23 research outputs found

    Phytosociology of the arboreal component in an area of Spring, Pernambuco

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    This study aimed to know the phytosociological composition of the arboreal component in an area of spring in Sirinhaém - PE. Ten plots (10 m x 25 m) were arranged in rays above the springs and distributed systematically in 5 lines, separated by a 45° angle, each. In each line, 2 plots were allocated, at an interdistance of 25 m. In each plot, all individuals with CAP ≥ 15 cm were sampled, which were measured and had the estimated height. The phytosociological parameters were analyzed and an admissible sampling error of 20% and probability level of 95% was adopted. The calculated sampling error was 18%, lower than that established. The spring had a density of 1,236 individuals ha-1, with an estimated basal area of  27,647 m2 ha-1. Tapirira guianensis was characterized by a combination of large numbers of individuals, high dominance and high frequency, demonstrating that it is a species with wide distribution in the area. Regarding the relative frequency, in addition to T. guianensis, Eschweilera ovata and Inga flagelliformis were distinguished. The highest values of absolute dominance were of the species T. guianensis and Virola gardneri. In terms of Importance Value, the highlight was on T. guianensis and V. gardneri


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    Caatinga is one of the Brazilian biomes where the highest degradation rates are recorded. It is associated mainly to the removal of vegetation for energy production and practice of subsistence agriculture, causing interference in nutrient cycling. The aim of the study was to quantify and chemically analyze litter deposition in a fragment of Caatinga, located in the municipality of Pombal, Paraíba (PB) state. It was collected monthly for 12 months, and separated into different fractions (leaves, reproductive structures, branches and miscellaneous), all litter deposited on collectors of 1.0 m2, distributed systematically. The nutrients analyzed were N, P, K, Ca and Mg. The annual litter was of 3785.67 kg ha-1, predominantly composed of leaf fraction with 70.2%, followed by the fraction reproductive structures with 18.3%. The nutrient content in the leaf litter followed the order Ca> N> K> Mg> P. The nutrient content in the fractions vary according to time and there is evidence of their relationship with the rainfall. The deposition of litter coincided with the seasonal period of Caatinga.A Caatinga é um dos biomas brasileiros no qual se registram os maiores índices de degradação, associada, principalmente, à supressão da vegetação para produção energética e prática da agricultura de subsistência, ocasionando interferências na ciclagem de nutrientes. O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar e analisar quimicamente a deposição de serapilheira em um fragmento de Caatinga, localizado no município de Pombal - PB. Foi coletada mensalmente, durante 12 meses, e separada em diferentes frações (folhas, estruturas reprodutivas, galhos e miscelânea) toda serapilheira depositada em coletores de 1,0 m2 de área, distribuídas de forma sistemática. Os nutrientes analisados foram N, P, K, Ca e Mg. A deposição anual de serapilheira foi de 3.785,67 kg ha-1, composta predominantemente da fração folha com 70,2%, seguida pela fração estruturas reprodutivas com 18,3%. Os teores de nutrientes na serapilheira seguiram a ordem Ca>N>K>Mg>P. O teor de nutrientes nas frações varia em função do tempo e há evidências de sua relação com a precipitação pluviométrica. A deposição da serapilheira coincidiu com o período de sazonalidade da Caatinga


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    A Caatinga \ue9 um dos biomas brasileiros no qual se registram os maiores \uedndices de degrada\ue7\ue3o, associada, principalmente, \ue0 supress\ue3o da vegeta\ue7\ue3o para produ\ue7\ue3o energ\ue9tica e pr\ue1tica da agricultura de subsist\ueancia, ocasionando interfer\ueancias na ciclagem de nutrientes. O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar e analisar quimicamente a deposi\ue7\ue3o de serapilheira em um fragmento de Caatinga, localizado no munic\uedpio de Pombal - PB. Foi coletada mensalmente, durante 12 meses, e separada em diferentes fra\ue7\uf5es (folhas, estruturas reprodutivas, galhos e miscel\ue2nea) toda serapilheira depositada em coletores de 1,0 m2 de \ue1rea, distribu\ueddas de forma sistem\ue1tica. Os nutrientes analisados foram N, P, K, Ca e Mg. A deposi\ue7\ue3o anual de serapilheira foi de 3.785,67 kg ha-1, composta predominantemente da fra\ue7\ue3o folha com 70,2%, seguida pela fra\ue7\ue3o estruturas reprodutivas com 18,3%. Os teores de nutrientes na serapilheira seguiram a ordem Ca>N>K>Mg>P. O teor de nutrientes nas fra\ue7\uf5es varia em fun\ue7\ue3o do tempo e h\ue1 evid\ueancias de sua rela\ue7\ue3o com a precipita\ue7\ue3o pluviom\ue9trica. A deposi\ue7\ue3o da serapilheira coincidiu com o per\uedodo de sazonalidade da Caatinga.Caatinga is one of the Brazilian biomes where the highest degradation rates are recorded. It is associated mainly to the removal of vegetation for energy production and practice of subsistence agriculture, causing interference in nutrient cycling. The aim of the study was to quantify and chemically analyze litter deposition in a fragment of Caatinga, located in the municipality of Pombal, Para\uedba (PB) state. It was collected monthly for 12 months, and separated into different fractions (leaves, reproductive structures, branches and miscellaneous), all litter deposited on collectors of 1.0 m2, distributed systematically. The nutrients analyzed were N, P, K, Ca and Mg. The annual litter was of 3785.67 kg ha-1, predominantly composed of leaf fraction with 70.2%, followed by the fraction reproductive structures with 18.3%. The nutrient content in the leaf litter followed the order Ca> N> K> Mg> P. The nutrient content in the fractions vary according to time and there is evidence of their relationship with the rainfall. The deposition of litter coincided with the seasonal period of Caatinga

    Descriptive study of the prevalence of anemia, hypertension, diabetes and quality of life in a randomly selected population of elderly subjects from São Paulo

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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The rapid increase in the aged population has resulted in a growing number of cases of chronic diseases. This increase is an important demographic change that low- and middle-income countries have to face and poses a new challenge to health services. One of the first steps to formulate public policies is to understand the reality of each country's aging population. This study describes the prevalence of anemia, hypertension and diabetes and the overall health status in pre-elderly and elderly subjects enrolled in two primary health care clinics, Eldorado and Piraporinha, in the city of Diadema, São Paulo. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 373 participants. Clinical data were collected from patient charts and the degree of disability and common mental disorders, as well as demographic data were obtained by interviews. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia was approximately 11% and hypertension was 70% and 81% in Eldorado and Piraporinha, respectively. The frequency of diabetes was 52% in Eldorado and 30% in Piraporinha. The subjects of both health care clinics reported having difficulties in some of their daily physical and instrumental activities, with physical symptoms and emotional disorders. CONCLUSION: Anemia, hypertension and diabetes are prevalent in the studied population, and patients showed degrees of dependency and impaired health status


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    A serapilheira é uma das principais fontes de transferência de nutrientes para o solo, assumindo preponderância no processo de ciclagem de nutrientes em ecossistemas florestais. O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a decomposição de uma mistura foliar de 10 espécies da Caatinga, em paralelo com a respiração edáfica. O estudo foi realizado no Sítio Riachão, localizado no Município de Pombal, PB. A taxa de decomposição foi determinada por medidas de perda de massa, com o auxílio de sacolas de náilon (288) que continham 10,0 g de folhas das espécies. A respiração edáfica foi mensurada através da liberação de CO2 com o auxílio de baldes plásticos durante turnos de 24 h. As coletas foram realizadas a intervalos de 45 dias. Ao longo de um ano de avaliação, foram decompostos 67% do material foliar. A respiração edáfica foi mais intensa no período noturno e em períodos em que houve maiores precipitações pluviométricas. A relação C/N foi relativamente baixa, indicativo de maior taxa de mineralização. A precipitação pluviométrica e outras variáveis ambientais são importantes fenômenos que influenciam a atividade dos microrganismos no solo, fazendo que se torne mais intensa a decomposição da serapilheira

    Efficiency of Biological Utilization of Micronutrients by Forests Species in Hypoxerophytic Caatinga

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    ABSTRACT The study aimed to estimate the concentrations and efficiency of biological utilization of Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn and the leaf biomass of ten species in a hypoxerophytic Caatinga fragment, aiming to contribute to a more adequate choice of species for reforestation programs in the Brazilian Caatinga. The leaves of three trees of each species were sampled and the concentration of micronutrients was determined, estimating their content and efficiency of biological utilization. The efficiency of biological utilization followed the decreasing order: Mn > Cu > Zn > Fe. Jatropha mollissima and Spondias tuberosa were less efficient in the use of Fe and Senegalia paniculata and Croton blanchetianus, in the use of Zn. However, Piptadenia stipulacea and Mimosa ophthalmocentra were very efficient in using Fe and Mn. The nutritional efficiency of the species can serve as a criterion for choice of species in forest restoration programs