299 research outputs found

    Effetto della concentrazione dei sali minerali e di IBA sulla radicazione in vitro di Sorbus domestica e S. torminalis

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    Sorbus spp. are supposed suitable for development of marginal sites and the demand for their high-quality timber is extremely high on the European market. Micropropagation has been investigated as a tool for large scale propagation of these species. S. domestica 'Tosca3' shootlets showed higher rooting ability than S. torminalis. The different responses to in vitro rooting treatments shown by seedling of S. domestica and S. torminalis were due both to intra and inter genetic variability. Reducing the MS medium strength to one half had beneficial effect on S. domestica \u2018Tosca 3\u2019 and on two out of the eight tested S. torminalis genotypes. The IBA tested concentrations significantly affected S. domestica \u2018Tosca 3' and four S. torminalis genotypes rooting performance

    Igiene orale in soggetti istituzionalizzati affetti da ritardo mentale

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    The aim of this study is to compare the condition of oral hygiene of thirty institutionalized subjects afflicted with mental retardation already in care near the Dental Service, and seventy ones not yet in, in order to value both the efficaciousness of carried out prevention programs and willingness of the operators responsible for oral hygiene in undertaking a valid formation pattern for the task. Private data, mental retardation level, patient collaboration grade and autonomy in daily oral hygiene level, in addition to caries experience (DFMT) and simplified oral hygiene index (OHI), are all parameters that have been recorded. The results underline a lower DMFT in those subjects of the group who have already been submitted to prevention measures. Also OHI presents very different values between the groups unfavourably to those subjects not yet included in dental specific program. Data about the group of subjects already in cure put in evidence the efficaciousness of educational and motivational measures, founded upon dailyness and friendly individualized approach, adopted by the \ue9quipe of Dental Service. In the same time, data about the other group let the necessity of educational programs for those subjects who the role of daily oral hygiene is destined to emerge

    Effects of peeling methods on the quality of cubiu fruits

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    Cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) is an Amazonian Basin native fruit. Its importance comes from its high contents of pectin. Currently, processing technologies are necessary for the substitution of the traditional system (small crops and small-scale processing) for a larger scale system and thus increase the use of biodiversity and promote the implementation of Local Productive Arrangements of agribusiness in the Amazon. This research aims to evaluate the methods of peeling cubiu. Ripe fruits were divided into lots (150 each) and subjected to the following treatments: immersion in 2.5% NaOH boiling solution for 5 minutes, exposure to water vapor, and immersion in water at 96 ºC for 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes. The peel released during heat treatment and immediately removed under running tap water. In the control treatment, the fruits were manually peeled (unheated) with a stainless steel knife. The treatments were evaluated for completeness and ease of peeling, tissue integrity, texture, and peroxidase activity. The immersion in 2.5% NaOH boiling solution (5 minutes) stood out as the best treatment since it inhibited the enzymatic browning and intensified the natural yellow color of the cubiu fruit and easily and fully peeled the whole fruit more rapidly without damaging its tissues. This treatment was chosen as the most advantageous because it can promote simultaneous peeling and bleaching. Therefore, it is recommended for cubiu industrial processing

    Reparameterization of RNA χ Torsion Parameters for the AMBER Force Field and Comparison to NMR Spectra for Cytidine and Uridine

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    A reparameterization of the torsional parameters for the glycosidic dihedral angle, χ, for the AMBER99 force field in RNA nucleosides is used to provide a modified force field, AMBER99χ. Molecular dynamics simulations of cytidine, uridine, adenosine, and guanosine in aqueous solution using the AMBER99 and AMBER99χ force fields are compared with NMR results. For each nucleoside and force field, 10 individual molecular dynamics simulations of 30 ns each were run. For cytidine with AMBER99χ force field, each molecular dynamics simulation time was extended to 120 ns for convergence purposes. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, including one-dimensional (1D) 1H, steady-state 1D 1H nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), and transient 1D 1H NOE, was used to determine the sugar puckering and preferred base orientation with respect to the ribose of cytidine and uridine. The AMBER99 force field overestimates the population of syn conformations of the base orientation and of C2′-endo sugar puckering of the pyrimidines, while the AMBER99χ force field’s predictions are more consistent with NMR results. Moreover, the AMBER99 force field prefers high anti conformations with glycosidic dihedral angles around 310° for the base orientation of purines. The AMBER99χ force field prefers anti conformations around 185°, which is more consistent with the quantum mechanical calculations and known 3D structures of folded ribonucleic acids (RNAs). Evidently, the AMBER99χ force field predicts the structural characteristics of ribonucleosides better than the AMBER99 force field and should improve structural and thermodynamic predictions of RNA structures