22 research outputs found

    The impact of perfectionism and anxiety traits on action monitoring in major depressive disorder

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    Perfectionism and anxiety features are involved in the clinical presentation and neurobiology of major depressive disorder (MDD). In MDD, cognitive control mechanisms such as action monitoring can adequately be investigated applying electrophysiological registrations of the error-related negativity (ERN) and error positivity (Pe). It is also known that traits of perfectionism and anxiety influence ERN amplitudes in healthy subjects. The current study explores the impact of perfectionism and anxiety traits on action monitoring in MDD. A total of 39 MDD patients performed a flankers task during an event-related potential (ERP) session and completed the multidimensional perfectionism scale (MPS) with its concern over mistakes (CM) and doubt about actions (DA) subscales and the trait form of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Multiple regression analyses with stepwise backward elimination revealed MPS-DA to be a significant predictor (R2:0.22) for the ERN outcomes, and overall MPS (R2:0.13) and MPS-CM scores (R2:0.18) to have significant predictive value for the Pe amplitudes. Anxiety traits did not have a predictive capacity for the ERPs. MPS-DA clearly affected the ERN, and overall MPS and MPS-CM influenced the Pe, whereas no predictive capacity was found for anxiety traits. The manifest impact of perfectionism on patients’ error-related ERPs may contribute to our understanding of the action-monitoring process and the functional significance of the Pe in MDD. The divergent findings for perfectionism and anxiety features also indicate that the wide range of various affective personality styles might exert a different effect on action monitoring in MDD, awaiting further investigation

    Current quality of life and its determinants among opiate-dependent individuals five years after starting methadone treatment

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    This study explores the current QoL of opiate-dependent individuals who started outpatient methadone treatment at least 5 years ago and assesses the influence of demographic, psychosocial, drug and health-related variables on individuals' QoL. Participants (n = 159) were interviewed about their current QoL, psychological distress and severity of drug-related problems, using the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile, the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Addiction Severity Index. Potential determinants of QoL were assessed in a multiple linear regression analysis. Five years after the start of methadone treatment, opiate-dependent individuals report low QoL scores on various domains. No association was found between drug-related variables and QoL, but a significant negative impact of psychological distress was identified. Severity of psychological distress, taking medication for psychological problems and the inability to change one's living situation were associated with lower QoL. Having at least one good friend and a structured daily activity had a significant, positive impact on QoL. Opiate-dependent individuals' QoL is mainly determined by their psychological well-being and a number of psychosocial variables. These findings highlight the importance of a holistic approach to treatment and support in methadone maintenance treatment, which goes beyond fixing the negative physical consequences of opiate dependence

    Transtorno depressivo maior: avaliação da aptidão motora e da atenção Major depressive disorder: motor aptitude and attention evaluation

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aptidão motora geral e específica e a atenção em pacientes com transtorno depressivo maior (TDM). MÉTODOS: Dezesseis mulheres hospitalizadas responderam a uma Entrevista Sociodemográfica e Clínica e foram avaliadas através do Teste de Trilhas e Escala Motora para Terceira Idade (EMTI). RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi 38,63 anos e a do primeiro diagnóstico 32,81 anos; com renda familiar baixa. Na avaliação da aptidão motora geral, 56,25% das pacientes deste estudo foram classificadas como "abaixo da média", 37,5% como "normal médio" e 6,25%, "normal alto". As variáveis "motricidade global" e "organização temporal" obtiveram classificação "inferior". A amostra apresentou maior tempo de execução nos testes de atenção em relação aos valores de referência e um pior desempenho com o aumento da idade. E quanto maior o tempo para a realização do Teste de Trilhas, pior foi o desempenho na EMTI. CONCLUSÕES: Na maioria das pacientes, a aptidão motora geral, motricidade global e organização temporal encontram-se abaixo da média. Verificou-se a existência de disfunções e influência da idade no nível da atenção, e ainda a existência de relação entre os déficits atencional e motor. Quanto mais baixo o nível de atenção, pior é a aptidão motora.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the general and specific motor aptitude and attention in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). METHODS: Sixteen women admitted in a psychiatric hospital answered to a clinic and socio-demographic interview. For the evaluation it was used the Motor Scale for the Elderly (Escala Motora para Terceira Idade - EMTI) and the Trail Making Test (TMT). RESULTS: The average age of women was 38,63 years old, and the first diagnostic was made on average of 32,81 years old; they also have a low family income. At the general motor aptitude, 56,25% of the patients were classified as "below average", 37,5% as "normal medium" and 6,25% as "normal low". The variables global motricity and the temporal organization were classified as "inferior". The sample showed they need a higher time to execute the tests compared to reference values and also their performance is worse as their age increased. CONCLUSIONS: In most patients, the general motor aptitude, the global motricity and the temporal organization were considered below average. It were also detected some dysfunctional problems, the influence of age on the level of attention and the negative relationship between the level of attention and the motor performance: the higher the time to make the Trail Making Test, the worse is the performance in Motor Scale for the Elderly

    Changements de la structure des communautés de cyanobactéries dans des lacs maritimes antarctiques pendant l'Holocène

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    Despite the dominance of cyanobacteria in polar freshwater aquatic ecosystems, little is known about their past biodiversity and response to climate and environmental changes. We explored the use of light microscopy of microfossils, high performance liquid chromatography of the fossil pigment composition and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of fossil 16S rRNA genes to study past and present-day differences in cyanobacterial community structure in response to climate changes in two adjacent maritime Antarctic lakes with contrasting depths (4 and 26 m) and light climates. Light microscopy was of limited use because of degradation of cell structures. Fossil cyanobacterial pigment concentrations were below the detection limits of our method in several sediment samples in the deep lake, but abundant and diverse inthe sediment core from the shallow pond, probably as a consequence of increased light availability and/or a more diverse and abundant benthic cyanobacterial flora. Total carotenoid and chlorophyll concentrations were highest in both lakes between ca. 2,950 and 1,800 cal yr BP, which coincides with the late Holocene climate optimum recognised elsewhere in maritime Antarctica. Cyanobacterial molecular diversity was higher in the top few centimeters of the sediments in both lakes. In deeper sediments, the taxonomic turnover of cyanobacteria appeared to be relatively small in response to past climate anomalies in both lakes, underscoring the broad tolerance of cyanobacteria to environmental variability. This, however, may in part be explained by the low taxonomic resolution obtained with the relatively conserved 16S rRNA gene and/or the preferential preservation of particular taxa. Our results highlight the potential of fossil DNA in lake sediments to study colonization and succession dynamics of lacustrine cyanobacteria and warrant further investigation of the factors that affect preservation of cyanobacterial DNA.HOLAN