98 research outputs found

    SDOC et TermWatch : deux méthodes complémentaires de cartographie de thèmes

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    Le but de cette communication est de comparer deux méthodes initialement destinées à la veille scientifique et technique dans une application de fouille de textes. Les deux méthodes proposent à l'utilisateur de visualiser les résultats d'une classification hiérarchique non supervisée de données textuelles sous forme d'une carte thématique. Elles sont cependant complémentaires puisque l'une, SDOC, est fondé sur l'analyse de la matrice de co-occurences et positionne les classes (clusters) sur le plan en fonction de leurs propriétés structurelles, tandis que l'autre, TermWatch, classifie les termes en fonction de leurs seuls liens de variation syntaxique et présente les résultats sous forme d'un réseau visualisable avec le logiciel AiSee, dont les liens sont d'autant plus resserrés que les classes sont supposées être thématiquement proches

    CETA on investment: the definitive surrender of EU Law to GATS and NAFTA/BITs

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    Provisions on investment in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU, both on substance and on dispute settlement procedures, culminate a long process of replacement of the original EECT/ECT approach to establishment by the approaches followed by the World Trade Organization (WTO) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). The article analyzes this process; it focuses in particular the law of external relations but takes into account the evolution of the law of the internal market and can also be read from this perspective as, in the authors’ opinion, the evolution in the former throws light on the latter. The article intends to leave the legal facts to speak by themselves. By unveiling their rationale, it also gives rise to political concerns regarding the evolution of the law. As CETA limits the ability of the EU to legislate and erodes the European Court of Justice’s role, the article leads to the conclusion that the underlying rationale for the evolution, both in the internal and the external areas, has not been that of promoting integration but that of deregulation

    Acquisition et structuration des connaissances en corpus : éléments méthodologiques

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    Projet DIALOGUECe document présente une expérimentation réalisée dans le domaine de l'agriculture. Les travaux ont été menés dans le cadre du projet ILC sur l'analyse de l'information. L'objectif de cette expérimentation est de montrer comment l'exploitation de modules automatiques de traitement de la langue basés sur la terminologie peuvent être combinés avec des modules de classification pour faire émerger de corpus volumineux de textes, des classes de termes. Ces classes sont interprétables et instancient des modèles abstraits de connaissance du domaine de spécialité que nous avons retrouvés manuellement. Nous avons traité un corpus de 1386 résumés de notices bibliographiques en anglais. La chaîne linguistique opère également sur le français

    Instantiation of relations for semantic annotation

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    http://www.ieee.orgThis paper presents a methodology for the semantic annotation of web pages with individuals of a domain ontology. While most semantic annotation systems can recognize knowledge units, they usually do not establish explicit relations between them. The method presented identifies the individuals which should be related among the whole set of individuals and codes them as role instances within an OWL ontology. This is done by using a correspondence between the tree structure of a web page and the semantics of the information it contains

    Annotation sémantique de pages web

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    National audienceCet article présente un système automatique d'annotation sémantique de pages web. Les systèmes d'annotation automatique existants sont essentiellement syntaxiques, même lorsque les travaux visent à produire une annotation sémantique. La prise en compte d'informations sémantiques sur le domaine pour l'annotation d'un élément dans une page web à partir d'une ontologie suppose d'aborder conjointement deux problèmes : (1) l'identification de la structure syntaxique caractérisant cet élément dans la page web et (2) l'identification du concept le plus spécifique (en termes de subsumption) dans l'ontologie dont l'instance sera utilisée pour annoter cet élément. Notre démarche repose sur la mise en oeuvre d'une technique d'apprentissage issue initialement des wrappers que nous avons articulée avec des raisonnements exploitant la structure formelle de l'ontologie

    Non-invasive hydrodynamic imaging in plant roots at cellular resolution

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    A key impediment to studying water-related mechanisms in plants is the inability to non-invasively image water fluxes in cells at high temporal and spatial resolution. Here, we report that Raman microspectroscopy, complemented by hydrodynamic modelling, can achieve this goal - monitoring hydrodynamics within living root tissues at cell- and sub-second-scale resolutions. Raman imaging of water-transporting xylem vessels in Arabidopsis thaliana mutant roots reveals faster xylem water transport in endodermal diffusion barrier mutants. Furthermore, transverse line scans across the root suggest water transported via the root xylem does not re-enter outer root tissues nor the surrounding soil when en-route to shoot tissues if endodermal diffusion barriers are intact, thereby separating ‘two water worlds’

    Patterns and correlates of patient-reported helpfulness of treatment for common mental and substance use disorders in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys

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    Patient-reported helpfulness of treatment is an important indicator of quality in patient-centered care. We examined its pathways and predictors among respondents to household surveys who reported ever receiving treatment for major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, or alcohol use disorder. Data came from 30 community epidemiological surveys - 17 in high-income countries (HICs) and 13 in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) - carried out as part of the World Health Organization (WHO)'s World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys. Respondents were asked whether treatment of each disorder was ever helpful and, if so, the number of professionals seen before receiving helpful treatment. Across all surveys and diagnostic categories, 26.1% of patients (N=10,035) reported being helped by the very first professional they saw. Persisting to a second professional after a first unhelpful treatment brought the cumulative probability of receiving helpful treatment to 51.2%. If patients persisted with up through eight professionals, the cumulative probability rose to 90.6%. However, only an estimated 22.8% of patients would have persisted in seeing these many professionals after repeatedly receiving treatments they considered not helpful. Although the proportion of individuals with disorders who sought treatment was higher and they were more persistent in HICs than LMICs, proportional helpfulness among treated cases was no different between HICs and LMICs. A wide range of predictors of perceived treatment helpfulness were found, some of them consistent across diagnostic categories and others unique to specific disorders. These results provide novel information about patient evaluations of treatment across diagnoses and countries varying in income level, and suggest that a critical issue in improving the quality of care for mental disorders should be fostering persistence in professional help-seeking if earlier treatments are not helpful

    Clusters, Graphs, and Networks for Analysing Internet-Web-Supported Communication within a Virtual Community

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    International audienceThe proposal is to use clusters, graphs and networks as models in order to analyse the Web structure. Clusters, graphs and networks provide knowledge representation and organization. Clusters were generated by co-site analysis. The sample is a set of academic Web sites from the countries belonging to the European Union. These clusters are here revisited from the point of view of graph theory and social network analysis. This is a quantitative and structural analysis. In fact, the Internet is a computer network that connects people and organizations. Thus we may consider it to be a social network. The set of Web academic sites represents an empirical social network, and is viewed as a virtual community. The network structural properties are here analysed applying together cluster analysis, graph theory and social network analysis

    Co-word Analysis Revisited: Modelling Co-word Clusters in Terms of Graph Theory

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    International audienceThe idea that graph theory would be useful in co-word analysis was suggested to us by social network analysis, where both graph theory and matrix operations have been widely used (Wasserman & Faust, 1999; Degenne & Forsé, 2000). In co-word analysis tradition, Courtial (1986) had started to explain the co-word clusters in terms of graphs. However, he did not take this idea to its logical next step, which we will attempt here. We distinguish two analytical units: clusters and the network of clusters. In the network each cluster represents a node. In addition, we will consider each cluster as a "super vertex" (according to the "reduced model approach" in Everett & Borgatti, 1999