275 research outputs found

    A review of the surveillance systems of influenza in selected countries in the tropical region

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    Influenza viruses cause annual epidemics of respiratory tract disease that affect all age groups. Many developing countries do not have an influenza surveillance system or adequate laboratory capacity for  virus detection. The objective of this study was to describe the influenza surveillance systems in the  different countries in the tropics and to identify outstanding research needs. A questionnaire was designed and sent to 52 NICs and MoHs in the different countries in tropical Asia and Africa to gather information on the surveillance systems, sentinel sites, specimen and data collection, and laboratory testing. Replies were received from 32 NICs and MoHs (61.5% response) – 17 were located in tropical Asia and 15 in  Africa. There are 20 WHO recognized NICs in tropical Asia and 14 in tropical Africa, all with virus isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing capacity. Of the Asian countries, only Hong Kong and Singapore reported that the patient population from the sites represents the broader community. In tropical Africa, only Senegal has sentinel sites distributed all over the country contributing to the  geographic representativeness of the surveillance system. The rest of the countries in Africa have just  established their influenza surveillance system in the past decade  and are working toward geographic expansion of the ILI and SARI sites. Limited laboratory capacity or  infrastructure to perform influenza surveillance makes difficult to justify the importance of influenza vaccine or  other influenza control measures as a strategy for improving population health in the tropical region.Key words: Tropical region, influenza surveillance, epidemics of respirator

    Selection and characterization of a promoter for expression of single-copy recombinant genes in Gram-positive bacteria

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    BACKGROUND: In the past ten years there has been a growing interest in engineering Gram-positive bacteria for biotechnological applications, including vaccine delivery and production of recombinant proteins. Usually, bacteria are manipulated using plasmid expression vectors. The major limitation of this approach is due to the fact that recombinant plasmids are often lost from the bacterial culture upon removal of antibiotic selection. We have developed a genetic system based on suicide vectors on conjugative transposons allowing stable integration of recombinant DNA into the chromosome of transformable and non-transformable Gram-positive bacteria. RESULTS: The aim of this work was to select a strong chromosomal promoter from Streptococcus gordonii to improve this genetic system making it suitable for expression of single-copy recombinant genes. To achieve this task, a promoterless gene encoding a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat), was randomly integrated into the S. gordonii chromosome and transformants were selected for chloramphenicol resistance. Three out of eighteen chloramphenicol resistant transformants selected exhibited 100% stability of the phenotype and only one of them, GP215, carried the cat gene integrated as a single copy. A DNA fragment of 600 base pairs exhibiting promoter activity was isolated from GP215 and sequenced. The 5' end of its corresponding mRNA was determined by primer extention analysis and the putative -10 and a -35 regions were identified. To study the possibility of using this promoter (PP) for single copy heterologous gene expression, we created transcriptional fusions of PP with genes encoding surface recombinant proteins in a vector capable of integrating into the conjugative transposon Tn916. Surface recombinant proteins whose expression was controlled by the PP promoter were detected in Tn916-containing strains of S. gordonii and Bacillus subtilis after single copy chromosomal integration of the recombinant insertion vectors into the resident Tn916. The surface recombinant protein synthesized under the control of PP was also detected in Enterococcus faecalis after conjugal transfer of a recombinant Tn916 containing the transcriptional fusion. CONCLUSION: We isolated and characterized a S. gordonii chromosomal promoter. We demonstrated that this promoter can be used to direct expression of heterologous genes in different Gram-positive bacteria, when integrated in a single copy into the chromosome

    Distribution of Primed T Cells and Antigen-Loaded Antigen Presenting Cells Following Intranasal Immunization in Mice

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    Priming of T cells is a key event in vaccination, since it bears a decisive influence on the type and magnitude of the immune response. T-cell priming after mucosal immunization via the nasal route was studied by investigating the distribution of antigen-loaded antigen presenting cells (APCs) and primed antigen-specific T cells. Nasal immunization studies were conducted using the model protein antigen ovalbumin (OVA) plus CpG oligodeoxynucleotide adjuvant. Trafficking of antigen-specific primed T cells was analyzed in vivo after adoptive transfer of OVA-specific transgenic T cells in the presence or absence of fingolimod, a drug that causes lymphocytes sequestration within lymph nodes. Antigen-loaded APCs were observed in mediastinal lymph nodes, draining the respiratory tract, but not in distal lymph nodes. Antigen-specific proliferating T cells were first observed within draining lymph nodes, and later in distal iliac and mesenteric lymph nodes and in the spleen. The presence at distal sites was due to migration of locally primed T cells as shown by fingolimod treatment that caused a drastic reduction of proliferated T cells in non-draining lymph nodes and an accumulation of extensively divided T cells within draining lymph nodes. Homing of nasally primed T cells in distal iliac lymph nodes was CD62L-dependent, while entry into mesenteric lymph nodes depended on both CD62L and α4β7, as shown by in vivo antibody-mediated inhibition of T-cell trafficking. These data, elucidating the trafficking of antigen-specific primed T cells to non-draining peripheral and mucosa-associated lymph nodes following nasal immunization, provide relevant insights for the design of vaccination strategies based on mucosal priming

    The three extra-cellular zinc metalloproteinases of Streptococcus pneumoniae have a different impact on virulence in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pneumoniae possesses large zinc metalloproteinases on its surface. To analyse the importance in virulence of three of these metalloproteinases, intranasal challenge of MF1 outbred mice was carried out using a range of infecting doses of wild type and knock-out pneumococcal mutant strains, in order to compare mice survival. RESULTS: Observation of survival percentages over time and detection of LD(50)s of knock out mutants in the proteinase genes in comparison to the type 4 TIGR4 wild type strain revealed two major aspects: i) Iga and ZmpB, present in all strains of S. pneumoniae, strongly contribute to virulence in mice; (ii) ZmpC, only present in about 25% of pneumococcal strains, has a lower influence on virulence in mice. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest Iga, ZmpB and ZmpC as candidate surface proteins responsible for pneumococcal infection and potentially involved in distinct stages of pneumococcal disease

    Streptococcus pyogenes Φ1207.3 Is a Temperate Bacteriophage Carrying the Macrolide Resistance Gene Pair mef(A)-msr(D) and Capable of Lysogenizing Different Streptococci

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    Streptococcus pyogenes prophage phi 1207.3 (formerly Tn1207.3) carries the mef(A)-msr(D) resistance genes, responsible for type M macrolide resistance. To investigate if phi 1207.3 is a functional bacteriophage, we transferred the element from the original S. pyogenes host in a prophage-free and competence-deficient S. pneumoniae strain. Pneumococcal cultures of the phi 1207.3-carrying lysogen were treated with mitomycin C to assess if phi 1207.3 enters the lytic cycle. Mitomycin C induced a limited phage burst and a growth impairment, resulting in early entrance into the stationary phase. To determine if phi 1207.3 is able to produce mature phage particles, we prepared concentrated supernatants recovered from a mitomycin C-induced pneumococcal culture by sequential centrifugation and ultracentrifugation steps. Negative-staining transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of supernatants revealed the presence of phage particles with an icosahedral, electron-dense capsid and a long, noncontractile tail, typical of a siphovirus. Quantification of phi 1207.3 was performed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and semiquantitatively by TEM. PCR quantified 3.34 x 10(4) and 6.06 x 10(4) excised forms of phage genome per milliliter of supernatant obtained from the untreated and mitomycin C-treated cultures, respectively. By TEM, we estimated 3.02 x 10(3) and 7.68 x 10(3) phage particles per milliliter of supernatant. The phage preparations of phi 1207.3 infected and lysogenized pneumococcal recipient strains at a frequency of 7.5 x 10(-6) lysogens/recipient but did not show sufficient lytic activity to form plaques. Phage lysogenization efficiently occurred after 30 min of contact of the phages with the recipient cells and required a minimum of 10(3) phage particles. © 2023 Santoro et al

    Excision and Circularization of Integrative Conjugative Element Tn5253 of Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    The integrative conjugative element (ICE) Tn5253 of Streptococcus pneumoniae, conferring resistance to tetracycline and chloramphenicol, was found integrated at a 83-bp specific target site (attB) located in the rbgA gene of the pneumococcal chromosome. PCR analysis of Tn5253-carrying strains showed evidence of precise excision of Tn5253 from the pneumococcal chromosome with production of (i) circular forms of the ICE in which the ends were joined by a 84-bp sequence (attTn), and (ii) reconstituted chromosomal attB. When integrated into the chromosome, Tn5253 was flanked by attL, identical to attB, and attR, identical to attTn. Circular forms of Tn5253 were present at a concentration of 3.8 Ă— 10-4 copies per chromosome, whereas reconstituted attB sites were at 3.0 Ă— 10-4 copies per chromosome. Deletion of int-xis of Tn5253 abolished production of circular forms (<7.1 Ă— 10-6 copies per chromosome) and was associated to the lack of Tn5253 conjugal transfer suggesting, as expected, that Tn5253 circular form acts as a conjugation intermediate

    The Mobilome-Enriched Genome of the Competence-Deficient Streptococcus pneumoniae BM6001, the Original Host of Integrative Conjugative Element Tn5253, Is Phylogenetically Distinct from Historical Pneumococcal Genomes

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important human pathogen causing both mild and severe diseases. In this work, we determined the complete genome sequence of the S. pneumoniae clinical isolate BM6001, which is the original host of the ICE Tn5253. The BM6001 genome is organized in one circular chromosome of 2,293,748 base pairs (bp) in length, with an average GC content of 39.54%; the genome harbors a type 19F capsule locus, two tandem copies of pspC, the comC1-comD1 alleles and the type I restriction modification system SpnIII. The BM6001 mobilome accounts for 15.54% (356,521 bp) of the whole genome and includes (i) the ICE Tn5253 composite; (ii) the novel IME Tn7089; (iii) the novel transposon Tn7090; (iv) 3 prophages and 2 satellite prophages; (v) 5 genomic islands (GIs); (vi) 72 insertion sequences (ISs); (vii) 69 RUPs; (viii) 153 BOX elements; and (ix) 31 SPRITEs. All MGEs, except for the GIs, produce excised circular forms and attB site restoration. Tn7089 is 9089 bp long and contains 11 ORFs, of which 6 were annotated and code for three functions: integration/excision, mobilization and adaptation. Tn7090 is 9053 bp in size, flanked by two copies of ISSpn7, and contains seven ORFs organized as a single transcriptional unit, with genes encoding for proteins likely involved in the uptake and binding of Mg2+ cations in the adhesion to host cells and intracellular survival. BM6001 GIs, except for GI-BM6001.4, are variants of the pneumococcal TIGR4 RD5 region of diversity, pathogenicity island PPI1, R6 Cluster 4 and PTS island. Overall, prophages and satellite prophages contain genes predicted to encode proteins involved in DNA replication and lysogeny, in addition to genes encoding phage structural proteins and lytic enzymes carried only by prophages. &amp; phi;BM6001.3 has a mosaic structure that shares sequences with prophages IPP69 and MM1 and disrupts the competent comGC/cglC gene after chromosomal integration. Treatment with mitomycin C results in a 10-fold increase in the frequency of &amp; phi;BM6001.3 excised forms and comGC/cglC coding sequence restoration but does not restore competence for genetic transformation. In addition, phylogenetic analysis showed that BM6001 clusters in a small lineage with five other historical strains, but it is distantly related to the lineage due to its unique mobilome, suggesting that BM6001 has progressively accumulated many MGEs while losing competence for genetic transformation

    Immunization with the conjugate vaccine Vi-CRM197 against Salmonella Typhi induces Vi-specific mucosal and systemic immune responses in mice

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    AbstractTyphoid fever is a public health problem, especially among young children in developing countries. To address this need, a glycoconjugate vaccine Vi-CRM197, composed of the polysaccharide antigen Vi covalently conjugated to the non-toxic mutant of diphtheria toxin CRM197, is under development. Here, we assessed the antibody and cellular responses, both local and systemic, following subcutaneous injection of Vi-CRM197. The glycoconjugate elicited Vi-specific serum IgG titers significantly higher than unconjugated Vi, with prevalence of IgG1 that persisted for at least 60 days after immunization. Vi-specific IgG, but not IgA, were present in intestinal washes. Lymphocytes proliferation after restimulation with Vi-CRM197 was observed in spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes. These data confirm the immunogenicity of Vi-CRM197 and demonstrate that the vaccine-specific antibody and cellular immune responses are present also in the intestinal tract, thus strengthening the suitability of Vi-CRM197 as a promising candidate vaccine against Salmonella Typhi
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