254 research outputs found

    A report of use of tests.

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    Shifting boundaries between the normal and the pathological:the case of mild intellectual disability

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    When disorders fade into normality, how can the threshold between normality and disorder be determined? In considering mild intellectual disability, I argue that economic factors partly determine thresholds. We tend to assume that the relationship between disorder, need and services is such that: first, a cut-off point between the disordered and the normal is determined; second, a needy population is identified; and third, resources are found (or at least should be found) to meet this need. However, the changing definitions of intellectual disability can best be understood if we think of this happening in reverse. That is, first, certain resources are thought obtainable, and then a cut-off point for disorder is selected which supplies an appropriately sized ‘needy population’

    Technology and the Era of the Mass Army

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    Aristocratic disputes over honour in the early modern period

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    The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of disputes over honour in the early modern period. It aims to present a comprehensible portrayal of the concept of honour and its social value between the years 1527-1627 in the Kingdom of Bohemia. Honour had slightly dissimilar worth in the lives of various groups of people of different social statuses, and it was an inseparable part of noblemen's identity. Its importance was reflected in legal norms, for there were explicitly defined offences against honour. Losing honour meant social segregation, and for that reason, one had to defend himself - either by legal means or by using violence. The thesis will further explore the second option, the duel, and its place in the early modern culture. Moreover, some representative examples of duels, European fencing trends of the 16th century, and weapon regulations of the period will be introduced. Finally, the thesis will be concluded with the analysis of the duel between Mikuláš Dačický of Heslov and Felix Novohradský of Kolovrat from 1582 and its legal consequences

    Crisis of the Modern Man in the Work of T. G. Masaryk

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    Téma krize moderního člověka je už od počátku Masarykova myslitelského působení velmi významné, ne-li nejvýznamnější – téma, se kterým se potýkal celý život, a které určovalo směr i způsob jeho úsilí. Po obecném vymezení tohoto fenoménu v dílech Sebevražda hromadným jevem společenským moderní osvěty a Moderní člověk a náboženství Masaryk od poloviny 80. let 19. stol. věnuje sérii publikací domácím problémům. Vzhledem k tématu je nejvýznamnější Česká otázka, ve které se také dotýká krize moderního člověka. Ačkoli tuto nit táhne v pozadí národního obrození, neustále má na mysli všeobecný lidský problém.The aim of this contribution is to show conception of the crisis of the modern man in the work of T. G. Masaryk, especially in his work "The Czech Question"

    Influence of Empiricism and Positivism on T. G. Masaryk

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    Tématem práce je vliv empirismu a pozitivismu na T. G. Masaryka. Masarykovy teze budou konfrontovány s myšlenkami hlavních představitelů těchto filosofických teorií, jimiž jsou D. Hume, dovršitel klasického britského empirismu, a A. Comte, zakladatel pozitivismu. Masaryk byl velmi ovlivněn těmito mysliteli po celý svůj život, ovšem jeho vztah k nim a k jejich teoriím se postupem času výrazně měnil.Topic of the thesis is influence of empiricism and positivism on T. G. Masaryk. Masaryk's propositions will be confronted with thoughts of the main representatives of these philosophical theories, which are D. Hume, the completer of classical British empiricism, and A. Comte, the founder of positivism. Masaryk was deeply influenced by these thinkers throughout his entire life, however his relation to them and to their theories significantly changed over time.Katedra filosofieJiří Pintner seznámil členy komise s tématem své diplomové práce a odpověděl na dotazy z posudk

    Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Tetrarhynchoiden

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    Volume: 122Start Page: 171End Page: 25

    Violence among nobility and burghers. A portrait of duels at the turn of the 16th and 17th century

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    The diploma thesis deals with the topic of duels between nobles and townsmen in the early modern period. Its aim is to present the form of duels as a tool used to restore violated honour and at the same time as an important cultural phenomenon of pre-modern society. The thesis will therefore focus further on the role of honour, which represented a key element of noble and masculine identity, the loss of which had immeasurable consequences for the challenged individuals. Its violent defence was perceived as a socially legitimate but illegal act. The thesis will be concluded with an analysis and comparison of four duels that took place in the Kingdom of Bohemia between 1582-1651

    Educational psychologi

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    viii, 308 hal.; 21 cm