192 research outputs found

    Performance enhancement of AODV using piggyback and neighbor stability technique.

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    Abstract— In a MANET, no such infrastructure exists and the network topology may dynamically change in an unpredictable manner since nodes are free to move. Then the probability of breaking of links may increase and the interruption will lead to higher route cost and longer delay due to frequent route repair. So mainly discovering the stability of links has become necessary and important. The goal of this paper is to understand the behavior of the basic AODV protocol & then to improve the performance of AODV using Piggyback mechanism & Neighbor stability technique. Also we have comparative study of Basic AODV & Enhanced AODV with some performance metrics using Operating System as Ubuntu 12.04 & network simulator NS2.35

    Improvement in seismic performance of building with BRBs

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    Buckling restrained braces (BRBs) are a somewhat ongoing improvement in the field of seismic-safe steel structures. Their unmistakable component is the non-clasping conduct regularly accomplished by encasing a steel center in a substantially filled cylinder. However, choices have been proposed. Controlling the support from clasping improves malleability essentially and permits symmetric reaction under pressure or pressure powers. The plan of BRB outlines should consider various explicit issues that are not covered by Indian norms and guidelines. This specific task looks at utilizing BRB inside fortifying of built-up substantial casing developments to meet seismic details dependent on the Indian seismic plan and style code. Flexible reaction range examination just as nonlinear period verifiable past assessment is finished by taking a real designing model which experiences feeble first-floor inconsistency because of extra expansion and heaps of only one story. With all the way to deal with comparable solidness just as removal-based plan technique, clasping limited support factors are reasoned and accordingly are familiar with model BRB in ETABS using plastic wen form. 3 arrangements of clasping limited sections are breaking down alongside normal supports. The relationship in the middle of the fundamental cross piece of customary supports and BRB is concluded because of the definition of computing versatile bearing ability precisely where it's shown that the spot of the run of the mill supports must be 1.25 events that of BRB for guaranteeing the very same by and large execution. The outcome uncovers that Inverted V support design shown much better usefulness over single support just as V support setups just as X support arrangement, however not exhorted by Indian code, is mimicked just as applied to this undertaking and contains exhibited preferred execution moreover some different arrangements. The extra exploration about the practical use of this support is generally suggested. Moreover, under the movement of significant seismic tremors, by nonlinear time chronicled past assessment, clasping controlled supports showed much better usefulness of reinforcing the construction just as success runs over the need for code. Under this specific condition, conventional supports misfortunes their bearing limit because of unnecessary buckling

    Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Nanocrystalline CdTe Thin Films Synthesized by Using SILAR Technique

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    Nanocrystalline CdTe thin films were deposited on amorphous glass substrate using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique. The films are characterized using XRD, FESEM, optical absorption techniques and electrical resistivity measurement. The XRD pattern revealed that nanocrystalline CdTe thin films has mixed phase of hexagonal and cubic crystal structure. The calculated crystallite size from the XRD measurement was found to be in the range of 9-12 nm. FESEM image showed uniform deposition of the material over entire glass substrate and film consists of interconnected spherical grains of nanometer size. Compositional analysis showed that the nanocrystalline CdTe thin film becomes cadmium deficient and tellurium richer. The optical absorption studies show that the films have a direct band gap of 1.51 eV. The room temperature resistivity of the synthesized nanocrystalline CdTe films measured by two probe method was found to 6.64 × 104 Ω.cm

    Seismic Effects in F2 Region Related to Electron Temperature

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    Исследовано влияние землетрясений в ионосферном диапазоне F2 с использованием данных индийского спутника SROSS-C2 о космической электронной температуре вокруг Индийского сектора в диапазонах 0—34° N и 40—100° E за период 1995—1997 гг. Проанализировано пять эпизодов землетрясений и наблюдавшиеся аномалии при средней электронной температуре от 29 до 10 % большей, чем в предшествовавшие дни, и от 16 до 4 % большей, чем в дни после землетрясения, а также широтная вариация указанной температуры. Показано, что рост этой температуры был максимальным в день, предшествовавший землетрясению, и в течение нескольких часов до и после него. Аномалии, наблюдавшиеся вокруг (в ±2-градусном широтном диапазоне), были эпицентром землетрясения. Они наблюдались, вероятно, в силу электромагнитного излучения во время активности землетрясения. Период с 1995 по 1997 г. для данного исследования принимали как период спокойных геомагнитных условий.Досліджено вплив землетрусів в іоносферному діапазоні з використанням даних індійського супутника SROSS-C2 стосовно космічної електронної температури навколо Індійського сектору в діапазонах 0—34° N і 40—100° E за період 1995—1997 рр. Проаналізовано п’ять епізодів землетрусів і спостережувані аномалії за середньої електронної температури від 29 до 10 % більшої, ніж у попередні дні, та від 16 до 4 % більшої, ніж у дні після землетрусу, а також широтну варіацію зазначеної температури. Показано, що зростання цієї температури було максимальним у день, що передував землетрусу, і протягом кількох годин до і після нього. Аномалії, що спостерігались навколо (у ±2-градусному широтному діапазоні), були епіцентром землетрусу. Їх спостерігали, ймовірно, завдяки електромагнітному випромінюванню під час активності землетрусу. Період з 1995 по 1997 р. для цього дослідження вважали періодом спокійних геомагнітних умов

    Acute fulminant myocarditis at autopsy: A clinical masquerade?

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    Background: Myocarditis is a diagnostic challenge in cardiology. The diagnosis is frequently made post-mortem, with no clinical evidence of myocardial failure. Autopsy studies report a frequency of myocarditis ranging from 0.11-0.55% in the general population. Myocarditis is presents with varied clinical manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic to sudden cardiac death, sometimes mimicking the Myocardial Infarction (MI). Case Summary: A 55 years old male presented with sudden onset of chest pain, breathlessness at rest and flu like symptoms 5-6 days prior to admission. There was tachycardia with low Systolic blood pressure and muffled heart sounds. ECG showed ST segment & T wave changes. CK-MB was moderately raised. Though clinically diagnosed as MI and treated, patient expired the next day. On autopsy, gross examination of heart revealed no significant findings. Histological examination revealed fulminant myocarditis involving right ventricle, interventricular septum, left ventricular wall and A-V Node. Conclusion: It is not uncommon to find Myocarditis patients presenting with manifestations of MI and these cases often misdiagnosed as MI. In such cases, myocarditis should be considered as a differential diagnosis. Endomyocardial biopsies and histological examination of the myocardium is absolutely necessary for reliable diagnosis of the disease

    Room Temperature Synthesized TiO2/Bi2Se3 Bilayer Thin Film by Simple Chemical Route: Study the Effect of Deposition Time of Bismuth Selenide on Physical Properties of Film

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    Simple chemical route namely Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) has been successfully employed for deposition of Bismuth Selenide (Bi2Se3) nanoparticles on porous TiO2 at room temperature. The effect of deposition time of Bi2Se3 on structural, surface morphological and optical properties of TiO2/Bi2Se3 bilayer film has been systematically investigated. X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spectra analysis was confirmed the Bi2Se3 nanoparticles are of effectively deposited on anatase TiO2 film. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) images shows the TiO2 film uniformly covers by Bi2Se3 nanoparticles. Optical absorption spectrum is reflecting the considerable enhancement in absorption of visible light with increasing deposition time of Bi2Se3 on TiO2 thin film

    The Multicorder: A Handheld Multimodal Metabolomics-on-CMOS Sensing Platform

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    The use of CMOS platforms in medical point-of-care applications, by integrating all steps from sample to data output, has the potential to reduce the diagnostic cost and the time from days to seconds. Here we present the `Multicorder' technology, a handheld versatile multimodal platform for rapid metabolites quantification. The current platform is composed of a cartridge, a reader and a graphic user interface. The sensing core of the cartridge is the CMOS chip which integrates a 16×16 array of multi-sensor elements. Each element is composed of two optical and one chemical sensor. The platform is therefore capable of performing multi-mode measurements: namely colorimetric, chemiluminescence, pH sensing and surface plasmon resonance. In addition to the reader that is employed for addressing, data digitization and transmission, a tablet computer performs data collection, visualization, analysis and storage. In this paper, we demonstrate colorimetric, chemiluminescence and pH sensing on the same platform by on-chip quantification of different metabolites in their physiological range. The platform we have developed has the potential to lead the way to a new generation of commercial devices in the footsteps of the current commercial glucometers for quick multi-metabolite quantification for both acute and chronic medicines

    An integrated portable system for single chip simultaneous measurement of multiple disease associated metabolites

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    Metabolites, the small molecules that underpin life, can act as indicators of the physiological state of the body when their abundance varies, offering routes to diagnosis of many diseases. The ability to assay for multiple metabolites simultaneously will underpin a new generation of precision diagnostic tools. Here, we report the development of a handheld device based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology with multiple isolated micro-well reaction zones and integrated optical sensing allowing simultaneous enzyme-based assays of multiple metabolites (choline, xanthine, sarcosine and cholesterol) associated with multiple diseases. These metabolites were measured in clinically relevant concentration range with minimum concentrations measured: 25 μM for choline, 100 μM for xanthine, 1.25 μM for sarcosine and 50 μM for cholesterol. Linking the device to an Android-based user interface allows for quantification of metabolites in serum and urine within 2 min of applying samples to the device. The quantitative performance of the device was validated by comparison to accredited tests for cholesterol and glucose

    Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC

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    Sq and EEJ—A Review on the Daily Variation of the Geomagnetic Field Caused by Ionospheric Dynamo Currents

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