6,296 research outputs found

    Raised beach deposits and the distribution of structural lineaments on Macquarie Island

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    The distribution of previously-unmapped raised beaches on Macquarie Island makes it difficult to accept earlier interpretations of landform evolution. These raised beaches occur up to 270 m ASL, and in places previously thought to have been glaciated. The elevation of the beaches and the distribution and shape of many of the island's plateau lakes and structural lineaments would appear to be consistent with a history in which rapid uplift associated with. block-faulting and other tectonic factors played a much more important role in landform evolution than has been recognised in the past

    Glaciation of Frenchmans Cap-National Park

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    Mapping of glacial landforms of the Frenchmans Cap National Park shows that an independent system of cirque and valley glaciers accumulated upon and caused considerable modification of this area during the last Pleistocene glaciation. Clearest evidence of the sequence of advance and retreat is seen in the Vera Valley where, during the maximum phase, the ice reached the Vera Creek gorge and overspilled a series of diffluence passes further upstream. The history of subsequent retreat can be traced with reference to the post-maximum moraines. Some detailed work on the morphology of the lake basins makes possible a classification of lakes which shows clearly the nature of the glaciation and the influence of lithology. Careful consideration of the aspect, morphology, and elevation of the cirques in which many of these lakes occur provides interesting comment upon the factors governing accumulation and ablation in the maritime mountain environment of glacial and lateglacial times. Radiocarbon assay of leaf fragments in rock-flour below peat in a bedrock depression on the lip of one of the high discrete cirques gives a minimum age of 8720 ±220 years B.P. for the final deglaciation of the Frenchmans Cap area in particular and the western Tasmanian mountains in generaL The present study is discussed with reference to some of the chronological problems of the last glruciation. The possibility of a sequence of glacials and interglacials is recognized. As the Pleistocene climate changes of the southern hemisphere form the broad context of the present study attention is drawn to analogies in the New Zealand sequence

    Physical function assessment tools in pediatric rheumatology

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    Pediatric rheumatic diseases with predominant musculoskeletal involvement such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and juvenile dermatomyositis(JDM) can cause considerable physical functional impairment and significantly affect the children's quality of life (QOL). Physical function, QOL, health-related QOL (HRQOL) and health status are personal constructs used as outcomes to estimate the impact of these diseases and often used as proxies for each other. The chronic, fluctuating nature of these diseases differs within and between patients, and complicates the measurement of these outcomes. In children, their growing needs and expectations, limited use of age-specific questionnaires, and the use of proxy respondents further influences this evaluation. This article will briefly review the different constructs inclusive of and related to physical function, and the scales used for measuring them. An understanding of these instruments will enable assessment of functional outcome in clinical studies of children with rheumatic diseases, measure the impact of the disease and treatments on their lives, and guide us in formulating appropriate interventions

    Amplified mid-latitude planetary waves favour particular regional weather extremes

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    Copyright © 2014 Nature Publishing GroupThere has been an ostensibly large number of extreme weather events in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes during the past decade [1]. An open question that is critically important for scientists and policy makers is whether any such increase in weather extremes is natural or anthropogenic in origin [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. One mechanism proposed to explain the increased frequency of extreme weather events is the amplification of mid-latitude atmospheric planetary waves [14, 15, 16, 17]. Disproportionately large warming in the northern polar regions compared with mid-latitudes—and associated weakening of the north–south temperature gradient—may favour larger amplitude planetary waves [14, 15, 16, 17], although observational evidence for this remains inconclusive [18, 19, 20, 21]. A better understanding of the role of planetary waves in causing mid-latitude weather extremes is essential for assessing the potential environmental and socio-economic impacts of future planetary wave changes. Here we show that months of extreme weather over mid-latitudes are commonly accompanied by significantly amplified quasi-stationary mid-tropospheric planetary waves. Conversely, months of near-average weather over mid-latitudes are often accompanied by significantly attenuated waves. Depending on geographical region, certain types of extreme weather (for example, hot, cold, wet, dry) are more strongly related to wave amplitude changes than others. The findings suggest that amplification of quasi-stationary waves preferentially increases the probabilities of heat waves in western North America and central Asia, cold outbreaks in eastern North America, droughts in central North America, Europe and central Asia, and wet spells in western Asia.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Can Facebook use Induce Well-Being?

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    [[abstract]]Over the past few decades, the widespread phenomenon of Internet abuse has gained attention from the public, academia, and the media. In a departure from this negative viewpoint, however, researchers and educators have devoted considerable effort in attempting to understand the influence of online communication on people's psychological well-being. This study focuses specifically on Facebook, and proposes a research model to examine the relationships among Facebook use, online social support, general social support, and psychological well-being. Our results show that using Facebook helped college students to obtain online social support, and that online social support is an extension of general social support. However, although general social support contributes to well-being, online social support appears to have little direct effect on well-being. The relationship between online social support and well-being is mediated through the factor of general social support.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SSCI[[cooperationtype]]國內[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    Associations of sedentary behaviour, physical activity, blood pressure and anthropometric measures with cardiorespiratory fitness in children with cerebral palsy

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    Background - Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have poor cardiorespiratory fitness in comparison to their peers with typical development, which may be due to low levels of physical activity. Poor cardiorespiratory fitness may contribute to increased cardiometabolic risk. Purpose - The aim of this study was to determine the association between sedentary behaviour, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in children with CP. An objective was to determine the association between cardiorespiratory fitness, anthropometric measures and blood pressure in children with CP. Methods- This study included 55 ambulatory children with CP [mean (SD) age 11.3 (0.2) yr, range 6-17 yr; Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I and II]. Anthropometric measures (BMI, waist circumference and waist-height ratio) and blood pressure were taken. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured using a 10 m shuttle run test. Children were classified as low, middle and high fitness according to level achieved on the test using reference curves. Physical activity was measured by accelerometry over 7 days. In addition to total activity, time in sedentary behaviour and light, moderate, vigorous, and sustained moderate-to-vigorous activity (≥10 min bouts) were calculated. Results - Multiple regression analyses revealed that vigorous activity (β = 0.339, p<0.01), sustained moderate-to-vigorous activity (β = 0.250, p<0.05) and total activity (β = 0.238, p<0.05) were associated with level achieved on the shuttle run test after adjustment for age, sex and GMFCS level. Children with high fitness spent more time in vigorous activity than children with middle fitness (p<0.05). Shuttle run test level was negatively associated with BMI (r2 = -0.451, p<0.01), waist circumference (r2 = -0.560, p<0.001), waist-height ratio (r2 = -0.560, p<0.001) and systolic blood pressure (r2 = -0.306, p<0.05) after adjustment for age, sex and GMFCS level. Conclusions - Participation in physical activity, particularly at a vigorous intensity, is associated with high cardiorespiratory fitness in children with CP. Low cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk