9 research outputs found

    Direct Comparison of Immunogenicity Induced by 10-or 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine around the 11-Month Booster in Dutch Infants

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Since 2009/10, a 10- and a 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) are available, but only the 10-valent vaccine is now being used for the children in the Netherlands. As the vaccines differ in number of serotypes, antigen concentration, and carrier proteins this study was designed to directly compare quantity and quality of the antibody responses induced by PCV10 and PCV13 before and after the 11-month booster. METHODS: Dutch infants (n = 132) were immunized with either PCV10 or PCV13 and DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB at the age of 2, 3, 4 and 11 months. Blood samples were collected pre-booster and post-booster at one week and one month post-booster for quantitative and qualitative immunogenicity against 13 pneumococcal serotypes, as well as quantitative immunogenicity against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b. We compared immunogenicity induced by PCV13 and PCV10 for their ten shared serotypes. RESULTS: One month post-booster, pneumococcal serotype-specific IgG geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) for the PCV13 group were higher compared with the PCV10 group for six serotypes, although avidity was lower. Serotype 19F showed the most distinct difference in IgG and, in contrast to other serotypes, its avidity was higher in the PCV13 group. One week post-booster, opsonophagocytosis for serotype 19F did not differ significantly between the PCV10- and the PCV13 group. CONCLUSION: Both PCV10 and PCV13 were immunogenic and induced a booster response. Compared to the PCV10 group, the PCV13 group showed higher levels for serotype 19F GMCs and avidity, pre- as well as post-booster, although opsonophagocytosis did not differ significantly between groups. In our study, avidity is not correlated to opsonophagocytotic activity (OPA) and correlations between IgG and OPA differ per serotype. Therefore, besides assays to determine IgG GMCs, assays to detect opsonophagocytotic activity, i.e., the actual killing of the pneumococcus, are important for PCV evaluation. How differences between the two vaccines relate to long-term protection requires further investigation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: www.trialregister.nl NTR3069

    Validation of a liquid handling system for use in clinical vaccine studies performed by LVO; Implementation of the MultiPROBE 104/204 Canberra Packard

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    De MultiPROBE type 104/204 van Canberra Packard is een pipetteerstation dat binnen LVO wordt gebruikt voor monsterhandelingen ten behoeve van klinische vaccinstudies. Het apparaat wordt gebruikt voor het uitvullen van sera en het maken van serumverdunningen voor verschillende antistofbepalingen, met name ELISA's. Deze handelingen, uitgevoerd met het pipetteerstation, zijn vergeleken met de handmatige uitvoering. Uit de experimenten bleek dat invoering van de MultiPROBE voor klinische studies, ter vervanging van handmatige serumhandelingen, geen aanleiding geeft tot systematische en significante veranderingen in de uitslagen van de antistofbepalingen. De correlatie tussen beide methoden is (zeer) goed, zowel voor eenstapsverdunningen als voor verdunningsreeksen. De reproduceerbaarheid van de MultiPROBE is vergelijkbaar en in enkele gevallen zelfs beter dan de handmatige uitvoering.The MultiPROBE type 104/204 manufactured by Canberra Packard is a liquid handling system for sample processing in clinical vaccine studies within LVO. The apparatus is used for transfer of sera and sample dilutions in several antibody assays, especially ELISA's. These liquid handlings with the MultiPROBE are compared with manual sample handling. Experiments show that introduction of the MultiPROBE for use in clinical studies as a substitute for manual handling did not result in systematical and significant changes in antibody assay results. The correlation between both methods for one step dilutions as well as for serial dilutions is (very) good. Reproducibility of the MultiPROBE is comparable and sometimes even better than manual handling.RIV

    Een vergelijking van ELISA methoden voor het bepalen van humane serum antistoffen tegen Haemophilus influenzae type b

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    Een vergelijking tussen de non-competitieve ELISA van Phipps et al., de klassieke radio-antigeen bindings assay (RABA) en de nieuw ontwikkelde Chiron competitieve ELISA voor de bepaling van anti-Hib polysaccharide (HibPs) antistof concentraties in humane sera wordt beschreven in het rapport. Voor dit onderzoek werden 4 serum panels, alle afkomstig uit hetzelfde klinische veldonderzoek, gebruikt en de resultaten werden vergeleken met de originele veldonderzoek gegevens, bepaald m.b.v. Phipps' non-competitieve ELISA. Betrouwbaarheid, reproduceerbaarheid plus een goede correlatie met de RABA tonen aan dat zowel de Chiron competitieve ELISA als de Phipps' non-competitieve ELISA de gevestigde RABA kunnen vervangen voor de bepaling van anti-HibPs totaal Ig. Het duidelijke voordeel van de enigszins meer bewerkelijke competitieve ELISA, zoals voorgesteld door Mariani et al., is echter dat overschatting van het percentage individuen met antistof titers > 0,15 mug/ml achterwege blijft in vergelijking met de non-competitieve ELISA. Competitie met vrij HibPs bleek noodzakelijk om vals positieve binding te voorkomen bij antistof concentraties ó 1,0 mug/ml. Hoewel het probleem mogelijk grotendeels beperkt blijft tot pre-immuun sera, kan het toch wel degelijk van invloed zijn op het aantal mensen dat ten onrechte als voldoende beschermd wordt beschouwd (tegen Hib). De Phipps' non-competitieve ELISA is te verbeteren door veranderingen in de incubatie tijd, incubatie temperatuur, incubatie buffers, conjugaat en type ELISA plaat in de richting van de Chiron competitieve ELISA toe te passen. Op basis van de resultaten introduceren we een verbeterde ELISA voor het bepalen van Hib antistoffen. Belangrijkste elementen zijn dat monsters worden getest in een tweevoudige verdunningsreeks en controle wells met vrij oplosbaar Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide worden ingezet voor monsters met een Hib antistof concentraties ó 1,0 mug/ml.A comparison between the non-competitive ELISA from Phipps et al., the established radio-antigen binding assay (RABA) and the newly developed Chiron competitive ELISA for measuring anti-Hib polysaccharide (HibPs) antibody concentrations in human sera is described. For this study 4 different serum panels, all from the same clinical trial, were used and the results were compared with the original trial data, determined with the Phipps' non-competitive ELISA. Reliability, reproducibility plus a good correlation with the RABA demonstrate that both the Chiron competitive ELISA and the Phipps non-competitive ELISA can replace the classical RABA for anti-Hib total Ig determination. However, the clear advantage of the somewhat more laborious competitive ELISA, as proposed by Mariani et al., is that overestimation of the percentage of subjects with antibody titers > 0.15 mug/ml is absent, as compared to the non-competitive ELISA. Competition with free HibPs, appeared necessary to avoid false positive binding for anti Hib antibody concentrations 1.0 mug/ml. Although the problem might be restricted for a large part to pre-immune sera it can still influence the amount of subjects falsely considered sufficiently protected against Hib. The Phipps' non-competitive ELISA could be improved by changing the incubation time, incubation temperature , incubation buffers, conjugate and ELISA plate towards the conditions of the Chiron competitive ELISA. Based on the results we propose an improved ELISA for determining Hib antibodies. Basic elements are that samples are tested in a twofold serial dilution and control wells with free soluble Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide are used for samples with Hib antibody concentrations ó 1.0 mug/ml.VWS/IG

    The PIM study: Immunogenicity of the 13-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal conjugate vaccine : Comparison of current schedule with alternative and reduced immunisation schedules

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    Goede bescherming tegen pneumokokkenziekte kan met één prik minder Sinds 2006 worden kinderen via het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma gevaccineerd tegen pneumokokken. Deze bacteriën kunnen ernstige ziekten veroorzaken, zoals hersenvliesontsteking en bloedvergiftiging. De kans hierop is door de vaccinatie flink verlaagd. De vaccinatie bestaat momenteel uit vier prikken die worden gegeven op de leeftijd van 2, 3 en 4 maanden (primaire serie) en 11 maanden (boostervaccinatie). Uit onderzoek blijkt nu dat de vaccinatie even effectief, of zelfs effectiever, is als de primaire serie van drie naar twee prikken wordt teruggebracht en deze in de derde en vijfde maand worden gegeven. Geadviseerd wordt om het huidige pneumokokken prikschema te wijzigen. Minder belastend en kostenbesparend Door minder en iets later te prikken zijn de vaccinaties voor de heel kleine kinderen minder belastend. Daarnaast levert dit schema een aanzienlijke kostenbesparing in de gezondheidszorg op (8 miljoen euro). Deze bevindingen zijn het resultaat van de zogeheten PIM-studie ('Pneumokokken Iets Minder'), die is uitgevoerd door het RIVM, in samenwerking met het Spaarne ziekenhuis en het Wilhelmina kinderziekenhuis. Opdrachtgever is het ministerie van VWS. Vergelijking van vaccinatieschema's In de PIM-studie kregen 400 gezonde kinderen een vaccinatie tegen 13 typen van de pneumokokkenbacterie. Zij zijn vervolgens ingedeeld in vier willekeurige groepen, die elk de vaccinaties op een ander tijdstip kreeg toegediend: met 2, 3, 4 en 11 maanden, met 2, 4, 6 en 11 maanden, met 3, 5 en 11 maanden, en met 2, 4 en 11 maanden. Hogere antistofwaarden bij 3-5 maanden schema Bij alle kinderen is vervolgens bepaald hoeveel antistoffen zij een maand na afloop van de primaire serie hadden gevormd, en een maand na de booster. Dit is ook gedaan op de leeftijd van 8 maanden, omdat vóór de invoering de pneumokokkenvaccinatie rond die leeftijd de meeste gevallen van pneumokokkenziekte voorkwamen. Na de primaire serie bleek de vaccinatie op 3 en 5 maanden hogere antistofwaarden te geven dan de vaccinatie op 2, 3 en 4 maanden. Op 12 maanden bleken alle vier de schema's voldoende antistoffen gegeven te hebben om te beschermen tegen pneumokokkenziekte.Good protection against pneumococcal disease using three instead of four vaccine doses Pneumococci can cause serious invasive diseases such as meningitis and sepsis. Implementation of vaccination against pneumococci for young children at the age of 2, 3, 4 months (primary series) and at 11 months (booster dose) in 2006 has reduced this risk considerably. A clinical trial shows that vaccination at the age of 3, 5 and 11 months is as effective as, or even more effective than the current Dutch vaccination scheme. It is recommended to alter the current pneumococcal vaccination schedule. Reduced burden and cost reduction Administrating fewer vaccine doses at a later age reduces the burden of the vaccination for the children. Moreover the reduced schedule results in a considerable cost reduction for the public health system. These findings are the results of the so-called PIM study ('Pneumokokken Iets Minder') performed by the RIVM, in cooperation with the Spaarne hospital and Wilhelmina children's hospital. The PIM study has been commissioned by the Ministry of Public Health. Comparison of vaccination schedules In this study, 400 healthy children were divided ad random into four groups. These four groups were vaccinated against 13 pneumococcal serotypes at 2, 3, 4 and 11 months, at 2, 4, 6 and 11 months, at 3, 5 and 11 months or at 2, 4 and 11 months. Higher antibody levels after a 3-5 months' schedule The amount of antibodies produced was measured in all children 1 month after the primary series, and at 12 months of age, 1 month after the booster. Antibody concentrations were also determined at the age of 8 months because the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease was highest around that age before implementation of nationwide pneumococcal vaccination. After the full schedule at 12 months, all 4 vaccination schedules yielded protective antibody levels. However, after the primary series the 3-5 months' schedule resulted in higher antibody levels than the 2-3-4 months' schedule.VW

    The importance of supplementary immunisation activities to prevent measles outbreaks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya

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    Background The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted routine measles immunisation and supplementary immunisation activities (SIAs) in most countries including Kenya. We assessed the risk of measles outbreaks during the pandemic in Kenya as a case study for the African Region. Methods Combining measles serological data, local contact patterns, and vaccination coverage into a cohort model, we predicted the age-adjusted population immunity in Kenya and estimated the probability of outbreaks when contact-reducing COVID-19 interventions are lifted. We considered various scenarios for reduced measles vaccination coverage from April 2020. Results In February 2020, when a scheduled SIA was postponed, population immunity was close to the herd immunity threshold and the probability of a large outbreak was 34% (8–54). As the COVID-19 contact restrictions are nearly fully eased, from December 2020, the probability of a large measles outbreak will increase to 38% (19–54), 46% (30–59), and 54% (43–64) assuming a 15%, 50%, and 100% reduction in measles vaccination coverage. By December 2021, this risk increases further to 43% (25–56), 54% (43–63), and 67% (59–72) for the same coverage scenarios respectively. However, the increased risk of a measles outbreak following the lifting of all restrictions can be overcome by conducting a SIA with ≥ 95% coverage in under-fives. Conclusion While contact restrictions sufficient for SAR-CoV-2 control temporarily reduce measles transmissibility and the risk of an outbreak from a measles immunity gap, this risk rises rapidly once these restrictions are lifted. Implementing delayed SIAs will be critical for prevention of measles outbreaks given the roll-back of contact restrictions in Kenya

    What to do and what not to do in serological diagnosis of pertussis: recommendations from EU reference laboratories

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    International audience-specific antibodies can be detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) or multiplex immunoassays. Assays use purified or mixed antigens, and only pertussis toxin (PT) is specific for . The interpretation of results can be based on dual-sample or single-sample serology using one or two cut-offs. The EU Pertstrain group recommends that: (i) ELISAs and multiplex immunoassays should use purified non-detoxified PT as an antigen, that they should have a broad linear range and that they should express results quantitatively in International Units per millilitre (IU/ml); (ii) a single or dual diagnostic cut-off for single-serum serology using IgG-anti-PT between 50 and 120 IU/ml should be used, and diagnostic serology cannot be validly interpreted for one year after vaccination with acellular pertussis (aP) vaccines; (iii) IgA-anti-PT should only be used with indeterminate IgG-anti-PT levels or when a second sample cannot be obtained. This group discourages using: (i) other antigens in routine diagnostics, as they are not specific; (ii) micro-agglutination, due to its lack of sensitivity; (iii) immunoblots for pertussis serodiagnosis, as results cannot be quantified; (iv) other methods, such as complement fixation or indirect immunofluorescence, due to their low sensitivity and/or specificity

    Effects of Biosolids application on the heavy metal uptake and the interaction of cadium and lead on the growth and Cd accumulation of cabbage

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    受重金屬污染之土壤雖可利用翻土稀釋法或是酸洗法等技術加以整治,將土壤重金屬之濃度降低至符合法規標準,但由於此兩種技術屬於工程方法,對於土壤之基本性質及土壤品質(soil quality)具有破壞作用,整治後的農地不宜馬上投入生產的行列,需以適當之地力及肥力回復處理,使農地可以繼續耕作。污泥含有有機質、氮、磷、鉀與其他微量元素等,施用污泥可提高土壤肥力,目前國內污水廠所產生的污泥,最終處置方式以衛生掩埋為主,但台灣地區高溫多雨且地狹人稠,掩埋空間逐漸不足,且有潛在污染物滲漏至地下水的風險。歐美諸多國家在污泥的管理上,已傾向將污泥資源化處理之土地施用方式為主,台灣若能將之施用於整治後休耕農地,可達到增進土壤肥力及污泥資源化回收再利用之目的。本研究取彰化縣和美鎮受重金屬污染農田之土壤,人工配製成為不同濃度之鎘、鉛或鎘鉛污染土壤,並於土壤中添加污泥後種植小白菜,探討施用污泥及鎘鉛交互作用對小白菜生長及累積鎘濃度之影響。 研究結果發現,在Cd-Pb 為 20-0 mg/kg之土壤中,添加5%污泥可使小白菜地上部之生物量由1.60±0.27上升至2.55±0.17 g/plant (1.6倍),但污泥亦會使地上部累積之鎘濃度、鎘總移除量及生物濃縮係數(BCF)增加,因此,如欲在農地土壤施用污泥,其土壤重金屬濃度須符合土壤污染管制標準,才不會導致食用作物小白菜累積過高之鎘。土壤添加鉛會使小白菜地上部之鎘濃度上升,與單獨只含Cd為 5 mg/kg之土壤比較,在Cd-Pb 為 5-500 mg/kg之土壤中,小白菜地上部之鎘濃度由8.8±0.92上升至11.86±2.52 mg/kg-plant (1.3倍);在Cd-Pb 為 20-2000 mg/kg之土壤中,小白菜地上部之鎘濃度由36.4±9.83 (Cd-Pb 為 20-0 mg/kg)上升至101.91±25.13 mg/kg-plant (2.8倍)。試驗結果顯示,鉛會促進植體累積鎘,鉛對鎘之協同作用會使植物地上部之鎘濃度增加,並造成地上部生物量下降,其生物量由1.6±0.27下降至1.5±0.27 g/plant。本試驗結果亦顯示,在土壤鎘濃度大於5 mg/kg之土壤中種植小白菜,其地上部鎘濃度皆已達毒害濃度及超過每人每日攝取量,食用後會對人體造成不良影響。Soil polluted by heavy metals can be remedied through the technologies, such as soil mixing and dilution or soil acid washing. These methods could reduce the heavy metal concentrations and the uptake by plants. After the remediation, the concentrations of heavy metals could meet the soil standards. However, these two technologies are engineering methods, it may destroy the nature and the quality of soil. The remedied agricultural land is not supposed to be used for edible plant production immediately. It needs further proper restoration process to improve its fertility to make it agriculturable. Biosolids (sludge) contain abundant organic matters, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other trace elements. Applying biosolids (sludge) on soils can enhance the soil fertility. So far, in Taiwan, the most popular method to dispose the sewage sludge is sanitary landfill. However, the space for landfill is getting less and less. Especially, Taiwan is an area with high-temperature, space-limited, and dense population. Landfill is no more an acceptable method to dispose the sludge. There is also a risk for the operation of landfill. that is the potential of groundwater pollution associated with the landfill leachate. For the biosolids management on most of countries in Europe and United States, they tend to recycle biosolids (sludge) applying on farm land. We propose an alternative disposal method to reuse biosoilds. We suggested that biosolids could be applied onto the remedied and fallow farm land. These method can attain the purpose of enhancing the soil fertility and biosolids (sludge) recycling. The heavy metal contaminated soil collected from Changhua County(和美鎮) was used as the tested soil in this study. The soil was artificially added Cd, Pb, or both Cd and Pb at various concentrations. In addition to study the effect of the presence of Pb on the Cd uptake by cabbage this study also focused on the application of biosoids on the Cd uptake and its effect on the cabbage growth. The accumulation of Cd in cabbage was also studied. The results indicated that in the soil with Cd-Pb at 20-0 mg/kg, the application of 5% biosolids increased cabbage biomass from 1.60±0.27 to 2.55±0.17 g/plant (1.6 times). However, the addition of biosolids (sludge) also increased the accumulation of cadmium, total removed cadmium, and bioconcentration factor (BCF). Therefore, when biosolids were applied on farmland, the heavy meal uptake and accumulation must be monitored in order to avoid the over accumulated cadmium in edible cabbage. Addition of lead on the soil could increase the Cd uptake by cabbage. Using Cd at 5 mg/kg as a comparison, the soil with Cd-Pb at 5-500 mg/kg, Cd concentration in cabbage increased from 8.8±0.92 to 11.86±2.52 mg/kg-plant (1.3 times); in the soil with Cd-Pb at 20-2000 mg/kg, Cd concentration in cabbage increased from 36.4±9.83 (Cd-Pb at 20-0 mg/kg) to 101.91±25.13 mg/kg-plant (2.8 times). The test results showed that the presence of lead in soil would enhance the uptake and accumulation of Cd in cabbage. It would also result in reduction on the biomass production of cabbage. The cabbage biomass decreased from 1.6±0.27 to 1.5±0.27 g/plant.This test results also showed, that planting cabbage in the soil with Cd concentration over 5 mg/kg, Cd accumulation would reach the concentrations to an unacceptable level and would be over daily uptake per person. It would have adverse effect on human body after taking the cabbage harvested from the farm land with the lead concentration over 5 mg/kg in the soil.目錄 頁次 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 目錄 Ⅳ 表目錄 Ⅶ 圖目錄 Ⅷ 第一章 前言 1 1-1 研究緣起 1 1-2 研究目的 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2-1 農地土壤重金屬污染調查及改善工作 3 2-1-1 台灣農地調查歷程 3 2-1-2 歷年各縣市農地土壤污染調查結果 5 2-1-3 農地土壤污染改善情形 5 2-2 重金屬概述 11 2-2-1 重金屬之物化特性與毒理資料 11 2-2-2 重金屬於環境中之傳輸途徑 14 2-2-3 重金屬污染對植物及人體之影響 16 2-2-4 植物體對重金屬之吸收與忍受程度 21 2-2-5 重金屬間的交互作用對植物累積重金屬的影響 24 2-3 彰化縣農地重金屬污染問題探討 24 2-3-1 東西二圳灌溉系統 24 2-3-2 農地與渠道污染的相關性 28 2-3-3 彰化縣農地重金屬污染改善 31 2-4 鎘米 40 2-5 鎘、鉛之特性及其對植物之危害 42 2-5-1 鎘、鉛在土壤中之含量 42 2-5-2 鎘與鉛之特性 43 2-6 污泥 51 2-6-1 我國下水污泥處置現況與趨勢 51 2-6-2 下水污泥資源化技術與管理制度 51 2-6-3 施用下水污泥對作物品質與產量的影響 57 2-6-4 下水污泥施用後植體中重金屬含量之變化 57 2-6-5 下水污泥施用後植體中重金屬含量之變化 58 2-6-6 台灣地區有關污泥土地施用之研究 60 第三章 材料與方法 62 3-1 供試土壤基本性質分析 62 3-2 鎘、鉛污染土壤添加污泥試驗 64 3-2-1 人工配製鎘、鉛及污泥污染土壤 64 3-2-2 盆栽試驗 64 第四章 結果與討論 66 4-1 供試土壤的基本理化性質 66 4-2 土壤鎘濃度對小白菜之影響 68 4-2-1 對生物量之影響 68 4-2-2 對地上部植體鎘吸收之影響 68 4-2-3 對地上部鎘總移除量之影響 70 4-2-4 對BCF值之影響 70 4-3於鎘污染土壤中添加污泥對小白菜之影響 72 4-3-1 對生物量之影響 72 4-3-2 對地上部鎘吸收之影響 72 4-3-3 對地上部鎘總移除量之影響 74 4-3-4 對BCF值之影響 74 4-3-5污泥添加之效應 74 4-4 鎘鉛交互作用對小白菜之影響 76 4-4-1 對小白菜生物量之影響 76 4-4-2 對地上部鎘累積濃度之影響 78 4-4-3 對地上部鎘總移除量之影響 80 4-4-4 對BCF值之影響 80 4-5小白菜移除土壤鎘濃度之成效 82 4-5-1不同土壤鎘濃度之成效 82 4-4-2添加污泥之效應 82 4-6小白菜可食用部份鎘累積濃度之分析結果與危害性評估 83 第五章 結論與建議 84 5-1 結論 84 5-2 建議 86 第六章 參考文獻 87 表目錄 表2-1各縣市累計公告列管農地土壤控制場址統計 7 表2-2各縣市農地污染改善方式及整治經費表 8 表2-3各縣市累計解除農地土壤控制場址列管統計 10 表2-4重金屬物化特性與毒理資料 12 表2-5重金屬對作物及人體的影響 18 表2-6每人每日重金屬攝取量及人體可攝取之限值 18 表2-7重金屬對作物毒害濃度與食物中之容許含量 19 表2-8聯合國農糧組織/世界衛生食品安全標準委員會提出不同食品中鎘之最大容許量 20 表2-9作物中重金屬含量與土壤中重金屬含量之比值 22 表2-10植物體對重金屬之忍受程度 23 表2-11東西二圳抽水設施與灌溉系統面積 25 表2-12彰化工作站東西二圳工作小組分類 25 表2-13美國EPA土壤重金屬污染整治技術及影響因子之評估 32 表2-14國內農地整治案例 33 表2-15彰化縣92-94年執行農地污染改善各項污染改善工法之適用性 比較 39 表2-16為土壤及作物影響因子對作物吸收鎘之影響效果 41 表2-17鎘在水稻各部位的含量分布 46 表2-18鉛對白菜生長及產量的影響 50 表2-19各種下水污泥資源化技術比較 53 表2-20消化氣體與其他各種燃料發熱量的比較 54 表2-21污泥熔渣之用途 54 表2-22典型生物污泥之化學特性 55 表2-23生物污泥與商業肥料肥份之比較 56 表2-24堆肥與土壤改良之比較 56 表4-1盆栽試驗後土壤中之鎘全量濃度 67 圖目錄 圖2-1重金屬污染途徑 15 圖2-2東西二圳主支圖流灌溉系統分支圖 26 圖2-3東西二圳主支流灌溉系統分佈圖 27 圖2-4農田土壤污染經由含污染物灌溉用水傳播之途徑 30 圖2-5當污泥土地施用停止或繼續施用時植體重金屬高原理論示意圖 60 圖4-1於不同鎘濃度土壤中生長35天後,小白菜地上部之乾重 69 圖4-2於不同鎘濃度土壤中生長35天後,小白菜地上部鎘累積濃度69 圖4-3於不同鎘濃度土壤中生長35天後,小白菜地上部鎘總移除量71 圖4-4於不同鎘濃度土壤中生長35天後BCF值之變化 71 圖4-5添加污泥對生長於不同鎘濃度土壤中小白菜地上部乾重之影響 73 圖4-6添加污泥對生長於不同鎘濃度土壤中小白菜地上部鎘累積濃度 之影響 73 圖4-7添加污泥對生長於不同鎘濃度土壤中小白菜地上部鎘總移除量 之影響 75 圖4-8添加污泥對生長於不同鎘濃度土壤中小白菜地上部BCF值之 影響 75 圖4-9鎘鉛交互作用對小白菜地上部生物量之影響 77 圖4-10鎘鉛交互作用對小白菜地上部鎘累積濃度之影響 79 圖4-11鎘鉛交互作用對小白菜地上部鎘總移除量之影響 81 圖4-12鎘鉛交互作用對小白菜BCF值之影響 8