117 research outputs found

    Pliocene-Quaternary crustal melting in central and northern Tibet and insights into crustal flow

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    There is considerable controversy over the nature of geophysically recognized low-velocity-high-conductivity zones (LV-HCZs) within the Tibetan crust, and their role in models for the development of the Tibetan Plateau. Here we report petrological and geochemical data on magmas erupted 4.7-0.3 Myr ago in central and northern Tibet, demonstrating that they were generated by partial melting of crustal rocks at temperatures of 700-1,050°C and pressures of 0.5-1.5 GPa. Thus Pliocene-Quaternary melting of crustal rocks occurred at depths of 15-50 km in areas where the LV-HCZs have been recognized. This provides new petrological evidence that the LV-HCZs are sources of partial melt. It is inferred that crustal melting played a key role in triggering crustal weakening and outward crustal flow in the expansion of the Tibetan Plateau

    Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic long-lived accretionary orogeny in the northern Tarim Craton

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    The Tarim Craton, located in the center of Asia, was involved in the assembly and breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent during the Neoproterozoic and the subduction-accretion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) during the Paleozoic. However, its tectonic evolution during these events is controversial, and a link between the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic tectonic processes is missing. Here we present zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotopes, and whole-rock geochemical data for the extensive granitoids in the western Kuruktag area, northeastern Tarim Craton. Three distinct periods of granitoid magmatism are evident: circa 830–820 Ma, 660–630 Ma, and 420–400 Ma. The magma sources, melting conditions (pressure, temperature, and water availability), and tectonic settings of various granitoids from each period are determined. Based on our results and the geological, geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic data from adjacent areas, a long-lived accretionary orogenic model is proposed. This model involves an early phase (circa 950–780 Ma) of southward advancing accretion from the Tianshan to northern Tarim and a late phase (circa 780–600 Ma) of northward retreating accretion, followed by back-arc opening and subsequent bidirectional subduction (circa 460–400 Ma) of a composite back-arc basin (i.e., the South Tianshan Ocean). Our model highlights a long-lived accretionary history of the southwestern CAOB, which may have initiated as part of the circum-Rodinia subduction zone and was comparable with events occurring at the southern margin of the Siberian Craton, thus challenging the traditional southward migrating accretionary models for the CAOB

    Amphibole and apatite insights into the evolution and mass balance of Cl and S in magmas associated with porphyry copper deposits

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    Chlorine and sulfur are of paramount importance for supporting the transport and deposition of ore metals at magmatic–hydrothermal systems such as the Coroccohuayco Fe–Cu–Au porphyry–skarn deposit, Peru. Here, we used recent partitioning models to determine the Cl and S concentration of the melts from the Coroccohuayco magmatic suite using apatite and amphibole chemical analyses. The pre-mineralization gabbrodiorite complex hosts S-poor apatite, while the syn- and post-ore dacitic porphyries host S-rich apatite. Our apatite data on the Coroccohuayco magmatic suite are consistent with an increasing oxygen fugacity (from the gabbrodiorite complex to the porphyries) causing the dominant sulfur species to shift from S2− to S6+ at upper crustal pressure where the magmas were emplaced. We suggest that this change in sulfur speciation could have favored S degassing, rather than its sequestration in magmatic sulfides. Using available partitioning models for apatite from the porphyries, pre-degassing S melt concentration was 20–200 ppm. Estimates of absolute magmatic Cl concentrations using amphibole and apatite gave highly contrasting results. Cl melt concentrations obtained from apatite (0.60 wt% for the gabbrodiorite complex; 0.2–0.3 wt% for the porphyries) seems much more reasonable than those obtained from amphibole which are very low (0.37 wt% for the gabbrodiorite complex; 0.10 wt% for the porphyries). In turn, relative variations of the Cl melt concentrations obtained from amphibole during magma cooling are compatible with previous petrological constraints on the Coroccohuayco magmatic suite. This confirms that the gabbrodioritic magma was initially fluid undersaturated upon emplacement, and that magmatic fluid exsolution of the gabbrodiorite and the pluton rooting the porphyry stocks and dikes were emplaced and degassed at 100–200 MPa. Finally, mass balance constraints on S, Cu and Cl were used to estimate the minimum volume of magma required to form the Coroccohuayco deposit. These three estimates are remarkably consistent among each other (ca. 100 km3) and suggest that the Cl melt concentration is at least as critical as that of Cu and S to form an economic mineralization

    Fault controlled Carboniferous A-type magmatism in the proto-Andean foreland (Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina): Geochemical constraints and petrogenesis

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    The intrusion of granitoids into the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas in the Early Carboniferous took place after a long period of mainly compressional deformation that included the Famatinian (Ordovician) and Achalian (Devonian) orogenies. These granitoids occur as small scattered plutons emplaced in a dominant extensional setting, within older metamorphic and igneous rocks, and many of them are arranged along a reactivated large shear zone. A set of 46 samples from different granitic rocks: Huaco granitic complex, San Blas pluton, and the La Chinchilla stock from the Sierra de Velasco, Zapata granitic complex from Sierra de Zapata, and the Los Árboles pluton from Sierra de Fiambalá, display high and restricted SiO2 contents between 69.2 and 76.4 wt.%. On both FeO/(FeO+MgO) vs. SiO2 and [(Na2O+K2O)−CaO] vs. SiO2 plots the samples plot in the ferroan and alkaline-calcic to calco-alkaline fields (FeO/(FeO+MgO)=0.88–1.0%;[(Na2O+K2O)−CaO]= 6.3–8.3%), thus showing an A-type granitoid signature. The high concentrations for the High Field Strength Elements (HSFE), such as Y, Nb, Ga, Ta, U, Th, etc. and flat REE patterns showing significant negative Eu anomalies are also typical features of A-type granites. Our petrogenetic model supports progressive fractional crystallization with dominant fractionation of feldspar and a source mineral assemblage enriched in plagioclase. Biotites have distinctive compositions with high FeO/MgO ratios (7.8–61.5), F (360– 5610 ppm), and Cl (120–1050 ppm). The FeO/MgO ratios together with the F and Cl content of igneous biotites seem to reflect the nature of their parental host magmas and may be useful in identifying A-type granitoids. The isotopic data (Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd) confirm that the A-type granites represent variable mixtures of asthenospheric mantle and continental crust and different mixtures lead to different subtypes of A-type granite (illustrating the lack of consensus about A-type magma origin). We conclude that prominent shear zones play an important role in providing suitable conduits for ascending asthenospheric material and heat influx in the crust, a hypothesis that is in accord with other recent work on A-type granites