1,230 research outputs found

    La visione negli animali

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    Labor Law - EEOC Conciliation Agreement - Arbitration - Judicial Review

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    The Supreme Court of the United States has held that an employer who breaches its collective bargaining agreement because of compliance with an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission conciliation agreement will not be shielded from liability by that agreement. W.R. Grace & Co. v. Local 759, International Union of Rubber Workers, 103 S. Ct. 2177 (1983)

    A Balanced Trust-Based Method to Counter Sybil and Spartacus Attacks in Chord

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    A Sybil attack is one of the main challenges to be addressed when securing peer-to-peer networks, especially those based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs). Tampering routing tables by means of multiple fake identities can make routing, storing, and retrieving operations significantly more difficult and time-consuming. Countermeasures based on trust and reputation have already proven to be effective in some contexts, but one variant of the Sybil attack, the Spartacus attack, is emerging as a new threat and its effects are even riskier and more difficult to stymie. In this paper, we first improve a well-known and deployed DHT (Chord) through a solution mixing trust with standard operations, for facing a Sybil attack affecting either routing or storage and retrieval operations. This is done by maintaining the least possible overhead for peers. Moreover, we extend the solution we propose in order for it to be resilient also against a Spartacus attack, both for an iterative and for a recursive lookup procedure. Finally, we validate our findings by showing that the proposed techniques outperform other trust-based solutions already known in the literature as well

    Solid waste production and management in urban centre: An innovative approach

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    Solid urban waste management is a problem of increasing difficulty in the context of planning and can generate a serious threat to urban environment. This work aims to implement a KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) analysis performed with Data Mining Tools able to find some relationships between quantity and quality of produced waste and different characteristics of population, that can be useful to help public and private waste managers to individualize to the best the educational actions previously quoted and specifically focused on every category of population

    Characterization and functional analysis of glycosylation in mouse pluripotent stem cells

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    マウス胚幹細胞細胞(ESCs)およびエピブラスト様細胞(EpiLCs)は、in vitro で胚の初期発生を再現する多能性幹細胞(PSCs)であり、ESCsであるナイーブ状態のPSCsからEpiLCsであるプライム状態のPSCs への遷移メカニズムの解明を可能するモデルとなる。はじめに、ESCs とEpiLCs の網羅的糖鎖プロファイリングを行い、糖鎖構造が発生の初期段階から劇的な変化を遂げることを明らかにした。この変化は、クロマチンリモデラーであるpolycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2)によって制御されており、全体の糖鎖構造を調節するネットワークの存在を見出した。さらに、ESCsにおける糖鎖の機能解析も行い、O-結合型でムチン型糖鎖の一種であるT 抗原(Galβ1-3GalNAc)とその構造を合成するC1galt1 がESCsの多能性の維持に関与していることを示した。本研究では、多能性の状態遷移中に発生する糖鎖のダイナミクスを明らかにし、糖鎖によるESCs多能性の制御メカニズムを特定した。創価大

    Teachers\u27 Perceptions of Manipulatives During Middle School Math Instruction

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    In a Colorado school district, school personnel and parents were concerned that middle school math proficiency levels were low for 2011-2014 and math teachers were not using manipulatives in their classes to increase math performance. The district\u27s math coordinator did not foresee providing specific professional development (PD) for math manipulative use to address these concerns. Without this PD, math teachers may be ill-quipped to teach math concepts when using manipulatives, which, in turn, could lead to further poor math performance. The purpose of this qualitative bounded collective case study was to explore middle school teachers\u27 perceptions of PD and perceived self-efficacy regading the implementation of manipulatives. Knowles\u27s andragogy and Piaget\u27s cognitive development theories framed this study. A homogeneous sample of 12 voluntary participants with more than 5 years teaching middle school math, both with and without access to manipulatives, volunteered to participate in this study. Data from observations, interviews, and archival documents were analyzed using comparative and inductive analyses and were analytically coded. Participants reported a need for PD that focused on physical and virtual manipulatives (PM and VM) and a low perceived self-efficacy regarding manipulatives use during math instruction. A blended PD using face-to-face and distance learning formats was designed to increase math teachers\u27 knowledge of and perceived self-efficacy with PM and VM for math instruction. This endeavor may contribute to positive social change by reforming PD opportunities to support teachers\u27 practice and self-efficacy using manipulatives during math instruction, ultimately increasing student performance

    Estudio de vulnerabilidad sísmica de la I.E emblemática San Juan de la ciudad de Trujillo

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    El presente trabajo de investigación denominado ESTUDIO DE VULNERABILIDAD SÍSMICA DE LA I.E. EMBLEMÁTICA SAN JUAN DE LA CIUDAD DE TRUJILLO, se realizó con el objetivo de determinar el grado de vulnerabilidad sísmica así como de plantear propuestas de reforzamiento ante los principales problemas identificados, con la finalidad de prevenir y mitigar los posibles daños que pueda sufrir la edificación ante la ocurrencia de un sismo. Para ello, se evaluó de forma visual y analítica los pabellones A, C y J con los 11 parámetros descritos en el método del índice de vulnerabilidad de Benedetti y Petrini, que representan las características más importantes en una edificación y cuya influencia podría ser significativa durante un sismo. Así mismo se realizó la modelación estructural del pabellón C del centro educativo en el software ETABS, con la finalidad de determinar su comportamiento sísmico, tomando como base los lineamientos la norma de sismorresistencia E.030. Para la evaluación de la edificación con la metodología descrita, se tuvo en cuenta los resultados del estudio de suelos y el ensayo de esclerometría realizado a los principales elementos estructurales. Los resultados obtenidos con el método de Benedetti y Petrini fueron de un grado de vulnerabilidad media – baja para los tres pabellones evaluados. Así mismo el análisis de la modelación estructural cumplió con los desplazamientos máximos relativos y con la fuerza cortante de la norma E.030. El resultado del control de agrietamiento realizado en base a la norma E.070, indica que algunos muros de concreto y albañilería en ambas direcciones se agrietarían ante la ocurrencia de un sismo y los resultados de la resistencia al corte global muestra la necesidad de reforzamiento en las dos direcciones principales de la edificación. Como un complemento al presente estudio, se consideró otros aspectos no descritos en el método del índice de vulnerabilidad y que podrían representar problemas durante un sismo como: columna corta, corrosión y falta de verticalidad en aceros de columnas, pérdida del recubrimiento en algunos elementos estructurales, esbeltez de columnas, falta de arriostramiento de los alfeizeres, mala calidad del unidades de albañilería en los parapetos de las azoteas. Finalmente se realizó una serie de propuestas de reforzamiento ante los problemas encontrados así como el planteamiento de un nuevo diseño estructural, manteniendo sus dimensiones originales y la distribución de sus ambientes.The present research work called STUDY OF SEISMIC VULNERABILITY OF THE I.E. SAN JUAN EMBLEMÁTICA OF THE CITY OF TRUJILLO was carried out with the objective to determine the degree of seismic vulnerability as well as to propose proposals of reinforcement before the main problems identified, in order to prevent and mitigate the possible damages that can undergo the construction before the occurrence Of an earthquake. To do this, the A, C and J pavilions were evaluated visually and analytically with the 11 parameters described in the Benedetti and Petrini vulnerability index method, which represent the most important characteristics in a building and whose influence could be significant during An earthquake. Also, the structural model of the C-block of the educational center was carried out in the ETABS software, in order to determine its seismic behavior, based on the E.030 seismic resistance standard. For the evaluation of the building with the methodology described, we took into account the results of the soil study and the sclerometry test performed on the main structural elements. The results obtained with the method of Benedetti and Petrini were of a medium - low vulnerability degree for the three pavilions evaluated. Also the analysis of the structural modeling complied with the relative maximum displacements and with the shear force of the standard E.030. Cracking control based on E.070 shows faults of masonry walls in a moderate earthquake and overall shear strength shows the need for reinforcement in the Y direction. As a complement to the present study, other aspects not described in the vulnerability index method were considered and could represent problems during an earthquake such as: short column, corrosion and lack of verticality in column steels, loss of coating in some structural elements, Slenderness of columns, lack of bracing of alfeizeres, poor quality of the masonry units in the parapets of the roofs. Finally, a series of proposals was made to reinforce the problems encountered as well as the proposal of a new structural design, maintaining its original dimensions and the distribution of its environment