99 research outputs found

    Tratamento do cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo por neuroendoscopia estereotática com laser Nd: YAG

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    OBJECTIVE: Colloid cysts (IIIVT CC) are benign neuroepithelial cysts located in the anterior third ventricle. The authors propose the use of Nd:YAG laser stereotactic neuroendoscopic for guided resection of the third ventricle colloid cysts. METHOD: Eleven patients presented third ventricle colloid cysts and were treated by Nd:YAG laser guided with stereotactic endoscopy (n=7) , stereotactic endoscopy (n=3) or stereotactly guided puncture (n=1). The patients were followed prospectively (average 33 months, range 19-64 months). The clinical data, neuroimaging findings, hospitalization stay, outcomes and complications of the method were evaluated. RESULTS: All patients presented headache; six had papilledema, one had gait disturbance and one had third-nerve palsy. Neuroimaging showed hydrocephalus and a IIIVT CC with 14.4-mm mean diameter. After surgery all patients presented clinical and image improvement. Only two patients presented transient morbidities that were easily treated: One had diabetes insipidus that lasted for two days and was treated with a single dose of DDAVP, and another had chemical aseptic meningitis, probably due to the contact of the cyst content with the CSF. This patient was treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids with complete resolution of the problem without sequels. The other patients were discharged from the hospital 48 h after surgery. CONCLUSION: The stereotactic neuroendoscopy-guided procedure with Nd:YAG laser allowed the complete removal of the third ventricle colloid cysts, without definitive morbidities, sequels or recurrence of the lesion.OBJETIVO: Os cistos colóides (CC IIIVT) são lesões neuroepiteliais benignas localizadas anteriormente no terceiro ventrículo. Nós propomos a ressecção neuroendoscópica com o uso do Nd:YAG laser guiada por estereotaxia. MÉTODO: Onze pacientes portadores de cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo foram tratados por neuroendoscopia estereotática com laser Nd:YAG (n=7), neuroendoscopia estereotática (n=3) ou punção estereotática (n=1) e foram seguidos prospectivamente (média 33 meses, variação 19-64 meses). Os dados clínicos, achados de neuroimagem, tempo de hospitalização, evolução e complicações referentes à técnica foram avaliadas. RESULTADOS: Todos pacientes apresentaram cefaléia; seis tiveram papiledema, um apresentou distúrbio de marcha e um apresentou paresia do terceiro nervo. Os exames de neuroimagem evidenciaram hidrocefalia e CC IIIVT com diâmetro médio de 14,4 mm. Depois da cirurgia todos os pacientes apresentaram melhora clínica e de imagem. Apenas dois pacientes apresentaram morbidades transitórias que foram facilmente tratadas: um apresentou diabetes insipidus que durou dois dias e foi tratada com uma única dose de DDAVP, o outro apresentou meningite química asséptica, provavelmente pelo contato do conteúdo do cisto com o líquor. Este paciente recebeu antibióticos e corticóide com resolução completa do problema. Os outros pacientes receberam alta hospitalar após 48 h. CONCLUSÃO: A ressecção neuroendoscópica com o uso do Nd:YAG laser guiada por estereotaxia possibilitou a remoção completa do cisto colóide sem morbidades definitivas, seqüelas ou recorrência da lesão

    Desempenho da válvula de pressão fixa com antissifão SPHERA® no tratamento da hidrocefalia e na prevenção da ocorrência de hiperdrenagem

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    Patients with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage may be submitted to ventricular shunt (VS) implant with antisiphon device. The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate for two years the clinical and tomographic results of the implant of fixed-pressure valves with antisiphon device SPHERA® in 35 adult patients, with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage. Of these, 3 had congenital hydrocephalus in adult patients with very dilated ventricles (Evans index &gt;50%), 3 had symptomatic overdrainage after previous VS implant (subdural hematoma, hygroma or slit ventricle syndrome), 1 had previous chronic subdural hematoma, 15 had normal pressure hydrocephalus with final lumbar pressure <5 cm H2O after tap test (40 mL), 6 had pseudotumor cerebri, and 7 had hydrocephalus due to other causes. Clinical improvement was observed and sustained in 94.3% of the patients during the two-year period with no computed tomography (CT) evidence of hypo or overdrainage, and no immediate early or late significant complications

    Revisiting Hydrocephalus as a Model to Study Brain Resilience

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    Hydrocephalus is an entity which embraces a variety of diseases whose final result is the enlarged size of cerebral ventricular system, partially or completely. The physiopathology of hydrocephalus lies in the dynamics of circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The consequent CSF stasis in hydrocephalus interferes with cerebral and ventricular system development. Children and adults who sustain congenital or acquired brain injury typically experience a diffuse insult that impacts many areas of the brain. Development and recovery after such injuries reflects both restoration and reorganization of cognitive functions. Classic examples were already reported in literature. This suggests the presence of biological mechanisms associated with resilient adaptation of brain networks. We will settle a link between the notable modifications to neurophysiology secondary to hydrocephalus and the ability of neuronal tissue to reassume and reorganize its functions

    Normal pressure hydrocephalus: current view on pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment

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    Introdução: A hidrocefalia de pressão normal (HPN), descrita em 1964 por Salomón Hakim, é uma doença insidiosa que acomete, sobretudo, idosos e manifesta-se através da tríade clínica de distúrbios da marcha, demência e incontinência urinária, associada a achados radiológicos de ventriculomegalia e achados laboratoriais de pressão liquórica normal. Objetivo: apresentar as principais hipóteses relacionadas à fisiopatologia, diagnóstico por imagem e tratamento da HPN empregadas atualmente. Métodos: a revisão da literatura foi realizada através das bases de dados MEDLINE e PubMed, onde foi utilizado o recurso MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) para a seleção de artigos dos últimos seis anos. Resultados: tanto as bases fisiopatológicas quanto os critérios diagnósticos da HPN ainda não estão totalmente estabelecidos. O principal tratamento consiste na derivação liquórica. Conclusões: é fundamental que o diagnóstico da HPN seja realizado precocemente e que os pacientes com maiores chance de responder à derivação liquórica sejam identificados.Introduction: The normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), described in 1964 by Salomón Hakim, is an insidious disease that affects mainly elderly people and is manifested by the clinical triad of gait disorders, dementia and urinary incontinence associated with radiological findings of ventriculomegaly and laboratory findings of normal CSF pressure. Objective: present the main hypotheses related to the pathophysiology, imaging diagnosis and treatment of NPH in practice today. Methods: the literature review was conducted through MEDLINE and PubMed, where was used the MeSH resource (Medical Subject Headings) for the selection of articles from the last 6 years. Results: both the pathophysiology and diagnostic criteria of NPH has not been fully established. The main treatment consists of the CSF shunt. Conclusion: it is essential that the diagnosis of NPH be realized early and that patients with higher chance to improve after CSF shunt are identified

    Tarefas em geometria: da sala de aula para a formação de professores, descrição de um projeto

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    Neste poster, apresentamos um projeto que pretende abordar de forma conglomerada conhecimentos, raciocínios, argumentação e representações de alunos e professores dos primeiros anos. Perspetiva-se como uma das formas de contribuir para uma melhoria dos conhecimentos geométricos de alunos e professores bem como para uma possível mudança de foco na prática e na formação geométrica de professores