2,548 research outputs found

    Active and sedentary behaviors in youth (6-14 years old): Data from the IAN-AF survey (2015-2016)

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    Background: Strategic health interventions must be guided by effective surveillance systems that monitor population trends and patterns, therefore we aimed to provide youth's (6–14 years) national prevalence estimates of physical activity (PA), active outdoor play (AOP), sedentary behaviur (SB), and structured PA (SPA). Methods: Measures of moderate-to-vigorous PA, SB, AOP, and SPA, were obtained for 719 participants in 2 groups (6–9 and 10–14 years) using diaries and questionnaires. National estimates were calculated, by sex, region, and parental education. Results: While 54% (95%CI: 47.4–61.3) of youth meet PA recommendations, the prevalence is lower for the older group (P = .034). Similarly, AOP decreases with age both on weekends, from 94.3% (95%CI: 90.8–97.8) to 68.7% (95%CI: 62.2–75.1), and on weekdays from 84% (95%CI: 76.5–91.5) to 64.8% (95%CI: 59–70.6). Watching TV for ≥2 h/day is extremely high on weekends [71.3% (95%CI: 65.4–77.2)] and more prevalent in boys than girls on weekdays (P = .043). Higher parental education significantly increased SPA and active time. Time in SB was greater in boys [7.26 h (95%CI: 6.87–7.65)] than girls [6.48 h (95%CI: 6.09–6.87)] and increased with age (P < .001). Conclusions: Almost half of the youth failed to achieve PA guidelines, whereas 71% exceeded recommended TV time on weekends, suggesting the urgency of intervention measures.This study was conducted in the context of the IAN-AF, National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey funded by the EEAGRANTS programme-initiatives in Public Health (EEA-GRANTS PT06_00088SI3). AP and JM were supported by grants: FCT: UID/DTP/00617/2019 and AP by SFRH/BPD/ 105071/2014

    On the methodological unification in electroencephalography

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    BACKGROUND: This paper presents results of a pursuit of a repeatable and objective methodology of analysis of the electroencephalographic (EEG) time series. METHODS: Adaptive time-frequency approximations of EEG are discussed in the light of the available experimental and theoretical evidence, and applicability in various experimental and clinical setups. RESULTS: Four lemmas and three conjectures support the following conclusion. CONCLUSION: Adaptive time-frequency approximations of signals unify most of the univariate computational approaches to EEG analysis, and offer compatibility with its traditional (visual) analysis, used in clinical applications

    Counting all dyons in N =4 string theory

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    For dyons in heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus, with electric charge vector Q and magnetic charge vector P, the positive integer I = g.c.d.(Q \wedge P) is an invariant of the U-duality group. We propose the microscopic theory for computing the spectrum of all dyons for all values of I, generalizing earlier results that exist only for the simplest case of I=1. Our derivation uses a combination of arguments from duality, 4d-5d lift, and a careful analysis of fermionic zero modes. The resulting degeneracy agrees with the black hole degeneracy for large charges and with the degeneracy of field-theory dyons for small charges. It naturally satisfies several physical requirements including integrality and duality invariance. As a byproduct, we also derive the microscopic (0,4) superconformal field theory relevant for computing the spectrum of five-dimensional Strominger-Vafa black holes in ALE backgrounds and count the resulting degeneracies


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    Verba merupakan suatu komponen yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam kalimat, karena verba digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan (Handlungen), keadaan (Zustände) dan peristiwa (Vorgänge). Dalam bahasa Indonesia verba dapat dikombinasikan dengan imbuhan atau prefiks. Hal yang sama berlaku dalam bahasa Jerman. Akan tetapi berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia, prefiks yang menyertai verba bahasa Jerman dapat mengubah makna dari verba dasarnya, seperti contoh verba kommen yang berarti ‘berasal’, ditambahkan prefiks ent- di awal verba, menjadi entkommen, maka maknanya berubah menjadi ‘melarikan diri’. Hal tersebut sangat penting untuk dipelajari dan dipahami oleh pembelajar. Berdasarkan hal tersebut peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai verba berprefiks dengan verba dasar kommen. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1) prefiks pada verba kommen, 2) jenis prefiks yang menyertai verba kommen berprefiks, dan 3) arti dari prefiks yang menyertai verba kommen berprefiks. Objek penelitian ini ialah verba kommen berprefiks yang terdapat dalam buku Tintenherz karya Cornelia Punke dan Majalah Brigitte terbitan 18 januari 2017. Adapun referensi yang digunakan untuk arti dari verba kommen berprefiks ialah Langenscheidt Groβwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Data yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah 47 kalimat dengan verba kommen berprefiks. Dari 47 kalimat tersebut ditemukan 12 macam verba kommen berprefiks, yaitu ankommen (3x), entkommen (4x), entgegenkommen (1x), heraufkommen (1x), herkommen (12x), mitkommen (7x), nachkommen (1x), vorbeikommen (3x), vorkommen (4x), wiederkommen (2x), zukommen (1x), dan zurückkommen (9x). Prefiks yang menyertai verba kommen terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu prefiks terikat dan tidak terikat, ada 9 macam prefiks yang masuk ke dalam jenis prefiks tidak terikat, dan 3 macam jenis prefiks terikat. Dari keseluruhan jumlah prefiks tersebut 2 macam prefiks memiliki arti lebih dari satu, yaitu prefiks her- dan vor-, sedangkan 10 prefiks lainnya yaitu prefiks an-, entgegen-, ent-, herauf-, mit-, nach-, vorbei-, wieder-, zu-, dan zurück- memiliki 1 arti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan agar pembelajar dapat memperdalam prefiks melalui buku-buku gramatik dan membaca teks berbahasa Jerman berupa roman anak maupun artikel majalah. Adapun peneliti lain yang akan meneliti tentang prefiks disarankan untuk menggunakan referensi dan sumber data yang lebih banyak dan beragam. ABSTRAKT Verb ist ein Komponent, das eine wichtige Rolle in einem Satz spielt, da man ein Verb verwendet, um Handlungen, Zustände und Vorgänge zu bezeichnen. Im Indonesischen sind Verben mit Sufixen, Präfixen und so weiter kombinerbar. Das Phänomen gilt auch im Deutschen. Aber im Gegenteil zu Indonesisch kann das deutsche Präfix die Bedeutung von den Stammverben ändern, beispielweise, das Verb kommen heißt `berasal´ auf Indonesisch, aber wenn man zu dem Verb das Präfix ent- setzt, dann bedeutet das Verb ´melarikan diri´ auf Indonesisch. Solches linguistisches Phänomen ist sehr wichtig zu lernen und zu verstehen. In Bezug darauf interessiert sich die Verfasserin dafür, eine Untersuchung über die Analyse der Verben mit Präfixen am Beispiel vom Verb “kommen” im Deutschen durchzuführen. Diese Untersuchung hat den Zweck, folgende Punkte herauszufinden: 1) Präfixen vom Verb kommen; 2) die Arten von Präfixen vom Verb kommen; 3) die Bedeutung der Präfixe vom Verb kommen. Objekt dieser Untersuchung sind die Verben kommen mit Präfixen, die sich im Roman „Tintenherz“ von Cornelia Punke und in der Magazine „Brigitte“ befinden, die am 18. Januar 2017 erschienen. Als Quelle für die Bedeutungen der Verben kommen verwendet man das Langenscheidt Groβwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind 47 Sätze mit Verb kommen mit Präfixen. In diesen 47 Sätzen wurden 12 Arten vom Verb kommen mit Präfixen gefunden. Sie sind nämlich, ankommen (3x), entkommen (4x), entgegenkommen (1x), heraufkommen (1x), herkommen (12x), mitkommen (7x), nachkommen (1x), vorbeikommen (3x), vorkommen (4x), wiederkommen (2x), zukommen (1x), und zurückkommen (9x). Die Präfixen bestehen aus zwei Arten, nämlich untrennbare und trennbare Präfixen. Es gibt 9 Präfixsorten, die zu den trennbaren Präfixen gehören und 3 Präfixsorten zu den untrennbaren Präfixen. Aus den Datenquellen werden 2 Präfixsorten gefunden, die zwei Bedeutungen haben. Sie sind Präfix her- und vor. Allerdings haben die 10 anderen Präfixe, namlich an-, entgegen-, ent-, herauf-, mit-, nach-, vorbei-, wieder-, zu-, und zurück-, nur eine Bedeutung. Basierend auf den Untersuchungsergebnissen sollten die Deutschlernenden mithilfe der grammatischen Bücher die Beherrschung von Präfixen vertiefen und Texte im Deutschen lesen, beispielsweise Kinderromane und Artikel in Magazinen. Darüber hinaus sollten andere weitere Untersucher in demselben Untersuchungsraum zahlreichere und vielfältige Referenzen und Datenquellen benutzen

    Clonal expansion of T memory stem cells determines early anti-leukemic responses and long-term CAR T cell persistence in patients

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    Low-affinity CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells display enhanced expansion and persistence, enabling fate tracking through integration site analysis. Here we show that integration sites from early (1 month) and late (>3 yr) timepoints cluster separately, suggesting different clonal contribution to early responses and prolonged anti-leukemic surveillance. CAR T central and effector memory cells in patients with long-term persistence remained highly polyclonal, whereas diversity dropped rapidly in patients with limited CAR T persistence. Analysis of shared integrants between the CAR T cell product and post-infusion demonstrated that, despite their low frequency, T memory stem cell clones in the product contributed substantially to the circulating CAR T cell pools, during both early expansion and long-term persistence. Our data may help identify patients at risk of early loss of CAR T cells and highlight the critical role of T memory stem cells both in mediating early anti-leukemic responses and in long-term surveillance by CAR T cells

    Oil-in-water emulsions characterization by laser granulometry and impact on γ-decalactone production in Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Oil-in-water emulsions composed of methyl ricinoleate (MR) or castor oil (CO) as the organic phase, stabilized by Tween 80, are in the basis of the biotechnological production of gama-decalactone. Y. lipolytica was used due to its ability to grow on hydrophobic substrates and to carry out that biotransformation. The characterization of oil droplets size distribution by laser granulometry was performed under different oil concentrations. The impact of the presence of cells on droplets size was also analyzed, as well as the relevance of washing cells. Furthermore, the granulometric characterization of the emulsions was related with gama-decalactone production for non-washed cells, the smaller droplets disappeared, using both oils, which increased gama-decalactone concentration. This suggests that the access of cells to the substrate occurs by their adhesion around larger oil droplets.The authors acknowledge Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) for the financial support provided (SFRH/BD/28039/2006) and CRUP (Cooperation project F-41/06)

    An Estimation of the Entomological Inoculation Rate for Ifakara: A Semi-Urban Area in a Region of Intense Malaria Transmission in Tanzania.

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    An entomological study on vectors of malaria and their relative contribution to Plasmodium falciparum transmission in the semi-urban area of Ifakara, south-eastern Tanzania, was conducted. A total of 32 houses were randomly sampled from the area and light trap catches (LTC) performed in one room in each house every 2 weeks for 1 year. A total of 147 448 mosquitoes were caught from 789 LTC; 26 134 Anopheles gambiae s.l., 615 A. funestus, 718 other anophelines and 119 981 culicines. More than 60% of the total A. gambiae s.l. were found in five (0.6%) LTCs, with a maximum of 5889 caught in a single trap. Of 505 A. gambiae s.l. speciated by polymerase chain reaction, 91.5% were found to be A. arabiensis. Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests were performed on 10 108 anopheles mosquitoes and 39 (0.38%) were positive. Entomological inoculation rate (EIR) estimates were generated using a standard method and an alternative method that allows the calculation of confidence intervals based on a negative binomial distribution of sporozoite positive mosquitoes. Overall EIR estimates were similar; 31 vs. 29 [95% confidence interval (CI): 19, 44] infectious bites per annum, respectively. The EIR ranged from 4 (95% CI: 1, 17) in the cool season to 108 (95% CI: 69, 170) in the wet season and from 54 (95% CI: 30, 97) in the east of the town to 15 (95% CI: 8, 30) in the town centre. These estimates show large variations over short distances in time and space. They are all markedly lower than those reported from nearby rural areas and for other parts of Tanzania

    Effects of the Veterinary Pharmaceutical Ivermectin in Indoor Aquatic Microcosms

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    The effects of the parasiticide ivermectin were assessed in plankton-dominated indoor microcosms. Ivermectin was applied once at concentrations of 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, and 10,000 ng/l. The half-life (dissipation time 50%; DT50) of ivermectin in the water phase ranged from 1.1 to 8.3 days. The lowest NOECcommunity that could be derived on an isolated sampling from the microcosm study by means of multivariate techniques was 100 ng/l. The most sensitive species in the microcosm study were the cladocerans Ceriodaphnia sp. (no observed effect concentration, NOEC = 30 ng/l) and Chydorus sphaericus (NOEC = 100 ng/l). The amphipod Gammarus pulex was less sensitive to ivermectin, showing consistent statistically significant reductions at the 1000-ng/l treatment level. Copepoda taxa decreased directly after application of ivermectin in the highest treatment but had already recovered at day 20 posttreatment. Indirect effects (e.g., increase of rotifers, increased primary production) were observed at the highest treatment level starting only on day 13 of the exposure phase. Cladocera showed the highest sensitivity to ivermectin in both standard laboratory toxicity tests as well as in the microcosm study. This study demonstrates that simple plankton-dominated test systems for assessing the effects of ivermectin can produce results similar to those obtained with large complex outdoor systems

    Assay strategies for the discovery and validation of therapeutics targeting <i>Brugia pahangi</i> Hsp90

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    The chemotherapy of lymphatic filariasis relies upon drugs such as diethylcarbamazine and ivermectin that largely target the microfilarial stages of the parasite, necessitating continued treatment over the long reproductive life span of the adult worm. The identification of compounds that target adult worms has been a long-term goal of WHO. Here we describe a fluorescence polarization assay for the identification of compounds that target Hsp90 in adult filarial worms. The assay was originally developed to identify inhibitors of Hsp90 in tumor cells, and relies upon the ability of small molecules to inhibit the binding of fluorescently labelled geldanamycin to Hsp90. We demonstrate that the assay works well with soluble extracts of Brugia, while extracts of the free-living nematode C. elegans fail to bind the probe, in agreement with data from other experiments. The assay was validated using known inhibitors of Hsp90 that compete with geldanamycin for binding to Hsp90, including members of the synthetic purine-scaffold series of compounds. The efficacy of some of these compounds against adult worms was confirmed in vitro. Moreover, the assay is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate between binding of purine-scaffold compounds to human and Brugia Hsp90. The assay is suitable for high-throughput screening and provides the first example of a format with the potential to identify novel inhibitors of Hsp90 in filarial worms and in other parasitic species where Hsp90 may be a target

    Genetic dissection of grain zinc concentration in spring wheat for mainstreaming biofortification in CIMMYT wheat breeding

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    Wheat is an important staple that acts as a primary source of dietary energy, protein, and essential micronutrients such as iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) for the world’s population. Approximately two billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiency, thus breeders have crossed high Zn progenitors such as synthetic hexaploid wheat, T. dicoccum, T. spelta, and landraces to generate wheat varieties with competitive yield and enhanced grain Zn that are being adopted by farmers in South Asia. Here we report a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using the wheat Illumina iSelect 90 K Infinitum SNP array to characterize grain Zn concentrations in 330 bread wheat lines. Grain Zn phenotype of this HarvestPlus Association Mapping (HPAM) panel was evaluated across a range of environments in India and Mexico. GWAS analysis revealed 39 marker-trait associations for grain Zn. Two larger effect QTL regions were found on chromosomes 2 and 7. Candidate genes (among them zinc finger motif of transcription-factors and metal-ion binding genes) were associated with the QTL. The linked markers and associated candidate genes identified in this study are being validated in new biparental mapping populations for marker-assisted breeding