86 research outputs found

    Data-Centric Resource Management in Edge-Cloud Systems for the IoT

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    A major challenge in emergent scenarios such as the Cloud-assisted Internet of Things is efficiently managing the resources involved in the system while meeting requirements of applications. From the acquisition of physical data to its transformation into valuable services or information, several steps must be performed, involving the various players in such a complex ecosystem. Support for decentralized data processing on IoT devices and other devices near the edge of the network, in combination with the benefits of cloud technologies has been identified as a promising approach to reduce communication overhead, thus reducing delay for time sensitive IoT applications. The interplay of IoT, edge and cloud to achieve the final goal of producing useful information and value-added services to end user gives rise to a management problem that needs to be wisely tackled. The goal of this work is to propose a novel resource management framework for edge-cloud systems that supports heterogeneity of both devices and application requirements. The framework aims to promote the efficient usage of the system resources while leveraging the Edge Computing features, to meet the low latency requirements of emergent IoT applications. The proposed framework encompasses (i) a lightweight and data-centric virtualization model for edge devices, (ii) a set of components responsible for the resource management and the provisioning of services from the virtualized edge-cloud resources

    Correlação entre estado nutricional e ingestão alimentar em pacientes de hemodiálise

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    BACKGROUND: Patients in end-stage renal disease often suffer from poor appetite, various comorbidities, and dietary restrictions. Despite regular hemodialysis, nutritional imbalances are frequently reported. Aiming to correlate nutritional status with food ingestion, a prospective study was done in an outpatient group. METHODS: Stable patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis for at least 3 months (n = 44) were investigated by dietary recall and standard anthropometric, biochemical, and bioimpedance determinations, including subjective and objective global assessment. The mean age of the group was 47.0 ± 16.9 years, and 63.6% were men. Body mass index was 22.2 ± 3.9 kg/m² (mean ± SD), calorie intake was 1471 ± 601 kcal/day (20.7 ± 6.7 kcal/kg/day), and protein ingestion was 74.3 ± 16.6 g protein/day (1.2 g/kg/day). Dietary and clinical findings were correlated with nutritional indices by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Malnutrition estimated by subjective global assessment was very common (>;90%), despite the fact that body mass index and serum albumin were within an acceptable range in the majority of the population. Objective global assessment yelded roughly comparable numerical findings, with 6.8% being well nourished, 61.4% at nutritional risk or lightly undernourished, 29.6% moderately malnourished, and 2.3% severely malnourished. Total calorie intake was devoid of associations, but protein, carbohydrate, and lipid input positively correlated with triceps skinfold (P=.02). Lipid ingestion was the only marker directly associated with arm circumference, and it correlated with body mass index, as well as with total body fat (bioimpedance analysis) (POBJETIVOS: Pacientes em fase final de enfermidade renal frequentemente sofrem de falta de apetite, várias comorbidades e restrições dietéticas, e a despeito de hemodiálise regular, desequilíbrios nutricionais são frequentemente relatados. Com o propósito de correlacionar estado nutricional com ingestão alimentar, um estudo prospectivo foi realizado com pacientes ambulatoriais. MÉTODOS: Doentes estáveis sibmetidos a hemodiálise crônica por no mínimo 3 meses (n= 44) foram investigados mediante recordatório alimentar e determinações convencionais antropométricas, bioquímicas e de bioimpedância , incluindo-se avaliação global subjetiva e também objetiva. A idade do grupo era de 47.0 ± 16.9 anos com 63.6% de homens. O índice de massa corporal situava-se em 22.2 ± 3.9 kg/m2, a ingestão calórica foi de 1471 ± 601 kcal/dia (20.7 ± 6.7 kcal/kg/dia) e o consumo proteico atingiu 74.3 ± 16.6 g proteina/dia (1.2 g/kg/dia) . As variáveis dietéticas e clínicas foram correlacionadas com os índices nutricionais através da análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: A desnutrição estimada pela avalia;áo global subjetiva foi muito comum (>;90%), apesar de que o índice de massa corporal e a taxa de albumina estavam aceitáveis na maioria da população. A avaliação objetiva global evidenciou resultados numericamente parecidos, com 6,8% bem nutridos, 61,4% com risco nutricional ou desnutrição leve, 29,6% no patamar moderado e 2,3% exibindo desnutrição grave. O ganho calórico total não apresentou associações, todavia ingressos de proteina, carboidratos e lípides se correlacionaram positivamente com a prega cutânea do tríceps (P=0.02). Apenas a ingestão lipídica associou-se diretamente com a circunferência do braço, demonstrando ainda correlação com o índice de massa corporal bem como com a gordura corpórea total (bioimpedância) (

    Idoso em situação de finitude ”“ percepção da equipe de enfermagem

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    O processo de finitude na maturidade pode ocorrer de forma lenta, com muito sofrimento físico, mental, social, emocional e espiritual e esse vem a ser um dos temas mais valorizados pela gerontologia e uma fonte de grande preocupação por parte dos pesquisadores, principalmente quando as pessoas denominam esse evento como normal e decorrente do processo de envelhecimento. Considera-se indivíduos em situação de finitude, aquele que se encontra fora das possibilidades terapêuticas curativas o que traz uma falsa ideia que nada pode ser feito

    Idoso em situação de finitude ”“ percepção da equipe de enfermagem

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    O processo de finitude na maturidade pode ocorrer de forma lenta, com muito sofrimento físico, mental, social, emocional e espiritual e esse vem a ser um dos temas mais valorizados pela gerontologia e uma fonte de grande preocupação por parte dos pesquisadores, principalmente quando as pessoas denominam esse evento como normal e decorrente do processo de envelhecimento. Considera-se indivíduos em situação de finitude, aquele que se encontra fora das possibilidades terapêuticas curativas o que traz uma falsa ideia que nada pode ser feito. Metodologia - Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de campo, exploratória descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, que buscou descrever os cuidados paliativos em idosos em finitude e compreender as percepções da equipe de enfermagem no setor de Clinica Médica em cuidados paliativos com idosos. O estudo foi realizado em um Hospital privado que presta serviço e assistência à população predominantemente idosa. Os sujeitos que fizeram parte deste estudo incluem auxiliares, técnicos de enfermagem e enfermeiros, em um total de 18 elementos e que prestam cuidados aos idosos internados, que aceitaram participar do estudo mediante a assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE) e foi avaliado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da sob o nº da CAAE: 332959914.5.0000.5494

    Gauge Theories with Lorentz-Symmetry Violation by Symplectic Projector Method

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    The violation of Lorentz symmetry is studied from the point of view of a canonical formulation. We make the usual analysis on the constraints structure of the Carroll-Field-Jackiw model. In this context we derive the equations of motion for the physical variables and check out the dispersion relations obtained from them. Therefore, by the analysis using Symplectic Projector Method (SPM), we can check the results about this type of Lorentz breaking with those in the recent literature: in this sense we can confirm that the configuration of vμv^{\mu} space-like is stable, and the vμv^{\mu} time-like carry tachionic modes.Comment: 7 pages and no figure

    Time of arrival in the presence of interactions

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    We introduce a formalism for the calculation of the time of arrival t at a space point for particles traveling through interacting media. We develop a general formulation that employs quantum canonical transformations from the free to the interacting cases to construct t in the context of the Positive Operator Valued Measures. We then compute the probability distribution in the times of arrival at a point for particles that have undergone reflection, transmission or tunneling off finite potential barriers. For narrow Gaussian initial wave packets we obtain multimodal time distributions of the reflected packets and a combination of the Hartman effect with unexpected retardation in tunneling. We also employ explicitly our formalism to deal with arrivals in the interaction region for the step and linear potentials.Comment: 20 pages including 5 eps figure

    Seagrass and submerged aquatic vegetation (VAS) habitats off the Coast of Brazil: state of knowledge, conservation and main threats

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    Seagrass meadows are among the most threatened ecosystems on earth, raising concerns about the equilibrium of coastal ecosystems and the sustainability of local fisheries. The present review evaluated the current status of the research on seagrasses and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitats off the coast of Brazil in terms of plant responses to environmental conditions, changes in distribution and abundance, and the possible role of climate change and variability. Despite an increase in the number of studies, the communication of the results is still relatively limited and is mainly addressed to a national or regional public; thus, South American seagrasses are rarely included or cited in global reviews and models. The scarcity of large-scale and long-term studies allowing the detection of changes in the structure, abundance and composition of seagrass habitats and associated species still hinders the investigation of such communities with respect to the potential effects of climate change. Seagrass meadows and SAV occur all along the Brazilian coast, with species distribution and abundance being strongly influenced by regional oceanography, coastal water masses, river runoff and coastal geomorphology. Based on these geomorphological, hydrological and ecological features, we characterised the distribution of seagrass habitats and abundances within the major coastal compartments. The current conservation status of Brazilian seagrasses and SAV is critical. The unsustainable exploitation and occupation of coastal areas and the multifold anthropogenic footprints left during the last 100 years led to the loss and degradation of shoreline habitats potentially suitable for seagrass occupation. Knowledge of the prevailing patterns and processes governing seagrass structure and functioning along the Brazilian coast is necessary for the global discussion on climate change. Our review is a first and much-needed step toward a more integrated and inclusive approach to understanding the diversity of coastal plant formations along the Southwestern Atlantic coast as well as a regional alert the projected or predicted effects of global changes on the goods and services provided by regional seagrasses and SAV