372 research outputs found

    Piscicultura familiar: primeiros olhares e oportunidades de ação no Tocantins.

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    Nos últimos anos a piscicultura vem se consolidando como atividade de destaque no sistema de produção da agricultura familiar. A visão dos produtores sobre a atividade vem se modificando, deixando de ser uma atividade marginalizada na propriedade e se tornando uma alternativa de diversificação da produção. Contudo, o acesso dos produtores à extensão aquícola ainda é deficiente. O acesso às tecnologias ainda é considerado um elemento fraco na cadeia produtiva da aquicultura, sobretudo na piscicultura familiar. Apesar destes gargalos, a produção piscícola oriunda da agricultura familiar tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos, em especial no estado de Tocantins. O crescimento da piscicultura familiar neste estado levou a Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura a desenvolver uma ação denominada Projeto Divinópolis, que visa identificar demandas e propor ações relacionadas à geração de tecnologias para a piscicultura familiar, além de fornecer subsídios para políticas públicas e ações de fomento. Tais ações vislumbram o fortalecimento da cadeia produtiva da piscicultura nos municípios de Divinópolis e Abreulândia, área de abrangência do projeto.Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012

    Simple implementation of complex functionals: scaled selfconsistency

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    We explore and compare three approximate schemes allowing simple implementation of complex density functionals by making use of selfconsistent implementation of simpler functionals: (i) post-LDA evaluation of complex functionals at the LDA densities (or those of other simple functionals); (ii) application of a global scaling factor to the potential of the simple functional; and (iii) application of a local scaling factor to that potential. Option (i) is a common choice in density-functional calculations. Option (ii) was recently proposed by Cafiero and Gonzalez. We here put their proposal on a more rigorous basis, by deriving it, and explaining why it works, directly from the theorems of density-functional theory. Option (iii) is proposed here for the first time. We provide detailed comparisons of the three approaches among each other and with fully selfconsistent implementations for Hartree, local-density, generalized-gradient, self-interaction corrected, and meta-generalized-gradient approximations, for atoms, ions, quantum wells and model Hamiltonians. Scaled approaches turn out to be, on average, better than post-approaches, and unlike these also provide corrections to eigenvalues and orbitals. Scaled selfconsistency thus opens the possibility of efficient and reliable implementation of density functionals of hitherto unprecedented complexity.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Management Practices and Bioproductivity in Grassland of Dry Areas

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    In Mexico, the grassland represents 40.1% of the total area of the country and it is a source of feed for livestock, although suffers different degrees of degradation due to lack of management and adverse climatic conditions. The problem of the grasslands is complex since it involves diverse type’s soils, presence of invasive plants, low success in the establishment of grasses or replanting, high fluctuation in the rainfall distribution, as well as the low capacity of the soil to retain moisture. Among these constraints, the limited availability of soil moisture in arid conditions, makes these areas more fragile to the degradation of the environment which results in low productivity of the grassland. In this chapter, major ecological limitations of the grassland and techniques which improve the soils moisture retention capacity of the grassland especially in moisture deficit areas will be discussed

    Tratamiento de agua residual de microbiología usando películas delgadas de TiO2

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    (Eng) Microbiology cell-staining wastewater was treated by UV/TiO 2 thin films photocatalysis. A simple method of applying gravity sedimentation over grass-type substrate was used for the preparation of the films. The use of Na4 P2 O7, microwaves, and ultrasounds were studied for decreasing the TiO2 grain sizes on the films. It was established that the best method for reducing grain size resulted from a combination of Na4P2O7 (0.01M) and microwave radiation (700 W, 20 min). The Films were characterized by several microscopic and spectroscopic methods. Anatase phase (gap energy of 3.2 eV) and grain sizes averaging 83 nm were achieved. Photocatalysis tests using TiO2-film showed 99.5 % of decolorization, 79 % TOC abatement, and total microbial inactivation after 14 h of treatment. No bacteria re–growth was found 48 h after the treatment was completed.(Spa) La fotocatálisis con UV/TiO2usando películas delgadas fue empleada para el tratamiento de agua residual de microbiología. Se empleó un método simple de sedimentación por gravedad sobre sustrato de vidrio para la preparación de las películas. El uso de Na4P2O7, microondas y ultrasonido fue estudiado para la disminución de los granos de TiO2 en las películas. Se estableció que el mejor método para disminuir los agregados resultó de una combinación de Na4P2O7(0.01M) y radiación de microondas (700 W, 20 min). Las películas fueron caracterizadas por métodos microscópicos y espectroscópicos. Se obtuvo la fase anatasa (brecha de energía de 3.2 e.V) y tamaños de grano de 83nm. Los ensayos fotocatalíticos utilizando las películas de TiO2generaron un 99.5% de decoloración, 79% de remoción de COT y una inactivación microbiana total luego de 14 h de tratamiento. No se encontró reactivación microbiana luego de 48 h de finalizado el tratamiento

    VP2 potentiates the proteccion induced by VP6 against the rotavirus infection in a DNA vaccine model

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    Viruses like particles (VLPs) composed of VP2/VP6 are very effective in inducing protection against the rotavirus infection in animal models. Individually, VP6 also can induce protection against the infection; however, there is no information about the immunogenicity of VP2. The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of DNA vaccines that codify for VP2 and VP6 alone or combined to induce protection against the rotavirus infection. Murine rotavirus VP2 and VP6 genes were cloned into the pCDNA-3 vector. Adult BALB/c mice were inoculated 3 times by intramuscular injections with 100 or 200 mg of pCDNA-3VP2 and pCDNA-3VP6, alone or combined. Two weeks after the last inoculation, mice were challenged with the murine rotavirus EDIM. We found that both plasmids pCDNA-3VP2 and pCDNA-3VP6 were able to induce rotavirus-specific serum antibodies, but not intestinal rotavirus-specific IgA. Only pCDNA-3VP6 at 200 mg could induce 30 % protection against the infection. Co-administration of 100 mg of pCDNA-3VP2 with 100 mg of pCDNA-3VP6 induced 35 % protection. When different ratios of pCDNA-3VP2/pCDNA-3VP6 were used, it was found that the co-administration of 10 µg pCDNA-3VP2/ 100 µg pCDNA-3VP6 gave the best result with up to 55 % protection. These results indicate that the DNA plasmid expressing VP6 is a better vaccine candidate that the one expressing VP2 but co-administration of both plasmids is a good alternative to potentiate the protection induced by VP6, probably by the formation of VLPs VP2/VP6 in vivo

    Varied effects of algal symbionts on transcription factor NF-κB in a sea anemone and a coral: possible roles in symbiosis and thermotolerance

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    Many cnidarians, including the reef-building corals, undergo symbiotic mutualisms with photosynthetic dinoflagellate algae of the family Symbiodiniaceae. These partnerships are sensitive to temperature extremes, which cause symbiont loss and increased coral mortality. Previous studies have implicated host immunity and specifically immunity transcription factor NF-κB as having a role in the maintenance of the cnidarian-algal symbiosis. Here we have further investigated a possible role for NF-κB in establishment and loss of symbiosis in various strains of the anemone Exaiptasia (Aiptasia) and in the coral Pocillopora damicornis. Our results show that NF-κB expression is reduced in Aiptasia larvae and adults that host certain algae strains. Treatment of Aiptasia larvae with a known symbiosis-promoting cytokine, transforming growth factor β, also led to decreased NF-κB expression. We also show that aposymbiotic Aiptasia (with high NF-κB expression) have increased survival following infection with the pathogenic bacterium Serratia marcescens as compared to symbiotic Aiptasia (low NF-κB expression). Furthermore, a P. damicornis coral colony hosting Durusdinium spp. (formerly clade D) symbionts had higher basal NF-κB expression and decreased heat-induced bleaching as compared to two individuals hosting Cladocopium spp. (formerly clade C) symbionts. Lastly, genome-wide gene expression profiling and genomic promoter analysis identified putative NF-κB target genes that may be involved in thermal bleaching, symbiont maintenance, and/or immune protection in P. damicornis. Our results provide further support for the hypothesis that modulation of NF-κB and immunity plays a role in some, but perhaps not all, cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae partnerships as well as in resistance to pathogens and bleaching.Accepted manuscrip

    Feasibility of the adoption of soil erosion mitigation technology on farmland and pastures in northern Mexico

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    Objective: Identify the socioeconomic factors that determine the adoption of mitigation technologies of soil erosion in the Nazas-Aguanaval watershade at Durango State, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: During 2018, 61 semi-structured surveys were applied to farmers in the region. The variables associated with the adoption disposition a binomial Logit regression of maximum likelihood was used. Results: Perception of the soil erosion problem, location of the watershade or agriculture productive unit, and economic activity were the most influential variables in the model. The main variable that conditions the disposition to improve the soil is the perception of soil erosion in the farm, with a marginal effect of 45.03 %. Limitations on study/implications: The results of this survey could be applicable to the study area only. Findings/conclusions: It is necessary to promote and increase the perception, understanding and acceptance of soil erosion mitigation technologies through training.Objective: To identify the socioeconomic factors which determine the adoption of soil erosion mitigation technologies in the Nazas-Aguanaval watershed region in the state of Durango, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: During 2018, 61 semi-structured surveys were applied to farmers in the region. The variables associated with the willingness to adopt or not were analyzed with a maximum likelihood binomial Logit regression model. Results: Perception of the soil erosion problem, location of the watershed or agricultural unit, and economic activity were the most influential variables in the model. The main variable that conditions the willingness to adopt technologies to improve the soil is the perception of soil erosion in production areas, with a marginal effect of 45.03%. Limitations on study/implications: The results of this survey may only be applicable to the study area. Findings/conclusions: Training is necessary to promote and increase the perception, understanding and acceptance of soil erosion mitigation technologie

    Simultaneous selection of cupuassu tree and Brazilian mahogany genotypes in an agroforestry system in Pará state, Brazil.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar e selecionar progênies e matrizes de irmãos completos de cupuaçuzeiro e, simultaneamente, selecionar matrizes de mogno brasileiro com características superiores, para utilização em sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs). Foram avaliadas 25 progênies de irmãos completos de cupuaçuzeiro e uma progênie de meio irmão de mogno brasileiro. O estudo foi conduzido por 14 anos em uma propriedade comercial em Tomé Açu, Pará. Para o cupuaçuzeiro, foram utilizadas como variáveis de resposta o número e a produção de frutos por planta, e a taxa de plantas com sintomas da doença vassoura-de-bruxa. Para o mogno, empregou-se a altura total, altura comercial, altura da copa, DAP e volume de madeira comercial. Os resultados revelaram cinco progênies de cupuaçuzeiro com características interessantes para emprego em SAFs. Com base nos altos valores observados na acurácia de seleção e herdabilidade, inferimos um bom potencial de seleção de indivíduos promissores na população de cupuaçuzeiro. Dez matrizes de cupuaçuzeiro foram selecionadas com base no ranqueamento dos valores genotípicos e desempenho agronômico. Para o mogno brasileiro, três matrizes apresentaram ótimo desempenho silvicultural. As matrizes destas duas espécies deverão ser propagadas vegetativamente, para avaliação em ensaios clonais

    Impactos socioeconômicos da aquicultura no Brasil: análise a partir da matriz de contabilidade social.

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    Apesar de ser um setor emergente do agronegócio brasileiro, a aquicultura ainda carece de estudos sobre seus indicadores socioeconômicos, como: valor agregado, PIB e empregos. Neste sentido, o presente artigo analisa os impactos socioeconômicos da aquicultura brasileira, a partir de multiplicadores derivados de uma Matriz de Contabilidade Social, que traz setores da aquicultura representados de forma desagregada. Os multiplicadores de produção das três atividades da aquicultura variaram de 2,67 a 2,89, sendo maiores do que os dos setores de aves, suínos e bovinos. No entanto, os multiplicadores de PIB (0,83 a 0,89), renda (0,50 a 0,55) e emprego (24) apresentaram resultados inferiores, comparados as estas mesmas atividades pecuárias. Essa baixa capacidade de geração de valor está relacionada à elevada participação do consumo intermediário na estrutura de custos da aquicultura, com destaque para ração. Além disso, uma significativa parcela da produção é enviada diretamente ao consumo das famílias, sem passar pela indústria processadora, variando de 76 a 79% do total produzido. Existe uma evidente necessidade de políticas públicas que apoiem a industrialização da aquicultura, permitindo que esse setor alcance uma geração de valor adicionado e emprego semelhante ao de outras cadeias de proteína animal

    Precision measurement of the half-life and the decay branches of 62Ga

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    In an experiment performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla, the beta-decay half-life of 62Ga has been studied with high precision using the IGISOL technique. A half-life of T1/2 = 116.09(17)ms was measured. Using beta-gamma coincidences, the gamma intensity of the 954keV transition and an upper limit of the beta-decay feeding of the 0+_2 state have been extracted. The present experimental results are compared to previous measurements and their impact on our understanding of the weak interaction is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to EPJ