3,995 research outputs found

    Testing the thermal limits of Eccritotarsus catarinensis: a case of thermal plasticity

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    Water hyacinth is considered the most damaging aquatic weed in South Africa. The success of biocontrol initiatives against the weed varies nation-wide, but control remains generally unattainable in higher altitude, temperate regions. Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a biocontrol agent of water hyacinth that was first released in South Africa in 1996. By 2011, it was established at over 30 sites across the country. These include the Kubusi River, a site with a temperate climate where agent establishment and persistence was unexpected. This study compared the critical thermal limits of the Kubusi River insect population with a laboratory-reared culture to determine whether any physiological plasticity was evident that could account for its unexpected establishment. There were no significant differences in critical thermal maxima (CTmax) or minima (CTmin) between sexes, while the effect of rate of temperature change on the thermal parameters in the experiments had a significant impact in some trials. Both CTmax and CTmin differed significantly between the two populations, with the field individuals tolerating significantly lower temperatures (CTmin: −0.3°C ± 0.063 [SE], CTmax: 42.8°C ± 0.155 [SE]) than those maintained in the laboratory (CTmin: 1.1°C ± 0.054 [SE], CTmax: 44.9°C ± 0.196 [SE]). Acclimation of each population to the environmental conditions typical of the other for a five-day period illustrated that short-term acclimation accounted for some, but not all of the variation between their lower thermal limits. This study provides evidence for the first cold-adapted strain of E. catarinensis in the field, with potential value for introduction into other colder regions where water hyacinth control is currently unattainable


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    Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution

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    The bryozoan Schizoporella japonica Ortmann (1890) was first recorded in European waters in 2010 and has since been reported from further locations in Great Britain (GB) and Norway. This paper provides a new earliest European record for the species from 2009, a first record from Ireland and presence and absence records from a total of 231 marinas and harbours across GB, Ireland, the Isle of Man, France and Portugal. This species is typically associated with human activity, including commercial and recreational vessels, aquaculture equipment, and both wave and tidal energy devices. It has also been observed in the natural environment, fouling rocks and boulders. The species has an extensive but widely discontinuous distribution in GB and Ireland. Although found frequently in marinas and harbours in Scotland, it inhabits only a few sites in England, Wales and Ireland, interspersed with wide gaps that are well documented as genuine absences. This appears to be a rare example of a southward-spreading invasion in GB and Ireland. The species has been reported from the Isle of Man and Norway but has not been found in France or Portugal. In the future we expect S. japonica to spread into suitable sections of the English, Welsh and Irish coasts, and further within Europe. The species’ capability for long-distance saltatory spread and potential for negative impact on native ecosystems and economic activity suggests that S. japonica should now be considered invasive in GB and Ireland. As such, it is recommended that biosecurity procedures alongside effective surveillance and monitoring should be prioritised for regions outside the species’ current distribution

    Towards an understanding of salient neighborhood boundaries: adolescent reports of an easy walking distance and convenient driving distance

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    Numerous studies have examined the association between the surrounding neighborhood environment and physical activity levels in adolescents. Many of these studies use a road network buffer or Euclidean distance buffer around an adolescent's home to represent the appropriate geographic area for study (i.e., neighborhood). However, little empirical research has examined the appropriate buffer size to use when defining this area and there is little consistency across published research as to the buffer size used. In this study, 909 12th grade adolescent girls of diverse racial and geographic backgrounds were asked to report their perceptions of an easy walking distance and a convenient driving distance. These two criterions are often used as the basis for defining one's neighborhood

    The pre-main sequence binary HK Ori : Spectro-astrometry and EXPORT data

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    In this paper we present multi-epoch observations of the pre-main sequence binary HK Ori. These data have been drawn from the EXPORT database and are complemented by high quality spectro-astrometric data of the system. The spectroscopic data appear to be very well represented by a combination of an A dwarf star spectrum superposed on a (sub-)giant G-type spectrum. The radial velocity of the system is consistent with previous determinations, and does not reveal binary motion, as expected for a wide binary. The spectral, photometric and polarimetric properties and variability of the system indicate that the active object in the system is a T Tauri star with UX Ori characteristics. The spectro-astrometry of HK Ori is sensitive down to milli-arcsecond scales and confirms the speckle interferometric results from Leinert et al. The spectro-astrometry allows with fair certainty the identification of the active star within the binary, which we suggest to be a G-type T Tauri star based on its spectral characteristics.Comment: MNRAS in press 8 pages 7 figure

    Understanding the reactivity of CoCrMo-implant wear particles

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    CoCrMo-based metal-on-metal hip implants experienced unexpectedly high failure rates despite the high wear and corrosion resistance of the bulk material. Although they exhibit a lower volumetric wear compared to other implant materials, CoCrMo-based implants produced a significantly larger 'number' of smaller wear particles. CoCrMo is nominally an extremely stable material with high Cr content providing passivity. However, despite the Co:Cr ratio in the original alloy being 2:1; chemical analyses of wear particles from periprosthetic tissue have found the particles to be composed predominately of Cr species, with only trace amounts of Co remaining. Here a correlative spectroscopy and microscopy approach has shown that these particles dissolve via a non-stoichiometric, and geometrically inhomogeneous, mechanism similar to de-alloying. This mechanism is previously unreported for this material and was not apparent in any of the regulatory required tests, suggesting that such tests are insufficiently discriminating


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    Large segmental defects in bone fail to heal and remain a clinical problem. Muscle is highly osteogenic, and preliminary data suggest that autologous muscle tissue expressing bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) efficiently heals critical size defects in rats. Translation into possible human clinical trials requires, inter alia, demonstration of efficacy in a large animal, such as the sheep. Scale-up is fraught with numerous biological, anatomical, mechanical and structural variables, which cannot be addressed systematically because of cost and other practical issues. For this reason, we developed a translational model enabling us to isolate the biological question of whether sheep muscle, transduced with adenovirus expressing BMP-2, could heal critical size defects in vivo. Initial experiments in athymic rats noted strong healing in only about one-third of animals because of unexpected immune responses to sheep antigens. For this reason, subsequent experiments were performed with Fischer rats under transient immunosuppression. Such experiments confirmed remarkably rapid and reliable healing of the defects in all rats, with bridging by 2 weeks and remodelling as early as 3-4 weeks, despite BMP-2 production only in nanogram quantities and persisting for only 1-3 weeks. By 8 weeks the healed defects contained well-organised new bone with advanced neo-cortication and abundant marrow. Bone mineral content and mechanical strength were close to normal values. These data demonstrate the utility of this model when adapting this technology for bone healing in sheep, as a prelude to human clinical trials

    What we talk about when we talk about "global mindset": managerial cognition in multinational corporations

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    Recent developments in the global economy and in multinational corporations have placed significant emphasis on the cognitive orientations of managers, giving rise to a number of concepts such as “global mindset” that are presumed to be associated with the effective management of multinational corporations (MNCs). This paper reviews the literature on global mindset and clarifies some of the conceptual confusion surrounding the construct. We identify common themes across writers, suggesting that the majority of studies fall into one of three research perspectives: cultural, strategic, and multidimensional. We also identify two constructs from the social sciences that underlie the perspectives found in the literature: cosmopolitanism and cognitive complexity and use these two constructs to develop an integrative theoretical framework of global mindset. We then provide a critical assessment of the field of global mindset and suggest directions for future theoretical and empirical research