion developed by the human pathogenic Borrelia species to overcome innate immunity. These results will aid in the understanding of Lyme disease pathogenesis and pave the way for the development of new strategies to prevent Lyme disease.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Influence of Socioeconomic Status Trajectories on Innate Immune Responsiveness in Children

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    Lower socioeconomic status (SES) is consistently associated with poor health, yet little is known about the biological mechanisms underlying this inequality. In children, we examined the impact of early-life SES trajectories on the intensity of global innate immune activation, recognizing that excessive activation can be a precursor to inflammation and chronic disease.Stimulated interleukin-6 production, a measure of immune responsiveness, was analyzed ex vivo for 267 Canadian schoolchildren from a 1995 birth cohort in Manitoba, Canada. Childhood SES trajectories were determined from parent-reported housing data using a longitudinal latent-class modeling technique. Multivariate regression was conducted with adjustment for potential confounders.SES was inversely associated with innate immune responsiveness (p=0.003), with persistently low-SES children exhibiting responses more than twice as intense as their high-SES counterparts. Despite initially lower SES, responses from children experiencing increasing SES trajectories throughout childhood were indistinguishable from high-SES children. Low-SES effects were strongest among overweight children (p<0.01). Independent of SES trajectories, immune responsiveness was increased in First Nations children (p<0.05) and urban children with atopic asthma (p<0.01).These results implicate differential immune activation in the association between SES and clinical outcomes, and broadly imply that SES interventions during childhood could limit or reverse the damaging biological effects of exposure to poverty during the preschool years

    Diverse Roles and Interactions of the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Revealed Using Global Approaches

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    A systems understanding of nuclear organization and events is critical for determining how cells divide, differentiate, and respond to stimuli and for identifying the causes of diseases. Chromatin remodeling complexes such as SWI/SNF have been implicated in a wide variety of cellular processes including gene expression, nuclear organization, centromere function, and chromosomal stability, and mutations in SWI/SNF components have been linked to several types of cancer. To better understand the biological processes in which chromatin remodeling proteins participate, we globally mapped binding regions for several components of the SWI/SNF complex throughout the human genome using ChIP-Seq. SWI/SNF components were found to lie near regulatory elements integral to transcription (e.g. 5′ ends, RNA Polymerases II and III, and enhancers) as well as regions critical for chromosome organization (e.g. CTCF, lamins, and DNA replication origins). Interestingly we also find that certain configurations of SWI/SNF subunits are associated with transcripts that have higher levels of expression, whereas other configurations of SWI/SNF factors are associated with transcripts that have lower levels of expression. To further elucidate the association of SWI/SNF subunits with each other as well as with other nuclear proteins, we also analyzed SWI/SNF immunoprecipitated complexes by mass spectrometry. Individual SWI/SNF factors are associated with their own family members, as well as with cellular constituents such as nuclear matrix proteins, key transcription factors, and centromere components, implying a ubiquitous role in gene regulation and nuclear function. We find an overrepresentation of both SWI/SNF-associated regions and proteins in cell cycle and chromosome organization. Taken together the results from our ChIP and immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that SWI/SNF facilitates gene regulation and genome function more broadly and through a greater diversity of interactions than previously appreciated

    SHANK proteins limit integrin activation by directly interacting with Rap1 and R-Ras

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    SHANK3, a synaptic scaffold protein and actin regulator, is widely expressed outside of the central nervous system with predominantly unknown function. Solving the structure of the SHANK3 N-terminal region revealed that the SPN domain is an unexpected Ras-association domain with high affinity for GTP-bound Ras and Rap G-proteins. The role of Rap1 in integrin activation is well established but the mechanisms to antagonize it remain largely unknown. Here, we show that SHANK1 and SHANK3 act as integrin activation inhibitors by sequestering active Rap1 and R-Ras via the SPN domain and thus limiting their bioavailability at the plasma membrane. Consistently, SHANK3 silencing triggers increased plasma membrane Rap1 activity, cell spreading, migration and invasion. Autism-related mutations within the SHANK3 SPN domain (R12C and L68P) disrupt G-protein interaction and fail to counteract integrin activation along the Rap1-RIAM-talin axis in cancer cells and neurons. Altogether, we establish SHANKs as critical regulators of G-protein signalling and integrin-dependent processes

    Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in patients with pancreatic cancer: A national prospective study

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    Objective: UK national guidelines recommend pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) in pancreatic cancer. Over 80% of pancreatic cancers are unresectable and managed in non-surgical units. The aim was to assess variation in PERT prescribing, determine factors associated with its use and identify potential actions to improve prescription rates. Design: RICOCHET was a national prospective audit of malignant pancreatic, peri-ampullary lesions or malignant biliary obstruction between April and August 2018. This analysis focuses on pancreatic cancer patients and is reported to STROBE guidelines. Multivariable regression analysis was undertaken to assess factors associated with PERT prescribing. Results: Rates of PERT prescribing varied among the 1350 patients included. 74.4% of patients with potentially resectable disease were prescribed PERT compared to 45.3% with unresectable disease. PERT prescription varied across surgical hospitals but high prescribing rates did not disseminate out to the respective referring network. PERT prescription appeared to be related to the treatment aim for the patient and the amount of clinician contact a patient has. PERT prescription in potentially resectable patients was positively associated with dietitian referral (p = 0.001) and management at hepaticopancreaticobiliary (p = 0.049) or pancreatic unit (p = 0.009). Prescription in unresectable patients also had a negative association with Charlson comorbidity score 5–7 (p = 0.045) or >7 (p = 0.010) and a positive association with clinical nurse specialist review (p = 0.028). Conclusion: Despite national guidance, wide variation and under-treatment with PERT exists. Given that most patients with pancreatic cancer have unresectable disease and are treated in non-surgical hospitals, where prescribing is lowest, strategies to disseminate best practice and overcome barriers to prescribing are urgently required

    Playing your pain away: designing a virtual reality physical therapy for children with upper limb motor impairment

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    Children with upper limb motor impairment often undergo repetitive therapeutic physiotherapy sessions to minimize functional disabilities of the affected area. Even though therapeutic processes can improve functional outcomes and minimize persistent disabilities, patients often neglect to participate fully in physical therapies due to the associated procedural pain. Over recent decades, there has been a growing interest in designing non-pharmacological interventions which aim to minimize pain during physical therapies and improve functional outcomes. Via two interrelated studies, we explored the use of virtual reality (VR) as a tool to provide therapeutic physiotherapy for child patients in an out-patient hospital department. We found that VR is an effective solution for children with upper limb motor impairment undergoing painful therapeutic process within a hospital environment. VR can improve functional disabilities, alleviate perceived pain, reduce the perceived difficulty of rehabilitation exercises, increase exercise duration and produce positive emotions towards the therapy