Effetto della concentrazione dei sali minerali e di IBA sulla radicazione in vitro di Sorbus domestica e S. torminalis


Sorbus spp. are supposed suitable for development of marginal sites and the demand for their high-quality timber is extremely high on the European market. Micropropagation has been investigated as a tool for large scale propagation of these species. S. domestica 'Tosca3' shootlets showed higher rooting ability than S. torminalis. The different responses to in vitro rooting treatments shown by seedling of S. domestica and S. torminalis were due both to intra and inter genetic variability. Reducing the MS medium strength to one half had beneficial effect on S. domestica \u2018Tosca 3\u2019 and on two out of the eight tested S. torminalis genotypes. The IBA tested concentrations significantly affected S. domestica \u2018Tosca 3' and four S. torminalis genotypes rooting performance

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