110 research outputs found

    Secondary metabolites of alchemilla persica growing in Iran (East Azarbaijan)

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    Phytochemical investigations of Alchemilla persica Rothm. growing in Iran were performed taking into account both the volatile and polar constituents. The hydrodistilled essential oil was analysed by GC-MS that revealed the presence of diterpenoids (19.6 %) and sesquiterpenes (17.1%) as the major constituents, while tannins and flavonol glycosides were identified as the most abundant constituents of the methanol extract by HPLC-MS. A. persica can be a valuable source of ellagitannins and polyphenols

    Development of an LC-DAD-MS-Based Method for the Analysis of Hydroxyanthracene Derivatives in Food Supplements and Plant Materials

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    Products based on plants containing hydroxyanthracene derivatives (HADs)-such as Rheum, Cassia, and Aloe species-are widely used in food supplements or nutraceuticals due to their laxative effects. A more restricted control of HAD contents in food supplements has been implemented by EU Regulation 2021/468, in order to increase the safety of these preparations. Due to their toxicity, aloin A, aloin B, aloe emodin, emodin, and the synthetic derivative danthron have been listed as prohibited substances in food supplements, being tolerated in amounts < 1 mg kg(-1) in marketed products. In this work, we report the development of a sensitive and fast LC-DAD-MS-based procedure for the determination of these five compounds in food supplements and plant materials or extracts. The entire procedure includes a simple sample preparation step, where target analytes are concentrated by means of solvent extraction and evaporative concentration (solid samples), or by lyophilisation (liquid samples). The average LOQ of 0.10 mg/L, LOD of 0.03 mg/L, accuracy, and precision with CVs below 12.72 were obtained for the studied analytes. This method is suitable for assessing the compliance of commercial products and raw materials with EU Regulation 2021/468. Furthermore, the proposed method can represent a starting point for the development of a unique and standardised analytical approach for the determination of other HADs under the attention of EU authorities

    Numerical Model and Experimental Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of Electric Radiant Heating Panels

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    Electric radiant heating panels are frequently selected during the design phase of residential and industrial heating systems, especially for retrofit of existing buildings, as an alternative to other common heating systems, such as radiators or air conditioners. The possibility of saving living and working space and the ease of installation are the main advantages of electric radiant solutions. This paper investigates the thermal performance of a typical electric radiant panel. A climatic room was equipped with temperature sensors and heat flow meters to perform a steady state experimental analysis. For the dynamic behavior, a mathematical model was created and compared to a thermographic measurement procedure. The results showed for the steady state an efficiency of energy transformation close to one, while in a transient thermal regime the time constant to reach the steady state condition was slightly faster than the typical ones of hydronic systems

    Total phytochemical analysis of Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus from Algeria by HS-SPME-GC-MS, NMR and HPLC-MSn studies

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    In this article, we report a comprehensive characterization of volatile and polar constituents extracted from the aerial parts of Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus, a shrub that is used as culinary ingredient and as traditional medicine in Algeria, mainly to treat respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders and endocrine dysfunctions. Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to assess volatile constituents, whereas the phytochemical composition of solid residues obtained from extraction with solvents at diffrent polarity was obtained by an integrated Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSn) approach. Fourty-five apolar ccompounds were identified, mainly oxygenated monoterpenes (65.8%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and nonoterpene hydrocarbons (18.6 and 14.5%, respectively). On the other hand, LC-MSn and NMR analyses revealed the presence of aglyconic and glycosilated flavonoids, phenylpropanoid derivatives and triterpenoid acids related to oleanolic acid, mainly in the methanol, dichloromethane and hexane extracts. Overall, these data indicate that Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus could be a potential source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds, and our results represent a starting point for further research on this plant species

    Towards nZEBs : experiences in Italy

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    Nowadays in the European framework the good practices for high-performing buildings realization and retrofitting are copious, but what emerges is the lack of information and data sharing about them. There are indeed no official sources for notes deriving from this kind of buildings and, moreover, there is shortage of quantitative and comparable data. In a process oriented to a large-scale diffusion of nZEBs on the market, the existing good practices of actual case studies of highperforming buildings should be kept as market benchmarks and reveal to be precious sources of information. In the light of the above, the need of a harmonized database to collect and share data deriving from different building typologies and climatic zones plays a fundamental role. Due to the weakness of the existing databases and to the necessity of having practical guidelines to design nZEBs, at Italian level, an AiCARR teamwork is targeting the development of a design guide for nZEBs in Mediterranean region, based on different national experiences. In order to reach this target the workgroup has created a detailed database, useful to collect and share information about single high-performing buildings. Its main purpose is to record nZEBs, which have been already built, with available monitored data and that represent concrete models for future designing. Because of the still scarcity of monitored nZEBs, the database is suitable not only for realized monitored buildings but also for those that are still in a design phase. Actually, three different Italian case studies are catalogued in the databas

    Use of a neuro-evacuation device for the endoscopic removal of third ventricle colloid cysts

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    BackgroundColloid cysts are benign tumors usually located at the level of the foramen of Monro and account for approximately 1% of all intracranial tumors. Endoscopic surgical treatment represents the approach of choice for removal of these tumors and is usually preferred over transcortical or transcallosal microsurgical approaches. Our purpose is to demonstrate the feasibility of endoscopic removal of colloid cysts using a novel aspiration and fragmentation system, currently designed for evacuation of cerebral hematomas.MethodsWe performed an evaluation of the results obtained in patients with symptomatic colloid cysts of the third ventricle operated on using an endoscopic neuroevacuation system (Artemis Neuro Evacuation Device, Penumbra, Alameda, California, USA) between April 2020 and April 2022. Instrumentation and surgical technique are described in detail. All patients underwent postoperative MRI to assess the extent of cyst removal.ResultsFive patients were included in our study. The predominant symptom at onset was headache. No intraoperative complications related to the technology in use occurred. The surgical time for the cyst removal was significantly shorter than removal via a standard endoscopic technique (80 vs. 120 min). Removal was complete, both content and capsule of the cyst, in all patients. In all cases there was a complete regression of the previously complained symptoms.ConclusionThe Artemis Neuro Evacuation Device has proved to be effective and safe in removal of colloid cysts of the third ventricle and may be proposed as a possible alternative or as a complement of the standard instruments routinely used in neuroendoscopy

    Exploring the Molecular Pathways Behind the Effects of Nutrients and Dietary Polyphenols on Gut Microbiota and Intestinal Permeability: A Perspective on the Potential of Metabolomics and Future Clinical Applications.

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    The gut microbiota is involved in the regulation of the intestinal permeability (IP), whose disruption is a frequent condition in older people and is associated with the development of several diseases. The diet can affect the gut microbiota and IP, although the molecular mechanisms involved are unclear. Metabolomics is one of the suitable approaches to study the effects of diet on gut microbiota and IP, although, up to now, the research has focused only on a few dietary components. The aim here was to review the most recent literature concerning the application of metabolomics to the study of the diet-induced alterations of gut microbiota and the effects on IP, with a particular focus on the molecular pathways involved. An additional aim was to give a perspective on the future research involving dietary polyphenols, because despite their potential use in the management of increased IP, few studies have been reported to date
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