1,295 research outputs found

    Evidence of Twisted flux-tube Emergence in Active Regions

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    Elongated magnetic polarities are observed during the emergence phase of bipolar active regions (ARs). These extended features, called magnetic tongues, are interpreted as a consequence of the azimuthal component of the magnetic flux in the toroidal flux-tubes that form ARs. We develop a new systematic and user-independent method to identify AR tongues. Our method is based on determining and analyzing the evolution of the AR main polarity inversion line (PIL). The effect of the tongues is quantified by measuring the acute angle [ tau] between the orientation of the PIL and the direction orthogonal to the AR main bipolar axis. We apply a simple model to simulate the emergence of a bipolar AR. This model lets us interpret the effect of magnetic tongues on parameters that characterize ARs ( e.g. the PIL inclination and the tilt angles, and their evolution). In this idealized kinematic emergence model, tau is a monotonically increasing function of the twist and has the same sign as the magnetic helicity. We systematically apply our procedure to a set of bipolar ARs that were observed emerging in line-of-sight magnetograms over eight years. For most of the cases studied, the tongues only have a small influence on the AR tilt angle since tongues have a much lower magnetic flux than the more concentrated main polarities. From the observed evolution of tau, corrected for the temporal evolution of the tilt angle and its final value when the AR is fully emerged, we estimate the average number of turns in the subphotospherically emerging flux-rope. These values for the 41 observed ARs are below unity, except for one. This indicates that subphotospheric flux-ropes typically have a low amount of twist, i.e. highly twisted flux-tubes are rare. Our results demonstrate that the evolution of the PIL is a robust indicator of the presence of tongues and constrains the amount of twist in emerging flux-tube

    The transition from adiabatic inspiral to geodesic plunge for a compact object around a massive Kerr black hole: Generic orbits

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    The inspiral of a stellar mass compact object falling into a massive Kerr black hole can be broken into three different regimes: An adiabatic inspiral phase, where the inspiral timescale is much larger than the orbital period; a late-time radial infall, which can be approximated as a plunging geodesic; and a regime where the body transitions from the inspiral to plunge. In earlier work, Ori and Thorne have outlined a method to compute the trajectory during this transition for a compact object in a circular, equatorial orbit. We generalize this technique to include inclination and eccentricity.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev. D. New version addresses referee's comment

    Gravitational radiation from a particle in circular orbit around a black hole. VI. Accuracy of the post-Newtonian expansion

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    A particle of mass μ\mu moves on a circular orbit around a nonrotating black hole of mass MM. Under the assumption μ≪M\mu \ll M the gravitational waves emitted by such a binary system can be calculated exactly numerically using black-hole perturbation theory. If, further, the particle is slowly moving, then the waves can be calculated approximately analytically, and expressed in the form of a post-Newtonian expansion. We determine the accuracy of this expansion in a quantitative way by calculating the reduction in signal-to-noise ratio incurred when matched filtering the exact signal with a nonoptimal, post-Newtonian filter.Comment: 5 pages, ReVTeX, 1 figure. A typographical error was discovered in the computer code used to generate the results presented in the paper. The corrected results are presented in an Erratum, which also incorporates new results, obtained using the recently improved post-Newtonian calculations of Tanaka, Tagoshi, and Sasak

    Absorption of mass and angular momentum by a black hole: Time-domain formalisms for gravitational perturbations, and the small-hole/slow-motion approximation

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    The first objective of this work is to obtain practical prescriptions to calculate the absorption of mass and angular momentum by a black hole when external processes produce gravitational radiation. These prescriptions are formulated in the time domain within the framework of black-hole perturbation theory. Two such prescriptions are presented. The first is based on the Teukolsky equation and it applies to general (rotating) black holes. The second is based on the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations and it applies to nonrotating black holes. The second objective of this work is to apply the time-domain absorption formalisms to situations in which the black hole is either small or slowly moving. In the context of this small-hole/slow-motion approximation, the equations of black-hole perturbation theory can be solved analytically, and explicit expressions can be obtained for the absorption of mass and angular momentum. The changes in the black-hole parameters can then be understood in terms of an interaction between the tidal gravitational fields supplied by the external universe and the hole's tidally-induced mass and current quadrupole moments. For a nonrotating black hole the quadrupole moments are proportional to the rate of change of the tidal fields on the hole's world line. For a rotating black hole they are proportional to the tidal fields themselves.Comment: 36 pages, revtex4, no figures, final published versio

    Black-hole binary simulations: the mass ratio 10:1

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    We present the first numerical simulations of an initially non-spinning black-hole binary with mass ratio as large as 10:1 in full general relativity. The binary completes approximately 3 orbits prior to merger and radiates about 0.415% of the total energy and 12.48% of the initial angular momentum in the form of gravitational waves. The single black hole resulting from the merger acquires a kick of about 66.7 km/s relative to the original center of mass frame. The resulting gravitational waveforms are used to validate existing formulas for the recoil, final spin and radiated energy over a wider range of the symmetric mass ratio parameter eta=M1*M2/(M1+M2)^2 than previously possible. The contributions of l > 2 multipoles are found to visibly influence the gravitational wave signal obtained at fixed inclination angles.Comment: To match published versio

    Killing vectors and anisotropy

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    We consider an action that can generate fluids with three unequal stresses for metrics with a spacelike Killing vector. The parameters in the action are directly related to the stress anisotropies. The field equations following from the action are applied to an anisotropic cosmological expansion and an extension of the Gott-Hiscock cosmic string

    Gravitational radiation from infall into a black hole: Regularization of the Teukolsky equation

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    The Teukolsky equation has long been known to lead to divergent integrals when it is used to calculate the gravitational radiation emitted when a test mass falls into a black hole from infinity. Two methods have been used in the past to remove those divergent integrals. In the first, integrations by parts are carried out, and the infinite boundary terms are simply discarded. In the second, the Teukolsky equation is transformed into another equation which does not lead to divergent integrals. The purpose of this paper is to show that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the Teukolsky equation when dealing with non-compact source terms, and that the divergent integrals result simply from an incorrect choice of Green's function. In this paper, regularization of the Teukolsky equation is carried out in an entirely natural way which does not involve modifying the equation.Comment: ReVTeX, 23 page

    Relativistic theory of tidal Love numbers

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    In Newtonian gravitational theory, a tidal Love number relates the mass multipole moment created by tidal forces on a spherical body to the applied tidal field. The Love number is dimensionless, and it encodes information about the body's internal structure. We present a relativistic theory of Love numbers, which applies to compact bodies with strong internal gravities; the theory extends and completes a recent work by Flanagan and Hinderer, which revealed that the tidal Love number of a neutron star can be measured by Earth-based gravitational-wave detectors. We consider a spherical body deformed by an external tidal field, and provide precise and meaningful definitions for electric-type and magnetic-type Love numbers; and these are computed for polytropic equations of state. The theory applies to black holes as well, and we find that the relativistic Love numbers of a nonrotating black hole are all zero.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, many tables; final version to be published in Physical Review

    Light-cone coordinates based at a geodesic world line

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    Continuing work initiated in an earlier publication [Phys. Rev. D 69, 084007 (2004)], we construct a system of light-cone coordinates based at a geodesic world line of an arbitrary curved spacetime. The construction involves (i) an advanced-time or a retarded-time coordinate that labels past or future light cones centered on the world line, (ii) a radial coordinate that is an affine parameter on the null generators of these light cones, and (iii) angular coordinates that are constant on each generator. The spacetime metric is calculated in the light-cone coordinates, and it is expressed as an expansion in powers of the radial coordinate in terms of the irreducible components of the Riemann tensor evaluated on the world line. The formalism is illustrated in two simple applications, the first involving a comoving world line of a spatially-flat cosmology, the other featuring an observer placed on the axis of symmetry of Melvin's magnetic universe.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur
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