3,557 research outputs found

    Power Series Solutions of Non-Linear q-Difference Equations and the Newton-Puiseux Polygon

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    Adapting the Newton-Puiseux Polygon process to nonlinear q-difference equations of any order and degree, we compute their power series solutions, study the properties of the set of exponents of the solutions and give a bound for their qq-Gevrey order in terms of the order of the original equation

    Numismática omeya oriental y de Al-Andalus

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    Orthodox caliph cUmar emitted the first Muslim currencies. These had religious inscriptions..The coins of gold and copper of the Byzantine Empire, and the coins of silver of the Sasanian Empire were imitated. Later, the fifth Umayyad caliph, Abd al-Malik b. Marwan, reformed the Islamic monetary system. The new types of currencies were coined in all the Islamic Caliphate, and also in al-Andalus. The reproduction of people, animals and stellar elements disappeared of the coins. The inscriptions, the weight and the module of the currencies also were systematized for the whole epoch of the dynasty Umayyad

    Modelos de organización sémica de la lengua en textos descriptivos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a conocer los condicionamientos lingüísticos y los recursos expresivos que pueden darse en un texto literario para la descripción paisajística. Se adopta una visión de semántica lingüística, centrada especialmente en el sintagmatismo léxico. En una primera parte quedan precisados los diferentes tipos de rasgos sémicos con sus posibles modos de aplicación designativa. En un segundo apartado se presta atención a la organización sintagmática de tales rasgos, y finalmente se propone un análisis global sobre un texto ilustrativo, aplicando los criterios precedentes

    ¿Dónde está el punto de referencia?

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    La lengua posee u n amplio conjunto de unidades y mecanismos para la expresión del espacio y del tiempo. Toda situación (S) espacial y temporal se localiza a partir de u n punto de referencia (R), el cual puede estar inherente en el significado de ciertas unidades y, por otra parte, puede ser instaurado en el contexto comunicativo. En todos los casos desempeña un papel importante la perspectiva del hablante y sus relaciones con los otros componentes de la comunicación. Entre los diversos tipos de relaciones que contraen R y S se encuentran la orientación dimensional (horizontal o vertical) y la orientación de dinamismo (estática o dinámica). Examinando estas relaciones se observa que la coordenada espacial tiene capacidad para generar perspectivas análogas a ella en la coordenada temporal y en otros campos nocionales.Language has a wide variety of units and mechanisms for space and time expressions. Every situation (S) is identified fro m a point of reference (R), which can be inherent in the meaning of some units or be established in the communicative context. In all cases, an important role is played by the speaker's perspective and his relationship wit h the other communication elements. Even though many types of relation exist between R and S, this paper centres its analysis on dimension (horizontal or vertical orientation) and dynamism (static or dynamic orientation). Whe n examining these relations, one can observe that spatial field is able to generate analogous perspectives in time and in other notions.La langue possède u n vaste ensemble d'unités et de mécanismes pour l'expression de l'espace et du temps. Toute situation (S) spatiale o u temporelle est localisée a partir d'un point de référence (R), qui peut être inhérent dans le signifié de certaines unités et, d'autre part, peut être établi dans le contexte communicatif. Dans tous les cas, u n rôle important est joué par la perspective du locuteur et ses relations avec les autres éléments de la communication. Parmi les diverses sortes de relation que R et S acquièrent, o n trouve l'orientation de dimension (horizontale ou verticale) et l'orientation de dynamisme (statique ou dynamique). Lorsqu'on examine ces relations, o n observe que le champ spatial est capacité pour engendrer des perspectives analogues dans le champ temporel et dans d'autres champs notionnels

    Destrezas sociolingüísticas y pragmáticas en las gramáticas y en los diccionarios

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    The Topology of Music Recommendation Networks

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    We study the topology of several music recommendation networks, which rise from relationships between artist, co-occurrence of songs in playlists or experts' recommendation. The analysis uncovers the emergence of complex network phenomena in this kind of recommendation networks, built considering artists as nodes and their resemblance as links. We observe structural properties that provide some hints on navigation and possible optimizations on the design of music recommendation systems. Finally, the analysis derived from existing music knowledge sources provides a deeper understanding of the human music similarity perceptions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Repercusiones de la sociolingüística andaluza en la didáctica de la lengua

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    Este trabajo hace una revisión crítica sobre la situación actual de los estudios sociolingüísticos andaluces, en su dimensión aplicada a la didáctica de la lengua española en Andalucía. El autor considera la problemática que plantea una educación lingüística que atienda al entorno comunicativo de los hablantes y, a la vez, se oriente hacia unos modelos normativos de referencia. Teniendo en cuenta las valoraciones sociolingüísticas de los rasgos de la modalidad andaluza, en este artículo se analizan algunas de las propuestas didácticas que se han hecho hasta el momento.This work makes a critical review about the current situation of Andalusian sociolinguistic studies, in its applied repercussion on teaching Spanish in Andalusia. The author considers the problems raised by the linguistic education that deals with the communicative environment of speakers and, at the same time, is directed towards some normative models of reference. Regarding how the features of the Andalusian way of speaking are valued in sociolinguistic studies, some of present-day didactic proposals are analyzed in this article.Ce travail fait une revisión critique de la situation actuelle des études sociolinguistiques andalouses et de leurs répercussions sur l'enseignement de la langue espagnole en Andalousie. L'auteur aborde les problémes poses par une education linguistique qui part de l'environnement communicatif des eleves et, en méme temps, s'adresse vers des modeles normatifs de référence. Compte tenu des valorations sociolinguistiques des traits qui caractérisent le parler andalou, cet article analyse certains modeles didactiques utilisés jusqu'á présent

    Non-Abelian black holes in string theory

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    We study a family of 5-dimensional non-Abelian black holes that can be obtained by adding an instanton field to the well-known D1D5W Abelian black holes. Naively, the non-Abelian fields seem to contribute to the black-hole entropy but not to the mass due to their rapid fall-off at spatial infinity. By uplifting the 5-dimensional supergravity solution to 10-dimensional Heterotic Supergravity first and then dualizing it into a Type-I Supergravity solution, we show that the non-Abelian fields are associated to D5-branes dissolved into the D9-branes (dual to the Heterotic "gauge 5-branes") and that their associated RR charge does not, in fact, contribute to the entropy, which only depends on the number16 pages of D-strings and D5 branes and the momentum along the D-strings, as in the Abelian case. These "dissolved" or "gauge" D5-branes do contribute to the mass in the expected form. The correct interpretation of the 5-dimensional charges in terms of the string-theory objects solves the non-Abelian hair puzzle, allowing for the microscopic accounting of the entropy. We discuss the validity of the solution when alpha prime corrections are taken into account.Comment: Latex 2e file, 21 pages. A full appendix on alpha prime corrections and the corresponding discussions have been added. The conclusions have suffered minor changes. Version accepted in JHE