840 research outputs found

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    Graduate Recital

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    For several years the writer had considered the idea that being an accomplished performer would be challenging and stimulating. He had been in public school music instruction and unable to develop this idea to the point that he would like. After his decision to work on a Master \u27s Degree in music, the thought of performing a recital was greeted as a welcome experience. Certain aspects had to be considered before actual practice on a recital could begin. When planning a program to present for the recital, two facts came to mind. The writer had played the clarinet for 16 years and had experience in many bands and solo performances for region contests. The writer also had experience on the flute, bass clarinet, saxophone, and oboe. It was decided that the B~ clarinet would be the major performing instrument. Because of the limited practice time over the past two years on the flute, oboe, and saxophone, it was decided in conference with Dr. Max F. Dalby that the bass clarinet would provide a desirable companion. The contrast of sound between the B~ and the bass clarinet lent variety to the program. Selection of music then had to be made. Certain criteria had to be met by this literature to provide the performer stimulation, interest and intellectual growth. Again Dr. Dalby was consulted and a decision was made as to which pieces would best meet these criteria

    Modification of amino acids at shock pressures of 3 to 30 GPA: Initial results

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    Since the discovery of amino acids in the Murchison meteorite, much speculation has focused on their origin and subsequent alteration, including the possible role of secondary processes, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. As collisional processes and associated shock waves seem to have affected the silicate portions of many primitive meteorites, a mixture of powdered Allende (125-150 m grain size) and nine synthetic amino acids (six protein and three nonprotein) were subjected to controlled shock pressures from 3 to 30 GPa to determine the effect of shocks on amino acid survivability. Preliminary characterizations of the recovered shock products are presented

    Exploring Self-Efficacy with an Emphasis on Direct Selling

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    Self-efficacy, the confidence that one has in his or her capabilities to achieve a goal, is one of the most widely studied constructs in personal selling and sales management research. With few exceptions, self-efficacy has been studied as antecedent to sales performance. The present study differs from prior marketing-related studies of self-efficacy in that it explores whether a direct selling experience can enhance business/professional self-efficacy and personal life self-efficacy. In other words, in the present study self-efficacy is treated as consequent to a direct selling experience. An online survey was conducted in which a nationally representative sample of 495 current direct sellers responded to a self-efficacy scale consisting of 14 items regarding the impact of their direct selling experience on their business/professional skills and a self-efficacy scale consisting of 13 items regarding the impact of their direct selling experience on their personal life skills. More than 60 percent of the direct sellers surveyed either somewhat or strongly believed that their direct selling experience improved their business/professional and their personal life skills. There were differences in impact based on the gender and the age of the direct sellers. Both business/professional self-efficacy and personal life self-efficacy were significantly and positively related to self-perceived sales performance and performance on a non-direct selling job. The theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed

    Predicting Turnover of Direct Sellers

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    As an industry, direct selling is ubiquitous. An estimated 5.3 million people were direct sellers in the United States in 2016. Of those 5.3 million direct sellers, 4.5 million were part-time and 800,000 were full-time. Moreover, in 2016, direct selling generated an estimated US35.54billioninretailsalesthat,inturn,hadaUS35.54 billion in retail sales that, in turn, had a US83.11 billion impact on the United States economy. In a broad sense, direct selling is simultaneously considered to be a distribution channel, an industry, and a business model. Traditional major modes of direct selling include person-to-person and party-plan selling at a home or in the workplace, with online sales now gaining traction in the direct selling marketplace. Individuals become direct sellers for a multitude of reasons, including a desire to earn a living as a full-time direct seller, to earn supplemental income as a part-time direct seller, or to work at a part-time job to earn extra money to make a special purchase. Consequently, there can be relatively high turnover among direct sellers, especially those whose goal was to earn extra money to make a special purchase. Turnover is an issue in direct selling for several reasons, including the time and resources direct selling companies expend to recruit, train, and support direct sellers as well as the potential loss of customers and revenues when a direct seller exits the industry. As such, being able to predict which direct sellers are likely to leave the industry before considerable company and individual resources are expended would be beneficial to all concerned marketplace constituents. This research attempted to predict direct seller turnover by analyzing responses to a set of 12 reasons why a national sample of individuals decided to join a direct selling company. This was done by first comparing the number and nature of reasons that subsamples of current and former direct sellers gave for joining a direct selling company. Significant differences were observed between the two direct seller groups for nine of the 12 reasons studied and for the total number of reasons given for joining a direct selling company. This was followed by a binary logistic regression analysis that successfully predicted the work status of 63 percent of the combined sample of current and former direct sellers. Although data for the present research were derived from a relatively large nationwide survey of current and former direct sellers, the study should be viewed as exploratory given the absence of information on the topic and the lack of theoretically based hypotheses

    Photoproduction of the ω\omega meson on the proton at large momentum transfer

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    The differential cross section, dσ/dtd\sigma/dt for ω\omega meson exclusive photoproduction on the proton above the resonance region (2.6<W<2.92.6<W<2.9 GeV) was measured up to a momentum transfer −t=5-t = 5 GeV2^2 using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory. The ω\omega channel was identified by detecting a proton and π+\pi^+ in the final state and using the missing mass technique. While the low momentum transfer region shows the typical diffractive pattern expected from Pomeron and Reggeon exchange, at large −t-t the differential cross section has a flat behavior. This feature can be explained by introducing quark interchange processes in addition to the QCD-inspired two-gluon exchange.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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